Great. Anyone else having PSP problems already? (got dead pixels?)

Got mine home a couple of hours ago. EB warranty, five games, hard case with accessories. Upon taking it out of the wrapper I couldn't help myself. Although no one was around to appreciate it, I held it up and declared, "My Precioussss."

Appears to be perfect. No dead pixel, no below the surface screen debris.
after seeing dead pixel concerns, i went out to the car and popped the psp open. i set up the options which is on a green screen and did not notice any dead pix. those of u that have them when did u notice? i bought the 2 yr warranty from best buy so i will eventually exchange my psp sooner or later.
I imagine that Sony has had to increase it's output due to these problems. Do you think they are going to include the returns when they present the figure of the number of units sold?
[quote name='Chris in Cali']Two PSP's in my house, and no dead pixels on either, thank God.[/quote]

oh almighty lord, i thank thee for the feast that you have given us, and that there are no dead pixels on my psp. amen.
[quote name='hyuga']

My friend went through 11 PSPs until he got 2 good ones. I went through 4. [/quote]

15 between the 2 of you? jesus, i guess there will be a shortage

[quote name='vherub'][quote name='iheartmetal']i just talked to my boss, we had quite a few psps returned this morning, he said that we (gamestop) are allowing people to return them if they have 3 or more pixels dead, otherwise they are sol or might be able to when we get more in... im not sure if this is just our region doing it or all gamestops. in either case there might be a shortage because of returns... i think id by one if i had the cash though[/quote]

and then will the store (in your case gamestop) be eating the cost of those psps, or will sony replace/fix them/accept their return?[/quote]

i have no idea, nor do i care because it doesnt affect me, in either case i just hope we dont stop taking them in for return, thetll piss of many a customer
Sounds like I lucked out. No problems to speak of. As I was leaving the Gamestop (Central NJ) at 10:30 this morning with my PSP, someone else was coming back in to return theirs.

It was their SECOND RETURN. The first one had a dead pixel, and so did the second. He was coming back to the store for his 3rd PSP in several hours.

Fortunately the guy behind the desk seemed to be cool about it, wasn't giving him a hard time about exhanging his system.
I figure it'll be atleastjune before sony can truey judge if the DP issue is an epidemic which they have to deal with. Untill then people will just have to keep their receipts and hope for the best.

In the end though the only apparent differance between this launch and the DS launch (problem wise that is) Is that Nintendo jumped up quickly to offer replacement a DS for people with the issue, the PSPs problem hasn't gotten worse than that yet (the thing hasn't even been out more than 24 friggin hours yet) it's just people yelling more loudly because of sony's past track record.

I remember from a couple of summers ago when people seemed to be getting attacked by sharks every week, the coastguard or whoever was in charge was saying "The number of shark attacks haven't increased they're just being reported more loudly this year than last year."
I got 1 dead pixel in the top right corner of the screen. It really isnt that noticable, and I will be exchanging it soon, but I'm in no hurry since its only 1 and its in the corner.
I have one in the top right really isn't that noticable, but I will indeed be exchanging it sometime in the near future.
The best buy where my fiance and i got ours, has a 30 day exchange if you have a dead pixel, if you DONT get the extended warranty
I had a few dead pixels. My EB took it back no questions asked. On my second PSP, I purchased the $25 warranty. Just in case I want a new one after the two week Sony warranty.
[quote name='Bivensra']after seeing dead pixel concerns, i went out to the car and popped the psp open. i set up the options which is on a green screen and did not notice any dead pix. those of u that have them when did u notice? i bought the 2 yr warranty from best buy so i will eventually exchange my psp sooner or later.[/quote]

I noticed after I went to a black screen. I couldn't really see them on the green screen.
I have 1 for me, my fiance, and just got one for my brother (parents giving it to him for his bday), and all 3 had no dead pixels
I have two dead (black) pixels. Their only annoying in an all white screen, Not to bad considering some of the horror stories you see around other message boards. I'll might exchange it later since I bought the warranty at Gamestop.
[quote name='punqsux'][quote name='Chris in Cali']Two PSP's in my house, and no dead pixels on either, thank God.[/quote]

oh almighty lord, i thank thee for the feast that you have given us, and that there are no dead pixels on my psp. amen.[/quote]

So are the stores going to be accepting returns and selling them back to customers who don't really mind a couple of dead pixels?

Sony has already stated that "dead pixels" are part of the manufacturing process and it's not covered by the warranty -- when it comes to only a few.
My PSP doesnt have any.

Just an FYI.

GameStop's PSP Dead Pixel Polcy:
1 dead pixel or more if extended warranty was purchased (1 Year warranty) - $29.99

BestBuy's PSP Dead Pixel Polcy:
2 dead pixel or more if extended warranty was purchased (2 Year warranty) - $39.99

I opted to get the PSP (with the extended warranty, and no dead pixels :))at BestBuy they had about 1/2 a pallet left when I went today around 1pm PST at the Riverside, CA BestBuy.
[quote name='mmn']And this, folks, is why you do not buy a game system at launch.[/quote]

I learned my lesson from the Dreamcast launch. It still sucks to see this happen though.
Yeah,.... 6 dead pixels on mine.

It's going back tomorrow.
Although, I have a second unit on it's way,.. so I'll tear that one open first, to make sure its all good.
My PSP has a scratch on the screen and a tiny scuff mark, but no dead pixels. I was thinking of exchanging it, but I'm worried I might get one with dead pixels. My cousins PSP ended up having two dead pixels.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Two questions perhaps someone could answer...

Is there gonna be a 1-2 month shortage like the DS? Or does anyone think I'll be able to get my hands on a PSP before the end of April. I say the end of April because I'll be going down to Anaheim and would like something to do in the airport, airplane, hotel, etc.

Also, is it even reasonable to think that these problems will be resolved by then?[/quote]

Are you going down to the DECA Nationals?
[quote name='omegaweapon7']wait wait, WTF dead pixs are BLACK? what the hell is the white dust thing i have then?

whats the best way to check for dead pixs?[/quote]

There are stuck pixels, and there are dead pixels. There's a difference. Stuck pixels are lit up one color and stay that way. Dead pixels don't light up at all.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky'][quote name='omegaweapon7']wait wait, WTF dead pixs are BLACK? what the hell is the white dust thing i have then?

whats the best way to check for dead pixs?[/quote]

There are stuck pixels, and there are dead pixels. There's a difference. Stuck pixels are lit up one color and stay that way. Dead pixels don't light up at all.[/quote]

Hmm... I thought dead pixels weren't black, but were always pure white from the back-light of the screen showing through without any obstruction coming from the dead non-color-havin' pixel. :whistle2:k

I very well could be wrong though...
One dead pixel and one piece of dust stuck under the can't notice the dead pixel when playing games but I still want to return it.

I turned it on right as I stepped out of the door at Gamerush and went right back in to see what I could do about it...The employee said to contact Sony first because he doesn't know of GR's policy on exchanges yet. I kind of wish I had bought it somewhere else now that this happened, plus GR doesn't offer any warranties for the damn thing.
not one bad pixel on mine.:D there is a very,very,very small nick in the very bottom of the screen but I don't care since the colors/display are not affected one bit. now I just have to wait for it to charge so I can play it.
Upon closer inspections it seems the pixel artifacts seem to be elevated above the screen. maybe it's dust sandwiched between the plastic layer above. If you press down on the psp screen u'll know what I mean (but seriously you don't want to do that lol). This would explain why dead pixels seem to be appearing later on for me. However it still sucks nevertheless.

The funny thing is despite it, the screen still turns me on lol
[quote name='omegaweapon7']wait wait, WTF dead pixs are BLACK? what the hell is the white dust thing i have then?

whats the best way to check for dead pixs?[/quote]

Someone already posted the answer, but since there seems to be a lot of confusion, here it goes again.

There are two types of LCD defects: dead pixels and stuck pixels

1) A dead pixel, as the name implies, is completely dead. No power can be sent to that pixel, so it can never turn on. It stays black no matter what. With that in mind, the easiest way to check is to display a white screen, and look for black spots.

2) A stuck pixel, is stuck on a certain color. This is because the power has been shorted to one or more of the three colors that make up the LCD pixel. These can be red, green, blue, white (if all three colors are stuck), etc. A good way to check for these pixels is to display a black screen, and see if you see any colored spots.

In either case, both of these problems occur in manufacturing. Possible causes are a dead transistor, broken metal line, etc. They are not problems that "get worse" with use, anymore than a CPU can "get worse" with use.

The problem is that when one of these faults happen in a CPU, they are very easy to check, because you just trun on the CPU and start giving it instructions. If it has a broken transistor, it will give you the wrong answer. But an LCD screen will work fine, except for that particular pixel. As far as I know, there is no easy way to automatically check for dead pixels without adding circuitry and test time, both of which cost big bucks.
none for me, though i think there is a piece of dust under the screen. you can never see it though, so i dont care
No dead pixels on mine... and if theres dust in the screen, I cant see it throught the dust that gets sucked onto the top of the screen. I thought I had a stuck green pixel, but it turns out theres a really, really, really small imperfection in the glass thats warping the color for one pixel slightly. Nothing that will really get my undies in a bunch.
No dead pixels. But I have what appears to be a tiny piece of string or something under the screen. It's really irritating, and I'm trying to decide if I want to do an exchange.
I have a little thing of dust near the center of the screen that is REALLY visible. It almost looks like a really thin piece of string, and it's extremely irritating. No dead pixels, but I'm still considering trying to get Best Buy to exchange it out. If worse comes to worse I'll just buy the damn plan and exchange it out in a year.
The only thing wrong with my PSP is this one damn spec of dust in the lower right hand corner of the screen. Other than that its perfect, I love it.
The funny thing is the manager claimed to me the Best buy extended warranty doesnt cover the DUST defects even though they can be just as annoying and impeding as dead pixels
[quote name='Greetard'][quote name='A Happy Panda']Two questions perhaps someone could answer...

Is there gonna be a 1-2 month shortage like the DS? Or does anyone think I'll be able to get my hands on a PSP before the end of April. I say the end of April because I'll be going down to Anaheim and would like something to do in the airport, airplane, hotel, etc.

Also, is it even reasonable to think that these problems will be resolved by then?[/quote]

Are you going down to the DECA Nationals?[/quote]

I am! Maybe I will get a PSP or DS for the plane rides...
No problems with mine......yet. I paid $40 for the two year warranty at Best Buy considering Sony stuff craps out (this thread being a prime example).
Most of you sound like nit picky old women. Quit bitching, pick up this amazing piece of technology and have some fun with it. I understand if you have A LOT of dead pixels BUT all lcd screens have some. People bitching because the box doesn't have the right tape or there is a "dent" in the box. I think I've read about every complaint anyone could come up with today in these forums. Have you watched how kick ass Spiderman 2 looks, LET ALONE Ridge Racer!!!! No one can wait until launch day then everyone bitches all day long. I've never been a handheld fan, but now this thing has me excited about what Nintendo is going to have to counter with in order to compete. We're all gonna win in the end with HOPEFULLY 2 kickass handhelds going head to head.
Even if you have a few dead pixels, which should be expected, you REALLY HAVE TO LOOK!!!! And there's no way it affects a game like Ridge Racer at all!
I think this thing rocks and can't wait until more titles come out.
Enjoy it guys.
[quote name='mmercer131'] We're all gonna win in the end with HOPEFULLY 2 kickass handhelds going head to head.[/quote]

Head to head?! No way! I have a STRONG feeling PSP is coming from behind DS.

bread's done