GGT 326 Continues 2 B About Things U Don't Care About

How come Aang never learned to metal bend? Not like there was major shit going down for him like there constantly is for Korra.

Bud Bundy gives no fucks. He'll knock on any door.

I totally forgot that spirits hanging out was a thing.

Tenzin so stick in the mud. Best facial expressions doe.

Damn it Kai, stop using all your bad boyness to influence poor young innocent Jinora.

Bumi with the slide out of frame. Best use.

We American Gladiators now.

Good slide out on Kai. Maybe getting overused, but at least they're nailing it.

Meelo is so dope.

Is this guy wearing Bison fur? fuck this guy.

That spidey-sense bald head.

You guys should totally get shaved.

Dota 2.

So I saw Soulja Boy show up in my timeline before I closed it so I had to go back in and look for it so that I can unfollow that person and it turns out it was some white boy from the midwest.

*Opens Korra thread on Gaf*

*Sees people talking shit about Toph*

*Closes Gaf*

At least they had this in there.


I don't get it.
I Googled 'Dexter' and a character's name, and one of the top autocomplete entries included the word 'dies.'

I mean, I probably wouldn't have been able to find that gif without Google, but I guess the autocomplete wasn't necessary to find it, so...

fuck you Google autocomplete.

Keep hearing it's Halo with some Borderlands sprinkled with a little bit of Mass Effect 3 on top, which I would also be completely fine with. Can't wait for the beta to start on Xbox and looking forward to getting my Ghost edition!

Also, you see this about dmaul
It is mainly just Halo and Borderlands put together. I played a few hours of it tonight and I loved it.

This is my guy:


Joel, you should get Marvel Heroes on Steam so that I know when you're playing.

You can just start the initial download and then put all the files in the steam folder from what you already have.
Yeah, I was going to do that, but after I updated my video drivers tonight the game kept crashing so I finally just ended up saying fuck it and I'm now redownloading it on Steam. I can't wait to see how it runs with my new drivers, because I just booted up WoW and fuck, that game is smooth as butter now. I've never played a game so smoothly that was online before.

It's really weird how all these specializations became the norm.

Everybody be metalbending and shooting lightning like it's no big deal.

Speaking of, not enough people are shooting lightning.
I agree with all of this.

So I saw Soulja Boy show up in my timeline before I closed it so I had to go back in and look for it so that I can unfollow that person and it turns out it was some white boy from the midwest.
Glad it wasn't me.

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I dont know about this "plot" leak for star wars, I will explain but if you dont want it to be "ruined" don't click on the spoiler.
the idea of lukes hand flying through space for 30 years is odd enough, but that it also lands on a planet still gripping his lightsaber doesn't make sense to me. Wouldn't it burn up entering the atmosphere of the planet?

Godzilla is coming to blu-ray and DVD on September 16, 2014. So I know whoknows will be buying hundreds.

Also this concept art for Jurassic World is awesome, put it in spoiler so it wouldn't take up everyone's screen.

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You can try to hold out until they do a BOGO.

I mean, it's really buy one hero and get a random box, but it's still better than nothing. I popped a Spidey out of that after buying Scarlet Witch who is only like 400 (when Spidey is one of the most expensive at like 1350).

Since you have two heroes, it would probably be best just to play those for now since you'll end up at least getting a couple random boxes from the ES that you'll make and hopefully get more heroes out of that. Unless there is someone that you just really want or unless you want to spend it on costumes cuz while that BOGO works on costumes too, it's way more random since there's a shit ton of them.

Also, the last sale was like just last month so it'll probably be a while until the next one.

Another stash tab would probably be useful too. Preferably general over crafting (or both).

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bread's done