GGT 361 is Tired of Those While People

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FF13, the game where it's amazing if you play the 2nd half.

FF15, the game that's amazing if you don't play the 2nd half.

FF13, the game without DLC or the need to patch out terrible parts.

FF15, the game with a season pass, came out years later, needed a day one patch as well as additional patches down the line to fix chapter 13.

FF13, 6 characters, can play any of them.

FF15, 4 characters, no waifus, can only play Keanu Reeves.
I made this just for you due to tonight. Also, should've gone with Sasuke Uchiha instead of Keanu Reeves.


FF13, the game without DLC or the need to patch out terrible parts.
No instead they released it as two additional games in -2 and -3.

I wish they would have tried to patched out the terrible first half.

FF15, the game with a season pass, came out years later, needed a day one patch as well as additional patches down the line to fix chapter 13.
Season passes are a thing now I don't see how this a point to be made. If they were a bigger deal for Square back when 13 came out then that game would had have one too. That's like saying "ff6 didn't have a season pass." And again, its good that they're fixing the game. Like how is this not a good thing? Terrible first half.
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You're right, FF15 does have good waifus, Lunafreya, Iris, Cindy, and Aranea. But you can't play as any of them.

Sasuke works well but you will now why Keanu Reeves is the perfect choice if you play the game.

Can't really use the point in time the game was released in to make an excuse. If that was the case, then any bad old games that suffered in a graphics/gameplay problem could just say the technology wasn't advanced enough at the time, and any good old games filled with content could be said to be stripped away to make room for DLC. Although I will say the FF15 DLC isn't too bad though, it seems like they put some work into it.

And I will say, while the first half of FF13 wasn't good, it wasn't so terrible that it was completely different and butchered from the 2nd good half. It was just linear, slower placed, and more restricted. They did give you total freedom afterwards. It wasn't so terrible it had to be patched out.

FF15 already had the keys to the kingdom, unless a completely different team handled the 2nd half, there was no reason to change it so drastically. You would think a game gets better as it progresses, not devolve into a completely different genre. Just the fact that they had to admit their faults and fix it just proves even they know it's bad and it's a general consensus, not just a clash of opinions. I appreciate that they went on to fix it, but it did launch like that and that's what I'll judge the game on.

I exaggerate quite a bit when I say it's terrible. It's a good game overall, but just weird design decisions they made overshadows a lot of it. One of the few instances less is actually more.

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WWE isn't all bad though, NXT Takeover Orlando was the best PPV I've seen in years.


Alistar Black and Andrade Cien Almas started the match off just chillin'.


Just having some fun.


Flippy shit time!


More flippy shit!


Perfect finish.

And don't even get me started on the AOP vs Revial vs DIY triple threat elimination tag match, best match I have seen in the last 10 years. It was as good as Hardyz vs E&C vs Dudleys TLC match.

Nice image to show how I joined GGT.

WWE isn't all bad though, NXT Takeover Orlando was the best PPV I've seen in years.
The thing with NXT is that it has it's own writers that tend to do whatever they want because WWE doesn't care much for it like they do Raw and SmackDown. This goes way back to the previous promotions OVW, FCW, and NXT (the original concept) and to some extent ECW once WWE stopped treating it as a main brand. This is why many enjoy NXT more because the writers and wrestlers have more freedom to do what they want.

The thing with NXT is that it has it's own writers that tend to do whatever they want because WWE doesn't care much for it like they do Raw and SmackDown. This goes way back to the previous promotions OVW, FCW, and NXT (the original concept) and to some extent ECW once WWE stopped treating it as a main brand. This is why many enjoy NXT more because the writers and wrestlers have more freedom to do what they want.
Yeah, and they don't have corporate and Vince shoving their agenda down the writer's and wrestler's throats. But it's not like WWE can't do that level of storytelling and match quality on Raw and Smackdown. And the talent of writers and wrestlers are probably better on the main roster, just that they are so insanely restricted on what they are allowed to do.

But at this point, almost everything I wanted to happen in the WWE has happened. The Hardyz are back, Nakamura is on Smackdown, and Balor returned. Not to mentioned most of the impossible things has already occured, Sting, Kurt Angle, and Goldberg returned, AJ Styles and Kevin Owens winning a world title, etc. The only things they have left to do is to get Kenny Omega in the WWE and have CM Punk return. Both very unlikely though. But with Hardyz, Styles, Asuka, Nakamura, all my favorites are back and together. I never cared for CM Punk and disliked how he betrayed the fans, and never really got to appreciate Daniel Bryan, so I'm content with the talent they have now.

I also beat the first ending of Nier: Automata. But have to put aside Too Booty a.k.a 2B for now.

I've been thinking of starting a PPV business, just a bit differently. Every time you take your eyes off the screen and look back, that's a new view and I get to charge you again. So the rule applies for you blinking or somebody walking in front of you. All I need is Jamal to sign up and I'll be rich.

I've been thinking of starting a PPV business, just a bit differently. Every time you take your eyes off the screen and look back, that's a new view and I get to charge you again. So the rule applies for you blinking or somebody walking in front of you. All I need is Jamal to sign up and I'll be rich.
I'll make a new Twitter account to ask him for his thoughts on that.

I know you didn't make it cuz you didn't explore half of those concepts since you gave up early.

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You know, I dedicated an entire day making an unboxing for it...

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EdJericho is actually Edrica Jericho, Chris Jericho's little Japanese sister, who is a superheroine during the day and a famous cam girl during the night.

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