Gran Turismo 5 - 1000+ Cars! - 1/6: GT5 XL Edition w/DLC & Spec 2.0 - 1/17 - $39.99

[quote name='Halo05']I worry that PD has literally no way to turn a profit with GT5 simply because they've been paying too many people for too many years.[/QUOTE]

Wat!? R U crazy... ? LOL
[quote name='Thomas96']I just like the fact that the devs were willing to put this amount of work into one single product when they could have easily have spanned this work out across multiple titles. No knock against the other titles and sequels. I hope sony pushes this game hard. If they do that, then they should be able to make enough money to cover their expenses.[/QUOTE]

They already have with GT5P and GT PSP. GT5 should be nearly full profit from day 1.
Really can't wait for this. I am even debating if I should buy Civ V or any other game between now and November 2, since it will be a lock that those games will collect dust after that.

The only downer is the new COD comes out a week later. After being late the the multi-player party on MW2, I was looking forward to getting started on Day 1.

I am still trying to decide on where to pre-order. I like the McLaren from Gamestop, but I think the SLS with the $10 credit from Amazon is probably going to be the way to go.

It would be nice if they gave you more info about the "5 exclusive high end cars" from the Collector's Edition.
[quote name='FroMann']I am still wondering how long it will take to install 10 gigs of data. :hot:[/QUOTE]

Well, I think MGS4 had a 4.5GB install that took 8 minutes... so 10GB install would probably last 16-17 minutes.

I honestly wonder how much that will help? If it means completely removing load times, I'll all for it.
[quote name='Halo05']I'm very, very excited for GT5, but a 5 year development cycle is unreal. Forza 1,2, and 3 were not rushed or shoddy. Same story with God of War 2 and 3, same with Final Fantasy 12 and 13, etc.

I worry that PD has literally no way to turn a profit with GT5 simply because they've been paying too many people for too many years. We shall see. I look forward to over-tuning my CRX and making it unsafe at any speed.[/QUOTE]

There's tons of other games to buy during that time and people have backlogs to begin with. Give me everything and the kitchen sink instead of giving me less spread out over more games to buy. I hate it when so many games release so quickly because you never get to take advantage of the whole game before you're onto another one, especially online.

(Article has wrong amount of copies sold, it should be over 5 million, but it does demonstrate that all of GT 5's costs are probably already made up, with the budget even as high as 80 million, now that Kaz doesn't want to talk about the budget anymore.)
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, which came out in April of 2008, has sold approximately 3.86 million copies worldwide. Assuming a $15 profit (on average), that’s $57 million. The actual profit may be less or more depending on Sony’s cut, but the rumored $60 million budget for Gran Turismo 5 has been almost completely paid for by Gran Turismo 5 Prologue alone.
[quote name='VipFREAK']That's nice n all but... uh... release it for home use........................ ?[/QUOTE]

GT5 is still two months away. You know perfectly well that if we get the demo it will be 2-3 weeks before release. Chill.
Sony needs to stop requesting PD to make all these demos and trailers. I guess though that if they allow PD more time to create more things and support more features they might as well get some PR out of it.
Damage anyone? (give the pics a few secs to appear)


More pics after Spoiler




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My BB didn't have the demo yesterday. Ah well, I'm all preordered now, pretty amazing year for video games 2010 is turning out to be.
FroMann that damage looks impressive. I had my doubts about PD doing damage like this but it looks a lot better than Forza's damage. Real time deformation versus pre-canned animation.
I'll take that kind of damage over car's splintering into 1,000's of pieces unrealistically. I would have preferred a few more pieces coming off in GT5, but it looks good (and real) so I'll take it.
My only complaint about the damage is that it looks like we wont be able to break the windows or headlights. Also we might not be able to have this type of damage on the Standard cars. We will just have to wait and see.
Has anyone gotten more detailed information about the book that comes with the CE? I'm trying to figure out if it'll be instructive about all the car parts or more of a "this is how many months it took to create each car" sort of thing...
Saw TGS footage of Gran Turismo 5. I think its safe to say dynamic whether (rain+snow) racing and night racing is confirmed, and it looks great.
Can't wait for this game. What has me going is the fact that there is like a head chief team career mode.

btw there is only a mandatory install of like some 300 mb, but the full install is said to be upwards to 10 gigs. I know GT5P was pretty much 6 gigs. Might be a shock to some users, but thank god for expandable hard drive space.
That 10 gig install is like LOL DONKEY PUNCH! Good thing I have a 320 gb hard drive in my PS3. Though I only have 30 gbs left. Might have to get a 640 gb drive.
[quote name='FroMann']Saw TGS footage of Gran Turismo 5. I think its safe to say dynamic whether (rain+snow) racing and night racing is confirmed, and it looks great.[/QUOTE]

Dynamic rain and snow! OMG.

[quote name='j-cart']Can't wait for this game. What has me going is the fact that there is like a head chief team career mode.

btw there is only a mandatory install of like some 300 mb, but the full install is said to be upwards to 10 gigs. I know GT5P was pretty much 6 gigs. Might be a shock to some users, but thank god for expandable hard drive space.[/QUOTE]

Expandable HDD & Bluray FTW. Just not possible to do this from a practical standpoint for more than a few games on 360. After a few games your HDD would be filled since installing would be a requirement unless you wanted to swap 4-5 discs in a game that is not an RPG and that's if they were able to structure a racing game in a way that works split into 4-5 parts.

Gran Turismo Anywhere:
At some point, Kazunori Yamauchi and his team at Polyphony Digital are going to be forced to stop adding functionality to the eternally in-development Gran Turismo 5. Until then, they continue to announce new features at every major press event. At this year's TGS, it's "Gran Turismo Anywhere," a new web portal for the racing sim. Features of GTA – actually, let's just call it Gran Turismo Anywhere – include My Home, which includes message boards, photo sharing, and the like, as well as Remote Races, which isn't real-time racing over the web, but rather a racing team management simulation.

Yamauchi also announced the X1, a virtual super car in Gran Turismo 5 that seeks to answer the following question: "What would a racing car, freed of all technical regulations look like?" Because F1 cars, rally cars, NASCAR cars, and go-karts just weren't enough, now GT5 also has make-believe cars in its virtual garage.








Nothing can top this game this generation...aside from perhaps GT6. Seriously, this has just about everything anyone could want from a racing perspective.
This was the trailer for the dynamic weather I was talking about. Unfortunately its straight from the live stream, so it is in really low quality. I'll update this post if a Higher Quality or HD version is released.

There was also this one during the show showing off Red Bulls new race car they developed with Polyphony Digital. The X1 Prototype. I guess all the Red Bull I drank was worth it if this is in the game. ;)
[quote name='ReportAGamer']NASCAR SchMasCAR[/QUOTE]
I live in a Nascar state, so its a plus for me. Watching a race on TV is boring though, sitting up in the stands and seeing the entire race is a hell of a lot better experience. Plus Nascar allows you to bring in your own food and drink. So you can bring a bucket of KFC and a cooler full of beer. :cool:

Joystiq just posted some more images including the new Laguna Seca, Sarth 2009 at night, Trial Mountain, New my home menu, premium models of some old Volkswagen vehicles from WWII and a Bus!

also one of the commenters left a link for the weather trailer in HQ from Polyphonys Japan website.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']

Gran Turismo Anywhere:[/QUOTE]

The amount of features they're including is mind boggling and I would not mind more games taking this long to be made if they all turned out like this. The value for your money is huge and there's more than enough other games to play in the meantime. This is what DNF should have been times 2. I can only imagine what a developer could cook up if they spent 10 years on 1 game and did it the right way not some fail crap.
fucking Nov 2. can't come soon enough... I am so pumped for this game right now I can't even put it in words. All I would like to know b/w now and the release is a steady flow of tracks/variations and cars. I don't know, maybe 75 cars and 5 tracks a week for the next 6 weeks, that would equal to 450 cars and 30 cars respectively.

One thing that I still am curious of is how broad is the online component. Will we be able to create our won leagues, tourneys, point limitation, car limitation (power/build wise)
I noticed while looking at the fact sheet that the import feature for cars from GT5 Prologue and GT PSP is just for the arcade mode, so you won't have an unfair start to the career mode if you've earned a bunch of cars in either of those games.
That's great since I have a game save on Prologue with all the cars. I could give a shit about "unfair start". The less bull I have to go though again the better.
[quote name='VipFREAK']That's great since I have a game save on Prologue with all the cars. I could give a shit about "unfair start". The less bull I have to go though again the better.[/QUOTE]

Reading comprehension isn't your strongest skill, is it?
Read this with me:
Transferable cars only APPLY to the ARCADE MODE - now, read it again and then think about it for a second. It'll hit you eventually.
Ugh, I played some prologue in my friend's ridiculously expensive racing seat set up and I'm not sure if I want to get GT5 to simply play with a dualshock anymore...
[quote name='panzerfaust']Ugh, I played some prologue in my friend's ridiculously expensive racing seat set up and I'm not sure if I want to get GT5 to simply play with a dualshock anymore...[/QUOTE]

You can get the Driving Force GT Racing Wheel from Amazon for $132 plus $30 mail-in rebate (only valid through tomorrow):

Additionally, I started a thread in the Video Game Deals forum that included a 25% off coupon for gaming accessories on the Logitech website--this worked on both the $150 GT racing wheel and the $300 one (can't remember the name).

However, YMMV with the coupon. It was supposed to be good until October 1st but I just went looking for it on the site I found it on and it's not listed there anymore. Give it a shot if you want to buy one between September 26th and October 1st.
[quote name='VipFREAK']That's great since I have a game save on Prologue with all the cars. I could give a shit about "unfair start". The less bull I have to go though again the better.[/QUOTE]

Is it as satisfying to skip out on the beginning of a game? It depends on the person and their prior experience with a series. To each their own, what you prefer you can do, I wouldn't stop you, but to the developers I guess they would feel it is not right. They've probably deliberated this enough to make the best decision.
[quote name='J7.']Is it as satisfying to skip out on the beginning of a game? It depends on the person and their prior experience with a series. To each their own, what you prefer you can do, I wouldn't stop you, but to the developers I guess they would feel it is not right. They've probably deliberated this enough to make the best decision.[/QUOTE]

Being a car fan and having every GT game (even GT concept which I still can't play...) and both FM 2 and 3, it gets old doing the same thing over and over... I don't need to re-get my license thanks (already know how to drive), I don't need to race the same damn series again just to have money to get the cars I want... I buy a car game to enjoy the cars I won't get in real life. It's why I stress physics and realism. I could give a shit about if I have the best time or get first in an online race or whatever else people try to use to inflate their head with...
[quote name='VipFREAK']Being a car fan and having every GT game (even GT concept which I still can't play...) and both FM 2 and 3, it gets old doing the same thing over and over... I don't need to re-get my license thanks (already know how to drive), I don't need to race the same damn series again just to have money to get the cars I want... I buy a car game to enjoy the cars I won't get in real life. It's why I stress physics and realism. I could give a shit about if I have the best time or get first in an online race or whatever else people try to use to inflate their head with...[/QUOTE]

I think I covered all that, right?

My point was - to the developers they feel it is not right to do that and they've probably weighed all the positives and negatives about the decision far beyond what we've talked about here. It's nice that they did it for arcade at least.

You can bet some reviewers out there would unfairly degrade them for it, even if indirectly, more than those would commend them for it because more reviewers would skip than play through it and wouldn't be giving every player the info they want. This is one example among many. Would they be able to do it without breaking the game is another example, on the surface I would say yes they would, but we don't know what it would take to accomplish it. We'd could go on and on about this.

You want to avoid playing through the crap parts? Download a save off gamefaqs. Find one of the many exploits longtime players of GT use that allow them to amass money fast and easily. Last time I checked they gave you a monetary bonus for importing a save, nothing huge, but it's something.
The official GT site has some good info on the features announced at TGS:

Read about the brand new features announced for Gran Turismo 5 at Tokyo Game Show on September 16, 2010.


1. My Home
Interact with friends, on and off the track

The "My Home" screen is home to your complete game progress and shows how far you have left to go. From the My Home screen you can access three distinct areas: GT LIFE, Profiles, and Community. GT Life was previously revealed at GamesCom, and at TGS further details of the community aspect of Gran Turismo 5 were revealed in detail.

Simple Communication Via the Friend List

A major feature of the Community in Gran Turismo 5 is of course the private online racing between you and your PlayStation®Network friends, but there is also a variety of communication features at your fingertips. Among them is a message board, mail, and sharing of screenshots and custom courses made with Course Maker.

Your very own message board where you and your friends can post.
Send cars and upgrade parts to friends.
Share your best pictures from Photo Mode with friends.

Online Racing Between Friends


Hang out with friends in your My Lounge private racing room within Community, where up to 16 friends can gather to hold online races.

Lend and Borrow AI Drivers to Gain Experience

There is also a special mode in Community called "Remote Races" where you can compete in B-Spec mode by selecting an AI driver and a car of your own to pit against a friend's AI driver and car. Your friends must set their drivers to "public" for you to race against them.

This also means that in turn, any AI drivers that you set to be public may be called out to race by friends from your friends list. When this happens, your AI drivers will participate in your friends' remote races even without your knowledge.

You can watch the races that you host in Remote Races, but you will not be able to give your drivers any direction as a race director like you can in the standard B-spec mode. This is to keep the races with your friends' online AI drivers fair, as they won't be there to coach their drivers.

2. Dynamic Weather System
Experience Real-Time Weather Changes with Realistic Rain (Good thing cars now have working wipers)

In addition to the time transition feature announced at E3 in June, where you can experience the day to night transition of time during a race, Gran Turismo 5 will also have real-time weather changes on select tracks.

Factors like temperature, pressure and humidity are all calculated to help simulate weather conditions that change dynamically. Rainfall will alter the course scenery and conditions, changing the dynamics of the race. Combined with new visual effects like time transitions and realistic tire smoke simulation, Gran Turismo 5 offers a detailed and immersive racing experience like no other.

Just imagine racing as the early evening sky turns purple. You start to see sprinkles of rain hit your windshield. Rain drops are lit by headlights ahead of you, and mist from the tires of the car in front of you blankets your windshield. You hit the wipers to clear your view of the road and get back to the task at hand: finishing the race and hopefully coming in first.

*Note that not all courses will incorporate these visual effects.
*Note that windshield wipers will only operate on premium model cars.

New Tracks
New Cars
The Story of the Isuzu 4200R Concept
Saw this linked in the article that talks a bit more about the online stuff:

3. My Lounge
A Private Space for the Ultimate Track Day

In Gran Turismo 5, every player has his or her very own private racing lobby online called "My Lounge." Only people on your PlayStation®Network Friends list can enter.

In My Lounge, players can pick the track of their choice, set up custom race regulations, and hold private custom racing events with their friends. Up to 16 players can race at the same time. It's even possible to sit back and watch without having to join the race yourself, with a variety of race camera views available. People in the lounge can even do free runs around the track before the race begins.

Imagine this: You set a time for a race using the in-game messaging feature, and wait for people to gather while you do free runs around the track. Your friends start to join, with people doing laps to warm up. Once everyone has arrived, it's time to race. Anybody not racing can watch the race live and chat with everyone else there.

Watch live races via one of many different camera angles.
Monitor the lap times and best section times of friends as they race, and chat by voice or text.
Jump to a camera view like this to watch the race from the perspective of the drivers.
With all of the different modes and features, I'm interested in seeing how they handle the trophies.
I can see Sony allowing PD to have 100+ trophies for this game, perhaps a few Platinums too. There's just so much in this game it would be a shame to require players to complete everything to get just 1 Platinum...
[quote name='J7.']I think I covered all that, right?

My point was - to the developers they feel it is not right to do that and they've probably weighed all the positives and negatives about the decision far beyond what we've talked about here. It's nice that they did it for arcade at least.

You can bet some reviewers out there would unfairly degrade them for it, even if indirectly, more than those would commend them for it because more reviewers would skip than play through it and wouldn't be giving every player the info they want. This is one example among many. Would they be able to do it without breaking the game is another example, on the surface I would say yes they would, but we don't know what it would take to accomplish it. We'd could go on and on about this.

You want to avoid playing through the crap parts? Download a save off gamefaqs. Find one of the many exploits longtime players of GT use that allow them to amass money fast and easily. Last time I checked they gave you a monetary bonus for importing a save, nothing huge, but it's something.[/QUOTE]

*sigh* You just don't get it dude. It's not about what we or developers want. It's all about what Mr. Freak wants. That's why he's so mean to us and spits shit all over PD. PD doesn't give a shit about what freak wants so why should he? Even though he is still going to get the game, grind through it and love it, he needs to keep his face straight on the internetz because it's what he feels will make him cool. /end sarcasm.

Why do you waste your time?
[quote name='Bazylik']*sigh* You just don't get it dude. It's not about what we or developers want. It's all about what Mr. Freak wants. That's why he's so mean to us and spits shit all over PD. PD doesn't give a shit about what freak wants so why should he? Even though he is still going to get the game, grind through it and love it, he needs to keep his face straight on the internetz because it's what he feels will make him cool. /end sarcasm.

Why do you waste your time?[/QUOTE]


Everyone is catching on to his little game
[quote name='FroMann']I can't wait to see the trophy list, I am hoping it will be hard but rewarding like WipEout HD.[/QUOTE]

I just hope it doesn't involve getting gold on each license challenge. I could never get all those. I could do silver on most, and gold and bronze on a few.
[quote name='VipFREAK']Being a car fan and having every GT game (even GT concept which I still can't play...) and both FM 2 and 3, it gets old doing the same thing over and over... I don't need to re-get my license thanks (already know how to drive), I don't need to race the same damn series again just to have money to get the cars I want... I buy a car game to enjoy the cars I won't get in real life. It's why I stress physics and realism. I could give a shit about if I have the best time or get first in an online race or whatever else people try to use to inflate their head with...[/QUOTE]

Man they need to make GT The sunday drive sim for you. You can jump in your favorite car and just go cruise around. You don't need tracks, competition or any time tracking.

You know they rent high end cars, you could stop buying every copy of GT and go rent a some exotic cars and actually be behind the wheel.
[quote name='iwannadie']Man they need to make GT The sunday drive sim for you. You can jump in your favorite car and just go cruise around. You don't need tracks, competition or any time tracking.

You know they rent high end cars, you could stop buying every copy of GT and go rent a some exotic cars and actually be behind the wheel.[/QUOTE]

You just gave me an idea of what would be a perfect game that suits freak's lifestyle. Test Drive Unlimited is catered just for him. :lol::lol:
bread's done