Happy Moderator Retirement to CAG Hero, Shrike4242!

Shrike, thanks so much for all the work. You made the CAG trading area worth using and helped me out a few times. Luckily, I didn't have too many problems.

Enjoy the increase in free time. I'm sure the work here was a time sink. Thanks again! :)
I hope these people aren't making Shrike feel guilty for stepping down.

Just kidding.
Anyway, for the somewhat short time I have been registered here, Shrike has done a great job of keeping a lot of the forums in line.

Thumbs up
I thought your name looked a bit different lately. Sorry to lose you as a mod, Shrike, but thanks for the excellent work!
Where the heck is shrike? He's missing his own CAG retirement party :eek:

Haha, I'll miss the post he always leaves for new traders :p

He really did help out a lot, gave me some tips, and always made sure he saw everything through.

Since he's not going anywhere, it's not goodbye, it's see ya later ;) (or today or whenever >.>)
I only just noticed you weren't modding anymore Shrike, no more "Shrikedowns" then I guess.

Thanks for all the hard work, in my limited time on this board you've been the most visible mod.
[quote name='benjamouth']no more "Shrikedowns" then I guess.[/QUOTE]

I'm ready for 'mykedowns,' personally. I don't think any mods are on, given that a stupid "free whatever scam" thread has been open in the deals thread for 20 minutes plus now.

I'm going to start a campaign to be elected moderator. Shame I'm so awful with Paint, or else I might actually make me a campaign banner.
[quote name='mykevermin']I'm ready for 'mykedowns,' personally. I don't think any mods are on, given that a stupid "free whatever scam" thread has been open in the deals thread for 20 minutes plus now.

I'm going to start a campaign to be elected moderator. Shame I'm so awful with Paint, or else I might actually make me a campaign banner.[/quote]

Here you go buddy:

[quote name='mykevermin']I'm ready for 'mykedowns,' personally. I don't think any mods are on, given that a stupid "free whatever scam" thread has been open in the deals thread for 20 minutes plus now.

I'm going to start a campaign to be elected moderator. Shame I'm so awful with Paint, or else I might actually make me a campaign banner.[/QUOTE]

:rofl: :rofl:
Wow, I'm not sure how I missed this one (actually, I bet my shitty internet connection had something to do with it). Regardless, many thanks and kudos to you my friend. May life present you with happiness in your endeavors.
who says there should only be one more mod? Maybe i should be running mates with Myke - i can help out with the trading stuff , got enough experience with it =]
[quote name='CheapyD']After a very long and incredibly successful run, Shrike4242 has decided to retire from the position of CAG Moderator. As we all know, Shrike has put an amazing amount of time, energy, and care into his Moderating duties, so it should not be suprising that he is ready to move on.

Shrike had contemplated retirement before, but I was able to successfully change his mind. This time, I could tell this was the right choice for him, so I didn't not push him (too hard ;) ). I completely understand and respect his decision.

It will be impossible to fill Shrike's shoes, but of course we will have to move forward the best we can. The good news is that Shrike will not be leaving CAG, only his mod duties will be left behind.

Let us use this opportunity to congratulate Shrike on his amazing tour of duty, remember some of his greatest moments (like the TMACDaddy incident, and his Cheapy Award for CAG Hero), and thank him for his tremendous service to the CAG community (and to me personally).

I wish Shrike the best of luck and happiness now that the burden of Modship has been lifted.

Thank you so much, Shrike! :applause:[/QUOTE]

What a shame. He was one of the best things to happen to the trading forums.

Good luck in life, buddy and enjoy your temporary retirement :)
Shrike did a wonderful job of keeping the trading thread (and much of the rest of the site) in order, his stewardship will be missed.

Still, congrats are in order for his long term of quality work.:applause:
Nooooooooooooooooooo! How did I miss this?

Thanks Shrike for all the work you did to make CAG a better site. I hope to see you around the site often though.
I feel like I'm probably not active on here enough to comment, but from what I've seen and the few interaction I had w/ him - he came across as very solid.
I'm late to this particular party, but have made my feelings known in the OTT. It's worth saying it again here, though, to keep the retirement party rolling.

Shrike, the effort you've put in around here is phenomenal. You're a huge part of why the CAG community functions as well as it does. Unlike most CAGs, I actually came here first and foremost for the community -- deals are still in second place for me. It may sound crazy, but there's a near-perfect blend of in-depth discussion and merry pranksterism here. It's a delicate balance that couldn't be maintained without the exceptional work of the mods, and Shrike, you've stood tall amongst that team. You'll be missed.
Wow, I really can't imagine CAG without Shrike. I know the rest of the moderators are great but it really seems like Shrike was always there and always ready to go above and beyond the duty of a moderator. You will be missed - but at least you'll still be around to trade with!
Shrike you were/are an awesome moderator. You always did a good job of keeping things in order for cag. Best wishes in whatever you want to do with your time
I want to take shrike for the swift actions he took when I got scammed, and I traded with him in the past. Granted I can't come to you if I'm scammed again (god forbid)...I do want to congratulation you on tenure as CAG Mod and I hope we can trade again.

bread's done