GGT 297 was cyber bullied by Hideki Kamiya

I beat Last of Us and thought it was just fine, but I had some major issues like arbitrarily limiting you to 3 of an item, heavily armored opponents not dropping any ammo, enemies being able to see you and fire at you just fine in raging blizzard, etc.

Every fuckin non-important female NPC in this game is Laura fuckin Bailey, even if they're standing right next to each other.

I don't understand how this isn't GOTY for half the people in this thread based on that alone.

Every fuckin non-important female NPC in this game is Laura fuckin Bailey, even if they're standing right next to each other.

I don't understand how this isn't GOTY for half the people in this thread based on that alone.
its best movie that's exclusive to ps3 of the year
Every fuckin non-important female NPC in this game is Laura fuckin Bailey, even if they're standing right next to each other.

I don't understand how this isn't GOTY for half the people in this thread based on that alone.
You don't even say what game you're playing. Who is to say that game isn't already my GotY?

You don't know me. Gosh.

its best movie that's exclusive to ps3 of the year
Heavy Rain?

Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa Toki towa 

Not one mention of tentacle rape in that trailer

So a 15 year old girl has two guys inside of her at he same time and is trying to beat demons so she can get married... The fuck.

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any1 here played asura's wrath, is it mostly action cut-scenes, and quick time events button mashing?

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any1 here played asura's wrath, is it mostly action cut-scenes, and quick time events button mashing?
Pretty much its a great game still not sure how much re-playability there would be for you but I beat it on every difficulty with S which isn't hard but I don't see myself playing the game again anytime soon.

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lol so casual using an xbox controller when playing team fortress 2

that's the only game I have for PC and dark souls which is gone soon

it all depends on your price range, how much you are willing to spend
I don't see lux competing against some korean in BW anytime soon

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lol so casual using an xbox controller when playing team fortress 2

that's the only game I have for PC and dark souls which is gone soon

I don't see lux competing against some korean in BW anytime soon
ironically team fortress 2, and league of legends( basically a Dota ripoff/clone) is the only pc games i have on my old slow desktop pc that i do not even turn on, or play. i use my laptop now for the mobility/, and connecting it to my tv for the large screen size with hdmi.

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Laura Bailey just hit me in the face with her gun and then pointed it at a little kid.


Laura Bailey NPC Count is at 6

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I love laura bailey emotionally,spiritually and physically. I pray she is in every future game I purchase. God please grant keiji the insight to make Beck female so that laura bailey can voice her. Thank you based raptor jesus

I love laura bailey emotionally,spiritually and physically. I pray she is in every future game I purchase. God please grant keiji the insight to make Beck female so that laura bailey can voice her. Thank you based raptor jesus
Laura has enough range that it doesn't matter that Beck is male. Inafune just needs to be open minded enough to let her have a shot at it.

When I played the demo it convinced me to get the full game. I'm just worried the rest of the game might drop in quality though.
I never played Super Mario Galaxy, so that might be my problem and the full game might actually be good

I'll just need to try the demo out again (you should add me on Nintendo by the way)

whoknows, mind getting Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta? I want to know your opinion on it and I want to know if it's as cinematic as Uncharted is. 

whoknows, mind getting Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta? I want to know your opinion on it and I want to know if it's as cinematic as Uncharted is.
Posted by KevinIsKool on Steam:


1.3 hrs on record
Many people would try to tell you that Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta is a poor man's Uncharted, when it's clearly the other way around. My friend and I discovered after playing through the whole game that what we have here is clearly the better experience. For example:

Uncharted had Nolan North. Unearthed has Troy Baker. Which one of these voice actors won GOTY last year? That's what I thought.

Unearthed: 1 Uncharted: 0

Unearthed runs at 60 FPS at 1080p. Uncharted only runs at 720p at 30 FPS. Basic math tells us that since the frame buffer has roughly 4 times as many pixels and twice as many frames, Unearthed is at least 8 times better looking than Uncharted.

Unearthed: 9 Uncharted: 0

Uncharted 3 had horses. Unearthed has 4 wheel ATVs. That's 4 more wheels than Uncharted lets you ride.

Unearthed: 13 Uncharted: 0

Uncharted only runs on the PS3, while Unearthed runs on Android, PC, Mac, and probably the Gizmondo.

Unearthed: 17 Uncharted: 0

Uncharted only has creepy slippery Nazis. Unearthed has full on zombies, and it doesn't need to explain why they're there.

Unearthed: 18 Uncharted: 0

Uncharted usually only gives you a few weapons to choose from at any time. Unearthed has more weapon types than there are enemies in the entire campaign.

Unearthed: 19 Uncharted: 0

Nathan Drake is a ♥♥♥♥♥ who gets scared and emotional when the going gets tough. Faris Jawad doesn't stop cracking jokes even when a gun is fired at his sister.

Unearthed: 20 Uncharted: 0

Finally, as Unearthed rightfully points out on the store page, this game has been translated into more languages than most best-selling literature will ever see, because Semaphore knows everyone will want to play this and wants to be culturally sensitive to everyone. Uncharted consists of playing a while guy shooting minorities. I think we know who is more socially responsible.

Unearthed: 41 Uncharted: Racism

Winner: Unearthed

This is just a summary of all the things that make Unearthed the best. I didn't even go into detail about the leisurely strolls through the city discussing the plot, or the Kafka-esque analysis of the futility of escaping in a car as the city loops around you. There's just too much to this game to pack in one review, and I implore you to check out what may already be the de-facto GOTY of 2014.
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bread's done