Halo: Reach

[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Yep, they are dropped in the ordinance pods. Unfortunately, this kind of challenge is the one that brings out the douchebag in everyone. I've been killed three times already today, because I was the one to get to the designator. Cute.[/QUOTE]

Can you get the designator in Score Attack?
The daily challenges look pretty easy. The target designator one might take a while though since everybody will be dashing for it in every game.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Yep, they are dropped in the ordinance pods. Unfortunately, this kind of challenge is the one that brings out the douchebag in everyone. I've been killed three times already today, because I was the one to get to the designator. Cute.[/QUOTE]

Killed? Or betrayed? I've seen d-bags run to the painted area just so they can boot the guy using the designator. drrty mustards, those guys are special and need big fat fish in the mouf.
[quote name='100xp']Killed? Or betrayed? I've seen d-bags run to the painted area just so they can boot the guy using the designator. drrty mustards, those guys are special and need big fat fish in the mouf.[/QUOTE]

Should have been more clear. As I said, I was killed, because I got the designator first. Betrayed.
Im a little surprised that there is a blue visor, but not a red one. Unless thats unlockable past the gold visor? The silver and blue are pretty cool, but i mainly play games where my character is either red or blue, so im gunna wait and get the black visor. Actually i wish i could set it up to use the silver visor with blue team and black visor with red team.
thb, the blue visor is so hawt...especially since you can't unlock any other color visor for a while. I bought that as soon as I had the cR.

bungie on their forums said there's also other armor content that won't be unlockable until a % number of players unlock a certain amount of armor etc. So that's hopeful for even more variety.
[quote name='100xp']bungie on their forums said there's also other armor content that won't be unlockable until a % number of players unlock a certain amount of armor etc. So that's hopeful for even more variety.[/QUOTE]
That's cool. I miss the Halo 3 Hyabusa armor (especially the shoulder pieces) so hopefully that will become available later.

The Double Double challenge is easy if you play swat. I got it in my first match.
[quote name='sendme']Anyone up for a Legendary run tonight? Maybe around 6 or 7 cst?[/QUOTE]

I might be down for 8:00 PM Eastern if we can get one more. I think I'm one hour ahead of you.
Yeah the Hyabusa armor was really cool, who knows. It was a favorite so they might be inclined to add it and just update the graphics to the Reach standard.

Got the target designator after 2 FF matches, even had someone run to the painted area but fortunately he didn't boot me for his over eagerness. Take sprint, he helps you get to the targets that much faster.
I'd play if I could, gentlemen. Heading over to the buds tonight for some Reachness, but I don't think he'd appreciate if I hopped into campaign with 3 others.

I'll be playing, though, at ~10 EST, so if yeh see me on, feel free to hop into the game. Will mostly be playing Team Slayer or Big Team Battle (That's what we ended up playing last time, at least.)

I haven't played Firefight yet, what exactly is the "Painted area", and why does that grant someone the ability to knock people out of the match?
Painted area is the Red Ring AoE of the target designator...the kill zone (where all the missile drop). I played a lot of MW:2.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']
I haven't played Firefight yet, what exactly is the "Painted area", and why does that grant someone the ability to knock people out of the match?[/QUOTE]

The Target Designator is a weapon, essentially a laser-guided artillery bombardment weapon. When you use it, you paint a specific spot, and then that general area is shelled by explosives. If your teammate happens to be in that area when the shells arrive, he's toast. It will count as a team kill, and allow him to boot you from the game, despite the fact that his death was due to his own stupidity.
Speaking of betrayals, did Bungie make it so that you're allowed to kick somebody as soon as they betray you once? You had to kill the same person a couple times to be able to get kicked in the previous games, didn't you?
I've noticed that depending on the circumstance or MP mode, I was able to boot someone for a deliberate betrayal...but not when I was caught in the AoE of a blast once. However, the 2nd time I got caught in the AoE of the same player's blast (grenade) I got the option to boot.

I'll only boot you if you're doing it deliberately or just being a d_bag. You see passive ways to get ppl killed. Players use the magnum and shoot your shields off in hopes that you'll die to the covie.

(and nice explaination BingoBrown, I couldn't have explained it better myself. d(^ - ^d) )
Well I just got kicked for team killing. What sucks is it wasn't even my fault. I threw a stickey and someone on the other team then someone on my team went to get the assassination. Seems like in team slayer people kick a lot for team kills.
[quote name='100xp']I'll only boot you if you're doing it deliberately or just being a d_bag. You see passive ways to get ppl killed. Players use the magnum and shoot your shields off in hopes that you'll die to the covie.[/QUOTE]

See, THAT'S how betrayals should be handled. I appreciate that.

Unfortunately, the Bungie community seems to be comprised of retarded squirrels, who boot just because they can.

"omg did u see me kik that guy lol xD hes so gay OMG HOW DID HE KILL ME WTF THIS GAME IS SO GAY UR ALL DOUCHEBAGS".

I hate kids sometimes.
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Got the 100 kills and double double. And 'I need some ammo' shouldn't be a problem. But that orbital assists thing is gonna be tough. I tried earlier and can't even get into a game that has the ordinance drops. Everyone keeps voting for rocket or sniper firefight.
Yeah, probably need a party of CAGs to get that one so you can get into the right game types and take turns helping each other get the challenge.
[quote name='Maklershed']Got the 100 kills and double double. And 'I need some ammo' shouldn't be a problem. But that orbital assists thing is gonna be tough. I tried earlier and can't even get into a game that has the ordinance drops. Everyone keeps voting for rocket or sniper firefight.[/QUOTE]

Since Sniper/Rockets are at the bottom, try getting another person to do Firefight with you so you can control the vote by having both of you choose the top one.
I got the target designator one, but it was such a hassle that it didn't even feel like it was worth the cR. Bungie should really avoid challenges like that. I got TK'd at least 5 times today, because someone was annoyed that I beat them to the thing.
After playing a bunch of team slayer today, I'm perfectly fine with the temporary bans for quitting. When it's 4 on 4 and 2 people quit, it isn't any fun at all. If you quit on your team, you deserve it.
The target designator should be pretty easy to get on the 1st wave on a small map where both ships drop grunts and snipers as a group. I can usually get 9-12 kills from the 1st shot. Just a matter of getting to the weapon before someone else. If a group of cags want to work on this let me know and I'll join.

Also what map is everyone think is best for the Famine/Heroic challenge? I was thinking the Corvette mission.
I gotta say, it's pretty amusing to use armor lock sometimes, especially with how powerful melee is in this game. So many people don't even make legitimate attempts to shoot you. They just sprint around and try to do the double melee. So, it's extremely satisfying to armor lock on them, deactivate it, lower their shields, and then melee their ass.
[quote name='n4styn4t3']After playing a bunch of team slayer today, I'm perfectly fine with the temporary bans for quitting. When it's 4 on 4 and 2 people quit, it isn't any fun at all. If you quit on your team, you deserve it.[/QUOTE]

That's fine.

But wouldn't you have rather saved yourself some time and been able to quit too?

The system should recognize when 50% of your team leaves and should allow you to quit as well. Unless you have extreme teamwork or your opponents are super shitty, you'll probably lose. And why should you have to suffer that loss because some idiots on XBL quit?
actually some game types become mega awesome when you're alone vs. a team since they won't work together. you have 4x as many targets so they spend tons of time running around on empty levels looking for you.

i have won a lot of 2 v 4 play due to this phenomenon.
Campaign challenge was easy enough. Just did it in Mission 2 since I need the achievements for Killing the Moas and not using any vehicles.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']That's fine.

But wouldn't you have rather saved yourself some time and been able to quit too?

The system should recognize when 50% of your team leaves and should allow you to quit as well. Unless you have extreme teamwork or your opponents are super shitty, you'll probably lose. And why should you have to suffer that loss because some idiots on XBL quit?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it needs to allow drop ins like CoD, or automatically forfeit the win if more than 50% of the other team drops.
From Bungie's Weekly Update:

"In Halo 3, you really needed to learn the rhythm of a weapon or even count bullets to learn how long you needed to fire at an enemy before a melee was a guaranteed kill (or a headshot for that matter)."

I didn't realize retards had such an issue with understanding how guns worked and when to melee in Halo 3, or Halo 2 for that matter.
[quote name='yankeessuck']In case anyone was wondering Team Swat goes up 10/7 and campaign matchmaking goes up 10/15.[/QUOTE]

Nice. Thanks for the heads up.
[quote name='yankeessuck']In case anyone was wondering Team Swat goes up 10/7 and campaign matchmaking goes up 10/15.[/QUOTE]

Thats good to know. I have wanted to play campaign on Legendary. I wanted to see if anyone wanted to play it tonight but I have family over so can't right now.

Also I thought Fire Fight was to be in matchmaking. Every time I log in to it I'm the only one in it. So does no one play it?
[quote name='sendme']
Also I thought Fire Fight was to be in matchmaking. Every time I log in to it I'm the only one in it. So does no one play it?[/QUOTE]

You have to go to matchmaking and firefight to do it. You can do it through the firefight menu. Score attack is 1 player, Firefight will match you up with 3 others.

It's pretty limited anyway. Just 5 rounds and all players with infinite lives, so no real point to it in matchmaking.
Looking for some people to do Team Slayer/Team Arena with. Send me a pm here or on xbox live (GT= Thorgouge). Basically just want some people that like to win and are competent enough to procure some nice winning streaks. I'm very tired of losing because people go 3-18 and insist on not killing themselves irl.
Definitely looking forward to Team SWAT matchmaking. I much, much prefer it to other modes.

As far as quitting goes, you obviously have to quit a lot to get a temporary ban, because I quit two games in a row, and nothing was said. If you're quitting at a clip more than that, maybe you do a need time out. But in the end, we are playing a game. Games are suppose to be fun. And sometimes, you're in a game, and it's no fun, for one reason or another. If you want to leave, you should leave. You're not obligated to waste 10 minutes having no fun, especially when the game does nothing to compensate for being on your team quitting or getting disconnected.

[quote name='dmaul1114']It's pretty limited anyway. Just 5 rounds and all players with infinite lives, so no real point to it in matchmaking.[/QUOTE]

They really dropped the ball on that one. Why even bother with having any matchmaking for Firefight if you aren't actually going to let us play Firefight...just some aborted version of it.
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Look at the possible achievement points:

I love how people vote for snipers on reflection, and it turns into a grenade/melee game. LOL Seriously i think i got double melee'd more than i got sniped.

BTW i got double double kill in my first game, so awesome. Honestly i dont even know how i got the 2nd double kill but ill take it! :D
[quote name='zewone']Look at the possible achievement points:


You know Bungie did that install to HDD thing just to drop that hint.
my fail team failed to realize in Headhunters you're supposed to cap the skulls, they just jumped around like idiots and tried to frag the other team into submission. Saddest part was, 3 of them were all in the same party.
If you need help getting the firefight achievement you could always have a friend use 2 controllers and you use 2 controllers and party up. One gets the gun, gets 20 kills, quit, and repeat with the other person getting the 20 kills. Simple. But i was lucky enough to get it done in 2 games without interference.
My k/d has plummeted in the last fewdays were barely 1.0 :(
It bothers me that people instantly vote for Snipers or Swat, regardless of the map.

Also, trying to set the game to 'friendly' players only makes me play with even greater beasts. Playing solo is not an option for me anymore, I get raped.
[quote name='Kuroi Kaze']actually some game types become mega awesome when you're alone vs. a team since they won't work together. you have 4x as many targets so they spend tons of time running around on empty levels looking for you.

i have won a lot of 2 v 4 play due to this phenomenon.[/QUOTE]

I had this happen to me, as well. The 1st tine my three team mates quit and the opposing team quit after I killed them 10 times with rockets and grenades. I was up 10 to 5 when they quit. Today, it happened again but there were no rockets I just killed the opposing team with the AR. I was up 10 to 2 when they quit. Only one guy stayed and we ended up tying at 19 a piece, lol.
bread's done