How do PS3 owners actually feel?

[quote name='whoknows']Just to've played them both, right?[/QUOTE]

Always an important question.

Chiming in mostly because I love Howard the Duck. The hair + soundtrack = $$$
[quote name='Blackout542']I could say the same for Bioshock and Halo 3..didn't they get 10s? Great games though. All I'm saying is Ratchet and Uncharted are really, really, really good games, I don't see the inflation. I don't know if their perfect games, have to let them sit a bit, but they are not simply inflated because Sony fanboys want games to get higher scores on the PS3.[/quote]

Agreed on Bioshock. I bought it for PC, and didn't even finish it. About halfway through, it got incredibly boring and derivative. I was on a quest to find fucking 12 vials of water. It took me hours and hours in the beginning on a quest to find a mad doctor just to get a key! The atmosphere was there, but as far as feeling like I was accomplishing anything besides searching endlessly for stuff in desk drawers and buying new plasmids, I didn't see any point of going on, especially after I hear that the ending is disappointing. What's the point?

So, I didn't finish that, but I just beat Uncharted and finished COD4 and Ratchet a few weeks ago. My PS3 is getting me excited about games again. I'm actually putting time into them, and loving every minute of it.

I don't really understand what's so horrible about the multiplayer on PS3 of COD4. I have no problems connecting, people talk on their headsets, and the game looks and runs great. Why the hate?
Is there any way to connect the PS3 to my laptop without having to be online? Or is it like that already?

Trying to get Tversity to work at the moment.
I have all 3 current gen systems (as well as 15+ older gen systems), and I rarely play my PS3. I use it to watch DVDs - don't even own a BR movie yet. Guess I ought to get one, but there hasn't been a movie out yet that I feel I have to pay $30 to see on BR.

I have only 3 games for the PS3 - Resistance, Untold Legends, and Warhawk (traded Motorstorm and Genji in), but I do have quite a few PS2 games. If I hadn't gotten an EE model PS3, I wouldn't have bothered at this point.

The 360 gets the lion's share of my playing time. If there is a title that is cross-platform, I'll usually go with the 360 version. I do like the Achievements, but they aren't the prime impetus for me playing a game.

I'm not bashing the PS3 at all, I just think that for my tastes I could have waited and not felt the hurt much at all. I do believe that there are better games coming out for the PS3 - Uncharted looks cool and I may rent that, and I'm sure better stuff will come down the pipe.
Seeing this last post from Heavy Hitter begs the question, "Then why did you buy it?" It's odd; where I work everyone has a PS3 and PSP, not 360's or DS's. They all love them, especially with all these great games coming out. HH points out that he likes Achievements, but that isn't the reason to buy the 360 version of multiplatform releases. He doesn't give a "main" reason, though. I think you guys are all missing the point. Once you've bought a 360, there's not much of an impetus to buy a PS3. I can accept that, it makes sense. If you only have one system, though, I'd much rather have the PS3, due to its Next-Gen DVD playback, its reliability, included Wifi, bigger Hard Drive, same games coming out, but with (in my opinion) better exclusives.
Haven't turned on my That Triple for quite some time and when I did, it was just to mess with the themes for about five minutes.

I have no desire for any games before MGS4. Once I beat MGS4, I'm selling my That Triple.

You can ask why I bought it now instead of when MGS4 is released, because when MGS4 is released I don't see me buying a That Triple for less than $400 (I could be wrong, given Sony's price history for That Triple so far.)

I figured, if I'm going to spend $400 then, why not spend $400 now and I can maybe use it to rent Blu-Rays or something (haven't done that either).

Looking back on the purchase, it does seem pretty silly, at the time it made sense to me.

It's too late to take it back so I'll just have to keep it and roll with the punches 'til then ($400 would be very helpful for rent).

But, this is my second That Triple and I hope it is my last. I don't want to fall into an apossum-type cycle of buying the damn thing anytime a new game peaks my interest every six months.
[quote name='orko60']Seeing this last post from Heavy Hitter begs the question, "Then why did you buy it?" It's odd; where I work everyone has a PS3 and PSP, not 360's or DS's. They all love them, especially with all these great games coming out. HH points out that he likes Achievements, but that isn't the reason to buy the 360 version of multiplatform releases. He doesn't give a "main" reason, though. I think you guys are all missing the point. Once you've bought a 360, there's not much of an impetus to buy a PS3. I can accept that, it makes sense. If you only have one system, though, I'd much rather have the PS3, due to its Next-Gen DVD playback, its reliability, included Wifi, bigger Hard Drive, same games coming out, but with (in my opinion) better exclusives.[/QUOTE]

I'll elaborate - just a little bit.

When I originally bought the PS3, it was definitely an impulse purchase. When I did get the system home and I cracked the games, I was kind of underwhelmed.

Warhawk and Resistance are cool, Untold Legends is a pretty solid Gauntlet-style game (but it gets old pretty fast), and Genji was not a good game. I felt kind of burned at that time, but I knew sooner or later more titles would come out that I wanted to play. I've got plenty of other stuff to occupy my time, so I can be patient - and that patience will soon be rewarded. I'm all over Time Crisis 4 when it comes out.

As it stands now, I prefer the gaming experience with the 360. I prefer the controller, and Live is the best game in town. I'm definitely not a fanboy of any company. Show me who's got the best gaming experience for me and they get my business.
[quote name='Heavy Hitter']I'll elaborate - just a little bit.

When I originally bought the PS3, it was definitely an impulse purchase. When I did get the system home and I cracked the games, I was kind of underwhelmed.

Warhawk and Resistance are cool, Untold Legends is a pretty solid Gauntlet-style game (but it gets old pretty fast), and Genji was not a good game. I felt kind of burned at that time, but I knew sooner or later more titles would come out that I wanted to play. I've got plenty of other stuff to occupy my time, so I can be patient - and that patience will soon be rewarded. I'm all over Time Crisis 4 when it comes out.

As it stands now, I prefer the gaming experience with the 360. I prefer the controller, and Live is the best game in town. I'm definitely not a fanboy of any company. Show me who's got the best gaming experience for me and they get my business.[/quote]

Okay, I can respect that (except the Untold Legends bit...eww..). The guy above you, who has bought the PS3 TWICE and only wants to play MGS4, he sounds like an idiot.
^^^ fuck dis Nukkle.

[quote name='zewone']Haven't turned on my That Triple for quite some time and when I did, it was just to mess with the themes for about five minutes.

I have no desire for any games before MGS4. Once I beat MGS4, I'm selling my That Triple.

You can ask why I bought it now instead of when MGS4 is released, because when MGS4 is released I don't see me buying a That Triple for less than $400 (I could be wrong, given Sony's price history for That Triple so far.)

I figured, if I'm going to spend $400 then, why not spend $400 now and I can maybe use it to rent Blu-Rays or something (haven't done that either).

Looking back on the purchase, it does seem pretty silly, at the time it made sense to me.

It's too late to take it back so I'll just have to keep it and roll with the punches 'til then ($400 would be very helpful for rent).

But, this is my second That Triple and I hope it is my last. I don't want to fall into an apossum-type cycle of buying the damn thing anytime a new game peaks my interest every six months.[/quote]

Lemme cop that Triple and MGS4 off you when you're done wit it. Fo Sirrius.
Having all three current generation consoles, I use the PS3 as a media center and a Blu-Ray player. It does a fantastic job. On the gaming side, I prefer the Xbox 360 over the Playstation mostly because the 360 counterpart games are generally cheaper and the controls are more comfortable. Currently, the Wii is the odd child with no games and performs no duty. I plan to mod it eventually because I already have chip. However, the closest purpose it'll serve is a back-up for my Gamecube, if it ever breaks down.

Overall, I feel I'm not missing out from anything the industry offers.
I haven't bought my PS3 yet, but i'm going to very soon.. I thought about buying a Wii, and thought about buying a 360.. But when i've tried them, and then compare them to the PS3.. It doesn't fell the same? When that orchestra plays, god, it's like.. There is no word for it? I'm not saying that the other consoles are bad, but I just think that the PS3 has that extra to it? Am I right?
[quote name='anlun5']I haven't bought my PS3 yet, but i'm going to very soon.. I thought about buying a Wii, and thought about buying a 360.. But when i've tried them, and then compare them to the PS3.. It doesn't fell the same? When that orchestra plays, god, it's like.. There is no word for it? I'm not saying that the other consoles are bad, but I just think that the PS3 has that extra to it? Am I right?[/quote]

Mana Knight? Is that you?

[quote name='Richkid']Having all three current generation consoles, I use the PS3 as a media center and a Blu-Ray player. It does a fantastic job. On the gaming side, I prefer the Xbox 360 over the Playstation mostly because the 360 counterpart games are generally cheaper and the controls are more comfortable. Currently, the Wii is the odd child with no games and performs no duty. I plan to mod it eventually because I already have chip. However, the closest purpose it'll serve is a back-up for my Gamecube, if it ever breaks down.

Overall, I feel I'm not missing out from anything the industry offers.[/quote]

Odd. I find the SixAxis to be more comfortable (except when holding down those damn triggers in Motorstorm), and I don't see how the games are any cheaper on 360. They all seem to be 60 bucks where I am...
Im very happy with my PS3 i was very lucky because i got mine last year on December 30 and i was just wow, very lucky. I got six games for my ps3 and i never had that many games on my first year on a sony system, as a matter of fact on any system. So yes, Im very happy.
Rented Heavenly Sword from Gamefly. It arrived yesterday and I put a little time into it last night. Really liking it so far, but I'm not too crazy about the parts that have you tilt the controller to steer stuff - mainly because I suck at it. I may end up doing a "Keep It", though.
[quote name='Heavy Hitter']Rented Heavenly Sword from Gamefly. It arrived yesterday and I put a little time into it last night. Really liking it so far, but I'm not too crazy about the parts that have you tilt the controller to steer stuff - mainly because I suck at it. I may end up doing a "Keep It", though.[/QUOTE]

change the controls so that you can use the analog stick to steer things. thats what I did, then later on I switch it back when I replayed the levels.
I own all 3 (and have since their launch).

There is no comparison whatsoever between the Wii and the PS3. It's like comparing a Chevy Truck to a Ferrari.

The Wii isn't high definition, it doesn't have DVD let alone next generation (HD or Blu Ray) capabilities, it's sound doesn't compare to that of the other consoles, graphics are not near as good (due to not being high definition), and I'm sorry but most of the games for the system are lackluster at best - aside from Zelda and Mario, there really aren't many killer games.

Not to say there are many for the PS3 either - there aren't.

I can tell you what my family does and it works for us. But I know it isn't an option for every family as it is expensive.

I buy the games that are specific to a given system that my family wishes to play, example anything Mario or Zelda on the Wii, Ratched, Uncharted and Resistance on the PS3, Gears and Halo on the 360. Any game we buy that is multi platform - then we buy 360 period. Generally speaking the games are better on the 360 than they are on the PS3 (ported over better, not to say the system is any better - in my view they are pretty comparable), also there is the ability to build onto your gamerscore, something you can't do with the other systems. Finally XBOX Live is leagues better than Sony's offering even if it is free.

Yet the PS3 probably gets more "use" in our house than the others because it has become the centerpiece of the home theatre. I have both the PS3 and the HD-DVD addon for the 360. Initially I bought both formats, which ever I could find on sale - if a movie was specific to only one, etc. But more movies are availabe on blu-ray. Also, Blockbusters rent those in store now (at least where I live) so that was the final straw - I only buy and rent blu ray now. To me, that format has won the next gen DVD war hands down. Once Sony came out with the patch to upscale regular DVD's to my native 1080p - that did it. Sure I can do the same with my 360 Elite and HDMI, but we've just gravitated to using the PS3 as our player of choice for all DVD formats except the HD-DVD's we own.

In my family, the 360 is used extensively by me and my 13 year old son. We also use the PS3 but no where near as much. My wife and 6 year old play on the Wii alot. My 13 year old plays it some too. I don't know if in the year we've owned it if I've even played it to tell you the truth. We all have our own games for the various systems. However, the only game I have for the Wii for myself is RE4 and I have never played it yet.

[quote name='Thomas96']what is it that xbox live have that the Sony online component doesn't have?[/QUOTE]
In-game XMB, private chat, invitations to other games, text chat room, friend of friends, cross game messaging, perpetual scoreboards in the form of achievements/gamerscore.
What happens when your 13y/o son wants his own live account? Now you have to pay for two accounts. PSN starts too look a little more attractive at that point. Unless you wan to share username, friends, nerd-points, etc.

I don't care if I don't have the full xmb in game. But the messaging options need to be a little more robust. i.e., cross game invites, and the ability to read and send messages from in game, is a bare minimum that you should be fixing. Next would be nerd-points; they are a proven winner. Then, the crosss game chat feature would be the icing on the cake. All of these features are way higher up the priority pole than Home, for me. To me, Home is neat, but it adds nothing to my gaming experience, but I am not in the beta, and have been wrong before...

[quote name='zewone']In-game XMB, private chat, invitations to other games, text chat room, friend of friends, cross game messaging, perpetual scoreboards in the form of achievements/gamerscore.[/QUOTE]

I'll agree with all of this but the gamerscore, I had a 360 before my PS3 and really miss the messaging system, far more superior to what Somy has right now.

But I love the PS3 far more than I did the 360
I feel like the ps3 is this great piece of potential, there is Some(not much) good games out now and cool things to do with it but they seem to be always updating/improving and I really think its gonna be ps3 pulling ahead in a year to leader of the pack and leaving eveyrone else in the dust.
BUT i dont own a 360 (yet). :)
[quote name='zewone']In-game XMB, private chat, invitations to other games, text chat room, friend of friends, cross game messaging, perpetual scoreboards in the form of achievements/gamerscore.[/QUOTE]

In game xmb is not a feature of live... that's a feature of the system, PS3 has video chat, and voice chat.
[edit] oh yeah, PS3 has web browser. [edit] Thank you SnowSquirel - PS3 has multiple accounts, I created an account for my wife and I use that for my Japan account, still free.

PS3 missing invitation to other games, friend of friends(new), cross game messaging, and gamerscore. If Sony can get in game xmb, then they'll be up to par.

I suspect that even if Sony's online service was free and up to par with Live... would that really be enough for people to leave the live service.
yes live is better, but I think that 360 fans may be blowing it out of poportion, is it really THAT much better. That's why we need to throw all the features on the table and look at them side by side.
Not miles above and beyond better, but definitely a lot better for those who have friends they want to play regularly with, such as Cheapy.

Part of the differences were from cultural differences. Those in-game invites? Japanese considered cross-game and in-game invites to be somewhat rude. Same for messages.

I suppose by their logic you could just call a friend and ask if he wants to play and you both jump on the PS3. With the 360 you can mostly skip that step, by logging in immediately to see who is on, and the invite system works better.
You people should listen to a friend of mine. We were talking about the Wii's online service and he swears it's better than live.
[quote name='Heavy Hitter']Rented Heavenly Sword from Gamefly. It arrived yesterday and I put a little time into it last night. Really liking it so far, but I'm not too crazy about the parts that have you tilt the controller to steer stuff - mainly because I suck at it. I may end up doing a "Keep It", though.[/quote]

Don't. You'll finish the game in a few days, at most.
[quote name='Thomas96']yes live is better, but I think that 360 fans may be blowing it out of poportion, is it really THAT much better. That's why we need to throw all the features on the table and look at them side by side.[/QUOTE]
Besides the better online service, there are just more Live games and the multiplatform games are well established on Live, with more players.
I'm pretty happy with my PS3. The only thing I wish there were more of were demos of the PSN games (such as Pain, Bowling, etc) and more demos period. XBL gets about 10 times the number of demos that the PSN gets.

Other than that, I think the PS3 is supurb. Unlike the 360, it hasn't broken on me yet either.
Just bought the 80gig model on the saturday after black friday and got the 10free blurays from in-store. I have all systems and dig them all.
I love watching the blu-ray movies on my hd tv too. It's still playing catch up to the 360 in terms of games BUT they'll come. And I have all 3systems so I reap the benefits of all of them. And my wallet shrinks...
I'm happy with mine.
I like being able to download demos and check out games. It's what made me decide to get Folklore.

Rumble is great, BC is great, and the PS3 is nice and quiet.
I love it.
I think the system is funny. They try to copy nintendo with the motion control and have people wait over a year for the dual shock 3. Most of the games have framerate problems, like the football and basketball games. Games are 60 bucks, and their are 3 different models. Gta 4 will be better on x box, and they also lost out on the new ninja gaiden. Metal Gear is pretty much all there is to look forward to right now. The most unimpressive system since the original gameboy advance which had no light. The ps3's main selling point is as a blue ray player that has a few good games. And you know the disc read errors are coming soon.:bomb: Right now the psp is a better buy.
[quote name='Mr. Roper']I think the system is funny. They try to copy nintendo with the motion control and have people wait over a year for the dual shock 3. Most of the games have framerate problems, like the football and basketball games. Games are 60 bucks, and their are 3 different models. Gta 4 will be better on x box, and they also lost out on the new ninja gaiden. Metal Gear is pretty much all there is to look forward to right now. The most unimpressive system since the original gameboy advance which had no light. The ps3's main selling point is as a blue ray player that has a few good games. And you know the disc read errors are coming soon.:bomb: Right now the psp is a better buy.[/QUOTE]
Don't forget Little Big Planet and Haze (for me, at least). Better than anything Wii or 360 are going to offer in the near future from what I can tell.
Shit, there are quite a few games coming out for PS3 I want. But...I'm really feeling No More Heroes for Wii. I'm tempted to sell my PS3 and get a Wii again JUST for that game but I really can't justify losing all that cash. I am a whiny bitch.
The only game I've played so far is Heavenly Sword for about 3-4 hours. I rented it from Blockbuster after I got my 60gb from Kmart with the 20% off coupon about a month ago. From the little I played of Heavenly Sword, it was a pretty good game, it reminded me of God of War. I don't own any PS3 games yet. In fact, I haven't had much time to play games on the PS3 or otherwise due to school and work. I hope to spend more time with the PS3 in the coming weeks after the holidays and when I can spend money again.

This is off-topic, but Mr. Roper, who is that chick in your avatar? She's pretty hot.
So far I haven't regretted my purchase at all. Picked it up over the summer when the 60GB price drop occurred and I've picked up 6 games and a few PSN titles to boot. Add in the upscaling features for PS2 titles I haven't played yet and it definitely has a stronger initial impact for me than the PS2 at launch did (no hard feelings SFEX3)...

Looking forward for 2008, I've got Burnout: Paradise, Mercenaries 2 & GTAIV already preordered and MGS4, RE5 and LBP on the horizon. The new FFXIII trailers and SEGA's Valkyrie of the Battlefield definitely make me happy about future PS3 RPGs too.
Mr. Roper,

The title of the thread is "How do PS3 _owners_ actually feel". I may be wrong here, but from your tone, I sense you are not an owner. The OP most likely chose that title because they wanted to know how owners felt. Not hear haters regurgitate the launch arguments that they read elsewhere. There are lots of other places to post if you want to hear about how much non-owners hate the PS3. That is why the OP specifically asked how owners felt.

If you misread the title, or do have a PS3 I apologize. Otherwise grow-up.
I bought mine because of the price drop and was originally not too excited about my purchase.. but sice COD4 is out, I am now happy I bought it.
I finally bought a couple of Blu-Rays, and I am decidedly underwhelmed. To my eye, they looked maybe a little bit better than my standard DVDs. I ran the Road Warrior back and forth between DVD and Blu-Ray and didn't see much of a difference. Could it possibly have been the transfer or something like that?

After hearing from forums and commercials about how Blu-Ray was supposed to rock my balls off, so far I'm not impressed.
[quote name='Heavy Hitter']I finally bought a couple of Blu-Rays, and I am decidedly underwhelmed. To my eye, they looked maybe a little bit better than my standard DVDs. I ran the Road Warrior back and forth between DVD and Blu-Ray and didn't see much of a difference. Could it possibly have been the transfer or something like that?

After hearing from forums and commercials about how Blu-Ray was supposed to rock my balls off, so far I'm not impressed.[/quote]

Same here when I bought T2. I was a quite "meh" with it quality wise. That changed once I bought more recent movies like 300 and Planet Earth.

I think, in most cases, buying old movies on BluRay doesn't make sense. It's just for those who want to transfer their DVD collection to BR.
[quote name='Heavy Hitter']I finally bought a couple of Blu-Rays, and I am decidedly underwhelmed. To my eye, they looked maybe a little bit better than my standard DVDs. I ran the Road Warrior back and forth between DVD and Blu-Ray and didn't see much of a difference. Could it possibly have been the transfer or something like that?

After hearing from forums and commercials about how Blu-Ray was supposed to rock my balls off, so far I'm not impressed.[/quote]

Not all BDs are equal in quality. Check out this place to see how different BDs compare in terms of quality.

If you have a quality BD and still can't see much of an improvement, then it's gotta be your setup (like watching on a small TV or from far away, etc).
I love my PS3. Living in the UK is was a big purchase to make but it was totally worth it. I have just recently started getting into games so not going to pretend like I am some hardcore gamer but playing Ratchet and Clank was a pleasure. I am getting a 360 for xmas but I know that I will still give them the same amount of love. Also have a wii but that gets a little less attention though I still like it
bread's done