Hardest 10 360 games to get 1000/1000 Achievements on


Just wondering, what games have the hardest achievements for 1000/1000? PGR3 has that platinum trophy achievement and I don't know who could do that without spending sooo much time!
[quote name='SNKMat']king kong[/quote]

I assume that one is a joke, because king kong is not a hard game :lol:

GRAW is definitely on that list, I know it has some insane multiplayer achievements (#1 worldwide or somesuch). PDZ has some tough single player and time consuming multiplayer achievements as well.
Rumble Roses .... not one single achievement in the short time I have played that game.
Lost Planet has a few tricky ones

Gears of War has that pain in the ass getting all those kills and beating it on the hardest difficulty is no walk in the park either

Dead Rising

Crackdown since they haven't actually released the last 100 points yet
[quote name='Sh0k']Rumble Roses .... not one single achievement in the short time I have played that game.[/quote]
Tiger Woods '06 - all online and they've shut down the daily tournaments so it's probably nearly impossible now.


Fifa World Cup - the 500 point "Complete all the challanges" achievement is a bitch, I got sick of doing that pretty quick.
FFXI & DoAX2 probably are two games that come to mind when I think about hardest games to get all 1000 points in.

Achieve360points.com has a good list of difficult achievement games. Here is their list for the hardest:
Dead or Alive Xtreme 2
Final Fantasy XI
Ridge Racer 6
Tony Hawk's Project 8

Of the ones I've played, here are some games I felt had one or two tough achievements that would make it difficult to get the full 1000:
DoA4 - Achieved Grade "SS"
GRAW1 - World Champion (Multiplayer)
Lost Planet - Extreme Soldier/Master Pioneer
Saint's Row - Contract Killer/Kingpin
Ghost Recon Advance Warfighter:

World Champion (Multiplayer)
Climb to the top of the universal leaderboard.

Solo champion (Multiplayer)
Climb to the top of the solo leaderboard.

Team champion (Multiplayer)
Climb to the top of the team leaderboard.

And Earth Defense Force 2017... although I've seen people with all 1000 points. They say it takes something, like, 80 hours to do.

fuck that.
burnout was pretty time consuming but that last one where you have to be in the top 10 video's uploaded is impossible unless you uploaded your shit as soon as the game came out and got a bunch of friends to download it. I'll never get my full 1000 for that game and it pisses me off.
[quote name='sandrokstar']Dead or Alive Xtreme 2.
no joke. the objectives aren't even clear on what to do.[/quote]

I think "make friends" means you have to get all the suits from other girls...like you have to have all the suits for 3 characters to get the "2 friends" achievement. I can't imagine getting them all in less than like 100 hours, since the suit-giving process is sooooooooooo slow and drawn-out.

That said, I got 40 points worth of achievements when i rented it...so not even close.
wow how does anyone get all the achievements in GRAW now, maybe at the start it woulda been easier, but now it'd be craaaazy hard.

I thought PGR3 had hard achievements though, it got 9/10 on that website. Thanks for the link it's a great site btw xD

LOL and I just saw FFXI too...wow whoever gets those is insane. Level 75 in everything is NUTS! I've never managed to get to 75 in ANY of the MMORPGs I've played...

I'm sure theres some nut out there though who's got 1000/1000
it is definitely GRAW....I'm only one more achievement away from getting the full 1000. I've got Universal and Solo, still need team.

Then again, I haven't played some of the other high contenders.
DOA4. I FREAKING HATE IT! I can't, for the life of me, get 90% of the achievements. I can't ever get a medal on time attack or survival, I get raped online, and I have no idea how to collect every outfit. Oh, I FREAKING HATE IT!

And one discouraging thing that has bothered me are all the achievement CHEATERS on the scoreboard. 100,000+ achievements is stupid. The leader got 30,000+ last month alone which is humanly impossible. All they do is take the memory saves and get instant points. It almost takes the fun out of getting them. :cry:
As for arcade games, NOBODY in the world has ever gotten Smash TV's "finish the game without continuing" achievement, either because nobody's done it, or they are liars and when they did do it, the achievement didn't go through.

FEAR is pretty tough, so is Quake 4. Ridge Racer 6 has that ridiculous achievement where you're supposed to go through the whole single player game without crashing. That would be super frustrating if you screwed up near the end. And all for a measly 60 points. HA!
rumble roses, easily... then i think of tiger woods '06... other than that, maybe any that require online ranking

(and don't forget about that 1000 ppl online achievement on nba '07)
[quote name='jer7583']As for arcade games, NOBODY in the world has ever gotten Smash TV's "finish the game without continuing" achievement, either because nobody's done it, or they are liars and when they did do it, the achievement didn't go through.

The achievement is glitched. You can meet the requirements easily using the two player glitch, but it just won't unlock the Game Master one (The other level ones unlock fine).

FFXI's achievements are time consuming, therefore its easier to just jump to another rendition of Sports Game 2KX. There is a way, but good luck trying to pull it off. Since you can use a PC/PS2 account, just find someone who has leveled each job to 75 (or the other requirements). Use their account and talk to the guy in the tavern to unlock them.

But, how many folks are going to give you free access to their account they've spent years on? Not many.

Therefore, I deem it the most difficult. Ever.
I don't know if you can call FFXI's the most difficult, maybe most time consuming..

I'd think that something like RR6 no crashing would be most difficult, because you'd have to start over if you screw up AT ALL. In FFXI nothing can really make you start over on the leveling.
FFXI is hardest 1000/1000 because getting a relic weapon in that game is fucking hard. Ive been playing since launch and last year my dynamis ls leader became the first non japanese player on our server to get one fully upgraded.

The rest isnt too bad, i could probably unlock around 400 points so far but theres just one thing that bugs me....IF EVERY SINGLE ACHIEVEMENT IS SECRET NO ONE CAN TELL WTF YOU DID!!! I think that was a major flaw in the achievement design so ill pass on getting the 360 version even though i did the work for alot of points already.

Also to stay on topic, achievementpoints has a list by difficulty. I think the hardest rated game i have 1000 on is Hitman Blood Money(8/10).
[quote name='exileinoblivion']burnout was pretty time consuming but that last one where you have to be in the top 10 video's uploaded is impossible unless you uploaded your shit as soon as the game came out and got a bunch of friends to download it. I'll never get my full 1000 for that game and it pisses me off.[/QUOTE]

Not that hard. For a long while after it came out they reset the top 20 every few weeks. You just had to get lucky when that happened and hook up with someone to help you get it. I got it with only 15 views of my clip. :)
I think I’m starting to develop a little problem about achievements. I don’t know if it’s the completionist in me but I can’t leave a game alone until I have unlocked all the achievements for it. And reading about some of the games with “impossible” achievements really freaks me out. I’d hate to just have to accept that there is no way outside of cheating that I would ever be able to unlock all the achievements in a game.
[quote name='Kevlar281']I think I’m starting to develop a little problem about achievements. I don’t know if it’s the completionist in me but I can’t leave a game alone until I have unlocked all the achievements for it. And reading about some of the games with “impossible” achievements really freaks me out. I’d hate to just have to accept that there is no way outside of cheating that I would ever be able to unlock all the achievements in a game. [/QUOTE]
One thing that I hate about achievements is that any time you download an arcade demo it puts the possible achievement points in your profile. I want to have a good completion percentage and they are killing me!
[quote name='jer7583']I don't know if you can call FFXI's the most difficult, maybe most time consuming..

I'd think that something like RR6 no crashing would be most difficult, because you'd have to start over if you screw up AT ALL. In FFXI nothing can really make you start over on the leveling.[/QUOTE]

No, you just have to restart that particular race over. You're talking about the "No Crash Victory: Single Races" right? You just have to win on every course without crashing on every car class. Its not overly difficult, just boring (I got through about 12 courses with class 1 and 2 cars before abandoning the dream
[quote name='jer7583']As for arcade games, NOBODY in the world has ever gotten Smash TV's "finish the game without continuing" achievement, either because nobody's done it, or they are liars and when they did do it, the achievement didn't go through.[/QUOTE]
Agreed - that Smash TV "without continuing" thing is the most ridiculous achievement out there to date, although some of the other early Midway games are right up there as well. But that's arcade.

I'll go with what seems to be the majority and say GRAW for the full games. The just-released Guitar Hero 2 is a solid contender to be in the top 10.
[quote name='Kevlar281']I think I’m starting to develop a little problem about achievements. I don’t know if it’s the completionist in me but I can’t leave a game alone until I have unlocked all the achievements for it. And reading about some of the games with “impossible” achievements really freaks me out. I’d hate to just have to accept that there is no way outside of cheating that I would ever be able to unlock all the achievements in a game. [/quote]

I've set myself a guideline to try and get half the points on each game. That way I try to avoid doing things over and over again just for points and also I don't need to worry so much about ranked matches achievements.

I'll also not play a game I hate just for the points, 250 points was enough in Top Spin 2 before I traded it's ass, and that was only about an hour of play. Some games like Oblivion and GOW are a joy to play and the points are just a bonus.
[quote name='tayaf69']One thing that I hate about achievements is that any time you download an arcade demo it puts the possible achievement points in your profile. I want to have a good completion percentage and they are killing me![/QUOTE]

Create a new silver account and play the arcade demos while signed into that one. It's free and the games never show up in your gold profile.
That Burnout achievement is actually pretty simple. Unless they've changed it, the leaderboards reset every month at like 00:00 GMT on the 26th, which is like 5, 6 PM on the 25th in the States. You just need to keep that in mind, I got mine with 1 download. The shit part about it is that you need to be logged in to the online portion of Burnout Revenge while you're up there on the top 20 to unlock the achievement, you can't get it in absentia.

The leaderboard achievements on GRAW are probably my biggest pet peeve, it's not enough that you have to over take the legitimately good people but you also have to go over the boosters. Thankfully they've fixed that in GRAW 2, all the achievements in there are pretty simple and getting 1000/1000 seems completely doable.

Aside from that I think Lego Star Wars is notable for being pretty damn tough for a kid's game. I got 1000/1000 but most of it is more time consuming than difficult. The flying missions were legitimately tough though, beating those in one run is a real achievement.
Definitely Ridge Racer 6. I'm about halfway through the game (about 15hrs gameplay) and just got my very first achievement for driving 500 miles. Half the achievements are secret, so they'll just show up randomly. And to cap it all off, once you've completed all 108 races, you have to do THREE HUNDRED MORE without crashing or using Nitrous just to get two more.
Three hundred w/o crashing??....are you kidding me?

Man I thought PGR3 was hard, theres no way I'll ever have the patience to get the platinum trophy one. The rest I think I'll get, 19/20 or w/e.....
[quote name='terribledeli']No, you just have to restart that particular race over. You're talking about the "No Crash Victory: Single Races" right? You just have to win on every course without crashing on every car class. Its not overly difficult, just boring (I got through about 12 courses with class 1 and 2 cars before abandoning the dream[/QUOTE]

I thought that the boards at achieve360points or some site was talking about it had to be a straight run through with no crashes whatsoever, restarting races or no. Maybe they were wrong. It's still a bitch to get through 100 or however many races without crashing..
I have to gather the patience to re-do the 7-day survivor achievement on Dead Rising (I was at 6 days and 22 hours, had plenty of food to survive to day 8 or 9 easily, got bored, started screwing around and accidentally got myself killed :whistle2:(), but otherwise I thought the acheivements in Dead Rising were reasonable and actually greatly enhanced the replayability of the game.

Any game with the "#1 in the world" or glitched acheivements pisses me off. And I STILL don't have any DOAX2 acheivements after about 7 hours of game time.
I didn't realize Lumines Live was ranked a 9 in difficulty on achieve360points. I didn't find it that difficult actually.
bread's done