GGT 334 Asked Beatles' Sister to go Steady

So I beat Alien Isolation. The reason i bring it up is because IGN and Gamespot gave it a not good score. After beating the game on Hard, i completely disagree with Ign. They complained about hard being hard? The AI are more responsive and if you are not hiding you are going to get scene. I don't know if the guy never played a stealth game before or he is just really bad at them. He talked about dying over 100 times from just the alien, i can say i wasn't even close to that (there is an achievement if you die 100 times from the alien). The game play was amazing and the atmosphere was scary. They did an awesome job on sound, you could hear the aliens footsteps and it crawling through the vents. The game was silent in parts to give it more shock when something happened.It also had some great lighting and the detail they put into it was awesome, I jumped multiple times. They kept the 70s style technology that was featured in the first movie. The story was great, it felt like good pacing all the way through and was solid all the way tell the end. The maps felt different, it does take place on a space station so its not like there was drastic changes to the environment except for a few times. The item system was well done with crafting of different explosives and items to distract. You needed to upgrade devices similar to a metriodvania style where some places could not be reached due to limited equipment. That may be what ign meant when the talked about "backtracking"?

I may be biased because I'm a huge alien fan. When seeing majority positive reviews for this game, i feel like people will only look at ign or gamespot and not give this a chance. This is all my opinion though. I'm not saying go buy this right away. What i am saying is this a fun, scary and great looking game. I feel like if you are a fan of either alien or survival horror definitely give this a chance.

Im not going to give it a score, games like art, are appreciated in different ways so my positives could be a negative to anyone else.

So give this game a try.
I played a lot of video games yesterday. I played Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures, Lego Movie Game, and Lego Marvel on the WiiU. Pac-Man is a weird game. It feels like it's trying to be Sonic Adventure with more platforming. It's not particularly good, but it's not terrible by any stretch of the imagination. The only thing I don't really like about it is that Pac-Man speaks. His voice is so light that it's kind of jarring. I always thought Pac-Man would work better as a silent protagonist. Lego Movie game was the next to be played. I didn't hate it, but I think that either the port was a hasty port or that they didn't have the A team working on this game. The way the Legos are put together and the graphics just look messy and rough. I wouldn't have been surprised if it had been this way in the demo or the alpha, but the fact that it looks this rough in the finished game makes me want to return it to GS. I'll probably keep playing it, though. Lego Marvel was just like it was on PS3 and 360, only problem I had was that the Lego games on the WiiU won't let you just play with Pro controller so you have to start the game on the gamepad, turn on the pro controller as the second player, drop out of the game on the gamepad, and then you can play as the second player using the pro controller. It is a hassle. I also played the Bayonetta demo. I loved it.

I find these days that it's getting harder and harder to motivate myself to play games for long stretches of time. I don't know what it is exactly (fatigue, maybe?), but I find myself not having as much fun unless it's either a Nintendo game or something I've been looking forward to a long time (a list that has fewer and fewer things on it as time goes by). The last time I had this problem it was alleviated by Far Cry 3 coming out and being so good that it kicked me back into the gaming mood. I'm hoping that happens again soon. Maybe with Far Cry 4? 

I'm going to be participating at a fighting game tournament here soon, btw! It's at a gaming bar in town called Headshots. The games are Tekken Tag 2, Smash 3DS, Persona 4 Arena, and Third Strike! The tourney is a couple of weeks away so I have some time to practice, but I'll just enjoy playing no matter what place I come in. I'll be bringing my fightstick and subjecting people to the King/Bob and King/Armor King team. I can't wait to unleash my Q in Third Strike either. THE FLOOR IS LAVA!

Man, don't know how many of you check the gaming shirt thread, but just saw this post over there....

This week's Smash Collection at Once Upon a Tee

How have I not heard anyone talk about Batman Arkham City Armored Edition? That is one fucking weird port. They beefed up the graphics, fixed a lot of the collision detection problems, changed the costumes of Batman and Catwoman AND they put a WiiU gamepad on Batman's arm? What the fuck? And with all of that somehow it makes the cutscenes stutter all the time. The changes costumes thing is the weirdest. Especially with how they didn't actually change them on the pictures it shows when you load up the game. You have to actually beat the game before Batman can even wear his regular AC suit. It's suuuuuch a fucking weird game.
Im pretty sure Ign will give bayonetta 2 a 6 or something saying things like it was too fun and they didn't have a coop buddy. Then whoknows wont buy it.

He and ign are in a relationship and it's pretty abusive, ign makes the rules and whoknows agrees even though he doesn't want to. He is just afraid of them leaving him, so he lets them do what they want.
ummmmmm one of my sisters went out of town with her boyfriend to help paint at his grandmother's "something", now she is home and they are both playing call of duty. My other sister, I'm not a 100% on what she is doing, since she has been staying with her boyfriend.

so it sounds like you have a chance. :cool:

I almost forgot that I had a foot fetish thanks for reminding me.

Beatles, rate your sisters feet on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being Smash Bro. levels of fun to be had while listening to The Beatles and 10 being like reading the Scott Pilgrim series while listening to The Beatles.

ummmmmm one of my sisters went out of town with her boyfriend to help paint at his grandmother's "something", now she is home and they are both playing call of duty. My other sister, I'm not a 100% on what she is doing, since she has been staying with her boyfriend.

so it sounds like you have a chance. :cool:
Which one would you say is more attractive?

I almost forgot that I had a foot fetish thanks for reminding me.

Beatles, rate your sisters feet on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being Smash Bro. levels of fun to be had while listening to The Beatles and 10 being like reading the Scott Pilgrim series while listening to The Beatles.
I wonder what their reactions would be if i asked if i could take pictures of their feet? My older sister has a tattoo on her right foot if that helps? They both have around the same size feet, my older sister has shoe size 9 and my younger sister is 9 1/2.

Its strange that i know this much about their feet.

So i would need to break into my younger sister's boyfriends place to get a picture of her feet, my older sister will be a lot easier im going to go in mission impossible style.


that would be pretty creepy to take photos of your sister's feet for dudes on the internet... I hope hes caught and his parents take away his internet and then  mo loses his co-op buddy lololol

They let her sleepover at his place? They're totally ok with them fucking?

As long as he straps it, I'm sure. You have cool progressive parents.
I don't want think about that, also she is 18 so she is an adult and chooses to stay with him.

Once was asked if my parents were former hippies since they were very lax on stuff

I bet i could get my sister to take pictures of her feet if i tell her that a bunch of internet dudes would love the pics.

My parents don't know i am on the internet shhhhhhhhhh
bread's done