Groupees: [NEW] Build a Greenlight Bundle 33 + Oktoberfest + MiniBundle 7



Build A Greenlight Bundle 33

Buy it here:

Must spend at least $1/pick 2 games


Oktoberfest Bundle

Buy it here:

For the minimum of $2, you get the following:

Mini Bundle 7

Buy it here:

For a minimum of $2, you get the following:

Other Non-Gaming Bundles:

Icon Guide

= Steam Key
= Steam Greenlight
= Desura Key
= GoG Code (Click To Redeem/Enter Code)

= GamersGate Serial Key
= DRM Free Download

= Steam Trading Cards Available
= Playable On PC
= Playable on MAC
= Playable on Linux

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Wow, that PixelJam bundle has only sold 500 something... and it ends in 6 hours. Is that an all-time low?
To be fair, it's technically a spotlight, not a "true" bundle. I'm fairly sure ridiculously low sales are par for the course with the spotlights.

That said, if the sales figures are similar to (or worse than) previous spotlights that only feature one, maybe two games, that is sad.
Joy of joys!, countdown to the ShinyLoot Bundle 4 is up. Starts in a little under 9 hours. No preview video yet.
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Joy of joys!, countdown to the ShinyLoot Bundle 4 is up. Starts in a little under 9 hours. No preview video yet.
The third one they hosted was only bad because of all the repeats and DRM-free only games which weren't on Greenlight. Maybe they'll do better this time?

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*Edit: D'OH it's actually up on the page itself now. So I didn't even need to check the 90s AOL chat room.

Some vegemite eater in the 90s AOL chat room said

Ok, on either side of Shiny Loot in small letters it says the name of the games. On the left: Knytt Underground, The Perfidious Gas Station, Clones. On the right: Doorways Chapter 1&2, Jack Keane, Oblunda
Also I don't like that they whitewashed the name perdiferous gasoline or whatever the hell they are calling it. The original title is Nancy the Happy Whore dammit!

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The current steam sale is a better deal. No steam, no buy. I'm in for gas station and Obludia though, if it's a BAB.
Gas Station Nancy the Happy Whore isn't on Greenlight though. But it's a fun little game along the lines of the old sierra and lucas adventure games. Maybe we can talk the Screen 7 rep into putting it on Greenlight. Or maybe they won't even need to since they put a couple of games on Steam recently without going through Greenlight.

It was in the Summerbatch bundle way back but that was the DRM free non-Desura non-Deluxe version w/o voice acting.

The deluxe version is 70% off at 70 Euro at Fireflower games right now, but no Desura key there since they are DRM free only. (ewww)

Gas Station Nancy the Happy Whore isn't on Greenlight though. But it's a fun little game along the lines of the old sierra and lucas adventure games. Maybe we can talk the Screen 7 rep into putting it on Greenlight. Or maybe they won't even need to since they put a couple of games on Steam recently without going through Greenlight.

It was in the Summerbatch bundle way back but that was the DRM free non-Desura non-Deluxe version w/o voice acting.

The deluxe version is 70% off at 70 Euro at Fireflower games right now, but no Desura key there since they are DRM free only. (ewww)
Yeah, I got the Summerbatch bundle for free but I'm ok with buying Nancy from this bundle if it includes a desura key + voice acting. Downfall is on greenlight so I'm not sure if Screen7 can put whatever games they want on Steam, but they really should put Nancy up on greenlight. Not sure what's stopping them.
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Yeah, I got the Summerbatch bundle for free but I'm ok with buying Nancy from this bundle if it includes a desura key + voice acting. Downfall is on greenlight so I'm not sure if Screen7 can put whatever games they want on Steam, but they really should put Nancy up on greenlight. Not sure what's stopping them.
Too mature for a family friendly service like Steam.

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So if anyone wants to see So Blonde get onto Steam (it was in the Groupees Shiny Loot Bundle 2) then you can let the Viva Media rep know. It probably would help the more people that ask for it.

They may not distribute keys to Shiny Loot/Groupees but at very least I'm sure he'll give keys to owners on request like he did with Gray Matter and and Black Mirror.

And yes, I was the one who requested it. :p

Meh, I'll wait for a dollar days promo since it's not a BAB. Another lame bundle. I might buy it for a dollar if theres no dollar days though.

So if anyone wants to see So Blonde get onto Steam (it was in the Groupees Shiny Loot Bundle 2) then you can let the Viva Media rep know. It probably would help the more people that ask for it.

They may not distribute keys to Shiny Loot/Groupees but at very least I'm sure he'll give keys to owners on request like he did with Gray Matter and and Black Mirror.

And yes, I was the one who requested it. :p
I hope it works. This was the main reason I didn't get the Shinyloot 2. DRM-Free? Ain't nobody got time fo' dat!

Meh, I'll wait for a dollar days promo since it's not a BAB. Another lame bundle. I might buy it for a dollar if theres no dollar days though.

Jack Keane 1 and Doorways for $3?! I don't know what Jonny's smoking over there but it must be the good sh*t.

So if anyone wants to see So Blonde get onto Steam (it was in the Groupees Shiny Loot Bundle 2) then you can let the Viva Media rep know. It probably would help the more people that ask for it.

They may not distribute keys to Shiny Loot/Groupees but at very least I'm sure he'll give keys to owners on request like he did with Gray Matter and and Black Mirror.

And yes, I was the one who requested it. :p
Your link's borked for me. What's the guy's Steam ID?

I hope it works. This was the main reason I didn't get the Shinyloot 2. DRM-Free? Ain't nobody got time fo' dat!


Jack Keane 1 and Doorways for $3?! I don't know what Jonny's smoking over there but it must be the good sh*t.
I liked Groupees Shinyloot 2.

This bundle is no Groupees Shinyloot 2.

I'll have to hope that Petrol Station game makes its way into a bundle where it isn't the only thing in the $1 tier I don't have.

I liked Groupees Shinyloot 2.

This bundle is no Groupees Shinyloot 2.

I'll have to hope that Petrol Station game makes its way into a bundle where it isn't the only thing in the $1 tier I don't have.
I also liked Groupees Shinyloot 2. First one wasn't bad either. But the third one and this one kinda suck.

Nancy is a fun little game and $1 is not bad for it but I agree the rest are all pretty much non-exciting repeats and the whole no Steam keys for Jack Keane is kind of 

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Just a heads up, my long missing Constant C Steam key finally appeared on my Groupees profile. Maybe is the same for all of you who had this problem. Greetings.

I just have Jack Keane....I really hope the bonuses are good if they are i'll get the 3 dollar bundle....but so far looks like a 1 dollar bundle for me so far.

Steam & Metal, The Lady, Agapan (RPG Maker wooot), and then probably one of the others (maybe Loot hunter, or tower defense game or other Bejeweled clone). That will likely be my purchase They all look ok though in honest Steam & Metal actually looks pretty high quality.

Steam & Metal, The Lady, Agapan (RPG Maker wooot), and then probably one of the others (maybe Loot hunter, or tower defense game or other Bejeweled clone). That will likely be my purchase They all look ok though in honest Steam & Metal actually looks pretty high quality.
Really? The Lady looks "ok" to you? Did you watch a gameplay video? It's the hottest trash I've ever seen.. which I admit does have a certain level of appeal to me.. but I wouldn't consider it "ok".

Really? The Lady looks "ok" to you? Did you watch a gameplay video? It's the hottest trash I've ever seen.. which I admit does have a certain level of appeal to me.. but I wouldn't consider it "ok".
Ok I did look at the Steam greenlight video and yeah it does look pretty horrible in a way......but I do want to try it....maybe not OK...more like interesting.

bread's done