GGT 299 is full of professional children

Except she's not ugly without it.

Not like you would know. If it's not wearing a blue suit and using a toy gun, it's not attractive to you. 

SC Blacklist's unlock system is something I can't gush enough about. Games set up like this one (where you're essentially picking missions from a list) can really lack a good sense of progression, but I can't wait to finish missions here so I can buy more shit. And the amount of options seems really huge--I just now looked into the plane upgrades for the first time after 4 or 5 levels.

When is this speedrunning thing gonna be over, holy shit

Was he? I honestly would have if i saw his post. I'd hook that nigga up phat. I have no more codes doe so...

Supposedly next wednesday they're doing the promo again I only have 100 points left :(
I was, but it's all cool! I plan on trying to get myself one on wednesday! I'm hopeful!

These are pretty awesome

Original C-3PO

I saw these whenever they were being posted and I just loved them. I like your new avatar a lot, too.

I beat Pokemon X yesterday and captured everything in all of my friend safaris. Which made me realize that I desperately need more friends.

I was, but it's all cool! I plan on trying to get myself one on wednesday! I'm hopeful!

I saw these whenever they were being posted and I just loved them. I like your new avatar a lot, too.
Hopefully you can get a code this week then! I'll probably be watching to see if they drop more as well.

Yeah, I went through a lot more of the pictures then were in that article, it's amazing that stuff like this is still coming out/rarely seen when the movies came out so long ago, but they definitely build the hype for the future movie/Star Wars plans :D

And thanks for the avatar, this is actually the first time I ever changed since since I made this account, I liked these pics so much I just had to pick one for this, and the Han one stood out to me!

So guys, what games are coming out in the first few months of this year?


And Joel, I don't think I have you on my 3DS friends list, do I?  If not, send me your friend code.

I was, but it's all cool! I plan on trying to get myself one on wednesday! I'm hopeful!

I saw these whenever they were being posted and I just loved them. I like your new avatar a lot, too.
Can someone fill me on on how to check about AC4 promo before Wednesday -- it was already gone by the time I read about it last time, so I have no idea where to log into or check my balance, etc.

Help would be appreciated.

So guys, what games are coming out in the first few months of this year?


And Joel, I don't think I have you on my 3DS friends list, do I? If not, send me your friend code.
The only two games I can think of are Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z and Strider.

Both could go either way, but they're the only games that are on my radar that immediately come to mind.

Random thought of the day....

I want a new Monster Rancher game
I think this every damned day. I'd even settle for MR2 on PSN.

Actually, I'd probably rather have that than anything new.

I beat Pokemon X yesterday and captured everything in all of my friend safaris. Which made me realize that I desperately need more friends.
Nice! I ended up wrapping up all of the legendary/event legendaries for my Pokedex. Home stretch for catching alla them mother fuckers.

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Lightning Returns is all that is needed.

Dark Souls is in March along with the FFX HD Collection. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 is at the end of February as well as Tales of Symphonia HD. Bravery Default in February, too!

I really hope LOS 2 doesn't suck. Mirror of fate is so fucking shitty

Dark souls II I'm super excited for as well. Free steel books ftw

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I really hope LOS 2 doesn't suck. Mirror of fate is so fucking shitty

Dark souls II I'm super excited for as well. Free steel books ftw
I wanted to like the demo for Mirror of Fate -- the concept seemed like it should work, but the execution sucked. fucking 3DS.

But I agree with you completely. I ohpe LoS2 is good and I forgot about Dark Souls 2... though I think that's a couple weeks behind console release for PC.

The only games I care about in the first three months are: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2, FFX/X-2 HD, ToS HD collection, MLB14: The Show, One Piece Romance Dawn and Ground Zeroes. I might pick up Bravely Default and Lightning Returns if I'm bored, but I'll probably save those for the summer when nothing comes out. 

My current preorders for games slated through March this year are:

Bravely Default CE 3DS

Tomb Raider Definitive PS4

Ultra Street Fighter IV PS3

MLB14 The Show PS4

BlazBlue Chronosomethingorother CE PS3

Tales of Symphonia HD CE PS3

Dark Souls II CE PS3


DK Tropical Freeze WiiU

Titanfall PC

Infamous Second Son PS4

Lightning Returns PS3

Of course, some of these might not make it on time, or I might get cold feet and cancel them regardless.

I'm going to wait for reviews/Beta before I decide on Titanfall. I do hope it's awesome though as the game seems fun. I'd get it on PC, of course.

That's about how my list looks like right now except with a few differences. I have The Witch and the Thousand Whatevers reserved (the $20 Amazon listing) which I might just sell off to someone if I do end up not wanting it. I have to reserve the CE of BD somehow, or somewhere. These next three months are pretty good for gaming. The later end of 2014 will probably be better because Persona
Man you all over her twitter feed eh indi-Nate?

Anyway, she be a lesser copy of dat Mel Mac.  Nice try, ledabunbuns.

My current preorders for games slated through March this year are:

Bravely Default CE 3DS

Tomb Raider Definitive PS4

MLB14 The Show PS4

Ultra Street Fighter IV PS3

BlazBlue Chronosomethingorother CE PS3

Dark Souls II CE PS3


Tales of Symphonia HD CE PS3

DK Tropical Freeze WiiU

Titanfall PC

Infamous Second Son PS4

Lightning Returns PS3

Of course, some of these might not make it on time, or I might get cold feet and cancel them regardless.
Closer to my tastes... but I'm not pre-ordering anything except maybe Dark Souls II PC if someone has a good enough deal on it.

I'm interested in UltraSF4, BBCP, and Lightning Returns, but I don't know that I'd pick up any at release for near to full prices.

I'd also consider FFX HD for Vita... but that's iffy, since I originally hated FFX.

I'm going to wait for reviews/Beta before I decide on Titanfall. I do hope it's awesome though as the game seems fun. I'd get it on PC, of course.

That's about how my list looks like right now except with a few differences. I have The Witch and the Thousand Whatevers reserved (the $20 Amazon listing) which I might just sell off to someone if I do end up not wanting it. I have to reserve the CE of BD somehow, or somewhere. These next three months are pretty good for gaming. The later end of 2014 will probably be better because Persona <3.
I'm interested in the The Witch and the Hundred Knight, I think, but I want to wait for reviews and price drop, I think.

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My current preorders for games slated through March this year are:

Bravely Default CE 3DS

Tomb Raider Definitive PS4

Ultra Street Fighter IV PS3

MLB14 The Show PS4

BlazBlue Chronosomethingorother CE PS3

Tales of Symphonia HD CE PS3

Dark Souls II CE PS3


DK Tropical Freeze WiiU

Titanfall PC

Infamous Second Son PS4

Lightning Returns PS3
You're a good person with good tastes.

Hmm, there's really nothing that's been mentioned that I'm all that interested in.  Well, Dark Souls 2 seems good, but I still haven't gotten around to playing the first Dark Souls (loved Demon's Souls though).  DK Tropical Freeze is something I'll definitely play down the line, but I'm in no rush to play it at release.  Titanfall looks good, but I'll wait until it's out to hear what people think.  Maybe I'll get FFX/X-2 HD since I've never played those, but once again, I'm not really in any hurry.

I guess the beginning of this year will be a great time for me to save some money and pull some games from the backlog.  Oh, and I guess Broken Age Act 1 is out tomorrow, which I'll be getting since I backed it on Kickstarter.

So guys, what games are coming out in the first few months of this year?


And Joel, I don't think I have you on my 3DS friends list, do I? If not, send me your friend code.
I don't think I've added you yet. What's your friend code? Mine is 0533-5728-8175.

Can someone fill me on on how to check about AC4 promo before Wednesday -- it was already gone by the time I read about it last time, so I have no idea where to log into or check my balance, etc.

Help would be appreciated.

The only two games I can think of are Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z and Strider.

Both could go either way, but they're the only games that are on my radar that immediately come to mind.

Just login with your uPlay ID and password and you'll be able to see your balance in the upper right hand corner. Frostymang. Starts around 8 PM EST on Wednesday.

I think this every damned day. I'd even settle for MR2 on PSN.

Actually, I'd probably rather have that than anything new.

Nice! I ended up wrapping up all of the legendary/event legendaries for my Pokedex. Home stretch for catching alla them mother fuckers.
Sweetness! I'm a loooong way from catching them all. Right now I'm just concentrating on getting a Rayquaza, Darkrai, and Oshawott. I have almost everything else I want, I think.

Man, today has been a whirlwind of getting crazy shit done. I've been to a ton of different places and I've carried my 2DS everywhere and gotten no street passes. Which seems even crazier than when I first got a 3DS (right after the initial price drop) and only got a few. Since Christmas I've traveled a hell of a lot in Kansas and I haven't gotten a single goddamn street pass. Where are all of the 3DS users? It's not even a matter of age, because I've tried getting street passes while picking up my brothers from school and nada.

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Heres some upcoming games u does should get:

Tomb Waida Next Gen Edition

Castlevania LOS 2


Donkey fuckin Kong!

Infamous 2nd Son

South Park

Ninja Gaiden Z

MLB 14

MGS V Ground Zeroes

Rayman Legends next gen version

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Out of those I'll definitely check out Castlevania, Thief, and Ninja Gaiden Z. I'm not going to believe that South Park is actually coming out until I have a copy in my hand. THQ going out of business put that game through hell.

Out of those I'll definitely check out Castlevania, Thief, and Ninja Gaiden Z. I'm not going to believe that South Park is actually coming out until I have a copy in my hand. THQ going out of business put that game through hell.
Those all seem like good choices. :)

Dark Souls 2 seems good, but I still haven't gotten around to playing the first Dark Souls (loved Demon's Souls though).
You are a monster and should be ashamed of yourself.

Fix this immediately.

I don't think I've added you yet. What's your friend code? Mine is 0533-5728-8175.

Just login with your uPlay ID and password and you'll be able to see your balance in the upper right hand corner. Frostymang. Starts around 8 PM EST on Wednesday.
Ok, I have 140 uplay points. Is that enough for something? :)

Heres some upcoming games u does should get:

Tomb Waida Next Gen Edition

Castlevania LOS 2


Donkey fuckin Kong!

Infamous 2nd Son

South Park

Ninja Gaiden Z

MLB 14

MGS V Ground Zeroes

Rayman Legends next gen version
Why bother with the next gen version of current gen games?

The recommendation for anyone to get the TR2013 "I could've played this on PC with the pre-face change Lara last year" edition or the Rayman Legends "I could've played this on any platform except 3DS and iOS/Android" edition seems silly unless said gamer hasn't played the game yet. There's no major content additions that I'm aware of on either of those games.

That said, I'm with you, I hope Ninja Gaiden Z is good.

Why bother with the next gen version of current gen games?

The recommendation for anyone to get the TR2013 "I could've played this on PC with the pre-face change Lara last year" edition or the Rayman Legends "I could've played this on any platform except 3DS and iOS/Android" edition seems silly unless said gamer hasn't played the game yet. There's no major content additions that I'm aware of on either of those games.

That said, I'm with you, I hope Ninja Gaiden Z is good.
I need to play Tomb Waida wit dat Tressfx and in 1080p brah, i dont got a gamin pc.

Rayman Legends has uncompressed textures!! ;o

bread's done