Halo Reach beanie hat giveaway

Naruto Uzumaki

7 (100%)
As they say "Share the Wealth" so I am giving away 3 Halo Reach Beanie hats that look like this:

What you have to do is tell me about a time when you did something nice for someone you didn't know and didn't expect anything in return.

I will be picking from the first 75 posts.

Good Luck!!! ;D

Great stories guys, almost there keep em coming.
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When I was a manager at a bookstore I got a letter from an inmate at the local jail. He was inquiring about how to purchase some books from us - his letter was fairly professional, and obviously written by a man desperate for some kind of compassion in his life. I looked up the rules for the jail's mailing system and sent him paperbacks of the books he requested at no cost. I guess I did it because I'd hope if I was in a desperate state, someone would do something nice for me. I know helping a convict isn't considered the nicest thing in the world, but you know everyone deserves a chance - who knows what mistake he made or what put him there - that's not really the point. I did something similar for a little girl in the Gulf Shores area who's family lost their jobs due to the oil spill - I sent her a ton of manga she wanted but could no longer afford.
[quote name='Izod517']When I was a manager at a bookstore I got a letter from an inmate at the local jail. He was inquiring about how to purchase some books from us - his letter was fairly professional, and obviously written by a man desperate for some kind of compassion in his life. I looked up the rules for the jail's mailing system and sent him paperbacks of the books he requested at no cost. I guess I did it because I'd hope if I was in a desperate state, someone would do something nice for me. I know helping a convict isn't considered the nicest thing in the world, but you know everyone deserves a chance - who knows what mistake he made or what put him there - that's not really the point. I did something similar for a little girl in the Gulf Shores area who's family lost their jobs due to the oil spill - I sent her a ton of manga she wanted but could no longer afford.[/QUOTE]
This story taken from Shawshank Redemption? Was his name Andy lol?
Recently my friend was pretty psyched to move into his new apartment. Due to some paperwork mix ups, he was not allowed to move in until the next day. He had already moved out of his current place but they had no key to give him until the next day. He was able to hang with some people during the day, but that night he had no place to go.

He ended up calling me at midnight asking if he could crash at my place. I was trying to go to sleep because I had classes the next day, but I didn't want him to be without a safe place for the night. I let him crash on my couch for the night and told him to have free reign of the xbox. It's not the most exciting good deed, but it made me feel pretty good :D
I left the gym with my wife and kids (the gym had child care) and was on my way out of the parking lot. We saw a lady trying to change her tire. It was obvious she had no clue what she was doing and it was crazy Louisiana hot this past July. I told my wife to drive home (had to get the kids somewhere... i forget where) and I jumped out. I helped her get the jack under the car. It always amazes me how many people stick it right under the door or somewhere on the body that will definitely go CRUNCH. A lot of other issues, could not get her lugnuts to come off (one was stripped), etc. Needless to say she was grateful when all was said and done.

Then I walked the 30 minutes back to my house. (It was probably about 98 degrees outside with a heat index of 106... love those southern summers.)
I was getting off the off ramp on freeway and a big fuel truck flipped in front of me.

Long story short I pulled him out since he was unable to get out. I didn't wait for anyone because I was in my work truck and I had to get to my job that I was almost running late to.
While driving to my folks house from school, I came across a guy in a pick-up truck on the side of the road with the hood up. Pulled over to see if he was ok, and ended up giving him a ride back to his house to get help for his truck.
I work at a karate school in a big sports complex. We have these giant promo stickers with our logo. We don't really give them out alone (they're for decorating our marketing stuff) but this little girl walked passed the office and was just in awe of these huge stickers. I gave her one and she proudly put it on her shirt and ran off to show it off to her friends.

Definitely not humanitarian of the year or anything, but it made me feel good.
One night, about 1030, I passed a truck pulled over on the other side of the freeway. I turned around at the next exit and got out to help him. He and wife had just came from Frankenmuth, and she had bought a crystal ornament. While they were driving she put down her window, and out it went. I was searching through the ditch with that guy for almost an hour and a half. Unfortunately we never found it.
I made my roommates food just because.

I helped out a friend who needed tutoring in Spanish for free.

I regularly donate my extra books, clothing, etc. to various charities as I would rather someone use them. It makes me feel good and it's really easy to do.

My favorite good deed, though, was tutoring elementary school kids because they are so interesting and weird lol. They always manage to surprise you.
I know it's not someone I didn't know though. So probably doesn't count. =/

Couple of winters ago was a rough one for some people and a family member of mine was in need of some cash for fuel oil. I was saving my money to buy a Wii but instead I gave all my cash to them so they could have heat in their home. It was a really awesome feeling paying for the fuel oil when they needed it.

It was a little over $300, since I was going to get some extras with my Wii as well. :)
About 7-8 years ago a friend of mine and I were walking around downtown Indianapolis where I'm from. We heard this old man yelling and these three guys standing around him looking like they were making fun of him and such. So I ran up ahead of my friend to see what was going on and it was this older man tipped over in his wheelchair on the ground and these guys were calling him names and such. So I told those guys to piss off (okay more than that was said) and I called my friend over and he and I helped the man up off the ground and back into his wheelchair.
I saw some guy drop a $20 unknowingly, grabbed it, and handed it back to him, without even considering the alternative. Simple, but why not.
A couple of weeks ago we came up to an old stopped car on the thruway, this thing was the biggest land yacht I've ever seen, this thing was longer than a extended cab truck, and it was a 2 door coupe!! (the guy later told us is was a '79 Lincoln Mark V). He had the the 4way flashers on so we pulled over, and it was an old guy, he was out of gas :whistle2:? My buddy and I ended up pushing that thing 3 blocks to the nearest gas station, right up to the pump for the guy, it was late and it just didn't seem right to be like, " aw he can walk there and back with a gas can"
then we got to have fun jogging back to my car that we left on the side of the road.
Whenever I was in study hall in school and I see someone struggling with homework (usually math), I'd offer my help. It feels nice to help, doesn't it?
I beat up a guy who beat up a foreign exchange student when i was in middle school.
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[quote name='Izod517']When I was a manager at a bookstore I got a letter from an inmate at the local jail. He was inquiring about how to purchase some books from us - his letter was fairly professional, and obviously written by a man desperate for some kind of compassion in his life. I looked up the rules for the jail's mailing system and sent him paperbacks of the books he requested at no cost. I guess I did it because I'd hope if I was in a desperate state, someone would do something nice for me. I know helping a convict isn't considered the nicest thing in the world, but you know everyone deserves a chance - who knows what mistake he made or what put him there - that's not really the point. I did something similar for a little girl in the Gulf Shores area who's family lost their jobs due to the oil spill - I sent her a ton of manga she wanted but could no longer afford.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Jodou']This story taken from Shawshank Redemption? Was his name Andy lol?[/QUOTE]

My thoughts exactly.
a lady got off the train and was going to exit the station. I told her she was going the wrong way and she gave me an old metrocard she had (had a ride and change on it).
One time I was in a gas station and there was this kid who rode his bike to get a Coke or something like that. The kid gets to the cashier and ultimately didn't have enough money so I tell the kid "This one's on me" and pay the cashier for it.

This sounds like a damn Coke commercial but true story.
Okay here my post

Black Friday 2007 .. Fry's Las Vegas .. was loading my brand new huge LCD TV onto my truck and just couldnt wait to get home to hook up my XBOX 360 to it and get to eat some Hawaiian food (BBQ Chicken) .. then a very small Asian man with a $50.00 bill in his hand asked me if I can take his new just as huge LCD to his place cause he have a sedan and wont fit .. he is willing to pay me for the job .. .. but I really wanted to just go home .. .. something just kept me nagging at me to help out the guy .. just nagged nagged and nagged till I said "kk, here let me help you" .. the drive was really really long due to the traffic and my impatient to get it over with .. help him unloaded .. his kids came out and actually hugged me .. freaking hugged me (dont like touchy feely ppl) .. I really have to go home now .. asked me to stay for lunch and the wife cook up with chicken dinner that was just freaking awesome .. then when I tried to go home he tried to pay me .. I was thinking a "a quick stop a gamestop wont hurt" .. .. .. then it came back .. the nag came .. the freaking nag said not to accept it .. didnt accept it .. he smiled and handshake later I left to quickly hook up my stuff

a year later .. got a new job .. and my new department head is the man who needed help with his LCD TV .. weird
Helped two older women into their car as they were carrying all their bags and canes from Sears while I was trying to find some games on clearance (there wasn't anything good BTW). The older woman was trying to help the younger older woman who had a bad leg get into the car, so I ran over to help them both into the car and their bags in the trunk. Got a thank you and went on my way.
I volunteer at the local hospital. I basically escort patients in and out the hospital. One patient I was escorting to her ride, she just had knee surgery and she was with her daughter. I escort them to there car, help the patients into the car and as I was about to go back inside, the daughter gave me a five dollar tips. I told her thank you, but no thanks and told her I am a volunteer and do this for no money but just the benefit of helping others in my free time. (p.s I also volunteer so hopefully I can get a job in the hospital some day lol)
The night before my wedding, an old friend of my best man found out his wife had been cheating on him, we had only met briefly in passing prior to that, but my best man explained to me that this gentleman needed a place to crash to get out of his house for the night, and some emotional support, so...long story short, he stayed on the couch in the bridal suite the night before out wedding, then attended our wedding in one of my suits (it was a little big, but it worked), we have been friends since.
When I go into stores, be them grocery stores, pawn shops or other locations, I organize the shelves a bit... The other day, when I went into a pawn shop to look at their video games, I found a case that had a CD in it, which was something that I knew that shop didn't mean to do, so I brought it up to the counter and told them about it. They took the game out of the case and placed it in a non-scratch case they had. I then returned the case to the shelf. (I actually do stuff like this on a regular basis despite having a torn disc in my lower back, L4-5, and Degenerative Disc Disease)

The reason why they do this is so people don't walk in, grab the case and walk out only to find out that the game was in there too.

They stated, "It's not everyday that you see an honest person".
Not a huge deal but every time I'm in a Gamestop (rare nowadays) or some area of a store that sells video games I usually always end up getting asked by a person who wanted advice on what to buy. I help them out and then another person seems to ask as well. I usually help at least 3-5 people out on purchases or just the general "Wheres the DS games?" in most trips.
Someones got to help with those little things too.
One time when Best Buy made one of those coupons that resulted in the game being free, I managed to get the limit of 3 the coupon said. With the extra copy, I sent it to a fellow CAG that wanted it, free of charge.
When I was a manager at GameStop, we had to penny out the guides constantly, meaning we'd have to tear them up and throw them away...

I constantly just gave them out to customers. Why not? Why waste a tree and not use it?

Maybe that's why I don't work there anymore. :(
Picked up a dude's wallet in New York (loads of people walkin' evarywhere) and got it back to him. I don't know how the hell he lost his wallet though. Not the sorta thing that slips out of a back pocket
One night at Walmart checking out there was an elderly lady in front of me with some groceries. Mainly fruits and veggies and some red potato's.

I noticed she was having a hard time paying since the total was about $5 over what she had and she splattered her entire coin purse on the top of that rolling thing Walmart has where the plastic bags are, I dont know what its called.

In the end she was only able to afford about half of what she was buying. The cashier just said 'sorry' and placed the potato's and some veggies in a cart on the other side of the register.

So, as the elderly woman was getting her bags to leave, and the cashier was getting to my stuff and start scanning, I said, "I'll pay for the rest of her groceries." - and did.

In the end its always better to pay it forward.

(BTW I dont want the hat, I just hope people read this and it motivates them to help others if they dont already)
I give a sandwich to a bum on my way back from lunch each day. I just buy an extra dollar sandwich and give it to this same guy who lives outside of my work. Been doing it for close to a year now. I've also given him some liquor from time to time.
A few months ago, while I was at work there was this little boy (like 5 years old); who kept bringing this Nintendo DS game to the cashiers (New Super Mario Bros. DS) but he had no money. He kept standing inline, waiting for hir turn to give the cashier the game probably expecting to be given the game back. (did it like 2 times)

While he was doing that, his mom was looking around the store for him; probably others didn't found weird the situation since the boy was so calm, waiting in line.

The mother came to us asking to do the whole "Code Adam" routine, which involves not letting anyone get out of the store and inspect every corner of the store. It was at that moment that she sees the kid standing in line, so we go to him and he tries to explain that he was trying to buy the game but after giving the game to the cashiers; the cashiers never gave the game back to him (he had no money to pay).

As we all continue talking it turned out that the kid was given a Nintendo DS as a gift (from his grandmother); but with no games. So all he did was draw in Pictochat. The parents were going through a divorce (probably why she thought she lost the kid, when it was that they were around the videogames section and she continued walking while he was checking the games) so is not like the mother could easily spend money on videogames. The boy according to her behaved well, was respecful, and a little shy.

He knew about the game, because of cousins he had that were always playing the game; so he instantly looked for the game/case it seems.

When I ask for the price of the game, since sometimes the store put games on reduced price without warning it turned out that the game was at $18.88; so I decided to pay for it and gave it to the kid as a gift.

The face of the kid was just priceless; since he looked shocked (even though he kept standing in line like expecting the game to just be given to him).

A few days later I saw him playing the game while sitting in a shopping cart (guess the mother got her lesson too) and even showing me how many stages he has beaten (was in 4-2 at that moment).

I was fired from there a round a month later (this January, still looking for a job); so I don't know if the kid has been on the store since then. But at least he was happy, which is all that matters.

As an aside..
I also really like Halo, got the Limited Edition using giftcards I was given from my friends as birthday present in August and me trading some videogames over at Gamestop; so the beanie would be a nice compliment; for such an awesome game and will be put to good use. :p
I've kept bottles of water and Gatorade in my car to handout to the homeless dudes I pass along some street intersections. Thanks for the free contest too bro.
I was at a stop light one time, and the lady behind me accidentally hit my car. She was yelling at her kids and her car started rolling forward and hit my rear bumper. Didn't leave a dent or anything, and she was all overwhelmed and apologetic. Thought I'd be nice and told her not to worry about...which was stupid because I ended up with really bad neck pain for 2 weeks after that but it did go away so no harm really done.
Found a $100 bill on the ground and gave it to some random kid like 12 years old that was near me. But now I wish I would have kept it but oh well. Hopefully he didn't spend it on booze and porn.
Several years ago my best friends sister-in-law needed to move from Michigan to Minnesota. We left after work, drove fourteen hours, helped load the vans, and then drove them back. All with only three hours of sleep.
Got wind of how bored the military guys got while they were in Iraq from a buddy of mine. Somehow we got on the subject of games and how his old unit wanted a HeroClix set. So he gave me the Info and i Shipped about 50 figures and a game map to them.
[quote name='EnronLackey']Okay here my post

Black Friday 2007 .. Fry's Las Vegas .. was loading my brand new huge LCD TV onto my truck and just couldnt wait to get home to hook up my XBOX 360 to it and get to eat some Hawaiian food (BBQ Chicken) .. then a very small Asian man with a $50.00 bill in his hand asked me if I can take his new just as huge LCD to his place cause he have a sedan and wont fit .. he is willing to pay me for the job .. .. but I really wanted to just go home .. .. something just kept me nagging at me to help out the guy .. just nagged nagged and nagged till I said "kk, here let me help you" .. the drive was really really long due to the traffic and my impatient to get it over with .. help him unloaded .. his kids came out and actually hugged me .. freaking hugged me (dont like touchy feely ppl) .. I really have to go home now .. asked me to stay for lunch and the wife cook up with chicken dinner that was just freaking awesome .. then when I tried to go home he tried to pay me .. I was thinking a "a quick stop a gamestop wont hurt" .. .. .. then it came back .. the nag came .. the freaking nag said not to accept it .. didnt accept it .. he smiled and handshake later I left to quickly hook up my stuff

a year later .. got a new job .. and my new department head is the man who needed help with his LCD TV .. weird[/QUOTE]

Karma dude....Karma. Did the guy remeber you?
I saw a cat in a tree outside a 2 story balconny. I know on the door and it turns out that the cat was his, and the cat was saved uninjured.
I was at the landfill yesterday and i helped 2 seperate trucks that were dropping off long trailers full of trash. both trucks were just the driver unloading them so me and the wife decided to help both unload. one was an older man probably in his 70's and we helped him first after we phelped the younger guy in his 40s. both offered to pay us but we turned it down hoping instead they will help someone else who looks like they are struggling with something. theres just something about watching someone struggle that makes me ask them if theyd like help, every time i go to the dump i help anyone behind me. when i worked retail id always offer to help people take their stuff out and load it in their car (i worked at walgreens on 3rd shift we didnt exactly sell giant hdtvs or anything a normal person couldnt lift) I just figure for all the luck i usually have i may as well keep god/karma/the universe/whatever happy with me and give a reason for more luck to come my way
Few years back I was at BestBuy lining up for their Black Friday deals and I got a claim ticket for a cheap desktop PC. Turns out I got in another deal and then saw a mother and a son shopping for a PC but they came late. So they got a cheap PC using my ticket :)
When living in Richmond, Virginia last December during the huge storm we received I was driving home from Snowboarding at a local resort. Just before turning on to my street a couple in a brand new BMW 350i was stuck at a bottom of an inclined street leading to the wealthy district of Richmond. After talking to them for a bit I carefully pushed there car with my jeep Cherokee up the hill and lead them on their way. The man offered me fifty dollars but I politely denied because it could of happened to anyone and it just didn't feel right. That is the most generous deed I've provided to society. Now I live in Teaxas with no mountains or snow:(
At a local comic book store during a tournament I was in, there was a kid that didn't have any money and was hungry, so I bought him some snacks and a coke. :)
When I was about 13, a mentally challenged kid in blockbuster told me how awesome my glasses looked. So I said, "you can have them, you'd look much better with them then I do." I gave them to him and he couldn't have been happier.

It's the little things in life when your helping somebody that makes the world glitter.
bread's done