GGT #300 Goes Spelunking

Is she preggers?

I agree. Only worth playing once.

At most.
I'm glad you finally see the light about Time and Eternity.

I liked it better than City. City just felt like it was missing something.
I think City and Origins are on about the same level for me. Origins managed to tell a fairly compelling story all the way through, whereas City only really shined story wise for me in that very final scene of the game (for a lot of the rest it felt like it was trying to channel Spider-Man 3's brand of storytelling where it really doesn't know who the main villain was actually supposed to be). However Origins feels a little less polished and buggy than City.

Asylum is still my favorite in the series though because it just did an amazing job of channeling a metroidvania feel that I feel like was lost in City and Origins because they went much more open world, plus the story was handled fairly well throughout with only the ending being a little underwhelming. Plus Asylum had a decent focus on Poison Ivy (and not just in a Catwoman mission).

Played more SOTN on the vita tonight. I may finally beat it this time.
You can play that game and not finish it?

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I think City and Origins are on about the same level for me. Origins managed to tell a fairly compelling story all the way through, whereas City only really shined story wise for me in that very final scene of the game (for a lot of the rest it felt like it was trying to channel Spider-Man 3's brand of storytelling where it really doesn't know who the main villain was actually supposed to be). However Origins feels a little less polished and buggy than City.

Asylum is still my favorite in the series though because it just did an amazing job of channeling a metroidvania feel that I feel like was lost in City and Origins because they went much more open world, plus the story was handled fairly well throughout with only the ending being a little underwhelming. Plus Asylum had a decent focus on Poison Ivy (and not just in a Catwoman mission).

You can play that game and not finish it?
I agree on Asylum. I love that game to death. It was legit perfect. One of the few games I think I can play as much as I have MGS3.

Should I pick up Xillia for 10? I'm not wanting an RPG right now, but I figure that will probably be the cheapest it ever is.

I think City and Origins are on about the same level for me. Origins managed to tell a fairly compelling story all the way through, whereas City only really shined story wise for me in that very final scene of the game (for a lot of the rest it felt like it was trying to channel Spider-Man 3's brand of storytelling where it really doesn't know who the main villain was actually supposed to be). However Origins feels a little less polished and buggy than City.

Asylum is still my favorite in the series though because it just did an amazing job of channeling a metroidvania feel that I feel like was lost in City and Origins because they went much more open world, plus the story was handled fairly well throughout with only the ending being a little underwhelming. Plus Asylum had a decent focus on Poison Ivy (and not just in a Catwoman mission).

You can play that game and not finish it?
I hated how the new devs [customspoiler="STORY SPOILER]shoe-horned the plot around Joker and totally ret-conned "Titan" from Asylum as what made Bane "super-roided" with a new drug that's somehow 10x more powerful than Titan. The abscence of civilians in an origin story within Gotham City was just jarring.[/customspoiler]
Still probably my top 3 game for 2013. I loved the in-depth detective mode in Origins.

Anyone else notice the low-frames on the flames? (wtf)

I'll checkout the Blackgate port. 2.5D has replaced FPS's as my most interesting genre by the numbers.
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You can play that game and not finish it?
I knew you would chime in on it. I think I always got stuck before on the clock room entrence to olrox's quarters quarters. Eventually I let the game idle while doing something else and notice that the passages open up randomly. Right now I got up to the gravity boots.
Will MGSV have the octocamo from MGS4?


FOX-xy baby.

Damn it... now I need to watch reviews of MGS4 again (rebuy/replay urge now).
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I knew you would chime in on it. I think I always got stuck before on the clock room entrence to olrox's quarters quarters. Eventually I let the game idle while doing something else and notice that the passages open up randomly. Right now I got up to the gravity boots.
That game is sooooo goood though, I'm also kind of surprised you started it but didn't beat it before haha.

I fell out of Blackgate real quick. Think I made a mistake going right into it after Origins. Least I know I've got it to go back to.

Might also pick up Xillia at that price. Shit, I think I might even have ten bucks in my PSN wallet already.

Outside of it being a Batman game, I don't really think you can adequately compare Asylum to City/Origins. Asylum has that awesome Metroidvania feel to the game with pretty lackluster combat and a rather incoherent narrative, but City/Orgins are more sandbox/free roam games than anything else. They're all great games, though. But when the hell am I going to be able to drive the Batmobile?

Outside of it being a Batman game, I don't really think you can adequately compare Asylum to City/Origins. Asylum has that awesome Metroidvania feel to the game with pretty lackluster combat and a rather incoherent narrative, but City/Orgins are more sandbox/free roam games than anything else. They're all great games, though. But when the hell am I going to be able to drive the Batmobile?

The freeflow combat system is fucking amazing.

Not sure how anyone can call it "lackluster".

I don't think anyone's denying that the combat in those games is great. I think he's just suggesting that it's better in City and Origins. Which it is.

My mom is giving me a bunch of money for food this weekend and I feel like buying a copy of Xenoblade with it (it'll only be $40 if I use the birthday coupon on it), should I do it?

My mom is giving me a bunch of money for food this weekend and I feel like buying a copy of Xenoblade with it (it'll only be $40 if I use the birthday coupon on it), should I do it?
Haven't you already played it and not liked it but thought Last Story was way better?

Or were you doing things that Zeki would do?

You know, talk shit about things that he hasn't done or seen or experienced or known.

damn, i think my ps3 might be dying. it is making this loud humming noise like a vaccum cleaner. LOL

i just bought 3 rpg games from bestbuy b2g1 used game sale.

Haven't you already played it and not liked it but thought Last Story was way better?

Or were you doing things that Zeki would do?

You know, talk shit about things that he hasn't done or seen or experienced or known.
I like, feel like giving it a second chance

So when the wii u's drop to $20 I'll pick one up for bayonetta
Yeah... Nintendo's too cheap* to compete against Microsoft and Sony in the living room**. They should just keep making handhelds for children's parents that don't want their "hand-me-down" smartphones broken in 1 fumbled drop. I'd even buy one of them for the exclusives one day.

* Nintendo would love to use "Sim-lish" in all their games to save localizing voice over costs and milk 20-year old series's gameplay to the bone. see also: No multi-touch in Wii U tablet.
** Nintendo's "old Wii audience" have now gotten iPads and never intend to game again (past Solitaire/Words With Friends) and if they do then they will choose Kinect.
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I can't decide if Necro is a troll or not...

I predict Nintendo will just focus on a brand new pocket-size platform (3D development being cost prohibitive for such a niche market for the ol' Mauser Nintendo) in ~2016 and consolidate all traditional console development to handheld which isn't so bad now that smartphones have pushed the tech in just non-gaming devices themself**.


And honestly, I can't wait for Microsoft and Sony to join them (after Xbox One/PS4), although I see them making thicker tablets* in ~2019 where we will have most definitely reached a point of diminishing returns by then with widespread streaming adoption (Gaikai).

* Like the Razer Edge tablet.
** Compare Sonic & All-Stars Racing for iOS in [middle of] 2011 vs Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed for iOS in [beginning of] 2014.
And Asphalt 7: Heat in [middle of] 2012 vs. Asphalt 8: Airborne in [middle-late of] 2013.
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bread's done