How can someone be both pro-choice and anti-death penalty?

[quote name='nintendokid']Austin 3:16

"Thou shalt not perma-ban nintendokid."

EDIT: It was MSI Magus' smarty pants who totally went off subject and even he has dropped the subject, though he has sicked his pitbulls on me. Now, can we just fucking drop it?!!!?!?!1!1!!!11!!![/QUOTE]

Embarrassed? Little tip from someone that was once your age with a lot of anger problems. If you stick you foot in your mouth(and being as biggoted as you are its going to happan A LOT!)then the best thing to do is walk away not sit and yell at people to drop the subject. That just encourages people to rip you apart.
Actually, I was trying to abide by Crotch's wishes. Because of your dumb ass idea to bring it up out of nowhere, we have wasted two pages of nothing.
[quote name='nintendokid']Actually, I was trying to abide by Crotch's wishes. Because of your dumb ass idea to bring it up out of nowhere, we have wasted two pages of nothing.[/quote]

stop typing things.

I have no tolerance for people who threaten minorities and claim it was because they were upset. I have been pretty upset before and never once have I become a hateful violent bigot. YOU are a hateful violent bigot, now quit defending your actions and take a hard long look at yourself and realize that that kind of hateful thoughts are floating in your head. Just take responsibility for what you typed.....apparently you did not learn your lesson as you are still blaming it on everyone else but yourself.
[quote name='gareman']stop typing things.

I have no tolerance for people who threaten minorities and claim it was because they were upset. I have been pretty upset before and never once have I become a hateful violent bigot. YOU are a hateful violent bigot, now quit defending your actions and take a hard long look at yourself and realize that that kind of hateful thoughts are floating in your head. Just take responsibility for what you typed.....apparently you did not learn your lesson as you are still blaming it on everyone else but yourself.[/QUOTE]

*just hopes that Nintendoughkid realizes when he has elmo teaching him a lesson on biggotry and violence you have sunken to a new low*
I'm not gonna stand by and let you two bozos prance around like you own the damn joint. The mods saw fit for me to get banned for a certain amount of time and I complied with that. I never once came back and even attempted to look for who reported me or who I was even arguing with. In fact, I don't even remember who I was arguing with. I never once even complained that I was banned or even had any ill feelings towards shrike. It was self-evident that agreed with the punishment.

Oh, but low and behold, on page 7, a low blow, out of left-field:

[quote name='MSI Magus']On Nintendoughkid - Once your views become discussion of curb bashing people you loose all rights to a respected opinion. The guy really should have been banned(and I hardly ever feel people should be).[/quote]

I don't ever remember having a discussion with MSI Magus, ever. All of a sudden, after nearly one month of my banning, abra cadabra, Magus makes an oddball comment regarding something that has nothing do with the thread. BAM! His pitbull Hex jumps on me. lilboo then follows suit. Now, elmo wants to tell me to stop typing? Magus said earlier that he would say something and then end it. But as soon as Hex threw an attack at me, Magus came back and backed him up. Now, Magus is again encouraging elmo.

Magus hijacked the thread. I'm simply defending myself. I'm not stopping until Magus and his goons stop holding hands.
Holding hands? :whistle2:s
You def have some deep rooted homosexuality. Sorry, but I used to be annoying & hateful when I was young too now I gracefully embrace myself. :cool:
[quote name='nintendokid']I'm not gonna stand by and let you two bozos prance around like you own the damn joint. The mods saw fit for me to get banned for a certain amount of time and I complied with that. I never once came back and even attempted to look for who reported me or who I was even arguing with. In fact, I don't even remember who I was arguing with. I never once even complained that I was banned or even had any ill feelings towards shrike. It was self-evident that agreed with the punishment.

Oh, but low and behold, on page 7, a low blow, out of left-field:

I don't ever remember having a discussion with MSI Magus, ever. All of a sudden, after nearly one month of my banning, abra cadabra, Magus makes an oddball comment regarding something that has nothing do with the thread. BAM! His pitbull Hex jumps on me. lilboo then follows suit. Now, elmo wants to tell me to stop typing? Magus said earlier that he would say something and then end it. But as soon as Hex threw an attack at me, Magus came back and backed him up. Now, Magus is again encouraging elmo.

Magus hijacked the thread. I'm simply defending myself. I'm not stopping until Magus and his goons stop holding hands.[/QUOTE]

I dont own a pit bull I own a cocker spaniel. And hex dont look like he is a cocker spaniel....just like he likes the first 4 letters of it.

Edit - And again I was happy to drop it and didnt post on the subject for like a day. You on the flip side kept arguing with others about it. Note I am not really talking about the incident anymore, just laughing at how riled up you are getting over this whole thing. Its like watching a grown man running around screaming flailing his hands because a bee landed kind of near him.
Killing something that I don't consider to be life is fine.

Killing someone who is alive is not.

Not tough. You might disagree with me on the life part, but that's how.
[quote name='crystalklear64']Killing something that I don't consider to be life is fine.

Killing someone who is alive is not.

Not tough. You might disagree with me on the life part, but that's how.[/quote]

Except your flat out wrong about a fetus not being a "life". Life begins at conception, from that point on the developing baby has all 46 Chromosomes it will have for it's life, and those chromosomes are separate from the mothers. Most doctors now are in agreement on this, including may former abortionists as can be seen here
[quote name='spmahn']Except your flat out wrong about a fetus not being a "life". Life begins at conception, from that point on the developing baby has all 46 Chromosomes it will have for it's life, and those chromosomes are separate from the mothers. Most doctors now are in agreement on this, including may former abortionists as can be seen here[/quote]

Firstly, that article is from 1974. Anyway, I don't doubt there are many pro-life doctors, even those who formerly performed abortions.

But still there are two (or more) definitions - "life" and "human life." A fetus is obviously alive (using the generally accepted definition). So are plants, bacteria, insects, and other animals. Whether or not something is simply alive usually doesn't have much bearing on whether or not we're willing to kill it.

Where people disagree is on whether or not the fetus is human, has human rights, and therefore can be murdered. And on that you can't be "wrong" you can only disagree as the two depend on whether or not you take it as it is or what it has the potential to be.
[quote name='spmahn']Except your flat out wrong about a fetus not being a "life". Life begins at conception, from that point on the developing baby has all 46 Chromosomes it will have for it's life, and those chromosomes are separate from the mothers. Most doctors now are in agreement on this, including may former abortionists as can be seen here[/QUOTE]

I love the way you put a matter that's fairly philosophical into a completely scientific statement and claim fact. Personally I hate the abortion issue and am horribly undecided on it sometimes leaning one way sometimes leaning the other. But people like you make me often lean more towards choice then life for the simple fact that you try and make this seem like such a black white issue and that those that dont see it as such are baby killing murderers.
[quote name='SpazX']
Where people disagree is on whether or not the fetus is human, has human rights, and therefore can be murdered. And on that you can't be "wrong" you can only disagree as the two depend on whether or not you take it as it is or what it has the potential to be.[/QUOTE]

That's a pretty good summary of the debate. I like it.

It's interesting how people build up such firm beliefs about issues based almost entirely on potentiality of something. The global warming debate is another good example.
[quote name='spmahn']Except your flat out wrong about a fetus not being a "life". Life begins at conception, from that point on the developing baby has all 46 Chromosomes it will have for it's life, and those chromosomes are separate from the mothers. Most doctors now are in agreement on this, including may former abortionists as can be seen here[/QUOTE]

and like I said, you can disagree with me on the life thing, but that doesn't make either of us more or less correct.
[quote name='thrustbucket']That's a pretty good summary of the debate. I like it.

It's interesting how people build up such firm beliefs about issues based almost entirely on potentiality of something. The global warming debate is another good example.[/quote]

If we cannot conclude when life begins, we cannot create a law controlling abortion.

It shouldn't be about personal beliefs, it should be about limiting social control via government.
[quote name='willardhaven']If we cannot conclude when life begins, we cannot create a law controlling abortion.

It shouldn't be about personal beliefs, it should be about limiting social control via government.[/QUOTE]

That's the problem though. Almost everyone is ok with social control if it prevents murder. Until someone comes up with a scientifically unquestionable criteria of proving that a fetus is not a human or human life, it will always be hot-button defcon 2 issue full of nothing but personal beliefs on both sides.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Until someone comes up with a scientifically unquestionable criteria of proving that a fetus is not a human or human life, it will always be hot-button defcon 2 issue full of nothing but personal beliefs on both sides.[/QUOTE]

No. Remember for almost all on the pro-"life" side (it is not just about abortion) the issue is they believe life begins at conception and there is no mealy mouthed parsing of that.

I wholeheartedly believe it is more about control than anything else.
[quote name='thrustbucket']That's the problem though. Almost everyone is ok with social control if it prevents murder. Until someone comes up with a scientifically unquestionable criteria of proving that a fetus is not a human or human life, it will always be hot-button defcon 2 issue full of nothing but personal beliefs on both sides.[/quote]

So where do we draw the line according to those who are pro-life? Is masturbation murder?

Like I said, I don't care about the life or not debate, I care about the state telling someone they can't decide whether or not to undergo a personal medical procedure. Life or not, that fetus is part of the mother's body.
[quote name='willardhaven']So where do we draw the line according to those who are pro-life? Is masturbation murder?[/quote]
No because none nothing was fertilized, thus on it's way to becoming like you and me.

Like I said, I don't care about the life or not debate, I care about the state telling someone they can't decide whether or not to undergo a personal medical procedure. Life or not, that fetus is part of the mother's body.

I sort of agree with you. But a fetus can survive outside of a mothers body earlier and earlier as medical advances roll on. Pretty soon it's going to be hard to make an argument for killing something that could live, just because you want it out of your body and no responsibility.

Keep in mind, I am not advocating the abolishment of Abortion across the board. But I do wish more consideration was given to what is obviously the victim in many cases of abortion. The state should be working with the mother, perhaps on a case by case basis, to decide what is ethically right and wrong, taking into consideration what medical science can offer at the time. I also would like more incentive to be given to mothers, through the state, to put the baby up for adoption or keep it.
Regardless of whether the kid is grown in an inorganic environment or carried to term normally, not one single person should be forced to give birth.

End. of. story.
bread's done