Heavy Rain Discussion Thread

[quote name='FoxHoundADAM']Really, games being in 720p result in a non purchase for you?[/QUOTE]

Yeah that doesn't make sense to me either. Isn't the general consensus that 720p looks slightly better than 1080i?
[quote name='etschell']so what is everyone's impressions on the demo?

my thoughts are as follows:

incredible graphics and sound.
i like the multiple choices.
the control system is refreshing.
definitely now going to buy this game because of the ability to play 4 characters and the replay factor with the alternate endings.[/QUOTE]

Yes, what they said. Just not a first day buy for me, but definitely somewhere down the road.
you guys, he got in on hdtv's early, his tv only supports 1080i. He basically cant play it if it doesnt support 1080i. on my phone her so i just edited what i wrote, to correct it.
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[quote name='dallow']Do you keep a list of games you want to try when you eventually upgrade your TV?
Just curious.[/QUOTE]

Yup. Off the top of my head I'm missing out on LittleBigPlanet, inFAMOUS, Hot Shots Golf (I really want this one), Heavenly Sword, Noby Noby Boy, MotorStorm, Resistance and now Heavy Rain. I'm sure there are others. It's not the end of the world but these are games that I really want to play but I probably never will. I'm praying God of War III supports 1080i - that one will really hurt (the demo reportedly supports it).

1080i support is not difficult to add from what I've read and it can even be done after the game is released (I believe the first Uncharted did this) - I think it comes down to a lazy developer not including it in the game.

[quote name='Snake2715']you guys, he got in on hdtv's early, his tv doeant support 1080i. he basically cant play it if it doesnt support 1080i.[/QUOTE]

Yeah - my TV only supports 480i/p and 1080i. Any game that can only output in 720p gets downscaled to 480p on my TV.
As soon as you place blame on a "lazy developer" with zero knowledge of how difficult it is to program games for a modern video game console, other than "from what you've read", and try to take the blame away from you for being an elitist snob who is the stereotypical graphics first game player. I have myself a tiny little 19inch hdtv that for whatever reason won't run on my HDMI cable when my 360 is plugged in, and when I play my PS3 on it, it runs in 720p at best, and I would never be able to tell the difference honestly, you are just thinking about it.

Either buy a new tv, they are not THAT expensive (you're a lawyer aren't you?) or buy the games and stop talking about how easy it is to implement 1080i if they weren't soooo lazy.
Damn son.....

Anyway, I am so on the fence about this game. I support the game for being unique but I really dont want to get burned by this game.

BAH! I need for this to be like 30 or so bucks.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Damn son.....

Anyway, I am so on the fence about this game. I support the game for being unique but I really dont want to get burned by this game.

BAH! I need for this to be like 30 or so bucks.[/QUOTE]

I understand this. At the same time I want to be able to discuss this game while the talking is good. And don't want to wait for spoilers via boards or even web comics. I cancelled my preoder, then reordered with the $10 Bioshock 2 credit, making this $45. I had an ebay auction I did to pay for this only make more than that... so I feel OK about my purchase. :lol:
[quote name='cdietschrun']As soon as you place blame on a "lazy developer" with zero knowledge of how difficult it is to program games for a modern video game console, other than "from what you've read", and try to take the blame away from you for being an elitist snob who is the stereotypical graphics first game player. I have myself a tiny little 19inch hdtv that for whatever reason won't run on my HDMI cable when my 360 is plugged in, and when I play my PS3 on it, it runs in 720p at best, and I would never be able to tell the difference honestly, you are just thinking about it.

Either buy a new tv, they are not THAT expensive (you're a lawyer aren't you?) or buy the games and stop talking about how easy it is to implement 1080i if they weren't soooo lazy.[/QUOTE]

Whatever dude. Where do I even begin... I can have whatever opinion I want about this PS3 problem. I don't care if it would cost $20 and 5 minutes of coding or cost millions of dollars and years of coding - it is crap that the PS3 doesn't upscale and it is crap that developers are LAZY and don't care about their game reaching the widest possible audience - lots of games upscale to 1080i, if a game doesn't then the developers are LAZY. Your tiny little 19" TV supports 720p so this is not an issue for you and if you can't tell the difference between 480p and 1080i then you must be blind (or my wife).

Also, my TV works perfectly fine for EVERY other piece of HD equipment I hook up to it including the vastly superior Xbox 360 where this is a non-issue. HDTVs are expensive and I'm not going to buy another one even though I could afford to wallpaper my house with them. That is not the issue.
[quote name='javeryh']Also, my TV works perfectly fine for EVERY other piece of HD equipment I hook up to it including the vastly superior Xbox 360 where this is a non-issue. HDTVs are expensive and I'm not going to buy another one even though I could afford to wallpaper my house with them. That is not the issue.[/QUOTE]

Well then, go play your Xbox and get rid of your vastly inferior PS3. Why not buy a new TV? Ya' know, one that actually supports modern HD resolutions rather than strictly 1080i. It's called getting with the times. That'd be like me pissing and moaning about how my PS3 doesn't work with my television I got in 1978, but my SNES does. Face it, you went in WAY too early on the HD thing, and you got a little jipped. If you could afford to get in on the HD thing that freakin' early, I find it hard to believe you cant afford to upgrade.
So, in Heavy Rain news, apparently today is the day to submit the answer for whodunit over at the Heavy Rain site. I have no clue of what the reward could be (free dlc maybe?) Here's to hoping for another Kotaku article giving us the answer :p
[quote name='Nirron']So, in Heavy Rain news, apparently today is the day to submit the answer for whodunit over at the Heavy Rain site. I have no clue of what the reward could be (free dlc maybe?) Here's to hoping for another Kotaku article giving us the answer :p[/QUOTE]

I haven't been paying real close attention to this... is the solution the person who did it in the game too? If so, that sucks.
[quote name='SEH']Wow...change that to actual spoiler text please. It's still totally readable the way you did it.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, my bad. Fixed.

Edit: Also about the "answer"
They tell you that the guy "checks out" and is clean, but you made the best choice in your suspect however. Obviously don't want to ruin it a week before it comes out
[quote name='Saint Noir']I haven't been paying real close attention to this... is the solution the person who did it in the game too? If so, that sucks.[/QUOTE]

That's what I'm wondering as well. My instinct tells me 'no' because that would be beyond stupid to give you the ending to a story-driven murder mystery BEFORE it releases. I read some of the comments on the HR Facebook page as well, and it seems like it's different.

Edit: And Adam answered that, so there's that :p

After submitting, it tricked me at first. Despite the cinematic making me think I did something wrong, the submission screen told me I was correct.
Odd cinematic. I wonder if I did something incorrectly. The guy in it talks about how
they had to let the suspect go...wtf?
great demo I loved it. I liked the differences in little details like the mud on Jayden's clothes if you fell a couple of times in the mud. Imma play again later and make sure I miss all the inhaler pumps to see what happens.

I can't wait
8.9 from GameTrailers. Pretty good review, despite showing a lot of gameplay which might be a turn-off for people not wanting to spoil anything. My take from the review is that this game is Shenmue without any open world exploration. They state that 80% of the time you will be watching cinematics IIRC and that the opening is very slow (which every reviewer has stated so far), which is a negative for me. They do mention the mundane tasks that I complained about such as shaving, preparing food, et cetera and go so far as to call them filler or 'game elements'. Makes sense because this really isn't much of a game, but it sounds like the story keeps it together well enough to pull it off. They say voice acting is all over the place, good and bad, plus animations are stiff at times as well as the controls.

I really have to wonder how much you will need to overlook to truly enjoy this game, but I'll take the leap of faith next week to find out.
Wow, I just played the demo and the game is unlike any other game I've ever played.... in a good way.

If you like TV shows and movies along the lines of CSI, Seven, and Dexter I feel like you'll enjoy this game. I love the fight scene as the PI and the CSI-ish investigation you go through as the FBI agent. Very, very cool.
I played the demo about an hour ago. WOW. I was blow away. The controls are new and intuitive, the scenery and graphics are amazing, and the story is intriguing.

This is coming from a person that knew nothing about this game. I only heard from a friend that, "the game is supposed to be like a movie, check it out."
So I did and I'm getting this game. I don't know how I almost let this game pass my radar.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Doesnt this game come out on like the 23ish? Why are there so many reviews up already?[/QUOTE]

Most reviewers get advanced copies of the game
Yeah, I know that but most reviews dont go live until 2 to 4 days before the game comes out.....not 10-15.

Just strange to me.
They got them out early and only had the embargo until the 10th. Most games are embargoed closer to release. I am pretty sure they knew they needed to build some buzz and anticipation for this game, being a new IP and a bit different. Lucky the reviews have been highly positive and it paid off.
[quote name='sinkingships']great review, bluedotlounge.[/QUOTE]

Thanks man. I'm glad the feedback has been positive. I actually caught up with former EGM/1up writer Andrew Pfister last night at X10. I told him that when I was in the middle of writing my review, I took a break and check out his. I noticed that he didn't bother devoting a paragraph to the characters, which was also one of the paragraphs I hadn't started yet. So I told him that if that's good enough for Andrew, it's good enough for me, which made him laugh.
[quote name='riddler']was the cinematic/trailer really choppy on anyone else's demo?[/QUOTE]
Not on mine. I've got an older 60GB PS3 if that helps.
[quote name='Saint Noir']They got them out early and only had the embargo until the 10th. Most games are embargoed closer to release. I am pretty sure they knew they needed to build some buzz and anticipation for this game, being a new IP and a bit different. Lucky the reviews have been highly positive and it paid off.[/QUOTE]

Wholeheartedly agree. They knew the game was good enough and they needed people to know this before release so they could build buzz.
[quote name='J7.']Wholeheartedly agree. They knew the game was good enough and they needed people to know this before release so they could build buzz.[/QUOTE]

I say It was all planned like this for the marketing strategy/delay. I do agree it shows confidence in the product, but I wouldn't be surprised if we see them doing this with more games in the future.
Just played some of the demo, and I don't think this game is for me. Just seemed like a lot of quick (and slow) time events. Not saying it is a bad game, just probably not my "cup of tea".
Has anyone gotten anything significant from the lady in the first scene of the demo? The first time I got to the (x) pay (o) guilt options I went with pay and she blew me off. The second time I went with guilt and she talked to me and I got to ask about 6 questions before the buzzer went off. Just curious if I should play it a third time or not.
Got the demo. Very nice, and I could see it being a great game to play in a more intimate setting on a big TV.

Only problem I have is moving. It's too clumsy; I kept running into doors and tables in the girls place.
One thing interesting in the Sleazy Place scenario is if you play your cards right, you can give her a tissue while she's crying. You can also make a move on her which would get her really angry and kick you out. It might not seem all that amazing but the details is what matters here.
Just hold the left thumbstick in the direction you want to go and hold R2. The controls aren't clumsy at all.

One thing interesting in the Sleazy Place scenario is if you play your cards right, you can give her a tissue while she's crying. You can also make a move on her which would get her really angry and kick you out. It might not seem all that amazing but the details is what matters here.

Never knew about the tissue thing, awesome. Haven't been able to make a move on her either. I need to try this and see how it impacts the full game. Also..

If you wait a second or two before knocking on the door after the guy starts hitting her, at the end of your fight with the guy, you will see very noticeable bruises on her.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']You don't need to hold the left analog stick in any direction, just push it in a direction when it's needed.[/QUOTE]

You don't have to hold it, but walking feels much more accurate if you do.
Guys, come on now. The walking is clumsy, whether it was done on purpose or not the walking is still clumsy. That doesnt mean the game will be crap it just means that the walking is clumsy.

All of the "real" reviews I have seen has mention this. (Real has in the 5 sites that I actually trust)

Hell did anyone watch the gametrailer review? He spent a full 20 seconds talking about how clumsy the movement is.
Really quick, I almost feel the need to apologize for the things I am saying in this thread. I know it seems like I have done nothing but bag on the game but trust me that is far for the truth.

I am very interested in this game and want it to do very well. With all of the people in here that have already crowned the game the G.O.A.T I almost feel compelled to play Devils Advocate just to even out the outlook. Although I am not trying change anyone opinion...if you are excited..stay excited. I am not trying to sway anyone just trying to give some open criticisms to balance out the thread.

I am not trying to be like that guy who seem to be just trolling the thread earlier. I am simply trying to give a good prospective both ways.....because some of you guys.....umm...well....lets just say your excitement level might have compromised your judgment.

"A mother fucking cup.....on the table?!?!? This shits amazing!"
I kid, I kid. :lol:
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[quote name='Soodmeg']Guys, come on now. The walking is clumsy, whether it was done on purpose or not the walking is still clumsy. That doesnt mean the game will be crap it just means that the walking is clumsy.

All of the "real" reviews I have seen has mention this. (Real has in the 5 sites that I actually trust)

Hell did anyone watch the gametrailer review? He spent a full 20 seconds talking about how clumsy the movement is.[/QUOTE]

i don't think anyone was trying to defend if the walking was clumsy or not. I think they were just giving advice on how to walk around so that it won't get on your nerves.
[quote name='SEH']You don't have to hold it, but walking feels much more accurate if you do.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I don't know why but I end up holding the left stick anyway. It just feels more natural.
[quote name='Poor2More']Paid in full at my Gamestop, question the preorder bonus at GS, what exactly is it? is it DLC for like an extra killer to find?[/QUOTE]
It's the first DLC "Heavy Rain: Chronicle One – The Taxidermist" that normally would cost $4.99. I believe it's supposed to be available to those who preorder earlier than when it hits PSN (which is at an undisclosed date).

[quote name='Vinny']Yeah, I don't know why but I end up holding the left stick anyway. It just feels more natural.[/QUOTE]

This is what I've been saying. Once you get used to it, it essentially controls the same as what everyone's been whining for...unless people want to be able to control the camera with the right stick. That would just go against the entire purpose of the game. I'd never say that the movement isn't awkward (I think awkward is a better description than clumsy), but it's not impossible to get used to. The people who fixate on it are just being extremely anal.
bread's done