Green Man Gaming (Steam) Deals: 25% Off Hitman

... 25 Mar '14 You played 10 hours of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim £0.10

25 Mar '14 You played 10 hours of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim £0.10
25 Mar '14 You played 10 hours of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim £0.10
How'd you play 30 hours of Skyrim in one day? Hacker! =P

I've still only got the .50 from signing up and .10 from playing Knytt Underground. Missing a bunch of others so far.

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Definite hax there. I tried to get that achievement yesterday. Did your friend Samuel help with that one? ;)
Everyone has that friend


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Samuel is going to get kill this rewards system in no time at all.

Guess we might as well make the most of it before it's taken away again.

Samuel is going to get kill this rewards system in no time at all.

Guess we might as well make the most of it before it's taken away again.
I actually haven't really used it myself, aside from "play for the first time" awards, for fear of getting banned from playfire, per their faq.

But since it doesn't seem like I'll be buying much from them in the near future, I may just wing it and start using SAM more.

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I actually haven't really used it myself, aside from "play for the first time" awards, for fear of getting banned from playfire, per their faq.
Because they're so good at tracking your games, rewards, and achievements. They'll definitely be able to tell if you're using SAM and ban you.

Because they're so good at tracking your games, rewards, and achievements. They'll definitely be able to tell if you're using SAM and ban you.
It should be pretty obvious if you're only unlocking the reward achievements, or (if their analytics are up to snuff) unusual/impossible combinations of achievements.

It should be pretty obvious if you're only unlocking the reward achievements, or (if their analytics are up to snuff) unusual/impossible combinations of achievements.
Wouldn't be the only "pretty obvious" thing Playfire is completely incompetent about.
Plus if you're super paranoid like I might be it's not that hard to idle to get some actual hours in on the game plus give yourself other achievements too to fake it relatively believably that you played.

Woooo, woke up with an email from playfire stating I'd received some credits.  Checked the website and they have all the achievements I've done since the 16th of March minus the Final Fantasy VII ones I completed.  I'll take it since it's pretty hit or miss when they actually add this stuff.

I just don't understand how Playfire can pretty much track my credit just fine, yet my GMG balance on the side forever says zero.
This... When I blew up my OS updating my MB's BIOS I haven't even bothered to install their beta crap again. None of the credits ever showed up. I'm not even sure I got my half a pound for signing up. :(

Any comments regarding Cloudberry Kingdom?  It looks like possible bundle bait, but the four player local co-op is tempting...  It also passes the golden rule of 75% off or more and is the cheapest price yet.

Any comments regarding Cloudberry Kingdom? It looks like possible bundle bait, but the four player local co-op is tempting... It also passes the golden rule of 75% off or more and is the cheapest price yet.
I can't really give you an in-depth review on it (didn't play long enough), but I got it for 360 and it was frustrating and dumb simultaneously. I would not recommend it. Hopefully someone can give you an eloquent review.

Basically, the appeal of the game is the randomly generated levels but it just didn't control well enough for me, to make the masochism required worth it (like Super Meat Boy, which I loved).

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I enjoy a good, tough (but fair) platformer, but that sounds like the opposite.  Thanks for your input!  The $2.50 I just saved I will put towards the Groupees bundle later today. :D

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Amazing, i finished it a coupla days ago. I can't recommend it more highly. It's like Call of Juarez with a Borderlands 2 style do-over.

I paid $6 for it a while back. At $3.74 it's an absolute must buy.
mehh. do want...but still...meehhhh.

is there a voucher that applies to it?

Hey, guys - how's CoJ: Gunslinger?

I really dug the original CoJ + Bound in Blood.

CoJ: Gunslinger (NA Key for Steam) is 75% off on GMG @ $3.74:
It's amazing in my opinion.You can tell that Techland put a lot of work into this game.It's not big,long or super deep game but it is really well realised with great visuals,sound and what is most important extremaly fun gameplay.

Gunplay in this game is really satisfaying.Guns have great sound and punch,there is a lot of blood,satysfaying headshots,nice ragdoll and slow mo.All that combained makes this game really fun to play.Game also looks outstanding especially from artistic standpoint.Environments are varied,colorful and beautyful with great ambience sound effects.Even story is decent with great narration and good VO.

Campaign isn't too long (about 6h) but there is also really fun arcade mode.

I know that it means nothing but for me it is one of the best shooters from 2013.A lot of heart was put into it IMO and it shows.

For couple of bucks its worth it without a question.

Sorry for my english.

Glad to hear all these opinions on CoJ:G.

I really liked the original CoJ + BiB - and hearing you guys talk so glowing about Gunslinger, I couldn't resist pulling the punch.

Hell - this might be even next, after I finish Bioshock: Infinite - BAS Pt 2.

CoJ: G is what CoJ: The Cartel should have been, and CoJ: The Cartel is what CoJ: G should have been (full-priced retail title vs. $15 digital-only title), just think of it that way.

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Well I'm in for Gunslinger.  Finished the original some months back and have been wanting to play more of the series since.  Hopefully I can catch a sale on Bound in Blood for steam eventually.

This is actually the first thing I've bought from GMG since they started the Playfire rewards.  Still have over $9 to spend from that.

hmm thinking of getting Titanfall

just hope more of my Playfire Rewards cash in soon :/

hmm CoJ: Gunslinger, it usually has a combined discount with Farcry: BD right?

I'd like to throw my hat in the ring and note that Gunslinger was my surprise hit of last year, and in some ways one of my favorite games of all year (probably favorite on PC).  I've written about it before, but in short the narration is great, the story is fun, the gameplay is slick even for a FPS newbie like me and... I love Westerns.

On the other end of the spectrum, do not get the Humble $6 tier.  Although I love Defender's Quest, it's been much cheaper before, and Evoland was the surprise WORST game I played last year.  Ugh I want my time back from that game.

All this CoJ talk, I feel like I should like these games.  Yet, at least on a visual basis, they do nothing for me.  I guess I'm not one for western themes.  Or pirates, not big on pirates either.

bread's done