Grand Theft Auto IV - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']That stunt jump is actually the easiest one: all you have to do is slowly take the jump and land in the walkway between the bridge.[/quote]

And that's why I stopped playing. The game was telling me I wasn't good enough when in fact I was too good.

The DLC is going to be interesting. There is no way in hell MS will sell $50M in DLC for this game unless they bundle it was a platinum hits version of the game.
[quote name='jkanownik']And that's why I stopped playing. The game was telling me I wasn't good enough when in fact I was too good.

The DLC is going to be interesting. There is no way in hell MS will sell $50M in DLC for this game unless they bundle it was a platinum hits version of the game.[/quote]

I don't think MS really needs to sell $50 million in DLC to make up for profits, sicne they are getting indirect profits. The DLC might have been incentive for people to buy XBOX 360's over PS3's or to buy GTA on the 360 and not the PS3. Even if these people don't buy the DLC, they still contributed to MS in some way.
I finally finished the Pigeon hunt. In addition to it being super annoying, who else is totally disappointed with the Annihilator Helicopter? No rockets, and it's impossible to aim towards the ground. Very 'meh.' I can do more damage on foot.

Oh well, at least I got the achievement.
It looks like this is surfacing as a commonly known glitch in the game. Check out all the videos/threads about it: Sucks I just happen to be victimized by it.

One guy wrote:
I don't know if anybody else has experienced this problem or if this has already been posted but I'm stuck on the Final Interview Mission! I cannot do anything besides side missions for Brucie which I've completed and hanging out with dates and Roman. Lil Jacob will not even answer his phone whether I call or want to hang out. In fact nobody answers their phone besides Roman and the girlfriends.

I submitted my resume and waited for a call but all I got was a text message saying something along the lines of we are busy at the moment we will get back to you. I have not even received the call once and I've been through two or more weeks in 'GTA time' which is a lot of hours of boredom in 'real life' time. I have done some research and I have a suit and shoes from Perseus, I haven't used any cheats and I have sleepmode off, no schedules on my phone and I just can't understand why I'm not getting this call!

In fact I've read on a little more and found many people are having the same problem and it is the most annoying glitch I've personally experienced! I am cursing my luck at the moment and it was stupid on my part not having multiple game saves.

Basically just wanted to make people aware of this problem as it may seem the problem occurs in the order of missions/side missions you do. Apparently other users have reported even if you saved before this Final Interview mission you still will not get the call because the problem has been well underway!

I hope to G-d I'm not in his boat and am able to reschedule the appointment. I got it scheduled initially at least, I just cant get the icon or yellow marker to show up.
[quote name='pittpizza']You ahve to press LB next ot the intercom???

Shouldnt there be a yellow arrow you just have to step into?

I don't think i tried pressign LB next to the intercom.[/quote]

Did you buy a suit with a tie? Some of the suits you buy at Perseus won't allow you to continue on a mission without a tie.

N/m, here is what somebody wrote on another forum (spelling errors and all hehe):
No, the mission wasnt starting. I figured it out though, all I had to do was wait and do a different mission, the lawyers recalled me, and the missiion was finally available agaian
[quote name='pittpizza']It looks like this is surfacing as a commonly known glitch in the game. Check out all the videos/threads about it:,+GTA+IV,+stuck Sucks I just happen to be victimized by it.

One guy wrote:

I hope to G-d I'm not in his boat and am able to reschedule the appointment. I got it scheduled initially at least, I just cant get the icon or yellow marker to show up.[/quote]

It sounds like it will just reschedule again, but if you have the time, you might want to just walk up to the intercom on the side of the building and hit LB just to make sure.

I know that Elizabeta dissapeared from my map at one point but luckily I had put a way point on her location earlier on. I drove to the way point and even though her "E" was not on the map, the yellow indicator was on the ground and I was able to do her last mission.

I know it is not the same issue, but it could be just that the marker just isn't showing up outside the building. I can't remember if there even was a marker but I know I had to walk up to the intercom to get into the building.
[quote name='help1']I don't think MS really needs to sell $50 million in DLC to make up for profits, sicne they are getting indirect profits. The DLC might have been incentive for people to buy XBOX 360's over PS3's or to buy GTA on the 360 and not the PS3. Even if these people don't buy the DLC, they still contributed to MS in some way.[/quote]

I don't think it will be a problem in selling $50mill in DLC...I would assume that the DLC is going to cost at least $20...I believe there is 3 exclusive DLC, and I would asssume that each one will move at least 1 mill of them. The $50 mill they gave rockstar was a deposit on future revenue shares of rockstars cut of the DLC sales. So up untill rockstars cut of the DLC hits $50 million, msft doesn't have to give them anything extra. While I don't think it will be an issue, I wonder what will happen if sales of the DLC doesn't hit the $50mill cut that rockstar is owed.
I definitely have a tie on, and I definitely don't have any shades or hats on, and I definitely have black loafers from Perseus on.

I'm always there on time for every appointment but cant even get in. It's like I'm wasting my time trying until I can get the icon to appear. WTF!!!!????

AAARRRGGGGGGHHHH If I have to go back to a 4 day old save I'm gonna be soooo pissed. Even then, what is to say that it will work on that playthrough?

[quote name='pittpizza']I definitely have a tie on, and I definitely don't have any shades or hats on, and I definitely have black loafers from Perseus on.

I'm always there on time for every appointment but cant even get in. It's like I'm wasting my time trying until I can get the icon to appear. WTF!!!!????

AAARRRGGGGGGHHHH If I have to go back to a 4 day old save I'm gonna be soooo pissed. Even then, what is to say that it will work on that playthrough?


maybe your shoes. Try the wing tipped ones or whatever they are called. Or the most expensive pair they have..........
[quote name='pittpizza']I definitely have a tie on, and I definitely don't have any shades or hats on, and I definitely have black loafers from Perseus on.

I'm always there on time for every appointment but cant even get in. It's like I'm wasting my time trying until I can get the icon to appear. WTF!!!!????

AAARRRGGGGGGHHHH If I have to go back to a 4 day old save I'm gonna be soooo pissed. Even then, what is to say that it will work on that playthrough?


If it dont show up, get a car and go to pay n spray and get it done. That should fast forward 3 hours without having to save. Maybe then they will reschedule?
[quote name='pittpizza']I definitely have a tie on, and I definitely don't have any shades or hats on, and I definitely have black loafers from Perseus on.

I'm always there on time for every appointment but cant even get in. It's like I'm wasting my time trying until I can get the icon to appear. WTF!!!!????

AAARRRGGGGGGHHHH If I have to go back to a 4 day old save I'm gonna be soooo pissed. Even then, what is to say that it will work on that playthrough?


Ok, are you standing infront of the door near the steps? Also, I remember that with most missions, you can't stand right in front of the door. If you do, then the yellow marker will never appear. What my suggestion is, is to drive and sit in front of the steps by the building. The yellow marker should then appear. Just my 2 cents.
Here is the "ting" (I LOVE lil' Jacob): They are constantly calling and rescheduling. I've been doing missions for the past hour and time is going by. It goes like this:

1st: Call from Francis asking how the interview went. I tell him I missed it, maybe they'll resched, he says "They better"

2nd: Message from Lawyers saying new time for interview.

3rd: Message from Francis saying don't forget about (new) interview and to wear tie/shoes.

4th: Reminder from organizer about interviewIve went to my safehouse, saved, done missions for diff. people, drove to different islands. And still, no icon ever shows up on my map, and everytime I go there there is no yellow arrow. LB does nothign at the buzzer. I see people in there, but can't get in. I don't have shades or a hat on.

At the risk of sounding repetitive, I'd really like to extend heartfelt thanks to those trying to help me. It is in video gaming's "tough times" that make me love posting here. It (getting stuck in games) is actually what introduced me to vid. game msg board posting.
[quote name='pittpizza']Advice?[/quote]

Do you have any friends that have GTA IV? Maybe you could borrow their disc and play your game save with it?

Perhaps that will trigger the mission properly...and then you'll know if something's wrong with your disc.
Thats a good idea, about the suit and the disc exchange. I can take it back and swap it for a diff. disc too. First I'll rebuy a diff. suit and shoes, then try to go to another interview; then I'll try doing a lot more missions to see if it ever opens up.
I've looked all around and can't figure it out.

I opened the third Island at about 18 hours. Will I get to the 30 hour achievement easily, or do I need to bust my ass? Or am I so far behind that it's not worth my time?
[quote name='help1']I don't think MS really needs to sell $50 million in DLC to make up for profits, sicne they are getting indirect profits. The DLC might have been incentive for people to buy XBOX 360's over PS3's or to buy GTA on the 360 and not the PS3. Even if these people don't buy the DLC, they still contributed to MS in some way.[/quote]

Which is why I got my 360 this Christmas. The PS3 is definitely on my list, especially with bluray, but with GTA having the DLC on the 360 = the prime reason I bought a 360. Then with COD4 and Saints Row occupying all my time until GTA, I doubt I'll ever get through the backlog Ive racked up.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']one other way to fix it that I did when I had the problem was go to pursaeus and rebuy a full suit and then some nice shoes... that should do it.[/QUOTE]


For some reason the I just showed up. I kept on doing other missions, bought a new and different suit, and all of a sudden it showed up one interview time period (9am to 12 noon). I wore an obsidian suit and black loafers. I look pimp I have to admit, dunno if I'll keep it on though.

Anyway, who the heck knows why, it just worked this time. The map icon was present and so was the yellow arrow. You do not have to press LB to ring the buzzer.

I'm really psyched, as you can tell that was really bothering me.

Thanks again for trying to help me everybody!! Super helpful community. Thanks.
Just played Multiplayer a couple of days ago. It seemed... mehh. The gametypes where long periods of driving is needed, are pretty boring. Maybe it's better when you're playing with friends.
[quote name='Littlefields']Just played Multiplayer a couple of days ago. It seemed... mehh. The gametypes where long periods of driving is needed, are pretty boring. Maybe it's better when you're playing with friends.[/QUOTE]

mehh, is a good way to describe multiplayer. Quite lackluster, fun but mehh. Kind of sucky too.
[quote name='pittpizza']mehh, is a good way to describe multiplayer. Quite lackluster, fun but mehh. Kind of sucky too.[/quote]

the problem is that most people want to play on the whole city with only 8 people
[quote name='scrub0bk']im goin for 100% but i dont know how to get the guy to text me the pics of cars he needs, any help anyone?[/quote]

After doing the missions "No. 1" and "Smackdown", which are both for Brucie I believe, Stevie will text you with the cars. After getting the first car head back to the safe house and save your game. When you "wake up" you will get another message. Repeat 29 more times. He will text you every 6 hours. This is the reason for the saving.
my friends enjoy the multiplayer but then they mostly want to cause traffic jams and see how many stars they can get and how long they can survive that way before dying *shrug*.
[quote name='Fireshot']After doing the missions "No. 1" and "Smackdown", which are both for Brucie I believe, Stevie will text you with the cars. After getting the first car head back to the safe house and save your game. When you "wake up" you will get another message. Repeat 29 more times. He will text you every 6 hours. This is the reason for the saving.[/QUOTE]This might be a dumb question. I just got my first text from Stevie yesterday. I haven't gone looking for the car yet, and I've been doing other things; a race, a couple missions, a date. I don't need to find that first car within those six hours, do I? Like, if he texts me with the second car and I haven't found the first one yet, have I lost my chance to get it?
Stevie won't text you any of the other cars until you get him the first one. After that you should get a text within a day in the game with the next car to go after. So don't worry about having a time limit on getting the cars, you can do it at your own pace, since he will never send you a text for another car until you get the one before it. Hope that helped you out a bit.
No limit. As MinDistortionz it's all at your own pace. I got the cars while on my pigeon killing bonanza. 2 birds 1 stone......
I actually did all the Stevie car missions while I was messing around taking out the police missions. Worked out pretty nice. 2 birds with one stone like you say.:D Now on to the hidden Flying rats, which I'm dreading at the moment.:roll:
Guys and Gals, I can't tell you how relieved I am I was able to finally do "...Final Interview." I was worried not being able to do that would ruin the game for me, and now I just love it more than ever. I love how it sort of fixed it's own glitch or whatever the problem was simply by me doing other missions and having time passing.

[quote name='MinDistortionz']I actually did all the Stevie car missions while I was messing around taking out the police missions. Worked out pretty nice. 2 birds with one stone like you say.:D Now on to the hidden Flying rats, which I'm dreading at the moment.:roll:[/quote]

is there any way to to set a map marker for the cars?
[quote name='PINKO']is there any way to to set a map marker for the cars?[/QUOTE]You can set a custom map marker in the general area, but once you get there it's up to you to hunt around and find the car in question.
[quote name='PINKO']is there any way to to set a map marker for the cars?[/quote]

Like a way point to where the car Stevie is looking for? If so you have to use the clues he gives you in the text as well as the picture he sends you. I used the map the game came with to help with the locations of the cars. Is this what your asking?
Cool tip for Final Interview:
When I did it, I just used a pistol to take him out. Then the receptionist comes in, screams, and you have to shoot your way out of the place. When my roommate did the mission, he used the knife. No receptionist, security guards, no cops. Just walked out of the building, mission complete.
[quote name='emdub']Cool tip for Final Interview:
When I did it, I just used a pistol to take him out. Then the receptionist comes in, screams, and you have to shoot your way out of the place. When my roommate did the mission, he used the knife. No receptionist, security guards, no cops. Just walked out of the building, mission complete.

One other "avoiding the shootout" tip for this mission:
Just blast the window behind the lawyer and jump down to the road below.
[quote name='MisterHand']If the cops take away your knife, is there away to get another one? The gun stores don't seem to carry them.[/quote]

I'm pretty sure that Jacob will sell you one out of his trunk.
[quote name='MisterHand']If the cops take away your knife, is there away to get another one? The gun stores don't seem to carry them.[/quote]

I believe you can buy a knife from Lil Jacob when you get the ability to purchase from him. I could be mistaken though. Also I know I've seen a few knifes while walking around the city, I think one is by the bathrooms in the central park area.
[quote name='bmachine']One other "avoiding the shootout" tip for this mission:
Just blast the window behind the lawyer and jump down to the road below.
This is how I did it too. :D
I tried both of those, but

@emdub, I don't have a knife for some reason.

@bmachine, you can't get out the windows in teh laywers office can you? You're speaking of the actual room with the lawyer in it right? I thought I shot out those windows and when I went to jump through Niko was just jumpin up and down like a tard.
[quote name='pittpizza']I tried both of those, but

@emdub, I don't have a knife for some reason.

@bmachine, you can't get out the windows in teh laywers office can you? You're speaking of the actual room with the lawyer in it right? I thought I shot out those windows and when I went to jump through Niko was just jumpin up and down like a tard.[/quote]

Yeah, you can. That is the way I escaped and it was really easy. There is a roof directory below the windows that you can jump onto as well. I think it is the roof of the entrance.
OH well, I just re-tried it and successfully shook the cops on teh second or third try
Thats a nice feature isn't it? Being able to just restart failed missions w/out having to drive to the location again.
[quote name='pittpizza']OH well, I just re-tried it and successfully shook the cops on teh second or third try
Thats a nice feature isn't it? Being able to just restart failed missions w/out having to drive to the location again.[/quote]

It would be great if you didnt lose weapons/health
YOu don't lose weapons for gettin killed, only busted. Which is why I play with the motto "YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE COPPERS!!!" Better to lose a few thousand bucks (how much is it exaclty anyway?) at the hospital than all your ammo.

Plus there has to be some consequence right?
[quote name='pittpizza']YOu don't lose weapons for gettin killed, only busted. Which is why I play with the motto "YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE COPPERS!!!" Better to lose a few thousand bucks (how much is it exaclty anyway?) at the hospital than all your ammo.

Plus there has to be some consequence right?[/quote]

I believe it takes away $10,000 if you die, least it seemed about that much when I would die towards the end of the game. Maybe someone else could confirm it, but I'm not sure.
[quote name='MinDistortionz']I believe it takes away $10,000 if you die, least it seemed about that much when I would die towards the end of the game. Maybe someone else could confirm it, but I'm not sure.[/quote]

I can confirm it, had $1 mil and died like 20 times already and now have about $800,000. Not much to do when you have that much money.
bread's done