GOG Deals Thread

Not great... Pretty sure this has been cheaper, plus the game game has been bundled cheaply.

If you have none of it, want it all, and want it DRM-free, though, I guess it's an alright sale.
Indeed during steam summer sale Velvet edition that comes with the expansion was $6, it is also currently bundled, but it's the base version without the expansion.

This GOG version seems to be velvet edition + castle defense, though castle defense has a 3 install limit, take that as you will.

Indeed during steam summer sale Velvet edition that comes with the expansion was $6, it is also currently bundled, but it's the base version without the expansion.

This GOG version seems to be velvet edition + castle defense, though castle defense has a 3 install limit, take that as you will.
I don't think the GOG version will have that limit.
Wish GoG would release some OLD games for a change. I honestly don't care for new releases when I can get them elsewhere.

Worms 2 ain't really worth it. It's pretty much the same game as Armageddon, and as Mind Link pointed out, there's no multiplayer in the GOG version. Just buy Armageddon on Steam.

Classic Gem Promo

60% off Anvil of Dawn - $2.39

Back on May 18th, I posted about a Ubisoft catalog sale where most (if not all) of their catalog was 50% off. I didn't bother to itemize the games from that sale, but I would guess that this game was amongst them. So this was probably 50% off the last time it was on sale.

Classic Gem Promo

60% off Anvil of Dawn - $2.39

Back on May 18th, I posted about a Ubisoft catalog sale where most (if not all) of their catalog was 50% off. I didn't bother to itemize the games from that sale, but I would guess that this game was amongst them. So this was probably 50% off the last time it was on sale.
That game really looks amazing! I had it as an "abandonware" some years ago, but never managed to play it. Will look great in my backlog
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Looks like GOG has also thrown a "Special Promo" at us. Not sure if this is a one time thing, or if this is a new type of sale GOG is rolling out (similar to Steam's midweek deal).

50% off Etherlords 1&2, S2: Silent Storm

Etherlords - $2.99

Etherlords 2 - $2.99

S2: Silent Storm Gold Edition - $4.99

EDIT: Oh, apparently these three games got Russian language support added today. So this sale is in honor of that.

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Weekend Promo

Up to 75% Off Dungeons & Dragons Gems [SIZE=12pt]- Full bundle cost $26.40[/SIZE]

This is one of those "stacking" promos that all you kids love so much. For those unfamiliar with a stacking promo, it means that with each game that you buy, the discount percentage goes up. It starts as low as 40% off if you only buy one game, and rises to 75% off if you buy them all. Kinda sucks actually. Do yourself a favor, find somebody who already owns all the games to help you buy the games you want.

Anyway, the games. Prices listed are at full discount because I aint got time to list all the other possibilities.

Neverwinter Nights 2: complete  - $4.99 @ 75% off
Neverwinter Nights: Diamond Edition - $2.49 @ 75% off
Baldur's Gate: The Original Saga - $2.49 @ 75% off
Baldurs Gate 2: Complete - $2.49 @ 75% off
Planescape: Torment - $2.49 @ 75% off
Icewind Dale: Complete - $2.49 @ 75% off
Icewind Dale 2 Complete - $2.49 @ 75% off
Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone - $2.49 @ 75% off
Dungeons Dragons: Dragonshard - $2.49 @ 75% off
The Temple Of Elemental Evil - $1.49 @ 75% off

 PS: Stacking promos are pretty common with the D&D games.Recently though, they've been up to 80% off.

I don't recall stacking quite like this. Wasn't the last one different? Less accommodating?

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Now that you mention it, there appear to be two kinds of stacking promos.

In one version, the discount is a fixed percentage (say 50% off) if you buy any game (or games) that you want from the promo. But if you buy all the games from the promo, the discount jumps to a higher percentage (75 or 80% off). In that version, you need to buy them all to unlock a higher discount than the base discount

The other version works like the current one where the discount increases with each additional game that you add. So unless you only want one game (in which case, this discount would be kinda low), the current version of the stacking deal is clearly superior.

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lol I can't even tell if that's a joke or not.

If not, don't worry about it man. You're already super generous with the likes as it is. I appreciate it.
No joke. Maybe once a week I get:


I had an extra.
good shit

Weekend Promo

Up to 75% Off Dungeons & Dragons Gems [SIZE=12pt]- Full bundle cost $26.40[/SIZE]

This is one of those "stacking" promos that all you kids love so much. For those unfamiliar with a stacking promo, it means that with each game that you buy, the discount percentage goes up. It starts as low as 40% off if you only buy one game, and rises to 75% off if you buy them all. Kinda sucks actually. Do yourself a favor, find somebody who already owns all the games to help you buy the games you want.

Anyway, the games. Prices listed are at full discount because I aint got time to list all the other possibilities.

Neverwinter Nights 2: complete - $4.99 @ 75% off
Neverwinter Nights: Diamond Edition - $2.49 @ 75% off
Baldur's Gate: The Original Saga - $2.49 @ 75% off
Baldurs Gate 2: Complete - $2.49 @ 75% off
Planescape: Torment - $2.49 @ 75% off
Icewind Dale: Complete - $2.49 @ 75% off
Icewind Dale 2 Complete - $2.49 @ 75% off
Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone - $2.49 @ 75% off
Dungeons Dragons: Dragonshard - $2.49 @ 75% off
The Temple Of Elemental Evil - $1.49 @ 75% off

PS: Stacking promos are pretty common with the D&D games.Recently though, they've been up to 80% off.

Oh, hell yes!! I finally picked up a PC for gaming purposes like 6 months back (have been a Mac user for over 25 years) and I have been eyeballing the Baldur's Gate series, the Icewind Dale series, and the Neverwinter Night series since I got my computer. They are without question some of my all time favorite games and I have really wanted to go back and play them again. I was about to break down and pay full price ($9.99 per series) so this sale couldn't have come at a better time. $2.49 for these games!! Gaming deals don't get any better than this. I love GOG.com!!

I also noticed that GOG has all of the Spiderweb Software games series for the Mac, something I have begging Steam to add to the Mac line-up for like 9 months. Steam has the PC versions but not the Mac, which is really lame. GOG one ups Steam yet again in my book.

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Oh, hell yes!! I finally picked up a PC for gaming purposes like 6 months back (have been a Mac user for over 25 years) and I have been eyeballing the Baldur's Gate series, the Icewind Dale series, and the Neverwinter Night series since I got my computer. They are without question some of my all time favorite games and I have really wanted to go back and play them again. I was about to break down and pay full price ($9.99 per series) so this sale couldn't have come at a better time. $2.49 for these games!! Gaming deals don't get any better than this. I love GOG.com!!

I also noticed that GOG has all of the Spiderweb Software games series for the Mac, something I have begging Steam to add to the Mac line-up for like 9 months. Steam has the PC versions but not the Mac, which is really lame. Gog one ups Steam yet again in my book.

You should consider some aesthetic upgrades. 16:9 + high res might not interfere with your nostalgia.

And you just missed the Spiderweb Humble Weekly last month.

Spiderweb walkthroughs are available?! Who lost a couple years of their life writing those?

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You should consider some aesthetic upgrades. 16:9 + high res might not interfere with your nostalgia.

And you just missed the Spiderweb Humble Weekly last month.

Spiderweb walkthroughs are available?! Who lost a couple years of their life writing those?
Not sure what you mean by aesthetic upgrades?

That is a bummer on the Spiderware Software deal I missed. Unfortunately, I work 80-90 hours a week during the spring and summer months (the price I pay for only working 5 months out of the year) so checking gaming deals on a regular basis is pretty much impossible during that period of time. I have basically gotten used to missing killer deals during those months. That being said, I usually make up for it during the holiday sales.

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Weekend Promo

Up to 75% Off Dungeons & Dragons Gems [SIZE=12pt]- Full bundle cost $26.40[/SIZE]

This is one of those "stacking" promos that all you kids love so much. For those unfamiliar with a stacking promo, it means that with each game that you buy, the discount percentage goes up. It starts as low as 40% off if you only buy one game, and rises to 75% off if you buy them all. Kinda sucks actually. Do yourself a favor, find somebody who already owns all the games to help you buy the games you want.

Anyway, the games. Prices listed are at full discount because I aint got time to list all the other possibilities.

Neverwinter Nights 2: complete - $4.99 @ 75% off
Neverwinter Nights: Diamond Edition - $2.49 @ 75% off
Baldur's Gate: The Original Saga - $2.49 @ 75% off
Baldurs Gate 2: Complete - $2.49 @ 75% off
Planescape: Torment - $2.49 @ 75% off
Icewind Dale: Complete - $2.49 @ 75% off
Icewind Dale 2 Complete - $2.49 @ 75% off
Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone - $2.49 @ 75% off
Dungeons Dragons: Dragonshard - $2.49 @ 75% off
The Temple Of Elemental Evil - $1.49 @ 75% off

PS: Stacking promos are pretty common with the D&D games.Recently though, they've been up to 80% off.
Even though I own most of these games on disc(s) somewhere...

Imagine if all of this was in a Hasbro D&D Humble Bundle... ;)

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Anyone willing to buy for me that ToEE  @75% off? I can pay via paypal or amazon gc.

I have most of those games in disk but not in GOG.

Thanks "The End"!!

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"16:9 + high res"

Do you have a smartphone? You can just sign up to the bundle sites' newsletters and they'll send you emails when bundle pop up.
I assume its referring to a monitor, since 16:9 is an aspect ratio but I already own one of the nicest monitors on the market. If its not referring to a monitor, then once again it went right over my head. As for the smart phone, I do own one but I very rarely keep it with me during jobs. I am one of the few people out there that pretty much hate cell phones. So while that would be an option, its not one that really interests me. I appreciate the heads up tho. Fortunately most games go on sale time and time again. If you don't catch it the first time around, there will always be another chance later on down the line. Not sure if I will ever be able to match that Spiderweb Humble Bundle but you win some and you lose some. That's just life.

I assume its referring to a monitor, since 16:9 is an aspect ratio but I already own one of the nicest monitors on the market. If its not referring to a monitor, then once again it went right over my head. As for the smart phone, I do own one but I very rarely keep it with me during jobs. I am one of the few people out there that pretty much hate cell phones. So while that would be an option, its not one that really interests me. I appreciate the heads up tho. Fortunately most games go on sale time and time again. If you don't catch it the first time around, there will always be another chance later on down the line. Not sure if I will ever be able to match that Spiderweb Humble Bundle but you win some and you lose some. That's just life.
16:9 and 16:10 = widescreen resolutions, which implies that you'd be using mods to bring the old "square" resolutions (like 800x600) up to speed with current high res widescreen resolutions (like 1920x1080). Not only are these mods changing the aspect ratio, they're also making the game crisper and clearer.

Classic Gem Promo

60% off Chaos Overlords - $2.39

A tip of the hat to Mind Link for reminding me to check GOG thanks to his post in the steam thread.

EDIT: And now he's posted it here in this thread just above me. lol

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Thanks Juan. I did a bit of an edit to your post in the quote. Hope you don't mind.

EDIT: and the Witcher games are on sale on Steam right now as well for the same price.

Witcher 1 on Steam

Witcher 2 on Steam

If you're interested in buying the games, you might wanna consider buying them on steam, then registering them on GOG to get copies on GOG. You'd end up with copies on both services for the price of one copy. To register your game bought on steam (or any other DD store for that matter), take the key that you get from your non-GOG copy and visit this page.

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Thanks Juan. I did a bit of an edit to your post in the quote. Hope you don't mind.

EDIT: and the Witcher games are on sale on Steam right now as well for the same price.

Witcher 1 on Steam

Witcher 2 on Steam

If you're interested in buying the games, you might wanna consider buying them on steam, then registering them on GOG to get copies on GOG. You'd end up with copies on both services for the price of one copy. To register your game bought on steam (or any other DD store for that matter), take the key that you get from your non-GOG copy and visit this page.

Thanks for that reminder! This means I can buy a GOG key from somebody who bought it at Steam?

Weekend promo

50% off Thinking Gamer's Delight

FTL: Faster Than Light - $4.99
King of Dragon Pass - $2.99
Expeditions: Conquistador - $9.99
Zafehouse: Diaries - $4.99
Galactic Civilizations I: Ultimate Edition - $4.99
Overlord + Raising Hell - $4.99

Age of Wonders - $2.99
Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic - $4.99
Age of Wonders 2: The Wizard's Throne - $4.99
Battle Realms + Winter of the Wolf - $4.99
Reus - $4.99
Nexus: The Jupiter Incident - $4.99

I must be a thinking gamer (or at the very least, a thinking hoarder) because I own 75% of these either on GOG or steam.

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bread's done