Groupees: [NEW] Build a Greenlight Bundle 33 + Oktoberfest + MiniBundle 7



Build A Greenlight Bundle 33

Buy it here:

Must spend at least $1/pick 2 games


Oktoberfest Bundle

Buy it here:

For the minimum of $2, you get the following:

Mini Bundle 7

Buy it here:

For a minimum of $2, you get the following:

Other Non-Gaming Bundles:

Icon Guide

= Steam Key
= Steam Greenlight
= Desura Key
= GoG Code (Click To Redeem/Enter Code)

= GamersGate Serial Key
= DRM Free Download

= Steam Trading Cards Available
= Playable On PC
= Playable on MAC
= Playable on Linux

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Really? The Lady looks "ok" to you? Did you watch a gameplay video? It's the hottest trash I've ever seen.. which I admit does have a certain level of appeal to me.. but I wouldn't consider it "ok".
Speak for yourself, that one looks better than most of the stuff in the Blink bundle. The TD game also looks pretty good.

I can't figure out what the hell The Lady is supposed to be, even after watching a couple of those videos. The art is well-done but it doesn't look like much of a game. 

I'm pretty okay with all of these except for the RPG maker game. Even The Lady has a certain weirdness about it that might makes you curious to find out what the hell it is. 

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I wonder if we can expect to start seeing more of this? Kickstarters that are clearly going to fail (11 days in and they're only at 16% of their goal?) turning to bundles/similar sites for quick cash. We just saw it with that TBoI clone on IGS a week ago or so.

Then again, I don't pay too much attention to no-name Kickstarters. It may already be an established trend.
I think I'll be down for Magic Meisters, Steam and Metal, Towers of Altrac as games I actually want to see on Steam and might play at some point and Agapan for potential weaboo cards.

The other 4 look really poor.

I wonder if we can expect to start seeing more of this? Kickstarters that are clearly going to fail (11 days in and they're only at 16% of their goal?) turning to bundles/similar sites for quick cash. We just saw it with that TBoI clone on IGS a week ago or so.

Then again, I don't pay too much attention to no-name Kickstarters. It may already be an established trend.
It's not really a problem to have multiple revenue streams as long as the devs can actually keep track of what comes from where. Otherwise, you have issues with actually using the money you got from Kickstarter or Indiegogo or what-have-you for the purpose that it was intended for, which could potentially be a legal issue. I suspect that most of these devs aren't really that savvy, but maybe I'm not giving them enough credit.

No mention of Build a Greenlight Bundle 6 in this thread. Kinda odd.

  • Agapan
  • The Lady
  • Loot Hunter
  • Magic Meisters
  • Steam and Metal
  • Tales of the Orient: The Rising Sun
  • Timmy Bibble's Friendship Club
  • Towers of Altrac
Think I'll wait for a single option day. All I'm interested in is Meiters and Towers.

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Going back to the Shiny Loot bundle, anybody have opinions on Obludia? Looks kind of like Binding of Isaac which is my all-time favorite game.

I'm paranoid.  Less websites (especially sketchy ones) I have to give my info to, the better.  That said, the fact that's it's in the $1 tier there is probably a good indication it will be here.  Especially since KISS publishes few 'horror' games.

I'm paranoid. Less websites (especially sketchy ones) I have to give my info to, the better. That said, the fact that's it's in the $1 tier there is probably a good indication it will be here. Especially since KISS publishes few 'horror' games.
Well if for some reason it isn't, or isn't in the $1 tier, I'll hook you up. :mrgreen:

Hah.  If I do end up buying it I'll probably be dishing out the other crap that comes with it.  None of the other KISS games looks very interesting.

Going back to the Shiny Loot bundle, anybody have opinions on Obludia? Looks kind of like Binding of Isaac which is my all-time favorite game.
I may buy the bundle and play it soon but looking at the video it looks more like Smash TV to me. By this I mean shooter with powerups and trying to reach some boss, probably not collecting items and exploring like Binding of Isaac. If I try it out i'll give an opinion here.

Going back to the Shiny Loot bundle, anybody have opinions on Obludia? Looks kind of like Binding of Isaac which is my all-time favorite game.
I may buy the bundle and play it soon but looking at the video it looks more like Smash TV to me. By this I mean shooter with powerups and trying to reach some boss, probably not collecting items and exploring like Binding of Isaac. If I try it out i'll give an opinion here.
While it looks a little like a TBoI clone from the screenshots, if you watch the trailer and read the description, it's definitely more of a Smash TV style game. They even compare it to Smash TV in their description on Greenlight.
Lifeless Planet, Unrest, Rover Rescue, and Speed Kills or GTFO.

Who am I kidding?

Then it wouldn't suck.

I could donate mine to you in the unlikely circumstance that I get it. I already have Soulbringer on GOG.
You're a good man, Charlie Brown.

Edit: Actually, never mind, Ninja Squirrel beat you to your generosity.

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I played Obludia for about an hour. It's a lot like Smash TV though without the character of that (Smash TV is one of my favorite games ever...even have that amazing Smash TV Meatbun shirt that I got complimented about once in public haha). Pretty dang buggy (One time my alternate weapon wouldn't shoot, another time an icon got stuck on the screen, clipping now and then, etc...), a bit hard, not great Xbox 360 controls (It just didn't feel as good as the mouse/keyboard and even that one has terrible controls for the spell buttons (awkwardly placed)). It is pretty fun, though I feel it's more of a dollar tier game. I may give away some Shiny Loot extra key I've gained from these bundles. I would recommend Obludia but it's not a great game. It's a little below average if I would place it. Another indie game I would place above it is Larva Mortus, which controls similarly but the game play is better.

Now I just want to play Smash TV......Big Money! Big Prizes! I love it!

Also more people buy the ShinyLoot bundle....I want them bonuses!

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They still don't have a preview video or other reveal up for it? Who does Groupees think they are, Indie Gala?

...oh, wait, they do.
bread's done