GGT #83 is DRM Free!

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Little disappointed that OXM gave SH a 6.5. I have it in my goozex list so I won't be spending any money on it if I'm able to get it.
[quote name='whoknows']Too high or too low?

As for the SH5 review, I'll wait on it. I love horror games, but it wasn't looking so hot last time I checked on it.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='whoknows']Too high or too low?

As for the SH5 review, I'll wait on it. I love horror games, but it wasn't looking so hot last time I checked on it.[/quote]

I believe he's making fun of the fact that it scored higher than SH and the magazine has lost all credibility due to it. Not like it ever had any in the first place.
It's true - any publication that gives something as retarded looking as Facebreaker a 7/10 is a publication that needn't exist.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']Seconded. The first game kicks ass.[/quote]

Where the fuck do I find it? None in town, and I don't want to go ebay or amazon third party.
[quote name='SL4IN']If you want a copy puma, I can nab at my TRU. They have a ton all clearanced at $9.98[/quote]

That would be awesome. If I don't win this powerstone, you'll have a PM tomorrow!

Do people actually pay 50 bucks for Powerstone 2?
[quote name='DarthPuma']Where the fuck do I find it? None in town, and I don't want to go ebay or amazon third party.[/QUOTE]

Here you go. I've bought a bunch of stuff from Game Express and haven't had any problems. I recommend them.

Edit: Nice hookup SL4IN.
well even if SH does suck, it'll be the last time konami has a non-japanese team do it.

SH is probably the only horror series I would not mind jumping into since most of the horror is atmosphere based rather than totally upfront freaky.

I don't know what that meant...

Completely random but when I was 11 or 12 I masturbated to the semi naked chick in the DOA ultimate OXM demo.

Also, you don't know how tempted I am to sell the painting I won from Kotaku for games money. It's a good thing I'm not greedy enough to do it.

Still need to contact Penny Arcade to see about donating it.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']well even if SH does suck, it'll be the last time konami has a non-japanese team do it.

SH is probably the only horror series I would not mind jumping into since most of the horror is atmosphere based rather than totally upfront freaky.

Wait, what? A Japanese dev team for the next one? Are you sure?
[quote name='DarthPuma']Completely random but when I was 11 or 12 I masturbated to the semi naked chick in the DOA ultimate OXM demo.

:rofl: this guy is DOWN!!!
So I just decided that the 160GB HDD in my desktop pc just isn't gonna last for much longer. I should really get on getting a bigger harddrive. Also, I've been soul farming for the last hour in Dawn of Sorrow just to beef up weapons.
[quote name='DarthPuma']Completely random but when I was 11 or 12 I masturbated to the semi naked chick in the DOA ultimate OXM demo.


[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I won't lie when I say I did the same as Darth, except with the full retail copy. no shame >_
[quote name='Chacrana']Her name's Kasumi, and Rolento, you were old enough to know better.[/quote]

Yes :whistle2:#

at least it lead me to have a career that lets me get women naked just by me saying I'll draw them >_<

SNES in a vagina P.O. Box
So I'm very late to this GGT.

A lot of cool shit happened this weekend. My car decided to shit out on me leaving me with literally no spare cash til payday. Not so bad of a deal, but Darth and I have a deal going on where I could have used that money to ship my stuff out sooner. Totally lame. But I guess before my weekend went to shit, I managed to pick up a copy of Warhawk and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon with some left over credit I had. And I found a bluetooth headset at Radio Shack clearanced down to $10, which IMO, is an excellent deal.

How was everyone elses weekend?
Good weekend. Filled mostly with NHL 09, drinking (NHL 09 drinking game is dangerous), and a little bit of FFX this evening. Just working on side quests now before going in to beat Sin. I am trying to get everyones ultimate weapon. Got the magus sisters tonight as well. Right now, just playing some Mario Kart DS again. Just unlocking Drybones/karts before school tomorrow.
NHL drinking games sound like a good time. WarioWare/MarWiio Party drinking games are also wonderful.

I'm totally pissed I can't get any of my consoles online at school. I need to go buy a fucking LAN hub and I have no cash for that. fucking life having stupid fucking expenses :lol: At least I don't have cancer I suppose...
i watched and finished Gundam 0079 and Golden rewatching Z Gundam...didnt rly game at all this weekend. its weird, every weekend i watch more anime and game less...i guess its cause of the dry season of gaming (yes i know yakuza 2 came out but i have little to no want to buy it atm, i want a scary game)
This weekend gaming-wise was all ToV. But mostly, I've been watching an ass-load of TV, unfortunately. My wife is trying to catch up on House and The Closer, so it's been a lot of DVR and less about teh ghamez. We also watched No Country for Old Men on cable and some Dave Chappelle second season on dvd. :p
I spent my weekend getting 4 hours into Yakuza 2, then re-doing those 4 hours after my save file was corrupted. Also finally got the last secret report in TWEWY. That game lasted me a good month and a half. It's now up there with my favorite games of all time.
So after another try to get some Bomberman Live boosters, I decided to play Tales of Vesperia for another 4 hours. I thought I had the Map Nerd Achievement, but I'm apparently missing some tiny little grey blob on the map I can't see. Grr. Also got another Secret Mission Achievement which was a pain. I hate having to get 23 little things meaningless to the game to get another little thing that's meaningful to the game.
Yakuza 2 is bad ass. I gorilla pressed some fat fucker over my head and threw him into a bunch of shit. :)

My weekend was pretty good. Played Soul Calibur IV, 3rd Strike on GGPO, Yakuza 2, made some money, and ate Popeye's. :)
I think the first sold decently enough here to warrant the second.

That said, I have absolutely no interest in its girly appeal and slowness.
[quote name='KingBroly']Arcana Heart 2 is coming[/quote] It's only the arcade version that's coming out Stateside.
[quote name='refusedchaos']i did it with DOA X2...and DOAX w/ nude mod XD[/quote]
Well that was pretty much the reason for the DOAX games to exist....
Morning GGT,

Played C&C3 again alot this weekend, finished NOD and GDI now so I only have the Scrin to do, and thankfully there's only 4 missions for them.

Another CAG wanted me to help him boost Big Bumpin (one of those free Burger King games) which was a bit out of the blue. Inufaye noticed I was playing it and I got a simple "wtf" message :)

Watched some English Prem games and that was about it.

Thinking about getting Pure this week :whistle2:k
Hey GGT,

I'm really excited to hear Wipeout HD on PSN will be just $19.99, around half the price I expected:

Anyway, I apologize for not being around much lately. I just had a lot of thoughts and haven't been gaming much. I don't want to reveal too much to the GGT since I rather surprise everyone, but let's just say I'm working on stuff right now. ;)

I played a little Disgaea 3 and Burnout Paradise over the weekend. Haven't bought a new game in a while, and won't until Meijer has a sale. Despite the number of games I want coming out in October, I may hold back playing most until November.
[quote name='MarkMan']My favorite heat action so far in Yakuza 2 is dropping a mafucka off the top of a building ^_^[/QUOTE]
Haven't done that yet. Off a bridge into the river, and down the stairs are my favorite so far. Really getting caught up in being a host/running the hostess club right now.
[quote name='daroga']blueshinra, what'd you both get?! How much do I owe him? ;)[/QUOTE]
I'll leave it a surprise :) It's very cool, though.

Good morning GGT. Now that I've switched to Hard mode in Fire Emblem, it has gotten a lot harder, especially now that I'm trying to keep everyone alive. Going to stick with it, though. Also, I figured out how to recruit people into my party. Fortunately, it seems I've only missed one recruitable character so far.

Maybe I'll try and beat DMC3 today... we'll see.
[quote name='blueshinra']I'll leave it a surprise :) It's very cool, though.

Good morning GGT. Now that I've switched to Hard mode in Fire Emblem, it has gotten a lot harder, especially now that I'm trying to keep everyone alive. Going to stick with it, though. Also, I figured out how to recruit people into my party. Fortunately, it seems I've only missed one recruitable character so far.

Maybe I'll try and beat DMC3 today... we'll see.[/quote]
My favorite recruitable character in PoR was the one that only showed up if you were positioned on a particular spot in the map. Don't actually recall who it was since I didn't get them.

[quote name='pete5883']I spent my weekend getting 4 hours into Yakuza 2, then re-doing those 4 hours after my save file was corrupted. [/quote]You're a better man than I... any time something like that happens to me I have to put the controller down for an extended period of time.
[quote name='pete5883']Blue, where'd you pick up the Phoenix Wright artbook?[/QUOTE]
Kinokuniya Books, in Midtown. They had plenty of copies of it and other Capcom artbooks (for Monster Hunter and Okami). It was around $56; I might've been able to get it cheaper online, but the overseas shipping costs would've negated any savings.
OK GGTers .. possibly one of the stupidest questions you've seen in a while but here it goes. If I like LoZ Minish Cap and Phantom Hourglass would I like the 3d games like Twilight Princess? Is it the same basic gameplay where it's sorta like puzzles based on your inventory items?
[quote name='botticus']You're a better man than I... any time something like that happens to me I have to put the controller down for an extended period of time.[/QUOTE]
Normally I would, but I had a whole free day yesterday, nothing else to play since my Uncharted has still not been returned, and knew I could catch up in an hour by skipping all the cutscenes.

[quote name='blueshinra']Kinokuniya Books, in Midtown. They had plenty of copies of it and other Capcom artbooks (for Monster Hunter and Okami). It was around $56; I might've been able to get it cheaper online, but the overseas shipping costs would've negated any savings.[/QUOTE]
I'll have to look for it next time I'm in the city, but :shock: @ $56.
Yakuza 2 is on the way!

And also, something weird is happening with my Amazon gift card balance. We had $75 in there, I went to order Yakuza 2, and it said we only had $32.10 in there. I placed the order and tried to figure out where the other monies went. I've got an order in, preordering both Speed Racer and Iron Man on Blu-Ray. That was placed about 2 months before the gift cards went on, but if you add them together and subtract it from the giftcard, I should've had $22.10 left. If just Speed Racer got charged (which ships this week), then there's a good chunk of money missing. If both got charged, I got $10 off of the two movies.

I guess I'll just wait and see what / if my CC gets charged by the end of the month when Iron Man ships.

[quote name='Maklershed']OK GGTers .. possibly one of the stupidest questions you've seen in a while but here it goes. If I like LoZ Minish Cap and Phantom Hourglass would I like the 3d games like Twilight Princess? Is it the same basic gameplay where it's sorta like puzzles based on your inventory items?[/quote]Probably. It's essentially a outside->dungeon->outside->dungeon rotation. Not much has changed since Zelda 1. I liked Twilight Princess a lot more than Phantom Hourglass, mostly because TP doesn't have you playing the same level over and over again. TP starts veeeeery slooooowly though, so be on the lookout for that. Press through the opening hour or two and it's fantastic from there on out.
[quote name='daroga']
Probably. It's essentially a outside->dungeon->outside->dungeon rotation. Not much has changed since Zelda 1. I liked Twilight Princess a lot more than Phantom Hourglass, mostly because TP doesn't have you playing the same level over and over again. TP starts veeeeery slooooowly though, so be on the lookout for that. Press through the opening hour or two and it's fantastic from there on out.[/quote]

Yeah I liked TP a lot, although it has a lot of the classic elements of Zelda there is a few bits of originality and the whole game has a nice look and feel to it.

The only thing I don't like about it are the Wii controls, I wish you could have used a wavebird on the Wii version.
The Magic Sword. Hmmm .. is that the one with the Rathbone guy?

I feel like watching that episode where the really wimpy/nerdy kid is the hero. I think it's filmed in Canada. I forget the name of it. It had something to do with a cult and the kid is trying to figure out why his dad was killed by them.
[quote name='Maklershed']The Magic Sword. Hmmm .. is that the one with the Rathbone guy?

I feel like watching that episode where the really wimpy/nerdy kid is the hero. I think it's filmed in Canada. I forget the name of it. It had something to do with a cult and the kid is trying to figure out why his dad was killed by them.[/quote]

It was indeed, one of the funniest things in the episode was the commercial for "Rathbones Dog biscuits".

I don't think I've seen the Ep you're talking about. I've only really seen the Eps that have been released on DVD up to now. I've just started working my way through the other episodes.
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