How do PS3 owners actually feel?

If I had one, I would probably feel pretty good about it. It's got a couple games I am very interested in (Folklore, Ratchet and Clank Future), and its future looks bright with White Knight, Disgaea 3, and that Valkyrie game from SEGA. If I had a full time job right now, I would be saving up for one.
i am ho hum about it...warhawk was fun...i love watching blu ray movies on it...been looking forward to uncharted for a little while now...most multiplatform games I pick up on the 360 and that is where most of my free time is spent playing games.
Personally, I feel really good about my PS3 purchase and am VERY excited about the holiday game lineup.

The thing that bothers me is that it seems that retailers and developers don't even want to give the PS3 a chance, even after Sony has proved that it's capable of being a GREAT system. I work at Blockbuster and get all of my game rentals from them. They usually end up getting less than half of the PS3 titles that are released and they only ever get 1 copy, even though we have a lot of customers who regularly rent PS3 games.

A lot of people (usually uninformed ones) say that "PS3 is failing", but the only reason is that everyone is afraid to invest in it.
I'm quite satisfied with my system, if only for the PS2 game upscaling/smoothing option alone. There are a few minor annoyances like the lack of rumble (will be fixed soon), lack of achievement points (ugh, MS has turned me into an achievement whore...once again, this should be fixed with Home), and long install times. Other than that, it's a powerful system that has a lot of potential down the line.
It plays HD movies, so I'm happy. Final Fantasy is the only game I care about, so I have some waiting before I'll be buying a game.

My PS2 was starting to scratch discs (launch system), so I used the money that I would have used on a new one for a PS3 with backwards compatibility before they were gone.

Need more movies!
[quote name='reiji']
The thing that bothers me is that it seems that retailers and developers don't even want to give the PS3 a chance, even after Sony has proved that it's capable of being a GREAT system. I work at Blockbuster and get all of my game rentals from them. They usually end up getting less than half of the PS3 titles that are released and they only ever get 1 copy, even though we have a lot of customers who regularly rent PS3 games.


I don't totally agree with you blockbuster is shafting the ps3 argument. They never ever have any 360 games in stock at a variety of the local ones around me. It isn't like that are sticking it to the ps3, they just do a poor job of inventory for game rentals period.
I'm lovin it. Bought it in August and have been playing solidly since. Got Warhawk, Resistance and Motorstorm right of the bat. Rachet and COD4 since. Assassins Creed and Uncharted up next. Man the hits just keep on coming.

I haven't been this happy/spending so much money since the fall of 2001.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']If I had one, I would probably feel pretty good about it. It's got a couple games I am very interested in (Folklore, Ratchet and Clank Future), and its future looks bright with White Knight, Disgaea 3, and that Valkyrie game from SEGA. If I had a full time job right now, I would be saving up for one.[/quote]

Whatever happen to that game, I remember hearing all about it when it was first announce, but it's been quiet since then, it was one of the games I was looking forward to.
[quote name='Thongsy']Whatever happen to that game, I remember hearing all about it when it was first announce, but it's been quiet since then, it was one of the games I was looking forward to.[/QUOTE]
Coming out next year.
[quote name='Thongsy']Whatever happen to that game, I remember hearing all about it when it was first announce, but it's been quiet since then, it was one of the games I was looking forward to.[/QUOTE]It's called Valkyrie of the Battlefield, or something like that. I downloaded the trailer off of Japan PSN (from the TGS). The game looks great.

As for the thread title, I'm 95% satisfied with my PS3, so I'm mostly good. The only things that bother me are all the hate PS3 gates, all the FUD at news sites, etc. that has me feeling bad at times (sometimes it makes me very depressed).
My PS3 is going to be getting a lot of use this month. Between downloading the Uncharted demo yesterday which I've played like...10 times already (not exaggerating) Assassins Creed next week, and then Uncharted after that I'm quite happy. If I can afford it I'll be getting Time Crisis 4 and then at the beginning of next month is Haze.

Good stuff.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']The only things that bother me are all the hate PS3 gates, all the FUD at news sites, etc. that has me feeling bad at times (sometimes it makes me very depressed).[/quote]Tell me you are kidding. It's a fucking game console.
I have both PS3 and Xbox 360. But it still annoys me when I see that PS3 is in loss for about 7.000.000 consoles !!! I still think that PS3 did not say last one and it will be much better over time , but it annoys. Soon I am getting Nintendo Wii. But I love my PS3 the most (I had PSone , PS2 , PSP ...) and I would like to see that PS3 will be the winner. It annoys me to see that it is far behind Wii and Xbox 360 , because it really deserves to be in better position !
The PS3 has to be the absolute worst console. I mean, look at how much dust shows up on it. I expected better, Sony, I expected better.

I am enjoying the PS3 even if it is more for it's media functions ie picture viewer, blu-ray etc. Although I have enjoyed playing my ps2 games on it I havent gotten too into any ps3 games although I am yet to play Uncharted. Ratchet and Clank was a lot of fun.
Really digging mine. Got about 2-3 weeks ago and it's all I play, I was planning on waiting till Tekken and Soul Calibur came out, but I got a good deal on a 60GB. I have Gundam(I'm a fan), Resistance, Assassin's Creed, fl0w, and just about every demo available.

The media center funtions are great I guess, but except for being able to output in 1080p, it has nothing on XBMC.

I must say though, it's great on a standard TV, breathtaking in HD.
I'm very satisfied with my purchase, even though I paid $599 for my 60gig back in March and received no freebies at all. I'm not very good at FPS, so I don't have a lot of interest in the 360's premier titles and I've grown tired of the Nintendo franchises (I rebought a Wii just for Metroid Prime 3 but got sick of it halfway through). I do love racing and 3rd person action/adventure games and the PS3 has those areas covered. I currently own Motorstorm, Heavenly Sword, Folklore, Ratchet & Clank, Uncharted, and Assassin's Creed with Rock Band arriving Wednesday. All are worthwhile titles, plus I've enjoyed the blu-ray player + DVD upconverting features. Couldn't be happier!
[quote name='sarausagi']

This is usually the result: all of Sony consoles can't even outsell the Wii in Japan. I am posting this here hoping that strictly PS3 owners answer. On general gaming forums, it's just impossible to ask anything like this because you'll quickly be "proven wrong" or what not: people go as far saying "Sony should just pull out, the PS3 is dead" or "Sony fanboys have to be delusional"


I just wanted to say this, as one of the first playstation owners and a die hard nintendo fan.

Why does it have to be this way, ps3 is dead? ps3 doesn't have any games. Nintendo has mario, zelda, metroid and the casual gamer. Nintendo got skooled the last two generations, nintendo was dead but no one really saw this day, even though it was inevitable.

I am an absolute m$ hater! With that said, why can we just be happy, not look at the numbers (even though I am so happy nintendo is kickin everyone's ass) and play the games...? (mmmmm metal gear solid 4) Sony's numbers will rebound (not like ps2 numbers) but they will come back up, they just need to get the games out there (and ratchet and clank is not gonna sell systems)
Well, the PS3 has far from no games. Maybe it doesn't have many EXCLUSIVES, but it does have a good amount of games, good enough for just about anyone. I mean, every big (fall) game the 360 got aside from Mass Effect (and Halo 3) has been on the PS3, yet the PS3 has Uncharted, Ratchet, Haze, and even UT3 will be out this year. Sure the 360 will get UT3 next year, but it will be the worst version by far.
I have just about every system from Intellivision on, and I love every single one of them. They all have their good qualities about them and I enjoy playing games on whatever I feel that day. My PS3 I have had since launch and I use it for Blu-Ray, DVD, and gaming (PS2 and PS3 games). I use my PS3 as much as my Wii and 360. They all are great in their own way and I dont care about the naysayers of the PS3 or any system for that matter. Hell, I even had the 3D0 at one time in my life. That thing made a terrible $700 paperweight until I got rid of it waaaayyyyy back in the day.
Owning all three, the PS3 definitely gets the least love.
If a game comes out for both the 360 and PS3 the 360 is the no-brainer for the buy- especially if it has multi-player or DL content.

The Wii is my house party machine whenever we have "couples" over (read: Non-guy friends) it's all about mini-games and acting nutty.

The Wii is a lock for not only the "casual gamers" but also for the the non-gamers and former gamers. Basically, chicks dig it.

There is a huge desire in me and other former Sony-fanboys out there to see something positive on the PS3 front. Personally, i think this is affecting ps3 reviews as some games are getting somewhat inflated reviews. Drake, Warhawk, RaC are not even on the same playing field as Bioshock, Halo3 . . etc. I have also been very disappointed with multi-platform games that reach the PS3. Take RB6:vegas and CoD4 which are terrible on PS3 because of the weak multi-play. I can't play with a team that wont communicate. I can't stand waiting all that time to get the slim-pickins of games either.

I didn't get in on the free bluray movies but I have bought a couple of dozen HD-DVDs because I thought they looked better and thought the layered menus were awesome. I am also one of those people who buys the dual-format HD-DVDs whenever I can since I have two cars with the passeneger DVD systems.
But the format war is beside the point and I currently concede that to the PS3.

Had I only been able to buy one system and opted for a PS3 I wouldn't be mad . . . I would be furious. I have a lot of buyers remorse in buying one early and it has jilted me on Sony as a brand. Combine those experiences with the comments I read from developers hating to create even ports for the PS3 and you can get discouraged real fast. Sony needs to make a PS3 buyers support group for therapy.

However, you might want to note I consider myself lucky with my 360 since I am still playing a day one model without a hiccup, about half the people I know are not so lucky. that said they are also the types to drag there consoles over to a friends house like they are lan boxes or something.

For me the RRoD has yet to be an issue but no one disputes that PS3's have a better "build quality" but with the weak user base and disdane from devlopers, for unnescessarily complicated hardware design and processing, the road is still rocky ahead not just for the PS3 but us who own them.
[quote name='dallow']I just figured out how to get TVersity to work.

Now I can watch just about EVERY movie on my PC.

I'm intrigued.

So you can watch any video by using that?
[quote name='h3llbring3r']Owning all three, the PS3 definitely gets the least love.
If a game comes out for both the 360 and PS3 the 360 is the no-brainer for the buy- especially if it has multi-player or DL content.

The Wii is my house party machine when ever we have "couples" over (read: Non-guy friends) it's all about mini-games and acting nutty.

The Wii is a lock for not only the "casual gamers" but also for the the non-gamers and former gamers. Basically, chicks dig it.

There is a huge desire in me and other former Sony-fanboys out there to see something positive on the PS3 front. Personally, i think this is affecting ps3 reviews as some games are getting somewhat inflated reviews. Drake, Warhawk, RaC are not even on the same playing field as Bioshock, Halo3 . . etc. I have also been very disappointed with multi-platform games that reach the PS3. Take RB6:vegas and CoD4 which are terrible on PS3 because of the weak multi-play. I can't play with a team that wont communicate. I can't stand waiting all that time to get the slim-pickins of games either.

I didn't get in on the free bluray movies but I have bought a couple of dozen HD-DVDs because I thought they looked better and thought the layered menus were awesome. I am also one of those people who buys the dual-format HD-DVDs whenever I can since I have two cars with the passeneger DVD systems.
But the format war is beside the point and I currently concede that to the PS3.

Had I only been able to buy one system and opted for a PS3 I wouldn't be mad . . . I would be furious. I have a lot of buyers remorse in buying one early and it has jilted me on Sony as a brand. Combine those experiences with the comments I read from developers hating to create even ports for the PS3 and you can get discouraged real fast. Sony needs to make a PS3 buyers support group for therapy.

However, you might want to note I consider myself lucky with my 360 since I am still playing a day one model without a hiccup, about half the people i know are not so lucky. that said they are also the types to drag there consoles over to a friends house like they are lan boxes or something.

for me the RRoD has yet to be an issue but no one disputes that PS3's have a better "build quality" but with the weak user base and disdane from devlopers, for overly complicated hardware design and processing, the roasd is still rocky ahead not just for the PS3 but us who own them.[/quote]So I can't have as much fun with multiplat PS3 titles as I can with 360?
Seemed like I was.

[quote name='whoknows']I'm intrigued.

So you can watch any video by using that?[/quote]Yeah, it transcodes the video on the fly into mpeg 2 so the PS3 can play it.

Even DVD .VOB files, I was impressed with that!

Just download it, and point it to your media collection.
It should show up on your XMB.
[quote name='dallow']So I can't have as much fun with multiplat PS3 titles as I can with 360?
Seemed like I was.


You can, I have had plenty of fun, but the experience is definitely weaker and team based multiplayer games suffer badly in direct comparison.
My experience with team-based multiplayer games is different from your experience with team-based multiplayer games.

We're at a stalemate, friend.
[quote name='dallow']Yeah, it transcodes the video on the fly into mpeg 2 so the PS3 can play it.

Even DVD .VOB files, I was impressed with that!

Just download it, and point it to your media collection.
It should show up on your XMB.[/QUOTE]

I'll have to give it a shot later today.
[quote name='dallow']My experience with team-based multiplayer games is different from your experience with team-based multiplayer games.

We're at a stalemate, friend.[/quote]

You are the first person with both system I have heard claim that. I guess it depends on the numbers/types of games.
[quote name='h3llbring3r']You are the first person with both system I have heard claim that. I guess it depends on the numbers/types of games.[/quote]Depends on the people you play with.

It can be great on both systems, just as much as it can be shitty on both systems.

For what it's worth, the sheer number of players on Live ensure that the title may stay alive longer.
[quote name='dallow']Depends on the people you play with.

It can be great on both systems, just as much as it can be shitty on both systems.

For what it's worth, the sheer number of players on Live ensure that the title may stay alive longer.[/quote]

That has a lot to do with it for sure. I still have lots of "friends" that hop on and play RB6. I am also not slow to mute the whining prepubescent degenerates that frequently detract form a nice MP game on Live. I can mute you so fast it will make your headspin. I am baffled at the number of people who don't set up for voice on the PS3 it is infuriating in strategic MP games, perhaps it is too easy in Live.

You gotta understand am a PS fanboy who goes way back, since the PS vs Saturn days (about 12-13 years). Thus far the PS3 vs. 360 is reminding more like the PS vs Saturn console war then but the roles for Sony are reversed. Unfortunately the system the PS3 really reminds me the most of is my Atari Jaguar. Granted I never thought it was going to be the winner in the console wars, but I did expect it to compete (I still have it BTW). Actually I still have all my consoles except for my 2600/5200/and Intellivision (he-man rules).
[quote name='jennie25']

I am an absolute m$ hater! With that said, why can we just be happy, not look at the numbers (even though I am so happy nintendo is kickin everyone's ass) and play the games...? (mmmmm metal gear solid 4) Sony's numbers will rebound (not like ps2 numbers) but they will come back up, they just need to get the games out there (and ratchet and clank is not gonna sell systems)[/QUOTE]

I agree with hating M$ and the numbers thing. People are so fucking concerned with how much something sells instead of just enjoying what they have. It's just like that stupid HDDVD vs Blu-ray thread.
Yeah, it's annoying that a lot of PS3 users don't have mics, but oh well, half the time even if they do have mics no one says anything. I know I don't talk very often.

I've noticed with COD4 that a lot more people are starting have mics.

I'm not very competitive online so I guess it doesn't bother me.
[quote name='Blitz']I agree with hating M$ and the numbers thing. People are so fucking concerned with how much something sells instead of just enjoying what they have. It's just like that stupid HDDVD vs Blu-ray thread.[/quote]You know, most of the people in the HDDVD vs BD thread have both formats and like talking about both formats.

We are enjoying our HD media.
But we also like to discuss how this format war is proceeding.
[quote name='h3llbring3r']You are the first person with both system I have heard claim that. I guess it depends on the numbers/types of games.[/quote]

Mr. Dallow doesnt have a 360.

By the way, thanks Dallow .. I'm gonna give that tversity thing a try. Damn ps3 wont play my Bleach, Naruto, Death Note, Blood+ video as is :bomb:.
I used to have a 360. And I'll get a new one w/HDMI soon as I need to play Mass Effect.

thankyouverymuch mr. mak
Yeah, it even plays mkv!
My HD Howard the Duck download lives on!
[quote name='dallow']I used to have a 360.

thankyouverymuch mr. mak
Yeah, it even plays mkv![/quote]

I wish I had known about that program and .vob thing a few days ago .. I just deleted over 100gb of dvds from my external drive cause I didnt feel like going through the hassle of burning them.
[quote name='Maklershed']I wish I had known about that program and .vob thing a few days ago .. I just deleted over 100gb of dvds from my external drive cause I didnt feel like going through the hassle of burning them.[/quote]Ah man.... that sucks.

In fact, it plays vob files the best from my experience.
[quote name='h3llbring3r']
There is a huge desire in me and other former Sony-fanboys out there to see something positive on the PS3 front. Personally, i think this is affecting ps3 reviews as some games are getting somewhat inflated reviews. Drake, Warhawk, RaC are not even on the same playing field as Bioshock, Halo3 . . etc. .[/quote]

Inflated reviews? I don't know about Warhawk but Ratchet and Uncharted are pretty damn good games and deserve those 8s and 9s.
[quote name='dallow']I used to have a 360. And I'll get a new one w/HDMI soon as I need to play Mass Effect.

thankyouverymuch mr. mak
Yeah, it even plays mkv!
My HD Howard the Duck download lives on![/quote]

Pseudo punk rock Lea Thompson ahhhhhhhhhh.

[quote name='Blackout542']Inflated reviews? I don't know about Warhawk but Ratchet and Uncharted are pretty damn good games and deserve those 8s and 9s.[/quote]

Didn't say they weren't good, just not on par with the other AAA games that have debut recently. I think they are more like 7/8's not 8's/9's. I didn't say they were hugely inflated but I do earnestly think they are inflated.
[quote name='dallow']I honestly love the soundtrack. :oops:[/quote]
No it's the hair:

Oh, haha.

And you should do yourself a favor and rent/purchase Uncharted before you say it isn't worthy of such high marks.
[quote name='h3llbring3r']Pseudo punk rock Lea Thompson ahhhhhhhhhh.

Didn't say they weren't good, just not on par with the other AAA games that have debut recently. I think they are more like 7/8's not 8's/9's. I didn't say they were hugely inflated but I do earnestly think they are inflated.[/quote]

I could say the same for Bioshock and Halo 3..didn't they get 10s? Great games though. All I'm saying is Ratchet and Uncharted are really, really, really good games, I don't see the inflation. I don't know if their perfect games, have to let them sit a bit, but they are not simply inflated because Sony fanboys want games to get higher scores on the PS3.
[quote name='h3llbring3r']
Didn't say they weren't good, just not on par with the other AAA games that have debut recently. I think they are more like 7/8's not 8's/9's. I didn't say they were hugely inflated but I do earnestly think they are inflated.[/QUOTE]
Just to've played them both, right?
bread's done