How could anyone vote for George W. Bush?

Richard Clarke was the same guy that was insisting that the next major wave of terrorism will be in the form of cyberspace attacks. In hindsight he looks like a ninny. But not if he comes forward and says "Oh yeah, Al Qaeda, Osama, I knew all about that but would they listen? Noooooo..."
There were huge virus epidemics in the 90's.

That drove computer users into a mild state of panic, which kind of makes me laugh.

People putting MEDICINE into their computer, ha ha ha.

I would hate to be tech support, lol!
Virus attacks weren't quite the scale Clarke had in mind. It was more along the lines of those 'doomdsday Y2K' scenarios, where whole systems/sectors would be shut down.

And don't mention putting medicine in a computer. We don't want to give anyone ideas.
[quote name='The_Continental'][quote name='ZarathosNY'] If you got a memo titled "Bin Laden determined to attack the US", I don't think that signals you to take a month long vacation.[/quote]


We knew that "Bin laden was determined to strike in the US" since the early nineties. Consider this, If Bush bombed the shit out of Afghanistan to root out al-qaeda before 9-11, and 9-11 still happened, all you lefties would say that President Bush CAUSED 9-11.

So which is it? Did he not do enough, did he do too much? You lefties can't seem to decide.[/quote]

Bush wouldn't have bombed the shit out of Afghanistan before 9-11, he was too concerned with missle defence. Clinton wasn't perfect, but he WAS doing something about terrorism. He increased counter-terrorism funding, he put Bin laden on the most wanted list, AND he signed an order ordering bin laden to be assasinated, something the Bush admin has denied until they were forced to hand over the papers to the 9-11 commission saying that Clinton did. Remember, when he fired missles to get bin laden, and missed him by 2 hours, Clinton was accuesed of "wagging the dog".

Also remember, the Cole bombing investigation was wrapped up in Feb 2001, and Bush was told Al-queda was behind it, and what did he do? Nothing.
Someone else mentioned that the president isnt the only person we vote for in government. If we only took the time to educate ourselves (including myself) on our senators and congress men, this country could see some real change.

also i think educating yourself is pretty hard to do. Evey where you look theres biased media. I wish the media would just report facts, and not concetrate so much time on critisizing (sp) the party they are not in favor of.
[quote name='chosen1s'][quote name='Quackzilla'][quote name='spoo']Newsflash: If you are a Bush supporter "YOU ARE THE DUMBEST shaq-fu ON THIS BOARD!!!" or "a moron". Source Quackzilla

No, I was referring tto that slightly racist asshole who made the bullshit statement.

Btw, to all of you who have lied maliciously for attempted political gain, you are trying to hinder democracy. In effect, whether you like it or not, you are communists.

Yes, Kerry DID voted for a gas tax.
Yes, Bush DID gut clean air standards and reject the Kyoto treaty.

Lesser of two evils, people! Choose one![/quote]

The Kyoto treaty was a farce that would have put the US at the rest of the world's mercy. Us signing the Kyoto treaty would be like Bill gates signing an agreement with 10 people off the street to each throw 25% of their salary into a pot and divide it up "fairly". They'd all be snickering because the moron actually fell for it. The Kyoto treaty was designed so the US would bear the majority of the weight of its provisions. Bush voted against the Kyoto treaty, not clean air. Please people, educate yourselves.

If I came up with a "plan" to end hunger by feeding human remains to the poor, and you voted against it, it wouldn't be right to accuse you of failing to support an end to hunger. You have to look at the WHOLE picture before you pass judgment on why a politician makes the decisions they do. If you are uninformed, educate yourselves. If you hate Bush, get some legitimate FACTS and support them LOGICALLY. If you have no facts, then continue to spread your lies and half-truths, because that's all you have. But be aware that it's pretty sad for someone to commit their lives to creating a fantasy world in other people's minds so that their own political ideals can be achieved.[/quote]

The Kyoto treaty a farce? Spoken like a true Republican! The fact is that the Kyoto treaty was set up to be fair. The countries that produce the most global warming gases would be expected to make the biggest cuts. The United States is by far the world's largest producer of greenhouse gases (somewhere around 25%), so it is our responsibility to make the largest cuts. Much of this was outlined in the EPA's state of the environment report, but the Bush administration forced the EPA to remove the global warming information. Obviously chosen1s you need to educate yourself a bit more. I suggest attending some of the Earth Day events that are taking place this week and next week.
[quote name='fxblack']I don't know about you guys, but I LIKE the first amendment. It has given us the chance to make all of these ill informed and half-assed poltical statements.[/quote]

chosen1s, you dolt I cracked up like 10 times reading it.

I was already anti-bush and I know its a biased email but 90% of it is true.

Even if 50% of it were true I'd still be an idiot to support him.
[quote name='Valkryst']chosen1s, you dolt I cracked up like 10 times reading it.

I was already anti-bush and I know its a biased email but 90% of it is true.

Even if 50% of it were true I'd still be an idiot to support him.[/quote]

It's biased, hateful, and makes dishonest insinuations. I don't find it funny. What I do find funny is how offended the "left" gets when anybody dares to accuse them of anything (Note accusations of Clinton's draft-dodging during his election campaigns or the Dixie Chicks in Germany) - "How dare you question somebody's patriotism!" But then they just think they can throw as many accusations against the wall as they want until somebody buys one of their accusations and accuse you of stepping on their freedom of speech if you try to make them accountable for their statements.

It is childish and immature. For a party that seeks to embrace "all people and all ideas", you sure are a hateful group of people who would rather defend a tyrant halfway across the world than embrace a political rival in your own country.
[quote name='Valkryst']
Even if 50% of it were true I'd still be an idiot to support him.[/quote]

Let me guess. You'd be an idiot to support Bush but you'd be open-minded and tolerant to support France, Germany, and the dictator in Iraq who was bribing them.

I would say about half of your statement appears to be true.
[quote name='chosen1s'][quote name='Valkryst']
Even if 50% of it were true I'd still be an idiot to support him.[/quote]

Let me guess. You'd be an idiot to support Bush but you'd be open-minded and tolerant to support France, Germany, and the dictator in Iraq who was bribing them.

I would say about half of your statement appears to be true.[/quote]

You just accused everyone in France and Germany of being corrupt. Those are pretty big words there, young man.

Prove it, you shaq-fuTARD!

But Bush and Cheny did make a lot of money off of the oil wells in Iraq that were "liberated". (stolen without intentions to give them back, and all the oil that comes from them is stolen to, the Iraqi people don't receive a pennt)
I find it amusing that the Democrats bring up military records at all considering their last president was a draft dodger.
[quote name='PsyClerk']I find it amusing that the Democrats bring up military records at all considering their last president was a draft dodger.[/quote]

LOL! :p
Then we have assholes like the above poster (RichD1).


Kerry would be unpatriotic if he covered it up like so many others.
[quote name='PsyClerk']I find it amusing that the Democrats bring up military records at all considering their last president was a draft dodger.[/quote]

I'll find it amusing if the draft is reinstated and you get your sorry hide shot or blown up in Iraq as a result. You probably wouldn't be running your mouth so much if your father, mother, husband, wife, son, daughter, brother or sister got killed overseas for no good reason.
[quote name='Cracka']lmao i like Bush... Kerry is just a puss. Did yall see the new shit on T.V. about how in Vietnam he got a scratch on his arm the size of a fingernail and demanded a purple heart.

Dunno why i like Bush but i do. Maybe because he's southern, or maybe because i'm Republican... dunno. But Kerry is definitely a Puss.[/quote]

Please, anyone who accepts attack ad's as the gospel truth doesn't have the slightest concept of critical thinking. Kerry went off to war in vietnam, saved lives of fellow americans and was rewarded... while Bush phoned it in from the Alabama National Guard... and Kerry's the "puss"? I just don't see how that works.
[quote name='Quackzilla']Then we have assholes like the above poster (RichD1).


Kerry would be unpatriotic if he covered it up like so many others.[/quote]

Oh please. It's the nature of war; and it's 30+ years old.
[quote name='MaxBiaggi3']I'll find it amusing if the draft is reinstated and you get your sorry hide shot or blown up in Iraq as a result. You probably wouldn't be running your mouth so much if your father, mother, husband, wife, son, daughter, brother or sister got killed overseas for no good reason.[/quote]

I believe I'm too old for the draft right now. Regardless, it's your Democrat friends that want the draft re-instated. I just today read about one of the few Republicans who supports that nonsense. Of course, the whole draft issue is more about an attempt to ignite class warfare more than issues with Iraq.

We won't get into the whole 'no good reason' arguments. If you already have that opinion, then you're far too simple to reason with.
Quackzilla are you a politician?
You act like one calling everybody names with no proof to back it up.
[quote name='Quackzilla']-Then we have assholes like the above poster (RichD1)
-Prove it, you shaq-fuTARD!
[quote name='PsyClerk'][quote name='MaxBiaggi3']I'll find it amusing if the draft is reinstated and you get your sorry hide shot or blown up in Iraq as a result. You probably wouldn't be running your mouth so much if your father, mother, husband, wife, son, daughter, brother or sister got killed overseas for no good reason.[/quote]

I believe I'm too old for the draft right now. Regardless, it's your Democrat friends that want the draft re-instated. I just today read about one of the few Republicans who supports that nonsense. Of course, the whole draft issue is more about an attempt to ignite class warfare more than issues with Iraq.

We won't get into the whole 'no good reason' arguments. If you already have that opinion, then you're far too simple to reason with.[/quote]

Why don't you break it down for all of us in the peanut gallery then if you've got some tremendous grasp of the justification for war and suffering in the middle east, Caption Obvious? Those of us who are "too simple to reason with" have the same vote in November's election that you do. Educate me, please.
[quote name='PsyClerk'][quote name='MaxBiaggi3']I'll find it amusing if the draft is reinstated and you get your sorry hide shot or blown up in Iraq as a result. You probably wouldn't be running your mouth so much if your father, mother, husband, wife, son, daughter, brother or sister got killed overseas for no good reason.[/quote]

I believe I'm too old for the draft right now. Regardless, it's your Democrat friends that want the draft re-instated. I just today read about one of the few Republicans who supports that nonsense. Of course, the whole draft issue is more about an attempt to ignite class warfare more than issues with Iraq.

We won't get into the whole 'no good reason' arguments. If you already have that opinion, then you're far too simple to reason with.[/quote]

Far too simple to reason with? Because he believes that it wasn't worth the deaths of hundreds of soldiers to fight a futile "war on terror" that Saddam was never involved with in the first place? Did you sign up for the army to defend this concept that you (and obviously everyone else) believe in? To you, it sounds good on paper. "sure, freedom for all!" I don't see you risking your life to promote this, and in case you haven't noticed, they're currently worse off than before we got there. How about taking some god damn responsibility for your oppinions? Instead of letting everyone else do the dirty work for you?
Let's bring this back to a CHEAPASSGAMER theme.

If you like having more money in your pockets (or the pockets of your parents) to buy more games...Vote Republican - Tax Cuts! If you're truely a cheap ass you don't want your hard earned dollars going off to pay for someone else's lazy ass...YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MONEY TO BUY MORE GAMES...

And don't give me the lame ass excuse of "tax cuts for the wealthy" schtick that ALL you numb-brain, know nothings spew. If you pay get a tax cut...period. Don't pay taxes? No tax refund...if you don't pay don't get back. The tax system isn't a hand-out system.

Vote Bush if you want more of your own money in your hands to buy more games!

Kerry want to take YOUR MONEY so he can go buy games for lazy asses that that don't work for it!
To all those folk who claim kerry is going to take away your lovely violence in videogames, I would like to say how the religous right is trying to take away nudity. Such an uproar over a nipple, all thos conservatives in power act like its a bad thing. We are such a prudish country, and this aint helping. They are starting to go after free speech now and its really scary if you see whats happening to Stern right now its sad. They are picking on him while people like Oprah who looks more civil and is worth serious bank is allowed to do as she pleases. It is an American's right to not listen to Stern but with this current goverment they feel thats there problem and they are dealing with it. Lets not even begin to talk about Bush's war on complaints when he ran a team and was getting paid for it now he needs an sensitive issue to touch on.

He should try to deal with terrorism and leave people's personal freedoms alone. If the new patriot act gets accepted get ready for chips to be inserted in your spine to know where you are at all times. He is turing this into the age of Big Brother, be very afraid.

Going off on a tangent, he has no right in hell to take away anyones right to marriage. I am not homosexual not that theres anything wrong with it but they should have every right as the next man. Trying to pass an amendment to prevent it is like the seperate but equal laws of the 50's and 60's. Just because it goes against his religous beliefs that homosexuals should be allowed to marry it should have no part in what actually happen. Even VP Dick's daughter is gay and he chooses to discriminate against his own flesh and blood. That is monstorous. What next arab americans' cant marry or maybe illegal aliens or maybe Jews. When you start taking one groups rights away there is a domino effect that no one knows where it will stop.
[quote name='mcwilliams132']If you like having more money in your pockets (or the pockets of your parents) to buy more games...Vote Republican - Tax Cuts![/quote]

You think you're getting a tax cut, but have you checked how much your state, local, and property taxes have gone up in the past year or two? More than likely, the tax cut offset that. In effect, there's really no such thing as "tax cuts" - more like a "reallocaton" of taxes. The states get burdened with less federal funding for schools and infrastructure, and as a result, they make up that difference by raising state taxes. "Tax cuts" are just a political tool to make someone look good, and to confuse the average citizen. Much like proposing a space program or wetlands protection act, then never mentioning it nor supporting it ever again. It's all for show.
I don't care who you vote for, but please, everybody just:


Most of you won't, so this argument is useless to me.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']He should try to deal with terrorism and leave people's personal freedoms alone. If the new patriot act gets accepted get ready for chips to be inserted in your spine to know where you are at all times.[/quote]

That's the greatest twist of all. Traditionally, the republican party has always been:

1) Privacy
2) For the government to stay out of your business
3) The smallest sized government necessary
4) Reduce federal spending, lower the budget, and thus, don't collect as many taxes from the citizens

Since January 2001, we have
1 & 2) The Patriot Act
3) The formation of Homeland Security and the possibility of creating a new intelligence department.
4) The largest federal spending in American history

Of course, America is brainwashed right now, so people will buy anything Dubya says.
what policies of Kerry's do you who say you are voting for him like? what is your reason for voting for him? everything he says he's for, he's voted against. Everything he says he's against, he voted for.
[quote name='Cracka']what policies of Kerry's do you who say you are voting for him like? what is your reason for voting for him? everything he says he's for, he's voted against. Everything he says he's against, he voted for.[/quote]

That statement sounds like pure propaganda from Gillespie (head of the RNC). A classic example of America being brainwashed.

One of many policies of Kerry's I like: providing tax incentives to companies that keep jobs in America instead of overseas.
I think some of you need to move beyond the usual sticking points of the war, terrorism, and social programs. Alot of the things this administration is doing are damaging, not in their immediate effects, but in the effects they will have 10-20 years down the road.

The patriot act and other intiatives that this administration has been forcing through congress in the name of national security are already compromising our essential freedoms. Only a few weeks ago a court in New Orleans over turned the need to use search warrents on the basis of the patriot act. I have no problem with eliminating the communication barriers between the CIA/FBI/local law enforcement, but I don't think the personal freedoms that we're supposedly fighting for should be needlessly compromised.

and while the tax cuts may give a minor boost to the current generation, whose gonna be left holding the bag from this record deficit and mounting bills in iraq? Not my parents, but my future kids and I. As someone else mentioned, as a result of these federal tax cuts, local taxes have gone through the roof. State governments aren't getting federal dollars anymore, instead they have to raise property and sales taxes to compensate, and since you republicans seem to love keeping your hard earned money so much, I'd think that keeping down property taxes (which can be a huge burden after even a slight increase) would trump saving a few hundred/thousand dollars on your federal filings.
[quote name='E-Z-B']wetlands protection act, then never mentioning it nor supporting it ever again.[/quote]
Bush just gave a speech about the wetlands protection act this morning at an Earth day event.
I think that voting for Kerry just because you don't want Bush to win is really stupid. It's not a good idea to just vote for someone because you don't like the other guy, how do YOU know that Kerry is going to be any better. Personally I have seen no valid reasons for voting for Kerry other than ousting Bush, and IMO that is a bad reason to choose a new leader for a country.
My reason for voting for Kerry: I just can't trust Bush to make good decisions on the spot. Up until a month ago, I supported the war because Clinton thought Iraq had WMDs, but now I see the huge f00king mess we're in and I see the difference between the Dems' Iraq policy and the Republicans': Clinton didn't take control because he could see the consequences of doing so. Bush went crazy and took over without seeing all the consequences, and I can't support someone who doesn't think such vital things through enough. Kerry's courage during and after the Vietnam War (when he saved his fellow soldiers in an ambush, and then came home to speak out againt the war) has shown me that he is someone I can trust, at least more than Bush.
[quote name='Matrix2k3']I think that voting for Kerry just because you don't want Bush to win is really stupid. It's not a good idea to just vote for someone because you don't like the other guy, how do YOU know that Kerry is going to be any better. Personally I have seen no valid reasons for voting for Kerry other than ousting Bush, and IMO that is a bad reason to choose a new leader for a country.[/quote]

So whats the alternative? Let's say you have Hitler and some other guy, and you know exactly what kind of president Hitler is? What are you to do if you don't want him for another 4 years, not vote at all? You cross your fingers, vote for the other guy, and hope he does a better job. This is common sense here...
[quote name='evilmax17'][quote name='Matrix2k3']I think that voting for Kerry just because you don't want Bush to win is really stupid. It's not a good idea to just vote for someone because you don't like the other guy, how do YOU know that Kerry is going to be any better. Personally I have seen no valid reasons for voting for Kerry other than ousting Bush, and IMO that is a bad reason to choose a new leader for a country.[/quote]

So whats the alternative? Let's say you have Hitler and some other guy, and you know exactly what kind of president Hitler is? What are you to do if you don't want him for another 4 years, not vote at all? You cross your fingers, vote for the other guy, and hope he does a better job. This is common sense here...[/quote]
Are you comparing Bush to Hitler?
One of the reasons I'm voting for Kerry, like somebody else said, is because he is adamantly against Outsourcing. I'm a CS major in college, and that's where it hits the hardest. I can't believe that Bush thinks its a good idea to put thousands of Americans out of a job. How is that good for our economy in any way? It lets big businesses save some money, like they need it...
[quote name='Matrix2k3']I think that voting for Kerry just because you don't want Bush to win is really stupid. It's not a good idea to just vote for someone because you don't like the other guy, how do YOU know that Kerry is going to be any better. Personally I have seen no valid reasons for voting for Kerry other than ousting Bush, and IMO that is a bad reason to choose a new leader for a country.[/quote]

Why would you re-elect a president that has done a terrible job for the last four years? Yes Kerry MAY not do a good job but Bush WILL DO a BAD JOB on this country with another 4 years in office! No more liberties and more tax decreases for the wealthy.....

In 5-10 more years the Middle class will be taxed even heavier to pay for those tax cuts and riduculous wasteful spending.
[quote name='Quackzilla'][quote name='chosen1s'][quote name='Valkryst']
Even if 50% of it were true I'd still be an idiot to support him.[/quote]

Let me guess. You'd be an idiot to support Bush but you'd be open-minded and tolerant to support France, Germany, and the dictator in Iraq who was bribing them.

I would say about half of your statement appears to be true.[/quote]

You just accused everyone in France and Germany of being corrupt. Those are pretty big words there, young man.

Prove it, you shaq-fuTARD!

But Bush and Cheny did make a lot of money off of the oil wells in Iraq that were "liberated". (stolen without intentions to give them back, and all the oil that comes from them is stolen to, the Iraqi people don't receive a pennt)[/quote]

Uh, Ok, the French and German governments were involved in and/or knew about illegal trading with Iraq and allowed it to heppen - then tried to block the US invasion for motives that I will leave to your own imagination. This is pretty well documented. I'm sorry, but I am having trouble booking a trip for you to take directly to their embassy so you can meet with their officials and ask them for themselves.

Now, can YOU prove what you say about Bush/Cheny and the oil wells in Iraq? This just proves my point about Democrats. The media allows them to spew their accusations without following up on them. This whole "they did it for the oil" thing was disproved long ago, but the media did a terrible job on following up on it. They spent hours of news time covering the accusations, then about 5 minutes on the "Oops, looks like it isn't true".
[quote name='spoo'][quote name='evilmax17'][quote name='Matrix2k3']I think that voting for Kerry just because you don't want Bush to win is really stupid. It's not a good idea to just vote for someone because you don't like the other guy, how do YOU know that Kerry is going to be any better. Personally I have seen no valid reasons for voting for Kerry other than ousting Bush, and IMO that is a bad reason to choose a new leader for a country.[/quote]

So whats the alternative? Let's say you have Hitler and some other guy, and you know exactly what kind of president Hitler is? What are you to do if you don't want him for another 4 years, not vote at all? You cross your fingers, vote for the other guy, and hope he does a better job. This is common sense here...[/quote]
Are you comparing Bush to Hitler?

You missed my point entirely. I picked a historical figure that EVERYONE can agree was "bad" (i'm understating, i know, but i'm making a point here). You have candidate A who you KNOW will be bad (now this is Bush from my perspective, and that of many others). Then you have Kerry, who is the other guy. Somebody said that "voting for Kerry just because he's NOT Bush" was stupid, but this is my example for saying why it's NOT stupid. Because what else is a person to do if they don't support Bush?
[quote name='coffman']I find it amusing that the Republicans were calling foul when the Democrats were accusing Bush of dodging the draft by entering the national guard and possibly not serving all of his time, yet they feel it is ok to question whether or not Kerry earned his purple hearts in Vietnam. This cartoon sums it all up:[/quote]

The problem with Kerry's purple heart is not whether or not he "deserved" it, the problem is that he claimed several times that the records are all available to the public. Then, when a reporter went to do some fact-checking (believe it or not, he actually wanted to check for facts) he found that the records are sealed and not available.

The question is "What is Kerry hiding and why did he lie?" -- Not "is the purple heart ligitimate?"
[quote name='chosen1s']Now, can YOU prove what you say about Bush/Cheny and the oil wells in Iraq? This just proves my point about Democrats. The media allows them to spew their accusations without following up on them. This whole "they did it for the oil" thing was disproved long ago, but the media did a terrible job on following up on it. They spent hours of news time covering the accusations, then about 5 minutes on the "Oops, looks like it isn't true".[/quote]

LOL excuse me!? Are you saying that the media lets Democrats say ANYTHING at all!? Last time I checked, most television news stations (especially CNN) were owned by heavily conservative companys/peoples. Rupert Murdoc anyone? The majority of media in general is Conservative man, I thought that was a generally known fact? If you want a less biased take on the news, read BBC (like I do).
Hey man bush has done a great job in office. I don't think many people couldve handled 9/11 much better than he did or handle to war with Iraq as well as he did. And he also found Saddam. Sure maybe hes done some bad things but the economys on its way up again and I didnt see any major reasons to get him out of office such as when Clinton got head from Lewinsky
bread's done