Groupees: [NEW] Build a Greenlight Bundle 33 + Oktoberfest + MiniBundle 7



Build A Greenlight Bundle 33

Buy it here:

Must spend at least $1/pick 2 games


Oktoberfest Bundle

Buy it here:

For the minimum of $2, you get the following:

Mini Bundle 7

Buy it here:

For a minimum of $2, you get the following:

Other Non-Gaming Bundles:

Icon Guide

= Steam Key
= Steam Greenlight
= Desura Key
= GoG Code (Click To Redeem/Enter Code)

= GamersGate Serial Key
= DRM Free Download

= Steam Trading Cards Available
= Playable On PC
= Playable on MAC
= Playable on Linux

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[quote name="chen14" post="12739878" timestamp="1434118373"]One person's poop is another's treasure. IndieGala simply has less "poop" to dole out, but people may consider it quality when it is doled out. Groupees isn't afraid to gather your so-called "poop", since it is catering to a much bigger crowd. I miss the days when IndieGala dealt with DRM-free downloads and Soundtracks.[/quote]
Although the saying compares trash to treasure, where the comparison is more apt. If we substitute poop for trash, um, yeah, it's still poop. Not sure I'd make the argument that I would rather have chens poop vs. Rcsamples poop. It's still poop.

I'm glad we can have such a civil discourse on poop.

I miss the days before computers and video games where we sat around campfires and burned witches. Good times.

One person's poop is another's treasure. IndieGala simply has less "poop" to dole out, but people may consider it quality when it is doled out. Groupees isn't afraid to gather your so-called "poop", since it is catering to a much bigger crowd. I miss the days when IndieGala dealt with DRM-free downloads and Soundtracks.
Oh whatever. Are you one of those Poopees Groupees who hang around in the AOL chat all day and tell them how great they are?

Look the general consensus here is they suck and are the worst. Who else is doing Greenlight bundles now? Nobody because there's nothing worth a damn left on Greenlight. Who else is doing 'Mystery bundles' because they know they games are so terrible and/or repeats that otherwise no one would buy them? Nobody right now.

Cut the crap with the one man's junk I'm okay you're okay kumbaya bullshit.

If you want to go tell the naked emperor how great his new clothes are there Poopees chat room is here:

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I'm glad they're finally trying to help out needy game devs instead of all those other stupid charities.
Hey now, Doug really needs some Invisalign braces to straighten out his bottom teeth for a more natural bite. Won't you think of Doug?

Oh whatever. Are you one of those Poopees Groupees who hang around in the AOL chat all day and tell them how great they are?

Look the general consensus here is they suck and are the worst. Who else is doing Greenlight bundles now? Nobody because there's nothing worth a damn left on Greenlight. Who else is doing 'Mystery bundles' because they know they games are so terrible and/or repeats that otherwise no one would buy them? Nobody right now.

Cut the crap with the one man's junk I'm okay you're okay kumbaya bullshit.

If you want to go tell the naked emperor how great his new clothes are there Poopees chat room is here:
So you are saying that Hektor and ShadowGate (2014) and Pier Solar are terrible games? Okay then, what games does Groupees need to obtain to be good in your eyes? Binding of Isaac Rebirth? Shovel Knight? Call of Duty Ghosts?

Pier Solar's been bundled before Hektor is meh but at least not a repeat and not utter trash like 99.9% of what Poopees has been doing for a long time. Shadowgate is decent yes so they scored one good game there. One out of how many. You are pointing out the exception not the rule.

Anyway I have to go to work and I don't have time for this shit. So Poopees is great. Poopees is wonderful. They always put out the best games. I love Poopees.


There. Stupid internet argument over trash is done.

This is why, despite the fact we have differing opinions, I still love CAG. You are still willing to talk about the bundles you are downvoting to hell so those who like them can see them for what they are worth (even if you don't see any worth to them). Groupees for some of you guys is Bundlestars and IndieGala for me.

Be Mines are decent, and I like their greenlight bundles for dat eventual steam count, but 90% of their other bundles are garbage. Indie Gala's monday bundles are far more consistent in quality/quantity than Groupees, and their hump day/friday bundles are easy to tremorbro. The adventure bundle that they put out a couple of months ago is better than anything Groupees has put out in the last 6 months. You know it's bad when Tremor skips nearly everything from Groupees that isn't Be Mine related.

BundleStars loves to do repeats, but when they do their main bundles they tend to be really damn good.

The problem with Groupees is even their Be Mine bundles don't surpass the main bundles from BundleStars or IG, and most of their sales are coming from blind preorders. No site should ever completely rely on blind preorders to sell something, it's terrible for business in the long run.

I don't think Groupees is the worst bundle site, I reserve that spot for Flying Bundle and DIG, but they're getting closer to being bottom of the barrel.
spoder is wrong. Do not listen. If you buy from Groupees you are supporting domestic violence and cruelty to animals and stuff.

And tremor is the devil.
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Be Mines are decent, and I like their greenlight bundles for dat eventual steam count, but 90% of their other bundles are garbage. Indie Gala's monday bundles are far more consistent in quality/quantity than Groupees, and their hump day/friday bundles are easy to tremorbro. The adventure bundle that they put out a couple of months ago is better than anything Groupees anyone has put out in the last 6 months year or more.
Fixed that for you.

Groupees other bundles aren't great in terms of games, but they're often decent, and the non-game stuff is interesting (if you like that.) They also have good pricing (during preorders.) IG Mondays, even with a group buy, are more expensive. Bundlestars few non-repeat-filled good bundles have been as good or better than recent Groupees Be Mines, but are more expensive.

Fixed that for you.

Groupees other bundles aren't great in terms of games, but they're often decent, and the non-game stuff is interesting (if you like that.) They also have good pricing (during preorders.) IG Mondays, even with a group buy, are more expensive. Bundlestars few non-repeat-filled good bundles have been as good or better than recent Groupees Be Mines, but are more expensive.
Yeah I'd rather pay more for a higher quality bundle than pay less for a bundle that's almost complete shit though.
Fixed that for you.

Groupees other bundles aren't great in terms of games, but they're often decent, and the non-game stuff is interesting (if you like that.) They also have good pricing (during preorders.) IG Mondays, even with a group buy, are more expensive. Bundlestars few non-repeat-filled good bundles have been as good or better than recent Groupees Be Mines, but are more expensive.
That's a good neutral take on it. Not "fanboying", but not rallying the hate

Yeah I'd rather pay more for a higher quality bundle than pay less for a bundle that's almost complete shit though.
Well we can agree to disagree then. My definition of "shit" is different from yours. I personally dislike the group buy mentality of Indie Gala, and glad that Groupees got rid of the dollar days feature. Every site has their quirks, and maybe Groupees has irked off a crowd at CAG, butt hey we are all entitled to our beliefs. I just wanted to let people know that a game bonus was in the process of being unlocked.

Well we can agree to disagree then. My definition of "shit" is different from yours. I personally dislike the group buy mentality of Indie Gala, and glad that Groupees got rid of the dollar days feature. Every site has their quirks, and maybe Groupees has irked off a crowd at CAG, butt hey we are all entitled to our beliefs. I just wanted to let people know that a game bonus was in the process of being unlocked.
I think most people would rather Groupees go back to doing higher quality bundles at a higher price, kind of like BundeStars does. Preorders aren't much better than dollar days and eventually they need to end. I see preorders as more of a temporary solution than a permanent one, just like dollar days was.
To me blind preorders is the bottom of the barrel. Flying may not have the greatest selection and frequently have repeats but the games they have even if repeats aren't completely terrible. Also they don't spam everyone to death with 8 and 10 bundles at a time.

Not buying from them due tovreorats is not the same thing as being the worst. If it were Bundlestars would be one of the worst for me but I recognize they're not terrible they just have a lot of repeats.

DIG is the cheapest by far, the games are eh but dirt cheap and they don't pull shenanigans. Fast with key adds too.
I'll buy pretty much anything for ~$1, so I don't really have a problem with groupees.  I do wish they would do more themed bundles like they had in the past (steampunk, waifuboobs, etc).

Personally, I actually enjoy the trash bundles.  The community ones are often unintentionally hilarious, and worthy of my 20 cent wheelchair donation.

Blind pre-orders are for Morans. They encourage you to gamble and for Groupees IMHO 1 out of 6 times you'll lose. I've lost too many times so I only pre-order with enough hints now and just skip the Greenlight bundles since they are usually aren't my cup of tea. Blind pre-orders are the bottom of the barrel for sure. BundleStars is doing the best IMHO with IG HH doing fine for cheaper bundle fodder stuff.

Blind pre-orders are for Morans. They encourage you to gamble and for Groupees IMHO 1 out of 6 times you'll lose. I've lost too many times so I only pre-order with enough hints now and just skip the Greenlight bundles since they are usually aren't my cup of tea. Blind pre-orders are the bottom of the barrel for sure. BundleStars is doing the best IMHO with IG HH doing fine for cheaper bundle fodder stuff.
1 out of 6 time you lose? I think you're being way too generous.

Anyway I have to go to work and I don't have time for this shit. So Poopees is great. Poopees is wonderful. They always put out the best games. I love Poopees.

<neuter snip>

There. Stupid internet argument over trash is done.
You didn't synchronize those dancing cats with your dancing avatar. That's practically seizure inducing!

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the united bundle only has 4 games that have steam keys; gunworld, on a roll 3d, thief town and memories of a vagabond (all have been previously bundled with "on a roll 3d" being the one that some may not have and it has positive reviews).  the other 4 do not even hint at giving a steam key in the future.  

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the united bundle only has 4 games that have steam keys; gunworld, on a roll 3d, thief town and memories of a vagabond (all have been previously bundled with "on a roll 3d" being the one that some may not have and it has positive reviews). the other 4 do not even hint at giving a steam key in the future.
I'd assume they could get on steam as easily as anything else seems to, these days. Spell Casting 101 looks different, but I'm not sure if it looks fun.

tebow and I downvoted the "Unite" bundle, and Groupees chat got all upset about it lol. Now they're blaming CAG.
You guys angered the Poopees Groupees. Watch out thems some hardcore fanbois and they will spam you with obnoxious animated images.

Not that I would know anything about that.
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I actually hate it too. It really, really sucks, it's everything I hate about Poopees and it makes me want to smash the screen whenever I see it.

So of course I had to make it my avatar.
It could be worse. He could be in kitty commando and It could play that annoying and loud cat meow every time he posts.

Pier Solar's been bundled before Hektor is meh but at least not a repeat and not utter trash like 99.9% of what Poopees has been doing for a long time. Shadowgate is decent yes so they scored one good game there. One out of how many. You are pointing out the exception not the rule.
If only Shadowgate 2014 was in the first tier...

Poopies bundles have been shit for a long time now unless you have a collector fetish or think paying $2 for 50 cents in cards is a good deal.  I've not seen one game in the last ten or so main bundles that I've been even remotely interested in playing.

Hilariously enough even Humble has been dropping the ball.  Currently the ranking is probably something like Bundle Stars>Humble>Indie Gala>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Poopies.  Not even going to bother counting Indie Royale.

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Currently the ranking is probably something like Bundle Stars>Humble>Indie Gala>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Poopies. Not even going to bother counting Indie Royale.
I...actually agree with this. Bundlestars is the only site I even get semi excited about now. In fact, collecting +1s on Steam has gotten so depressing I went and started a GoG collection.

I...actually agree with this. Bundlestars is the only site I even get semi excited about now. In fact, collecting +1s on Steam has gotten so depressing I went and started a GoG collection.
Don't fool yourselves, kids: +1 is a dangerous, addictive drug, just like nicotine or Mary Jane. Sure, you think it's safe and cool because it's digital. But is it? As you rack up those +1s, soon you're going to peddlers of cheap thrills, like Groupees or IndieGala. You may even look to get your kicks from shady distributors like G2A. But watch out, Billy! Those cheap thrills are just that: cheap. And the more you taste that high, the less you feel it, till you start looking to recapture it with even more dangerous varieties: varieties like UPlay +1s and GOG +1s. It could happen to you, kids. Remember: friends don't let friends +1.
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bread's done