Halo: Reach

Fair enough. I'm not much of an achievement guy either and just get ones that are fun to go after. Ones tied to things I enjoy doing like completing side quests, or ones tied to normal progression in multiplayer like getting the one for reaching Captain in Reach etc.

So my approach to challenges is the same as for achievements. I'll get the ones that are fun and not a pain in the but for me! :D

I haven't tried for "They came to hear me beg yet"...with all the griping over it I probably won't bother.
Multi Team is really where its at for the weekly. I average about 25 kills a game and I only occasionally got to like 28/29 in Team Snipers.

If anyone wants to play some Multi Team add me.
For some reason my challenges get reset when I sign in. But after like 10 minutes, the challenges correct themselves and say complete. The problem is that I recomplete some challenges before they correct themselves and I'm afraid Bungie will think I'm cheating, when I actually have no idea what happened. I have been running into this for the second day in a row and I am wondering if it happened to anyone else.
I wonder if ppl who bought the Mark V helmet thinking it was Master Chief's will be upset to know the Mark VI is revealed at Colonel rank (and damn expensive at Brigadier). I saw a bunch of players today all decked out in their best MC's spartan remake that the current cap would allow.

Holy crap, you can spend cR so quickly at Colonel rank and that's just to get 1 complete helmet and a pair of shoulders.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I haven't tried for "They came to hear me beg yet"...with all the griping over it I probably won't bother.[/QUOTE]

I was able to get it in 20 minutes the night before last, so it's not guaranteed to take a really long time. That's not due to any skill on my part, though; it was probably just luck. That, or Bungie made some fixes to it.
[quote name='The 7th Number']I really wish they would stick elites in their own play list somehow. I really hate playing as elites.[/QUOTE]
I really like starting off with the needle rifle, but yes. The appeal of starting off with stickies wears off when you realize everyone just equips armor lock and they drop off.
I made it to brigadier, all that was added to the armory was the security helmet, security shoulder pads, and grenadier chest. I noticed the security helmet said i couldnt buy it yet, it says "all (m) variant helmets have been upgraded to be compatible with all current issue armor systems"... whatever that means. There are two helmets names MJOLNIR Mk. maybe thats what they mean?

Man, 600,000 cR until general.... i dont even feel like grinding for that right now. Who knows, maybe once the cap is lifted, there will be a new cap at Brigadier. But i only have 164 more close quarter kills before i hit onyx, thats what im going for now.
I'm trying to somewhat like this game but all the bullshit that keeps happening makes it hard.

I have to snipe people 3 times to get a kill, sometimes my kills don't even register, people stand on top of my grenades and take next to 0 damage, I shoot people with the sniper, blood comes out and their shields don't pop and they don't die.

Then the armor lock thing is still pissing me off, sometimes they lose their shield sometimes they don't, sometimes I get melee'd and they lunge so far away at me and I having not thrown a melee at all yet, tries to melee them back and I don't lunge anywhere when they are like 1 to 2 arm lengths away.

Even if people don't admit it or don't notice I know it happens to other people cuz sometimes it's me that gets to take advantage of someone getting screwed over by the game.

It's like the only thing that's consistent is how you get screwed over.
[quote name='hustletron']I'm trying to somewhat like this game but all the bullshit that keeps happening makes it hard.

I have to snipe people 3 times to get a kill, sometimes my kills don't even register, people stand on top of my grenades and take next to 0 damage, I shoot people with the sniper, blood comes out and their shields don't pop and they don't die.

Then the armor lock thing is still pissing me off, sometimes they lose their shield sometimes they don't, sometimes I get melee'd and they lunge so far away at me and I having not thrown a melee at all yet, tries to melee them back and I don't lunge anywhere when they are like 1 to 2 arm lengths away.

Even if people don't admit it or don't notice I know it happens to other people cuz sometimes it's me that gets to take advantage of someone getting screwed over by the game.

It's like the only thing that's consistent is how you get screwed over.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, yesterday it seemed like someone lunged 10 feet with a sword to kill me, but yet half the time i swing at someone i dont lunge at all. Other times you nade them, shoot them with half an AR, then melee them and they dont die. I melee people 2-3 times sometimes and they wont die. Yet i die from one nade, or one melee sometimes.
I died today in a Multi Team game by someone using the shotgun in 1 shot while jetpacking he was so fucking far away and I had full shield. My jaw just dropped.
[quote name='hustletron']I died today in a Multi Team game by someone using the shotgun in 1 shot while jetpacking he was so fucking far away and I had full shield. My jaw just dropped.[/QUOTE]

LOL yeah sometimes the shotty makes me mad. Dude shoots me once or twice from 5 or more feet away and i die. I just played a game where i shot a guy with a shotty twice from 1 foot away, meleed him, while my partner was shooting him and he didnt die.
[quote name='The 7th Number']I really wish they would stick elites in their own play list somehow. I really hate playing as elites.[/QUOTE]

Same. As mentioned by FoC, you either have everyone armor locking to avoid the grenade stickies, or everyone is doing that freaking evade roll, and it just gives me a headache.
[quote name='The 7th Number']LOL yeah sometimes the shotty makes me mad. Dude shoots me once or twice from 5 or more feet away and i die. I just played a game where i shot a guy with a shotty twice from 1 foot away, meleed him, while my partner was shooting him and he didnt die.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, stuff like that is baffling to me.

It's really bad in Infection. So many times I'll be a zombie and die from a shotgun blast from a pretty long distance, only to have zombies survive me shooting them twice in the chest from five feet when I'm a human.

Sometimes it works the otherway though where I survive blasts as a zombie and then blow people away as a human so I guess it balances out at the end of the day.

Still baffling as it doesn't seem like that should be a lag issue. I can get the upclose stuff as maybe you get sworded before your shotgun blast hits the guy. But that doesn't explain the random one shot kills from 15 feet (when it's the last man standing so you know you're not getting unknowingly shot from other directions at the same time etc.
Nice. 3,000 credits in daily challenges for 2 (or less if you don't finish the 2nd) rounds of Grunpocalypse. Ended up close to 6,000 credits in two matches after knocking out a commendation as well. Nice boost in the grind from Captain 3rd Grade up to major.
WTF apparently i quit too many matches and a screen showed up saying if i quit again ill be banned for 10 minutes. Now thats not WTF, what is WTF is the screen saying if i quit again ill be banned, showing up a second time in the middle of the match while im still alive walking around.

Oh nice, now i get into a match me and 1 other dude vs 4.... and i cant quit or ill be banned. Nice.

........... cool we won. :D

Well i just got banned, cos i got into a match that was really laggy. People were warping around, i would throw a grenade and it wouldnt get thrown until a second or two later. Then my 3 other teammates left, so i wasnt going to play 4 vs 1 with 7 minutes left with a laggy ass game. Oh well so im banned for 10 minutes, ill live. But this is why i like games like call of duty. You can pop in and out and its not a big deal.
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[quote name='The 7th Number']WTF apparently i quit too many matches and a screen showed up saying if i quit again ill be banned for 10 minutes. Now thats not WTF, what is WTF is the screen saying if i quit again ill be banned, showing up a second time in the middle of the match while im still alive walking around.

Oh nice, now i get into a match me and 1 other dude vs 4.... and i cant quit or ill be banned. Nice.

........... cool we won. :D

Well i just got banned, cos i got into a match that was really laggy. People were warping around, i would throw a grenade and it wouldnt get thrown until a second or two later. Then my 3 other teammates left, so i wasnt going to play 4 vs 1 with 7 minutes left with a laggy ass game. Oh well so im banned for 10 minutes, ill live. But this is why i like games like call of duty. You can pop in and out and its not a big deal.[/QUOTE]
Yeah halo is a game where its actually quite essential to always have friends online. otherwise youre left to the mercy of the matchmaking system and everything that comes with it. at least with good buds you can tough out a bad game and wont have to worry about anyone quitting out on you.

When I used to play Modern Warfare 2 it was good for a couple games because you could pretty much go lone wolf and nobody cared lol. Although I'm not gonna have to go lone wolf with Black Ops cause a bunch of people on my friends list are getting it.
I think the key there is to stop quitting so many games. Bad lag? Fine, I'll buy that every couple games, but I can't see how you'd hit their quit cap w/o dropping from a bunch of playable games.

I don't see why people have to quit when their team gets unbalanced; maybe if your mates are truly just garbage, but it can make things more interesting too sometimes.
I got hit with the quit ban today too a couple posts back, I could care less as I feel this game is trash but I still think it's silly.

I quit games because it lags and I don't want to deal with it, I quit when my team mates insist on killing themselves and going negative, literally negative score on the scoreboard, I quit when I have complete dipped shit retards on my team and the other team is all premade.

It has nothing to do with losing, I've lost a lot of games and now that most of the people I used to play with quit playing I always play by myself. It's just a matter of what games I'll deal with and what I don't.

I'm fine with losing but I want to have a fighting chance and not have to carry a team of idiots when I know it's going to end up a loss anyway.

I'm pretty sure the quit ban also tracks quits out of score attack match making but why? It's only you in the game why would you get banned if you quit a certain amount of score attack games?
[quote name='Pirate331']I think the key there is to stop quitting so many games. Bad lag? Fine, I'll buy that every couple games, but I can't see how you'd hit their quit cap w/o dropping from a bunch of playable games.

I don't see why people have to quit when their team gets unbalanced; maybe if your mates are truly just garbage, but it can make things more interesting too sometimes.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, you have to quit a lot of games to get banned. I quite three games in a row once, and I didn't even get the warning message.

I'll play most unbalanced games, but if it's like 4 on 2, and the other team is comprised of people in a party who are clearly organized, I won't waste my time.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Yeah, you have to quit a lot of games to get banned. I quite three games in a row once, and I didn't even get the warning message.

I'll play most unbalanced games, but if it's like 4 on 2, and the other team is comprised of people in a party who are clearly organized, I won't waste my time.[/QUOTE]

I think this quit ban has been tracking for a few days because as soon as I logged on today, it said if I quit anymore then I'll be banned for 10 minutes. I hadn't even played any games yet.
[quote name='The 7th Number']WTF apparently i quit too many matches and a screen showed up saying if i quit again ill be banned for 10 minutes. [/QUOTE]

Protip: Stop being a pussy
Funny, when the lag hits and ppl start warping in and out I go into some heightened reach mode and almost always manage to kill whomever I'm facing off with (even if we both kill each other after the skirmish). Burst fire, grenade, burst fire, blind melee...I'm alive? haha.

Played CTF1 4v4, our team apparently didn't grasp the concept of what "defend" meant so we lost. Then my team drops out now it's 1 v 4 vs. a XBL party. House me sure, it's 4v1 w/shields but the entire team dancing/melee/tbagging me after I'm outnumbered? Really? Didn't do that all match when it was 4v4. Cowards. Ironic at the end I managed to assassinate one of them and drop my sack over his visor.

Is there any noticable difference between the Para armor and the Para armor (c) chest piece except a small belt attachment? The Para armor w/the belt attachment actually looks cooler than the more expensive upgrade.
hah, wow...I just got betrayed for the sniper rifle right from the start of the match. I only wish I could have heard the chatter after I booted his stupidas$. He was in an XBL party of 6 ppl, 4 of them made up the other team.

When my team is just garbage, I just follow them into the fry...last. They usually run in a straight line firing and I'll be in the back trying to aim for the other team's head. It works out most times even if we'll lost the match.
It really takes a lot for me to say negative things about a Halo game, but this game is just NOT fun. I tried to like it, but it is just not addicting like the other games. I haven't played in an entire week! I would have never done that for Halo 2 or halo 3, certainly not this close to release.

They need to take out the bloom, take out armor lock, and put in 1-50 ranks. And you can flame me, but I have been an avid Bungie-fanboy for years. I'm not just making shit up. And the player counts are lower than those of Halo 3. That is definitely not a good look, especially when the DLC is supposed to hit AFTER Call of duty black ops comes out.
[quote name='100xp']

Holy crap, you can spend cR so quickly at Colonel rank and that's just to get 1 complete helmet and a pair of shoulders.[/QUOTE]

I spent about everything I earned up until Major as soon as I hit Major. It's easy to spend cR in general, but yeah, Lt. Colonel really helps. 100k black visor, 150k MC voice for Firefight or 100k for Buck. Kind of ridiculous. I only have 130k left now :(.

[quote name='The 7th Number']Quit ban post[/QUOTE]

Yup, it's bullshit. I refuse to play in laggy games or games that are completely one sided player wise, not skill wise. If I'm getting roflstomped, I'll stay, but if it's 1v4 in my favor or 4v1 in the other team's favor, I'm not going to stay. It's just boring and stupid.

[quote name='lolwut?']Protip: Stop being a pussy[/QUOTE]


[quote name='help1']It really takes a lot for me to say negative things about a Halo game, but this game is just NOT fun. I tried to like it, but it is just not addicting like the other games. I haven't played in an entire week! I would have never done that for Halo 2 or halo 3, certainly not this close to release.

They need to take out the bloom, take out armor lock, and put in 1-50 ranks. And you can flame me, but I have been an avid Bungie-fanboy for years. I'm not just making shit up. And the player counts are lower than those of Halo 3. That is definitely not a good look, especially when the DLC is supposed to hit AFTER Call of duty black ops comes out.[/QUOTE]

But, but, but what about the noobs? What about the people that need to use gimmicks to get kills? I agree with you on armor abilities. fucking camo + sniper? What kind of bullshit is that? You can't see the guy, but he can see you and he loses his radar? So, he just has to look behind him every once in a while, but you get to try and spot someone that's impossible to spot from far away before he shoots you. Smart move bungie. We need a Pro playlist right now.

In all honesty, the only reason I even log on to Halo almost daily is to put 1-2 hours in to complete the challenges. That's about it. After that, I just stop playing and go play some other game.
[quote name='help1']They need to take out the bloom, take out armor lock, and put in 1-50 ranks.[/QUOTE]

Looks like you want yourself a Halo3 2.0.

Play Halo 3, brotha.
@help1 - you figure since Bungie knew this was legally their last Halo game they would add a few things to mix it up, as well as save a few things to implement in their next game outside of microsoft's umbrella.

Are you playing mostly solo? As mentioned earlier, most of the fun in Reach lately is with a full XBL party of your peers. At least if you're getting housed you're getting housed as a team and if you're pwning, it's a tea party for you all.

@darkrider23 - I'm guessing you meant 100k for Carter's voice. I play a fair amount of FF as much as the next guy but not enough to want to drop more than 10k on a FF voice, at least not until I have nothing to buy or I'm 2mil away from the next big unlock.
Week upon week upon week I don't have internet, I miss these challenges, and I fall behind in hundreds of thousands of credits. Lawd.

By the way, I posted this a few pages back, I figure I'll re-post this in case someone is HDTV-savvy and could possibly help me.

[quote name='AlphaPanda']For the past month or so, when I've played Reach, it has been at a buddy's house on his SDTV. Just got a chance to play it online on my HDTV today (First time I've played the game in general on that), and there seems to be a couple problems.

First off, the game looks worse on my HDTV than it does on SDTVs. Starting to think I might have a cheapo HDTV. It's a 720p 32-inch, and some games look fine and some games, like GTAIV and now Reach, just...don't. Reach looks all jaggy, from the gun to the environment. There's also a noticeable input lag, which makes playing and aiming a pain in the ass. Seems to be about a half-second lag, which causes more problems than I thought. It's definitely noticeable playing on that compared to an SDTV. Is there any way to fix it? I'm using HDMI.

Just hoping I don't get stuck with a "Guess you'll have to deal with it" situation. The 360 is set to 720p widescreen on HDMI.[/QUOTE]

It's mostly the thing about the input lag making the game unplayable, but the jaggies don't help whatsoever.
I'm using a Sony Bravia 40" (780p), HDMI cable that the elite comes with, and I'm not having any graphical issues. Does your TV have a better refresh rate or something? Maybe you can check your console's network setup.

Sometimes I wonder why my bandwidth say Warning or Moderate when it's the "faster" cable modem package. My friend after hours plays at his office, alone...his connection speed is faster than a T3 but his upload signal according to the network status also says Warning. *shrugs*
[quote name='100xp']

@darkrider23 - I'm guessing you meant 100k for Carter's voice. I play a fair amount of FF as much as the next guy but not enough to want to drop more than 10k on a FF voice, at least not until I have nothing to buy or I'm 2mil away from the next big unlock.[/QUOTE]

And nope, I meant Buck. I could have sworn he was 100k, but he's only 15k :). I guess I'll be buying his voice tomorrow. And I rarely play firefight. I only play it when there is a challenge associated with it. Are the voices worth it? I guess. I already have my Spartan looking exactly how I want him to look like, so I don't plan on buying any more armor because I really don't like 90% of the armor that's available. I might as well just buy the voices so I don't go out of my mind when playing Gruntpocalypse for those 200, 300, or 400, etc kills in firefight. It breaks the monotony and some of the comments are actually hilarious.

@Alpha - That's weird. I play on a 32" 720p TV as well and it's perfect for me.

@100xp - I have no idea what goes on with the warnings with connection speeds. My connection has been crappy as hell for the past few days, but I'm constantly getting "good" from Bungie.
The voices are worth it, just saying I'm not at the place where I'm trying to buy them all just yet because they only get used in FF or Scoreattack. Most of my buds I play FF w/all have different FF voices so it's always amusing to hear them above the usual chatter.

My favorite from what I've heard is "All those years of braces for nothing." - Stacker
This being from Auntie Dot, Buck, Stacker, and Kat.
[quote name='100xp']I'm using a Sony Bravia 40" (780p), HDMI cable that the elite comes with, and I'm not having any graphical issues. Does your TV have a better refresh rate or something? Maybe you can check your console's network setup.[/QUOTE]

Unfortunately I don't know jack about TVs, really, which is disappointing. Sylvania LC320SLX, for what it's worth. The thing was 300 bucks. Using a Monster HDMI cable which I (stupidly) bought for 80 bucks before I knew about Monoprice and all that. I had lost the HDMI cable that came with my Elite, since I got my Elite in 2007 and just got this HDTV December of last year. Never really had any use for the HDMI, and it went off and disappeared.

Apparently a lot of HDTVs have input lag, some more than others. I saw a suggestion to switch the TV to Game Mode to reduce input lag, which gave me hope that there might be a solution until I hit Setup and found out its been on Game Mode the entire time. Bleh.

To answer your question about the refresh rate...I have no idea. I can't find an answer to that ANYWHERE. Not in the manual, not on review sites, not even on the Sylvania sites, unless I overlooked it.
Have you considered/tried using the standard AV cables that come w/the xbox instead? If it'll smooth out those edges and reduce your lag it's worth it imo, esp if it'll improve your gaming experience...but my guess is, it's probably your TV.

Call Bestbuy, they might have someone in their depts that could help you out. Always nice to "hear" someone talk about your dilemma than to read about it from untrained professionals trying to offer sincere advice.
[quote name='DarkRider23']

But, but, but what about the noobs? What about the people that need to use gimmicks to get kills?

I don't understand this complaint. If Reach didn't have Armor abilities it wouldn't be Reach, it'd just be a few tweaks and one or two new weapons.

What you were expecting was Halo 3 Part 2.
[quote name='Corvin']4 Firefight challenges today. Bungie trying to distract people from the Weekly Challenge? lol[/QUOTE]

I think it's to make up for having mostly MM challenges previous, some of my friend's kids who play Reach aren't very good at competitive play modes and just get frustrated. Everyone else can crank out the FF challenges in about 2 games of Scoreattack, and 1 game of FF matchmaking. (if you're lucky) ...in which they will go right back to competitive MM and grind out those kills.
Oh, yeah. I like all firefight challenges. They're usually quick and easy to do. If I'm doing score attack to get them, it's even better. 1,000 for a little over ten minutes of G-Poc plus the challenges I'm working toward.
[quote name='help1']It really takes a lot for me to say negative things about a Halo game, but this game is just NOT fun. I tried to like it, but it is just not addicting like the other games. I haven't played in an entire week! I would have never done that for Halo 2 or halo 3, certainly not this close to release.

They need to take out the bloom, take out armor lock, and put in 1-50 ranks. And you can flame me, but I have been an avid Bungie-fanboy for years. I'm not just making shit up. And the player counts are lower than those of Halo 3. That is definitely not a good look, especially when the DLC is supposed to hit AFTER Call of duty black ops comes out.[/QUOTE]

While I hate the bloom and AL is annoying part of the problem is likely fatigue from playing Halo for years. Even though I dont feel like the multiplayer has improved overall since Halo 2 its still hard not to get bored alot quicker this time around.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']Looks like you want yourself a Halo3 2.0.

Play Halo 3, brotha.[/QUOTE]

I definitely would if I had the money and I already bought Black Ops. So I have to wait for it to come out in a couple weeks and hopefully whenever bungie gets off their good for nothing asses and puts in grifball I may come back, that is if they don't totally ruin that too.

The only part I actually still like is the customization but even then there's not that much, half the stuff is lame.
[quote name='Corvin']4 Firefight challenges today. Bungie trying to distract people from the Weekly Challenge? lol[/QUOTE]

Already got my weekly challenge yesterday. Firefight challenges seem easy, 2 games of gruntpocalypse, and 1 game of firefight and your done.

Man i hope the cap is lifted before i get black ops, i want to at least play a little at my real rank, and buy new armor. Looks like 40% left to go.
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']Oh, yeah. I like all firefight challenges. They're usually quick and easy to do. If I'm doing score attack to get them, it's even better. 1,000 for a little over ten minutes of G-Poc plus the challenges I'm working toward.[/QUOTE]

Yep. That's the main thing that gets me to hop on. Even on nights like last night where I don't have time to really play, I can find 15 minutes to hop on and knock out a couple challenges in G-poc and work on the grind to Lt Col for that achievement.
[quote name='100xp']I think it's to make up for having mostly MM challenges previous, [/QUOTE]

Seems like there's usually one day a week (or so) where the challenges are all FF related.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Yep. That's the main thing that gets me to hop on. Even on nights like last night where I don't have time to really play, I can find 15 minutes to hop on and knock out a couple challenges in G-poc and work on the grind to Lt Col for that achievement.[/QUOTE]

lol Same here. Also reading your posts, we seem to be maintaining a similar rank progression as well. I made Major G.1 the other day and am halfway to G.2. Mostly because I want to hop on for Firefight (G-poc) challenges. I don't want to do matchmaking every day, but like you, I'll take 15-30 minutes to play some G-poc.
Close. I think we rode out Warrant Officer at the same pace though.

The 1-3 ranks aren't much of a grind at 25k each, it's from 3 to the next rank that is a grind.
Yep, think we hit captain the same night IIRC.

I just haven't played as much since getting to Captain so I've fallen a bit behind you. And yep, the 40-60,000 grind from 3rd grade to next rank is a pain. I'll stop worrying about it when I hit Lt Col and just play when I feel like it and not bother with challenges etc. so much (if I even keep the game vs. ditching it on goozex).
[quote name='100xp']Have you considered/tried using the standard AV cables that come w/the xbox instead? If it'll smooth out those edges and reduce your lag it's worth it imo, esp if it'll improve your gaming experience...but my guess is, it's probably your TV.

Call Bestbuy, they might have someone in their depts that could help you out. Always nice to "hear" someone talk about your dilemma than to read about it from untrained professionals trying to offer sincere advice.[/QUOTE]

I always feel like they'll try to gimmick me. "Input lag, yeah, that can be a problem. What you need here is this $200 HDMI cable, it's proven to reduce input lag by as much as 10%! While we're at it, let's look at other TVs that might solve your dilemma..."
bread's done