Hell's Kitchen Season 6 - Fin

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Does anyone know why Jim doesnt talk in this thread? Is he not allowed to speak about the show? Probably because it is mostly fake. Haha.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Good.

Does anyone know why Jim doesnt talk in this thread? Is he not allowed to speak about the show? Probably because it is mostly fake. Haha.[/QUOTE]

Look a few pages back. He talks about how he is banging Tek.

Though it seems like their NDA is a lot stricter than Beauty and the Geek's, considering when we had a CAG on there. He would talk about every episode as it aired.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Good.

Does anyone know why Jim doesnt talk in this thread? Is he not allowed to speak about the show? Probably because it is mostly fake. Haha.[/QUOTE]

He's probably under a non-disclosure agreement. My guess would be that, as of tonight, that no longer applies, but I could be wrong.

[quote name='Dead of Knight']Look a few pages back. He talks about how he is banging Tek.[/QUOTE]

I don't remember seeing that on air. :whistle2:s
Jim, I don't know if you can answer these two questions, but they're pretty non-spoilerific if you're willing.

1. Does HK show literally every mistake you cooks make? I assume the services are about three-four hours long, and some of the shows make it seem like you guys are just making mistakes left and right.

2. When do you guys get to do those interview/comments on the show? It always seems like you're taking a break just to say what you guys say, but in all probability you guys get shown the video or get told to comment on it, then you guys do comment, right?
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Look a few pages back. He talks about how he is banging Tek.

Though it seems like their NDA is a lot stricter than Beauty and the Geek's, considering when we had a CAG on there. He would talk about every episode as it aired.[/QUOTE]
Yea... I remember Jonathon spillin all the beans. To bad Jim is lame...
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Yea... I remember Jonathon spillin all the beans. To bad Jim is lame...[/QUOTE]

I doubt it's Jim's fault, honestly. The NDA is probably a lot more restrictive for Hell's Kitchen. Remember, it's Fox.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']I doubt it's Jim's fault, honestly. The NDA is probably a lot more restrictive for Hell's Kitchen. Remember, it's Fox.[/QUOTE]

He's only allowed to spew sexual innuendo and right-wing talking points until the show is over.
[quote name='mykevermin']He's only allowed to spew sexual innuendo and right-wing talking points until the show is over.[/QUOTE]

At least he's got half of it down.
Couple of thoughts here:

- After watching this episode, I just remembered why I hate reality TV shows.

- I heard that people are different online then they are in real life. There is evidence of this on dating websites, chat rooms, forum base website like CAG. For some reason, the Jim on TV was nothing like the Jim on CAG and I was always subconsciously aware of that ever since I was watching this show. So in that sense, I find it some ways a fascinating study of the human condition.

- I'm actually kinda relieved that I don't have to waste my precious time watching this show any more.
have faith true belivers maybe that fat lard ass might die of being so f-ing fat and jim will come back. ims still tuning in next week i think he will be back.
[quote name='Xevious']- I heard that people are different online then they are in real life. There is evidence of this on dating websites, chat rooms, forum base website like CAG. For some reason, the Jim on TV was nothing like the Jim on CAG and I was always subconsciously aware of that ever since I was watching this show. So in that sense, I find it some ways a fascinating study of the human condition. [/QUOTE]

Keep in mind that they've got a ton of footage to work with, and can edit it however they want. That said, I definitely saw CAG JimmieMac in the Hell's Kitchen Jim they aired.
Wow. Complete bullshit that Jim got eliminated.

He never got a chance to defend himself like everyone else and he had never been on the block before.

Complete garbage and I think I'm done watching the show for the season.
[quote name='Gothic Walrus']Keep in mind that they've got a ton of footage to work with, and can edit it however they want. That said, I definitely saw CAG JimmieMac in the Hell's Kitchen Jim they aired.[/QUOTE]

You have a point there. I thought Jimmie was anemic on TV and more vicious here on CAG. I'm sure people will disagree with me.
I have to admit it was fun rooting for Jim, but Ramsay really seems to want someone that is more like his clone to run a kitchen like that's the only way to do it.

Sorry Jimmie! At least you got something out of the whole deal (Tek).
If you would have told me yesterday that Tennille would outlast Jim, I would have called BS. I'll continue to watch the show but it wont be the same without seeing Jim on it.
having watched the show in seasons past I'm not surprised to see jimmiemac get the boot for the reason Ramsey said. but I am very surprised that he got the boot this early.
Dang, sucks that Jimmie got eliminated. Good job man, you proved you got skills and showed a helluva lot more class than 95% of the contestants on that show too boot.

Hope you and Tek have the success you deserve after the show.

Edit: Thinking about it more, I can only assume Jim didn't have the kind of personality they were looking for and seemed like an easy target for a "surprise" elimination episode. I don't remember previous winners having to wear their emotions on their sleeve, so the whole thing reeks of bullshit to me. Some of these reality stars use the "not compromising who I am" excuse to justify shitty behavior, but kudos to Jim for not being like that.
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[quote name='gunm']Dang, sucks that Jimmie got eliminated. Good job man, you proved you got skills and showed a helluva lot more class than 95% of the contestants on that show too boot.

Hope you and Tek have the success you deserve after the show.

Edit: Thinking about it more, I can only assume Jim didn't have the kind of personality they were looking for and seemed like an easy target for a "surprise" elimination episode. I don't remember previous winners having to wear their emotions on their sleeve, so the whole thing reeks of bullshit to me. Some of these reality stars use the "not compromising who I am" excuse to justify shitty behavior, but kudos to Jim for not being like that.[/QUOTE]

That's exactly what I thought too. Like the producers wanted him off because he didn't show enough personality, talk enough trash, or over-do his behavior. He just seemed like a regular dude the whole way, not the cocky and aggressive dude we all though he was going to be. In other words, he was boring for television. It was a BS elimination though. Jim never screwed up half as much as Andy or Sabrina.
[quote name='zewone']Wow. Complete bullshit that Jim got eliminated.

He never got a chance to defend himself like everyone else and he had never been on the block before.

Complete garbage and I think I'm done watching the show for the season.[/QUOTE]

So true, and Jim just walked out and didnt say anything, i mean if your eliminated what do you have to lose? Might as well question Ramsay, even if he barks back oh well hes already been doing that the whole time anyways. WTF when the NDA is up i want an explanation!
Sucks he was eliminated, but it doesn't spell out doom for him.

For all we know, Ramsay may have offered him something after the show was over.

Who was that American Idol who did better after he was eliminated early? Chris Daughtry?
That was complete BS. Jim manned the grill like no one there and he was consistently delivering the most hilarious lines... But I'll keep watching the show, it grabbed me with or without Jim
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Look a few pages back. He talks about how he is banging Tek.[/QUOTE]

Apparently I missed that part. Way to go, Jim! :applause::applause:
[quote name='zewone']Wow. Complete bullshit that Jim got eliminated.

He never got a chance to defend himself like everyone else and he had never been on the block before.

Complete garbage and I think I'm done watching the show for the season.[/QUOTE]

Porbrecito; a reality show isn't fair, equitable, or sensible! A reality show is a sensationalized, highly structured, controlled environment where slender women (instead of morbidly obese men) happen to win the contest that results in them sitting on the beach in swimwear); where video is cut, edited, and manipulated to present a narrative that could have never truly happened in this world we live in; where one's remaining on the show is, time and time again, proven to be unrelated to whatever critical skill or set of skills the show is claiming to measure the superiority of.


I bet my grandmother screamed at the television when the "Russian Assassin" had pinned The Irish Brawler using nefarious means on television wrestling back in the 1950's, believing that to be real, too.
[quote name='Riceandbeans']That's exactly what I thought too. Like the producers wanted him off because he didn't show enough personality, talk enough trash, or over-do his behavior. He just seemed like a regular dude the whole way, not the cocky and aggressive dude we all though he was going to be. In other words, he was boring for television. It was a BS elimination though. Jim never screwed up half as much as Andy or Sabrina.[/QUOTE]Well to be fair, last season both of the finalists were low-key types who hadn't really stirred up any shit during the competition. Although on the other hand, one could suppose that they wanted to make up for that and deliberately create more drama this time...
Can't say that I'm sad Jim got cut. He's kind of a giant asshole. But I call shenanigans. Any chance that Jim wanted to leave the show so he could go bang Tek? Maybe he considered to leaving the show or voiced his displeasure with Tek getting cut. I'll bet there were some behind the scenes conversations that led to this, and it's been said, Jim was pretty boring on the show.
[quote name='gunm']Dang, sucks that Jimmie got eliminated. Good job man, you proved you got skills and showed a helluva lot more class than 95% of the contestants on that show too boot.

Hope you and Tek have the success you deserve after the show.

Edit: Thinking about it more, I can only assume Jim didn't have the kind of personality they were looking for and seemed like an easy target for a "surprise" elimination episode. I don't remember previous winners having to wear their emotions on their sleeve, so the whole thing reeks of bullshit to me. Some of these reality stars use the "not compromising who I am" excuse to justify shitty behavior, but kudos to Jim for not being like that.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that was really disappointing. It almost seems as if Jim's ousting was planned before that episode was even shot.

Well, congrats to Jim for a good run while it lasted, even though you got robbed. fuck that limey motherfucker.
You call it fair or not but Jim deserved to head home (whether it was this week or in the next two weeks). He showed no passion (based on Fox's footage). During service, Chef Scott ended up taking over his station when he couldn't cook the risotto multiple times. If I recall, the girls finished all their apps before the guys even pushed one out. Was Andy worse... of course he was since he couldn't remember the orders called out and was messing up big time on the fish station. I think what saved Andy tonight was that he owned up to his mistakes. But does either guy deserve to win Hell's Kitchen... NO.
Right now, Kevin looks like the front runner.

As for tonights episode, I was disappointed in the fact that they had Robert ride a bike up the hill. When you are that overweight, you need to start exercising slow i.e. not having him go up a hill that looked fairly steep. I wonder how far really was the distance they rode it. The other guys on the team should have offered to allow him to stay behind.
The challenge punishments have already injured one way or another 3 guys...

And lordopus99, I totally agree with you. The effort the team had to put to drag 300 pounds uphill... :D
Adding to the conspiracy, last week, how many times did the girls fuck up before their Sous Chef started cooking for them? Oh wait, the guys cooked for them instead. When Jim messes up a few times, bam, sous chef takes over. If they were planning on cutting Jim, they probably planned that so it would be justified.
[quote name='moojuice']Adding to the conspiracy, last week, how many times did the girls fuck up before their Sous Chef started cooking for them? Oh wait, the guys cooked for them instead. When Jim messes up a few times, bam, sous chef takes over. If they were planning on cutting Jim, they probably planned that so it would be justified.[/QUOTE]

It can't be planned if Jim actually cooked the risotto correctly. The other contestants even tasted it and said it tasted bad.

"I can teach someone how to cook, but I can't give you a heart. You're not the tin man and I'm not the wizard of Oz."

I leave it at this... if Jim was never a CAG member, nobody would have cared that he was voted off because he was near the bottom of the guys roster, only Andy below him in cooking/handling Ramsey's pressure.
Yeah, I mean, why wouldn't they all disagree with Chef that it was right and tasted fine, it's not like it's a competition.
[quote name='JimmieMac']Yeah, I mean, why wouldn't they all disagree with Chef that it was right and tasted fine, it's not like it's a competition.[/QUOTE]

I was rooting for you despite it all but why did it always seem that you were just kinda chillin' and not too into it all? I know you said you didn't want to change your demeanor or the way you are just for the show but I mean I remember seeing a youtube video of you a while back bitching at some guy on the correct way to make some salad. Then, when you showed the guy how to do it in the video you had more oomph than on Hell's Kitchen. Was it really just show editing??? Regardless, congrats for making it on the show and for making it as far as you did. :applause: I was quite surprised Ramsey took you out instead of that withdrawling crack-head looking imbecile Andy.
[quote name='JimmieMac']Yeah, I mean, why wouldn't they all disagree with Chef that it was right and tasted fine, it's not like it's a competition.[/QUOTE]

Yes it is a competition and people will try to throw each other under the bus... but you could tell on Kevin's face as he wiped that there was no flavor on that batch and the fact that both Van and Andy has the same comment (when Ramsey never explained why he didn't like it). Just my observation from what was shown on the episode...

But anyways be proud of making the show. There should be good things on the horizon for your career.
ITT: People think they know everything about what happened on a reality TV show and can accurately judge the contestants based on how Fox decided to present it.

[quote name='DarkSageRK']ITT: People think they know everything about what happened on a reality TV show and can accurately judge the contestants based on how Fox decided to present it.


Ever heard of speculation?
I have to say, Jim was the most annoying addition to this year's cast. You can bitch about edits, or whatever you like. If I had not known he was a CAG, I'd feel the same way. He has no passion, and did nothing for the team in any way, besides cover a station. Most decent people enjoy seeing an underdog acknowledged for their determination, intiative and courage to overcome, and then acknowledged as the best. One chance like this in a lifetime, and he couldn't even muster enough energy to act as though he gave a shit. Good riddance. Now I can enjoy the show with one less turd :)
Piss off slothboy... back to your videogames :D
[quote name='mykevermin']Porbrecito; a reality show isn't fair, equitable, or sensible! A reality show is a sensationalized, highly structured, controlled environment where slender women (instead of morbidly obese men) happen to win the contest that results in them sitting on the beach in swimwear); where video is cut, edited, and manipulated to present a narrative that could have never truly happened in this world we live in; where one's remaining on the show is, time and time again, proven to be unrelated to whatever critical skill or set of skills the show is claiming to measure the superiority of.


I bet my grandmother screamed at the television when the "Russian Assassin" had pinned The Irish Brawler using nefarious means on television wrestling back in the 1950's, believing that to be real, too.[/QUOTE]
Translation, Jimmie got jobbed.
[quote name='JimmieMac']Yeah, I mean, why wouldn't they all disagree with Chef that it was right and tasted fine, it's not like it's a competition.[/QUOTE]
haha that pretty much sums it up. I'd be curious to know how important culinary skills are versus Survivor (the show) skills. Is it just a complete and utter coincidence that you got axed the "week" (for all I know it was the next day) after Tek? Or is this behind the scenes politics?
[quote name='dubbfoolio']haha that pretty much sums it up. I'd be curious to know how important culinary skills are versus Survivor (the show) skills. Is it just a complete and utter coincidence that you got axed the "week" (for all I know it was the next day) after Tek? Or is this behind the scenes politics?[/QUOTE]

Since the winner gets a job from Ramsey at the end, I would say Culinary skills have to play a pretty big part in it.
[quote name='lordopus99']Since the winner gets a job from Ramsey at the end, I would say Culinary skills have to play a pretty big part in it.[/QUOTE]
TV ratings are the ends that justify the means here. A 1 year contract to be head chef at a restaurant is a relatively small investment in comparison to a prime time television show on network TV. Not only is opening a little restaurant in Canada small fries in comparison they could muscle the person out if they didn't like them, and how much of a fancy restaurant's initial success comes to marketing? Obviously marketing not going to be a problem for this restaurant. CheapyD could be the head chef of this restaurant and people would still be lining up to go.... well at least at first.
[quote name='muteprophet2000']have faith true belivers maybe that fat lard ass might die of being so f-ing fat and jim will come back. ims still tuning in next week i think he will be back.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='muteprophet2000']Have faith, true belivers, maybe that fat lard (redundant) ass might die of being so f-ing fat (redundant) and Jim will come back. ims I'll still tuning tune in next week, because that's when I think he will be back.[/QUOTE]
You, sir, have just murdered the English language.
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