Groupees: [NEW] Build a Greenlight Bundle 33 + Oktoberfest + MiniBundle 7



Build A Greenlight Bundle 33

Buy it here:

Must spend at least $1/pick 2 games


Oktoberfest Bundle

Buy it here:

For the minimum of $2, you get the following:

Mini Bundle 7

Buy it here:

For a minimum of $2, you get the following:

Other Non-Gaming Bundles:

Icon Guide

= Steam Key
= Steam Greenlight
= Desura Key
= GoG Code (Click To Redeem/Enter Code)

= GamersGate Serial Key
= DRM Free Download

= Steam Trading Cards Available
= Playable On PC
= Playable on MAC
= Playable on Linux

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LOL at people talking about the quality of games in an indie bundle. Seriously? The only reason anyone should care about bundles is for +1's.
There's bad and then there's No Steam Keys Scraping The Bottom Of The Greenlight Barrel After Valve Already Most Of The Worst Crap In Oh And 2 F2P Games bad.
There's always a better madjoki, it seems.

I gilby'd this one. Motoki is right - virtually anything worth being greenlit has already been greenlit. All these games are just slight variations on the same types of games that exist in droves on greenlight and in all these bundles - arcade shooters, platformers, top-down RPGs, etc.

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Even worse are games like Runeyana, that are far too ambitious considering the capibilities and budget of the developer. How are they going to monetize the game? It looks DOA to me.

[quote name="HBX" post="12734686" timestamp="1433876191"]Even worse are games like Runeyana, that are far too ambitious considering the capibilities and budget of the developer. How are they going to monetize the game? It looks DOA to me.[/quote]
Pay them money and you can give your nekkid goblins larger packages. Will not fail.
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Well, the Detroit bundle and the build a greenlight 25 bundle are expiring about the same time as this new community bundle is slated to start.  Again, as I stated before, the magic number seems to be 6-7 bundles active at a time.  I am curious if groupees and indie gala found that they needed multiple indie bundles running concurrently in order to make money.  I think it also helps indie gala that they actually have a store.  Even bundle stars has bundles galore running at the same time.

As far as the reason for the community bundle, I do not know who Faheem is, but can hope that Johnny can help this person achieve their goal.

I never thought I would be saying this but Indie Gala isn't quite as heinous. While they tend to have 4-5 bundles running concurrently only the Monday bundles cycle through quickly. The others tend to run for a really long time.
Also their selections on the whole lately while not top notch compared to Poopees is fucking awesome. Poopees also tends to let any random idiot host their bundles and get names of sites no one give a shit about like Bundle in a Box and Shiny Loot for their bundles too. Plus they love that whole [customspoiler=Surprise Bitch]
[/customspoiler] shit lately which is completely tied to the fact that both they have no confidence in the bundles because they know the games are worst of the worst and also that they tend to do a lot of half assed phoned in repeats that they otherwise couldn't pawn off to the +1ers.
Poopees really is the worst of the worst. I feel digusted with myself whenever I buy from them lately, which is FAR less than it had been in the past.
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I think that groupees used to be a lot better.  Sometimes, they still can come through regarding bundling a decent game or two.  I do like their "purchase" page or how they store your key(s) and download section.  I also think groupees is good for those that like to purchase music.  I wish that groupees had better curated music bundles that focused on one genre that they would advertise at a time and stop with chiptunes.   Greenlight bundles have been meh, I think mainly to over saturation of the whole greenlight field.  I forgot who, but someone already mentioned that greenlight bundles now are shadows of their former selves considering that most greenlight games are twists or slight modifications of existing games.  Of course, I could be cynical from having a ridiculous backlog.  

Motoki, I have to agree that indie gala has been refreshingly better this last while in the bulk of their bundles especially compared to groupees.  I think you made some real valid points.  I really wish that groupees would visit this thread and take feedback like yours to improve their product/service.

cyanic 45 minutes ago

Keys for Fairy Tale About Father Frost, Ivan and Nastya in the 1C Mega Bundle are not being distributed. Any keys people may have gotten for it may be the side effect of manual key assignment for other bundles. There aren't enough keys to distribute to the 1C bundle anyway.
Translation: We don't know what the fuck we're doing and accidentally gave keys to the wrong bundle for some people. Oops.

Romance novels? What are you

Her heart desired the pirate, but her wolf howled for the shifter prince. How could she love two men at once?

Uh. Huh.


How could he convince the terrified woman that they were destined for each other, that he could protect her, without scaring her off?

That's from a different synopsis.

Romance Novels. The "s" was deliberate.

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why did they not include Tebow's new game http://radiatoryang..../hurt-me-plenty (saw the post on the steam deal thread) ? they decided to include Gat Life in this bundle

Johnny! Really?!  I thought this bundle was to help someone get a wheelchair van.  This bundle is like a horrible car wreck that you just stare at.  Oh the humanity of how bad this bundle is.  Johnny scrapped the barrel and slung it for this.

(yeah, I ordered it.  I need professional help to stop.   Hopefully some of the music will entertain me.)

why did they not include Tebow's new game http://radiatoryang..../hurt-me-plenty (saw the post on the steam deal thread) ? they decided to include Gat Life in this bundle

Johnny! Really?! I thought this bundle was to help someone get a wheelchair van. This bundle is like a horrible car wreck that you just stare at. Oh the humanity of how bad this bundle is. Johnny scrapped the barrel and slung it for this.
Groupees Community Bundles are always a grab-bag of stuff from members of the Groupees community. Eclectic might be the kindest word to describe them. If you're only interested in games from Groupees bundles then it's best to skip them.

So much crap in the community5 bundle. I think I'm going to be sick. I only have a minor interest in Raywin, but I'm not flooding my Groupees account with all that other shit.

Faheem can ride a Big Wheel for all I care. Ain't buying this steaming pile o crap.

Actually I would give Poopees a dollar to stop posting bundles.

It's kind of like this strip bar in Portland I heard tale of where the women are old and raggedy. You pay them to keep their clothes on.
Faheem can ride a Big Wheel for all I care. Ain't buying this steaming pile o crap.

Actually I would give Poopees a dollar to stop posting bundles.

It's kind of like this strip bar in Portland I heard tale of where the women are old and raggedy. You pay them to keep their clothes on.
or you go there drunk and get ol' fashions for a buck

buying a ticket to portland..can i crash at your pad?

Looks like someone on that chat posted a reddit link with the games for this new BAGB missing 1 supposedly.


Adventure game looks good everything else a pass so pass...

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[quote name="chen14" post="12739794" timestamp="1434114667"]Well the same can't be said about IndieRoyale of course. Similarly IndieGala has more poop :p[/quote]
Indie royale is bankrupt, indie gala has less poop actually. So my statement stands (not that I was comparing and contrasting fecal matter between bundle sites but whatever).
Indie royale is bankrupt, indie gala has less poop actually. So my statement stands (not that I was comparing and contrasting fecal matter between bundle sites but whatever).
One person's poop is another's treasure. IndieGala simply has less "poop" to dole out, but people may consider it quality when it is doled out. Groupees isn't afraid to gather your so-called "poop", since it is catering to a much bigger crowd. I miss the days when IndieGala dealt with DRM-free downloads and Soundtracks.

bread's done