[quote name='mattcube64']Yeah, I saw on NeoGaf they were looking to change that. A real shame. Though, I can't say I blame them, and I'm appreciative of all the credit I managed to get.
Red Orchestra - completely paid for
Dead Island - $30 of $34.xx paid for
Batman - Completely paid for
And I still have $56 in credit. Really hoping something good goes up, like a MW3 or a Skyrim or ... something. But I have a feeling I'll be getting Saints Row 3.
It's a real shame that all their contracts have fallen through. GMG was on such a high a month or two ago. They were really raking in the business. But they're just not getting any good games lately.[/QUOTE]
I understand why they would do it, but to do it now, when the business is most likely terrible is just a really bad decision on their part. My whole reason for doing business with them was their pre-order discounts on top of the promo codes they were throwing out and the refer-a-friend $5 incentives.
Honestly, that was enough to make them a serious competitor with major digital distribution sites. Not sure if the money being raked in was good enough, but damn those were some good deals.
The good old days lol... That's some
ing crazy ass credit btw... I'm so jelly...