GGT 354 Is on a Different Timeline Where the Cubs Lose...?

The two things you need to know about Overwatch.


Oh, setup your controller or whatever you plan to use ahead of time. If you do all this, then we can have it working within minutes.
Dude, I'm super sorry about last night. My internet went out and I started drinking and then I totally forgot to keep track of the time. I'll hit you up on Skype here in a bit to see if we can work something else out.

I'm being called to do my duty...


I do love their tex-mex bacon thickburgers.
I really love Hardee's and I wish that they were around where I'm at. I was super happy to get to eat there while I was on my trip to the southwest, though! I used to go there all the time when I was a kid and throughout my teens (they're all over the South), but central and south Kansas is unfortunately totally Hardee's-less. Thankfully, I just found out last week that is being rectified and a Carl's is being built like 10 minutes away from my house now. Yay!

Fallout 4 tomorrow! Yay!

I was debating on whether or not to play it tonight, but I ultimately decided to just get a good night of sleep and then go hard on it tomorrow morning. Super stoked to finally make my way through the semi-wastes of Boston.

I'm surprised that I haven't heard more about it. I've been listening to this week's episode of Podtoid this morning to get a feel for the game and man, those guys are boring as fuck. I used to love Podtoid and the podcast crew that replaced Sterling, Holmes, and Max are just terrible and they don't even come close to matching up to them or the Burch, Browntown, Cantler, Nicholson, Linde, and Sterling crew that originally got me to start listening.

I mean, ughh all of those dudes on the new podcast even sound the exact same. I can barely tell the difference in their voices because they all sound unsure of what they're saying
I live! My hard drive died so I had no computer for a while, just been gaming mainly, put a lot of time into Halo 5 already, don't see that slowing down anytime soon, especially with the amount of free REQ stuff they are going to add every month, this game will most likely hit 4 digit hours for me in the long run, the new modes are great and the classic modes have a more Halo feel then 4 did, plus most of my friends have been playing it nonstop as well so there's always people on. Gonna start Fallout here in a bit, then Battlefront next week. Good times for games.

I did a 24 hour stream for Extra Life and raised $1570 for a local hospital, so that was pretty awesome as well

I didn't play much of any games this weekend. I did finish the original Star Wars trilogy playset for Disney Infinity 3.0, though. It was pretty good, but I think the amount of liberties they take with the story would drive somebody like Mo insane.
Oh boy haha, Ill be grabbing the game on Black Friday, I'll let you know what I think when I get to the playset.

I live! My hard drive died so I had no computer for a while, just been gaming mainly, put a lot of time into Halo 5 already, don't see that slowing down anytime soon, especially with the amount of free REQ stuff they are going to add every month, this game will most likely hit 4 digit hours for me in the long run, the new modes are great and the classic modes have a more Halo feel then 4 did, plus most of my friends have been playing it nonstop as well so there's always people on. Gonna start Fallout here in a bit, then Battlefront next week. Good times for games.

I did a 24 hour stream for Extra Life and raised $1570 for a local hospital, so that was pretty awesome as well

Oh boy haha, Ill be grabbing the game on Black Friday, I'll let you know what I think when I get to the playset.
I was wondering where you were, mang. Great job on raising money with Extra Life!

For real, I seriously look forward to hearing what you say about it in the end. Still, it's super enjoyable.

About to start up date Fallout 4. Super excited to make a character!

I was wondering where you were, mang. Great job on raising money with Extra Life!

For real, I seriously look forward to hearing what you say about it in the end. Still, it's super enjoyable.

About to start up date Fallout 4. Super excited to make a character!
Yeah, everything is fine! I should be back more ^^

And yeah I didn't expect to raise anywhere near that (my goal was $100) but it was really cool, and doing a 24 hour stream was fun.

I'm sure I'll enjoy the playset regardless, but it sounds like I may have some stuff to nitpick about haha

It took me like an hour to make my guys face in Fallout 4 :p

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Tomb Raider still has the thing where you like scuttle on the ground as part of your first dodge goty 2015

Also I got into the Overwatch beta. Cute anime chick here I come.

Okay, I spent 3 hours making my characters' faces in Fallout 4 under the assumption I would switch back and forth between the husband and wife. I finished customization playing the wife and then found out I was stuck playing her for the rest of the game. I'm okay with that because she's super pretty and I like her, but I still will miss that guy.

Okay, I spent 3 hours making my characters' faces in Fallout 4 under the assumption I would switch back and forth between the husband and wife. I finished customization playing the wife and then found out I was stuck playing her for the rest of the game. I'm okay with that because she's super pretty and I like her, but I still will miss that guy.
I found a full body armor suit, then found a single chest strap and leg plate, my guy had better defense running around in his underwear wearing those then he did in the full armor set, that was cool

AC Syndicate was cool. Prolly do some fan art and then pop into Fallout 4 next.

Hey, Mo! Great job with Extra Life. We actually did a stream as well, but I wasn't able to make it to contribute.

I'll get around to Syndicate at some point, looks fun!

And thanks, had a lot of fun doing it, was my first 24 hour stream and I will definitely do it again in the future. It's cool that you guys did one as well! The more people that do the streams for it the better

I found a full body armor suit, then found a single chest strap and leg plate, my guy had better defense running around in his underwear wearing those then he did in the full armor set, that was cool
It took me a minute to actually get the hang of the armor system and I was running around in my underwear and some straps too. I've put 7 hours in now and I still have kind of shitty armor, and fuuuuck, I have gotten kind of stuck here and there already. I went and cleared out a Hospital last night expecting it to be a fairly easy thing since I'm level 8 and all of the enemies outside of the building were easy.

Big mistake.

Walk in and immediately fight three Legendary Super Mutants and like 10 other regular Super Mutants. I continually get killed for around a half hour. Finally, I load back in and decide to turn around and leave.

Bigger Mistake.

They track me down outside and kill me. Now I'm stuck with a second autosave seconds before I die outside and I can't fast travel away or anything. So I bite the bullet and load back up into the Hospital and I slowly take pretty much every chem I have and proceed to slowly make my way through those Legendary Super Mutants. By the end of that shit I was addicted to every chem, used all of my health items, had 17 health left, and had spent nearly 3 hours in one place making about 30 minutes worth of progress.

AC Syndicate was cool. Prolly do some fan art and then pop into Fallout 4 next.

Hey, Mo! Great job with Extra Life. We actually did a stream as well, but I wasn't able to make it to contribute.
Sweeet! I'm glad to know Syndicate is good! It's been a long time since I played an AC game that I liked.

Gears of War and Rare Replay are $15 at Walmart on Black Friday. I'm soooo getting those. For that price those are just must haves. Especially since buying Gears will net you codes to all of the other Gears games.

Backwards Compatibility today! WOOOOO!

No, cuz the graphics aren't really any better.

The only thing they added was some base building that isn't even really necessary cuz they basically just took the idea from a mod.

bread's done