GGT 326 Continues 2 B About Things U Don't Care About

Zeki is mos def going to catch this flick.


When did dmaul get banned?

Edit: Found it. He was trolling or something in the Club Nintendo thread in the deals forum this morning.

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Still amazed at the amount of gamers bitching about getting a choice of a game as a reward.

But it's Nintendo and the biggest portion of their fanbase are kids and nerds, so I guess they should have known better and offered up a figure or plushie or posters or some other kiddie/nerdy shit along with the games to keep everyone happy.
As for discussing sales, that's a big part if the hobby for me. I enjoy bullshitting on forums about game industry trends, predictions etc almost as much as playing games anymore. But is obvious this just isn't the site for that and places like GAF are more worth my time. It it is pretty clear that this site just sucks for those kind of discussions,and has just generally sucked since the move to 3.0, That and the resignation of some of the good mods etc. sped up the sites decline and have left it too much of a slickdeals-esque cesspool of broke ass losers who fail at life and can't afford shit without bargains, hoarding and reselling/flipping etc. I should have made my exit from here years ago and will do so now. Peace.
And I thought the people complaining about shitty Nintendo rewards were mad.

Saw Transformers last night. I..I've been a fairly staunch support of the movies as enjoyable (at least the first and third movies), but Age of Extinction was too much.

The autobot designs were terrible and uninspired. What they did to hound was pretty bad also. He also looked more like Bulkhead from Transformers:prime than Hound. Samurai Autobot? Trench coat with submachine gun autobot? Seriously.

They copped out at describing Lockdown's origin, and the "Knights of Cybertron". I much preferred the Shockwave dinobot origin story told in Fall of Cybertron. Also, all the autobots seemed like assholes in this one, even Optimus and Bumblebee to an extent.

I never thought I'd say it, but I missed Shia. While he was whiny, I thought he was more likable than Marky Mark & Co. They killed off the comic relief early, who was actually likable too.

I can't figure out how to find posts by a given user on the "new" site either. Who knows how he got banned, because the mods obviously don't care about the trash in the deals forum.
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I can't figure out how to find posts by a given user on the "new" site either. Who knows how he got banned, because the mods obviously don't care about the trash in the deals forum.
Just hover over their name to bring up the toolbox thing and click find content. You can sort by post from there.

Can't do it with banned accounts though so you just have to search for their name.

something something pillar community something something Sudeki is a really dope game still something something we'll play BL2 soon I swear

Naaaaaah, I complained about the rewards being not that great when they first went up and that's all I've done, haven't reported none of the stuff. Just read through it all.

I mean, it's the internet. So I'm used to it, and sometimes it's more fun to read them and see how other people react to it rather than sit there and argue about it myself. I've done enough arguing on here lately :p

But it is true that what he said was basically targeted at the people like me :(

Lina has finally gotten picked. That leaves like 7 heroes yet to show up in any games.

Including Crystal Maiden :cry:

Navi is throwing this.

I like this noob-friendly stream.
It's alright.

I like how they try to explain the strategies/tactics and why fights go one way or another but a bit to much time explaining abilities and items for me (which is the point).

It's the one I should have linked first for all the hundreds of people in this thread who want to watch Dota.

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bread's done