Help Save G4TV from being dropped by Direct TV


CAG Veteran
Direct TV stated that they will be dropping G4TV from there line up starting Nov 1 2010! We can’t let that happen! We the faithful followers of G4 are gathering here together to make our voices be HEARD! WE do not what to lose our AOTS, XPlay Ninja Warrior (both Japan and American) and Campus PD! Let your voice be heard call Direct TV at 1-888-9-WE-ARE-G4 and tell them not to drop G4TV from the line up!! Send Emails, Tweets (@DirecTV and #WeAreG4), post stuff on all message boards that you can and let your FB friends know and non FB people know! Even if we do lose it we will continue to fight to get our beloved channel BACK! WE ARE THE FANS AND WE WILL BE HEARD!!!!
I'd rather call and ask them to drop it. G4TV is a pathetic shell of what G4 and TechTV once were. I can remember years ago sitting down every night for Screen Savers/Early AotS, catching the new X-Plays in the evening, watching Icons and Judgement Day....all that good stuff.

What is G4 now?

Let's see:

-Endless marathons of lowest-common-denominator trash like Cops, Campus PD, and Cheaters
-Overplayed movies with too many commercial breaks
-An Attack of the Show devoted to shaking some girl's boobs at the camera every ten minutes to keep the attention of middle schoolers and manchildren.
-An X-Play stripped of the fun and soul that made telepromptered, outdated reviews unnecessary with the internet around worth watching

G4 is basically an even worse SpikeTV at this point. If there was anything right with the world, it would be removed from all services.

If anyone really feels the need to stage a petition that will do nothing, why not the "Return G4 to its glory days" cause instead?
Ive tried to watch g4tv and its god awful. They should have never had it on the air to begin with. If there is any justice in this world g4tv and spike tv will go off the air in the next 10 minutes.

Hopefully a mod will delete the OP because its obviously a g4tv employee spamming this on the forum. I mean account was created this month and thats this is the only post they made.
I am not a g4tv employee I work at a convenience store and I am currently going to college
I am trying to save one of my favorite channels
also this is not my first account

I forgot my old log-in info sorry if that "offends you"
[quote name='Spyder187']Adam Sessler can go screw.[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure why people don't like Adam Sessler. He always supports his views well and I love his rants... unlike Morgan Webb who's just a dumbass.

I don' really care about G4 either. It sucks.
Agreeing with everyone else on here. G4 is nothing like it used to be. Why save a channel that doesn't care about it's viewers?
Good riddance.

The website on the other hand, is quite good. They should focus on that.
[quote name='konpatchi']Direct TV stated that they will be dropping G4TV from there line up starting Nov 1 2010! We can’t let that happen! We the faithful followers of G4 are gathering here together to make our voices be HEARD! WE do not what to lose our AOTS, XPlay Ninja Warrior (both Japan and American) and Campus PD! Let your voice be heard call Direct TV at 1-888-9-WE-ARE-G4 and tell them not to drop G4TV from the line up!! Send Emails, Tweets (@DirecTV and #WeAreG4), post stuff on all message boards that you can and let your FB friends know and non FB people know! Even if we do lose it we will continue to fight to get our beloved channel BACK! WE ARE THE FANS AND WE WILL BE HEARD!!!![/QUOTE]

Game over man, game over!
[quote name='jer7583']Good riddance.

The website on the other hand, is quite good. They should focus on that.[/QUOTE]

Yes Sessler's Soapbox and Feedback are the two best gaming video podcasts out there, period. Problem is with no TV network I figure there's no website.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']
G4 is basically an even worse SpikeTV at this point. If there was anything right with the world, it would be removed from all services.


why would you want G4? I could give you G4 if I had the chance. That channel sucks now. Tech TV was better, everything was computer or video game related, now this fucking shit feels like a bad mixture of spike tv and vh1. fuck g4!!!1
Ninja Warrior is worth it. Props to them for bringing it over and continuing to air. They also broadcast(ed) freerunning competitions, which are neat.
Remembering Tech TV is like remembering Cinemax softcore porn at night when you could make out most of the channel and sometimes it would stay still for you....

But like everything in life....shit gets fucked up and next thing you know the channel is just purely blank or grayed out and they expect you to figure out ways to buy it without telling your folks that it's for the softcore porn. PLUS, you've found new outlets for the porn so you're no longer dependent on fact, you've outgrowned it!

Same concept. Tech TV was awesome. The Screen Savers was a show I loved watching at I think 5pm CT. I would learn so much without cheap gimmicks PLUS the women were hot...but I didn't have to be constantly reminded they were.

This G4TV crap....I treat it like and my above reference. I could stand it at first...but when I found other outlets...I never looked back!

So no....there will be no helping G4TV. I can't help a channel that shows Cops reruns and the like. They ruined their own beautiful formula of education + gaming....and tried to replace it with gaming + failed syndicated shows + overt sexy women
I like AOTS ,Ninja Warrior, and Unbeatable Banzuke but they really need to put some more original content on that channel. As it stands you get maybe 3 (on a good week) new episodes of X-Play and 4 of AOTS.

Campus PD, Cops and Cheaters need to go.
Is that the Ninja Warrior station?

In all seriousness, I used to love Tech TV and was excited at the idea of G4. The channel just continues to go downhill everyday. The last time I watched it was for live E3 coverage.

I also don't get the hate for Adam. He's pretty passionate about games and always seems to form an intelligent opinion on them. Don't be fooled by the goofy act he does on TV, I'm sure that's what producers tell him to do.

And I consider watching something like a Giant Bomb quick look gaming tv. So we don't even really need G4.
Dear G4:

Take this as a sign to grow up. Gamers and techs don't need to be bombarded with irrelevant syndicated reruns and frequent ads with random tits every 10 seconds as filler; leave that dumb shit to Spike. Embrace the cyberculture by resurrecting TechTV and playing more interesting stuff.

I'm somewhat torn on this issue. On the one hand I do like coming home to X-Play and AOTS (while incredibly immature) does a good job offering the only real gaming/tech news show available. On the other hand, I'd like to see G4 as a channel collapse and force those two shows to move elsewhere. The bigger issue for me here is why is DirecTV dropping a channel I actually watch compared to the plethora of shopping networks, gospel channels, and other fucking garbage I pay for but care nothing about. That alone has me up in arms and I'm wondering what else they might be silently dropping (they sure as fuck didn't bother sending me a memo since I had to find out through the network themselves).

I think I'll call to raise hell anyways and see how they're willing to compensate me.
G4 is a terrible network. Good riddance. I would love to see it dropped from everywhere else too.
[quote name='seanr1221']Is that the Ninja Warrior station?

In all seriousness, I used to love Tech TV and was excited at the idea of G4. The channel just continues to go downhill everyday. The last time I watched it was for live E3 coverage.

I also don't get the hate for Adam. He's pretty passionate about games and always seems to form an intelligent opinion on them. Don't be fooled by the goofy act he does on TV, I'm sure that's what producers tell him to do.

And I consider watching something like a Giant Bomb quick look gaming tv. So we don't even really need G4.[/QUOTE]

Since XPlay went more serious in Jan. 09 and they started doing the video podcasts (Sessler's Soapbox and Feedback) on the website, Adam doesn't act like a 12-year old on a drug binge on camera anymore. They still do occasional humor segments, but it's smarter humor than it was. Adam is still funny at times but it's not, "I'm going to staple my balls" humor.

Yeah 90% of the network is stuff I don't care about, but the 2 video podcasts I mentioned before are the only things I watch related to the network/site.

Also don't forget G4 (although that writer has now gone to EGM) were the ones to break the Infinity Ward/Activision saga this spring.
Tech TV was good, G4 TV was not. I have no intention in helping a channel from being dropped that is awful. They should just merge with Spike and be done with it.
Hey don't diss Adam he's one of the good voices in the game industry.

And I hate 99% of G4, but I don't want it to go due to their E3 coverage. I prefer watching the conferences on TV.
[quote name='KingBroly']It's not even in HD on DirecTV. Why should I care?[/QUOTE]
I don't think there's even an HD feed at all TBH.
People keep talking like G4 ruined everything and destroyed TechTV - what destroyed TechTV is nobody watched it... and G4 adapts to what people want to watch. And if a cheap run of Cops gets more viewers than a show dedicated to games, than who's fault is that?
[quote name='DarkNessBear']People keep talking like G4 ruined everything and destroyed TechTV - what destroyed TechTV is nobody watched it... and G4 adapts to what people want to watch. And if a cheap run of Cops gets more viewers than a show dedicated to games, than who's fault is that?[/QUOTE]

And yet the channel is getting pulled. I see their decisions were a huge success for the company.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']People keep talking like G4 ruined everything and destroyed TechTV - what destroyed TechTV is nobody watched it... and G4 adapts to what people want to watch. And if a cheap run of Cops gets more viewers than a show dedicated to games, than who's fault is that?[/QUOTE]
yeah well no one watches g4tv either, keep re-running robocop 1 g4tv smart program directors
For everyone complaining about Tech TV being gone, it's called, specifically Tekzilla. That is the new Screen Savers essentially. Plus lots of other tech related programming available in video podcast form. I hope everyone bitching about G4 is watching those.

Also if G4 is so bad, then how come the PAX panels with Adam Sessler/XPlay/Feedback run out of seats 1 hour before the panel/show is supposed to start? I've seen it at PAX Prime and PAX East so it's not a coastal thing.
Luckily I still get it at home (Cablevision - who has the HD version), sucks though because I'm usually at work when X Play and AOTS are on.
[quote name='MSUHitman']
Also if G4 is so bad, then how come the PAX panels with Adam Sessler/XPlay/Feedback run out of seats 1 hour before the panel/show is supposed to start? I've seen it at PAX Prime and PAX East so it's not a coastal thing.[/QUOTE]

Popularity/=/quality. I'm not saying that doesn't happen, and I'm not saying current-day G4 doesn't get ratings. You know what else got ratings? The Hills.
[quote name='konpatchi']I am not a g4tv employee I work at a convenience store and I am currently going to college
I am trying to save one of my favorite channels
also this is not my first account

I forgot my old log-in info sorry if that "offends you"[/QUOTE]

I smell cover up story.
[quote name='MSUHitman']For everyone complaining about Tech TV being gone, it's called, specifically Tekzilla. That is the new Screen Savers essentially. Plus lots of other tech related programming available in video podcast form. I hope everyone bitching about G4 is watching those.

Also if G4 is so bad, then how come the PAX panels with Adam Sessler/XPlay/Feedback run out of seats 1 hour before the panel/show is supposed to start? I've seen it at PAX Prime and PAX East so it's not a coastal thing.[/QUOTE]

just because something sells out doesnt mean its not shit. just look how well those transformers movies do.......
[quote name='MSUHitman']
Also if G4 is so bad, then how come the PAX panels with Adam Sessler/XPlay/Feedback run out of seats 1 hour before the panel/show is supposed to start? I've seen it at PAX Prime and PAX East so it's not a coastal thing.[/QUOTE]

To be fair, that's probably what 1,000 tops to fill the room etc.? In any case, that's not indicative of the general population that are responsible for TV ratings etc.

Not everyone hates G4 obviously, or the network wouldn't have lasted this long. It has enough fans to fill up a convention room for one of their celebs.
Well the Indian lady that answered my call offered a free trial (the ones you have to remember to cancel before they charge you) of the extended HD channels, which I believe are a whopping TWO of stuff I don't care about. She did remind me about how this happened last year with Spike and how it came back, so at least she knew her shit. I figure I'll give it a month and see if they get AMC in HD or if G4 comes back. Either scenario would be agreeable compensation, heh.
bread's done