GGT 296 Are The Only Ones That Went and Saw 47 Ronin

They seem to be working backwards, so if nothing else, I'll have to watch them ruin IX before they get to VIII. You can revel in that, at least.
FFIV got The After Years though (which I don't think people said was terrible, I haven't played it yet though), so they have already done an older FF game.

Oh yeah, Happy New Year's to y'all. The lady and I are both sick with the flu.
I had that yesterday, woke up at 5am with a huge headache and threw up everything in my stomach then spent the remainder of the day (minus a dental appointment I had to go to) freezing or burning up and trying to just lay and rest; woke up around noon today and felt a lot better though. Also, Happy New Year to everyone!
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I've been meaning to grab the PSP again anyway to play some Lunar and Star Ocean. The fiancee recently got SUPER into Persona 3 though, so while I'm very proud, I know I'm locked out of that console for a while.
I've been meaning to grab the PSP again anyway to play some Lunar and Star Ocean. The fiancee recently got SUPER into Persona 3 though, so while I'm very proud, I know I'm locked out of that console for a while.
Are those not on the digital store for the consoles/Vita?


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2 am listening to black sabbath


some people say my love can not be true!

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Hi everyone..

I finally got out of my pit of depression that i fought for so long and i feel well enough to start posting here regularly again.

I hope you all have a happy new year.

''I play bad games''

Hi everyone..

I finally got out of my pit of depression that i fought for so long and i feel well enough to start posting here regularly again.

I hope you all have a happy new year.
who's dat girl in your av doe?

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my mexican neighbors are playing music loudly at 2:30 am why wouldn't they? I'm pretty sure I heard dogs barking in the song

Well the guide is already on sale for half off.
Can you get half off the half off :O 75%!!!

Hi everyone..

I finally got out of my pit of depression that i fought for so long and i feel well enough to start posting here regularly again.

I hope you all have a happy new year.
Welcome back! Hope everything is going okay. Happy new year to you as well.

my mexican neighbors are playing music loudly at 2:30 am why wouldn't they? I'm pretty sure I heard dogs barking in the song

I don't understand that question.

I think Yelyah is a great hispanic name doe.

I seriously thought about cementing that on one of my possible future children but then I moved on cuz it wasn't actually that great.

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bread's done