God of War Collection PS3 (+FREE GOWIII DEMO!) 36.99 FSS + ECA DISC at Amazon

[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Trophies suck and I don't have an HDtv, so why not just allow for a patch for those who already have the game to download so we can play the normal disc versions of these games we have already?

As for being a fan of the series, I was up till the cliffhanger ending of part 2. Now, when/if part 3 comes out, I'm waiting till either a friend buys it and I can borrow it for a week or it drops to a clearance price of $20 or less.[/QUOTE]

See? right there... You're welcome to post your comments, i don't see any problems with that. Just keep in mind that this collection is not the same as BC. For $$36.99, it's a good price (didn't i mentioned trophies?).
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I don't have an HDtv[/QUOTE]

I was going to make a remark at how you obviously aren't the one Sony is targeting but it looks like Serpentor already beat me to the punch.

Honestly, why are all you people complaining about the price. If you already own the games and don't have an HDtv why would you even think of rebuying it? The fact that this collection obviously wasn't made with you in mind makes it laughable you are all complaining about it. Will it really hurt all of you that you don't own this collection because you think think it's redundant since you already own the games?

This compilation was made for those that have never played the games before. Did you complain about the MGS Essentials collection? or all the Sega Genesis Collections? Because if anything, this is more like the Metroid Prime Trilogy set where textures were replaced and graphics improved.

As gamers we should always be glad that more people get to experience the great titles that are landmarks for older consoles. You guys already played through them. It's time for a new generation to play through them. Should you choose to be a part of them then by all means go out and buy the compilation. Just don't complain about something that wasn't intended to be sold to you as you didn't fit the demographic in the first place.
This is an awesome deal for those of us (like me) who have yet to play these games. For the $40 you'd pay now to get the PS2 copies, you're getting digitally-remastered, trophy-enables versions. Good job by Sony.
Still on the fence on this one as I have played the first two GoW enough times. Might pick it up once it goes down further.

But for those that have never had a chance to play these games, I urge for you to splurge on this deal!
Does amazon charge on preorders now, or when it is released? I will order it if it charges when its released instead of now. Also, how do you do goldbox trick? I hear about it all the time but never really looked into it.
[quote name='Fire_Thief']Yes. This is for the people like me who have never played or owned them. :][/QUOTE]

Or trophy whores, since this game has two sets of trophies (including two platinums).

I've played both enough times too but I'm getting this set because the games are simply great. They're fairly short at only 10 hours each so it's not too time demanding and it also means I can replace 2 PS2 games with one PS3 game.:D
Thanks OP

[quote name='dcm1602']disapointing that they put them both on a blu ray disk for the ps3 and it wont even be in 1080p.

Thats just lazy[/quote]

[quote name='dcm1602']i guess all the old movies from the 70s/80s/90s that are now on bluray must have been originally made in 1080p also ?[/quote]

What a moron!
This is in my gold box today (along with a Wii motion plus :D), so I'll be jumping on it since I've not played any of the God of War games.

[quote name='Fors78']Does amazon charge on preorders now, or when it is released? I will order it if it charges when its released instead of now.[/quote]

Amazon has never charged before an item ships, and they would receive no end of hell from their customers if they started now.

Also, how do you do goldbox trick? I hear about it all the time but never really looked into it.

Use the search function, Luke.
[quote name='saturnotaku']This is in my gold box today (along with a Wii motion plus :D), so I'll be jumping on it since I've not played any of the God of War games.

Amazon has never charged before an item ships, and they would receive no end of hell from their customers if they started now.

Use the search function, Luke.[/QUOTE]

I'm on that.
OK, did anyone get the $34.99 price adjust? They've had well over 24 hours to update pre-orders, so I'd like to know if they're trying to cover up a price mistake or if maybe this was just a 3rd party seller people mistook for Amazon.
There was a bunch of screen tearing and other issues when playing them on the PS2, so as long as they fixed some of those issues(and the price drops like a rock really quick) I may pick this up once it hits clearance.
[quote name='blissskr']I got this in my gold box today and with eca preordered for 31.44[/QUOTE]

never played GoW 1 or 2
Don't understand why anyone would poo-poo this release. The collection (though semantically I don't really think two games justifies a "collection") is cheaper than buying the games separately on ps2. 720p/60fps support and trophies are just icing on the cake.

I played through part 1 and have been eager to get the sequel. Though the first is worth a second time through.
I only played the first and never got the second so I am glad to see this collection and with ECA it is a great deal. Now if only ICO and Shadow of the Colossus get the same treatment.
[quote name='wissy']I only played the first and never got the second so I am glad to see this collection and with ECA it is a great deal. Now if only ICO and Shadow of the Colossus get the same treatment.[/QUOTE]

I'd pay a full $60 if ICO and SoC get a similar HD treatment with cleaned up textures. Those games were beautiful artistically, but I must say they had some of the worst aliasing and blurry texture work I've ever seen for a last generation game.
[quote name='dcm1602']I guess all the old movies from the 70s/80s/90s that are now on bluray must have been originally made in 1080p also ?[/QUOTE]

You're comparing film (completely different from digital) with 480i PS2 games.
[quote name='hmbtnguy']I'd pay a full $60 if ICO and SoC get a similar HD treatment with cleaned up textures. Those games were beautiful artistically, but I must say they had some of the worst aliasing and blurry texture work I've ever seen for a last generation game.[/QUOTE]

It'll be interesting to see if they go that route. I know ICO was something of a sleeper, but does anyone know how SoC sold in comparison with GOW? I imagine that would have something to do with any decision to reissue.
[quote name='dfo']It'll be interesting to see if they go that route. I know ICO was something of a sleeper, but does anyone know how SoC sold in comparison with GOW? I imagine that would have something to do with any decision to reissue.[/QUOTE]

ICO definitely sold poorly, but now it's become a rarity and quite the collectors item. Considering how much a used copy of ICO goes for I wouldn't be surprised if it was released in a ICO and SotC bundle. It would be a great way to garner interest in The Last Guardian... although this GoW collection is definitely the exception and not the norm when it comes to PS2 re-releases.
[quote name='dfo']It'll be interesting to see if they go that route. I know ICO was something of a sleeper, but does anyone know how SoC sold in comparison with GOW? I imagine that would have something to do with any decision to reissue.[/QUOTE]

I imagine it didn't do as well as God of War but it also achieved Greatest Hits status.
My Gold Box has been crap for the last week or so, but today it had the GoW collection, along with a bunch of crap. Sorry, Amazon, I don't need an electric rat zapper.
Purchased GOW 3 yesterday now this collection is in my gold box with eca it was 31.44. Now I will cancel GOW 3 and hopefully the collection will put GOW3 in gold box. Had to go back and make sure it was not using my free mp3s to make suggestions as well.
I will be grabbing a copy for sure. I own the first two, but feel they look pretty much like ass on my HDTV. Love the games. I too hope we can get SotC and Ico in this format.

[quote name='dcm1602']I guess all the old movies from the 70s/80s/90s that are now on bluray must have been originally made in 1080p also ?[/QUOTE]
I never played these on PS2, and never would've played them without this compilation. I'm glad to see it happening. Just preordered with the ECA discount.
No GoW Collection in my Gold Box...but I did finally get Uncharted 2 Pre-Order in there. $54.14...after ECA it comes to $48.44. Should I bite on that price?
[quote name='SmileyMcSmiles']No GoW Collection in my Gold Box...but I did finally get Uncharted 2 Pre-Order in there. $54.14...after ECA it comes to $48.44. Should I bite on that price?[/QUOTE]

I would get on Uncharted 2 for under $50; it will be well worth it.

I just got GOW collection in my Gold Box today; I think I'll bite since I can always cancel if I change my mind.
[quote name='drock']Just got an update from Amazon -- apparently the release date for this has moved up to November 16 2009.[/QUOTE]Same here. I updated the GOW3 thread in the PS3 forum, though couldn't find this thread. Glad someone did and posted the updated date in here.
I'm not sure what happened but I just got the GOW collection for $27.74. Is there a glitch that allows you to double up on a code if you had already put one during a previous session?
[quote name='homerojay']I'm not sure what happened but I just got the GOW collection for $27.74. Is there a glitch that allows you to double up on a code if you had already put one during a previous session?[/QUOTE]

Thats what I'm hoping for. ;) After months of garbage in my GB I finally had to place a "fake" pre-order to right it. I've got GT5, MAG, Uncharted 2, & R&C in my GB today. While I want those, I'd much rather have GoW Collection first.
Call me crazy, but things like this NEVER made sense too me.

Why would I buy a game that was already bought & played for last gen? Just like when Riddick came out on the 360, just cause they added some levels & upped the resolution doesn't mean anything to me.

I currently game for new experiences and not rehashes of older titles, I think this is a smack in the face of the gaming community & people who buy this only gives the developers that much more fuel.

Now if this pack included God Of War 3, then it would make sense, but two last gen games with hd resolution is not my idea of something new...... I guess I'm just a different gamer than most people here :roll:
bread's done