Grand Theft Auto IV - First Trailer 3/29/2007


It's just too much game.
Holy shit if that map is real. They BETTER include the waypoint system like in Saint's Row. The reason why I had stop playing San Andreas was because the map was too fucking big and I didn't want to spent the time memorizing the routes to places like I had to in GTA 3. I'll say it now. If there's no waypoint system, there's no way I'll play this game for an extended amount of time.
I'm sorry am I the only person who wishes they just used the map of NYC. I mean it would be so AWESOME to drive through Staten Island and the Bronx. (I guess gta3 did it?)
That map just looks fake. It's just the LC, VC, and SA maps spliced together with questionable results. The shitty-looking DC (why would Rockstar go for a real name?) map and the quality difference between Vice City and Liberty City compared to San Andreas is rather large. Then there's no link by RF, so it's legitimacy is further in question.
The graphics look great. Someone's already said it but I'm still playing PS2 on a non HD tv, I think the graphics look awsome. I can't wait for this game. How are those graphics bad? They look pretty real to me. Hopefully the gameplay is somewhat fresh too. The game is going to be amazing.
[quote name='Blackout542']The graphics look great. Someone's already said it but I'm still playing PS2 on a non HD tv, I think the graphics look awsome. I can't wait for this game. How are those graphics bad? They look pretty real to me. Hopefully the gameplay is somewhat fresh too. The game is going to be amazing.[/quote]I also agree, the game looks simply stunning. Anycomplaint about how the game looks (based on these shots) are from people who A: are blind, and B: are spoiled gamers.

I can still pick up my Atari 2600 and have a good time.
i was so hyped about this trailer that i was nervous i'd get let down by it, i was actually jumping around at work at 6pm trying to get a computer to actually view it, then i saw it, and i was even more hyped up, october can't come soon enough for me as this will be a day 1 purchase for me,
looks like it's NYC. i like the "GetaLife" building. lol its the "MetLife" building.

brooklyn bridge, statue of liberty, empire state building, chrysler building, wall street. its all i the trailer :)

sounds like a russian mob based story this time. judging from the guys accent.
Intriguing so far...looks great as well.

[quote name='trip1eX']The graphics look great. I was thinking the trailer is just cutscenes though.[/QUOTE]

GTA has never used CGI cutscenes or anything like that.

edit: of course the map is real. R* doesn't dupe fans like that. It doesn't look unbelievable at all--plenty of real textures and imperfections. the systems are powerful this gen ;)

edit edit: nevermind, I thought people were just talking about the world in the trailer
Looks very good, though the (presumably main) character model was rather underwhelming given today's hardware capabilities.

I can't wait for it, but I can't exactly say that this video knocked my socks off.

I also just got home, so I wasn't able to see an image of the map everyone was getting hot and bothered about a few pages back. Can anyone repost an image of it?
[quote name='mykevermin']Looks very good, though the (presumably main) character model was rather underwhelming given today's hardware capabilities.

I can't wait for it, but I can't exactly say that this video knocked my socks off.

I also just got home, so I wasn't able to see an image of the map everyone was getting hot and bothered about a few pages back. Can anyone repost an image of it?[/quote]

It was here, but the bandwidth was apparently too much for it. It was basically a photoshopped map connecting Liberty City, San Andreas, and Vice City with a new city (District of Colombia, spelling intentional) and some fluff islands with San Andreas being the only clean-looking part of the map.
[quote name='angrywolf']Damn it, yet another GTA taking place in a NYC-like place:bomb: LA...Miami...NYC...Chicago gets no love:cry:[/QUOTE]
San Andreas was like Inglewood in the 90's I thought. That's just about LA. At least, from what I know from watching Boys N The Hood and Menace 2 Society.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']It was here, but the bandwidth was apparently too much for it. It was basically a photoshopped map connecting Liberty City, San Andreas, and Vice City with a new city (District of Colombia, spelling intentional) and some fluff islands with San Andreas being the only clean-looking part of the map.[/QUOTE]

So it wasn't even legit? Gotcha. Nevermind, in that case.
[quote name='mykevermin']So it wasn't even legit? Gotcha. Nevermind, in that case.[/quote]
There was nothing that backed it up as legit, so it's most likely fake.
Looks really good. Glad to see the attention to detail.

But the best parts are the advertisements on the billboards and things-

Heart-Stopper Burger.

Sprunk Soda, "The Essence of Life".

Me TV Theater, showing "All About Me".

And the coming movie billboard: "I Slept With Your Mom".

[quote name='propeller_head']sounds like a russian mob based story this time. judging from the guys accent.[/QUOTE]
It's probably not going to be Russian mob tale. Judging by what the character said, and the last Grand Theft Auto titles, you'll probably play as a fish out of water.

After all, the series Scarface undertones (or overtones) of being a fish out of water, and makin' it big, has been one of the series' biggest appeals.
Am I the only one who got the vibe that the main character might be a Muslim? I'm not sure why, but Russian wasn't the first thing that sprung to mind when I watched the trailer. It'd be very Rockstar to do something controversial like that.

That said, I can't wait. It looks amazing. Coney Island, watch out!
[quote name='Jek Porkins']Muslim?[/QUOTE]

His accent sounded Russian, to me.
At first, I thought he was Middle Eastern, because of his voice and look. It didn't click right away that he was Russian. I'd actually had preferred that.

I don't think the accent was that identifying, or I'm half-retarded.
How he says "complicated" and "things" sounds very Russian.

And the fact that he refers to selling people is very Russian.
[quote name='Brak']It's probably not going to be Russian mob tale. Judging by what the character said, and the last Grand Theft Auto titles, you'll probably play as a fish out of water.

After all, the series Scarface undertones (or overtones) of being a fish out of water, and makin' it big, has been one of the series' biggest appeals.[/quote] well thats not totally what i mean. but in GTA you do run jobs for different organized crime sometimes.

and he was crossing the brooklyn bridge. and brighton beach in brooklyn is where the russian mob is centralized in the US.

plus that accent is russian if ive ever heard it.
I imagine this to be more as a group effort. As all the other ones had you as the "Lone fish" and you worked for many different gangs, just a hired thug. I see this one being more as you are part of the russian mob, they are here, and trying to take over NYC.
[quote name='darkrage']Environments look good. Charactor models? not so much.[/quote]
Imagine it's 6 months away and not the final build ... there you go, now you see they have time to polish.

Anyway, people are saying that they're "going back to Liberty City", but this is obviously MUCH larger than LC ... plus LC never had docks big enough for freight ships and the multiple spanning bridges within distance of each other. I really cannot wait to see what they do, as long as they avoid the filler BS like they did with Vice City Stories.
[quote name='Brak']After all, the series Scarface undertones (or overtones) of being a fish out of water, and makin' it big, has been one of the series' biggest appeals.[/QUOTE]

Like a Reagan-era Horatio Alger tale!

Good point; however Tommy (Vice City) and Dude (GTAIII) didn't have such humble beginnings, and CJ (that's the San Andreas guy, right?) grew up around small-time gangsters.

My guess? "It's going to be different" means you'll be ex-Mob or ex-KGB kinda crap, trying to "go straight" in the United States; of course, this being GTA, we know that won't end up being the case (though it would be slightly amusing to have your first few missions involve helping old women across the street, applying for work, and delivering groceries). :lol:
I thought the graphics were pretty sweet, but the thing that really caught my attention was the short look we got at pedestrians. All of them look unique. Some are holding grocery bags, newspapers, etc., just going about their way. The visuals may not be absolutely, postively MINDBLOWING, but I think Rockstar is going to blow us away with a genuine living, breathing city. I'm ready.
Great teaser trailer, great-looking game, depressing thread. "Hate the gamer*, not the game," I always say.

(This comes from skimming back a few pages and finding much 'pointless bickering' first, but whatever. The general observation remains.)

*--EDIT: Removed boring footnote tangent. Let's just say that's true roughly half the time for me.
[quote name='Brak']How he says "complicated" and "things" sounds very Russian.

And the fact that he refers to selling people is very Russian.[/quote]

I was guess serbian and he looks serbian. He looks like the dude from Behind Enemy Lines. The sniper dude that chases Owen Wilson.
[quote name='jollydwarf']*--I'd say based on message board posts alone, I would reflexively dislike anywhere from 33%-50% of people who consider themselves (avid) "gamers". They're largely why I'm still trying to find a label for myself that says that I really enjoy games but am anything but a "gamer". I don't know..."game enthusiast"? "Gaming dude?" Too many people with inevitably too much emotional investment in games and defending their position, however creaky it may be.[/QUOTE]

How does "flagrantly self-loathing prat" sound to you?
bread's done