How do you feel about

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I am just curious about your overall feeling of the website. This includes how you feel about the owner, boards, mods, reviews, faqs, etc.
good site. The messageboards are not as bad as people say they are. There are the really stupid people as everyone says there are but there are also some who give good opinions and everything else like me. You just have to ignore or make fools of the stupid ones.
The owner is an idiot (Certified PS2 fanboi)
The site is so-so, Message boards are so full of bull though some are ok.
Mostly PC boards are quite civilized compared to PS2,GC,Xbox and Gameboy general boards.
Yeah, some message boards/FAQs/users are quite good. Other people are complete fanboys/smartasses etc. The polls are sometimes cute, and the site is bigger than almost anything else out there, so I'd give them a thumbs-up overall (hey, it's free, which is good for cheapasses like us :p ).
I love the FAQs but tend to avoid the message areas. A little redesign wouldn't hurt anyway but I'm not complaining....I just hope it stays a free site.
Basically, if it wasn't for Gamefaqs, I wouldn't have ever known about this wonderful site. The FAQs are useful too.
I'd have to say I like it. There are a few dumbasses there, but the boards have their intelligent users too. Typically, social boards are more intelligent than console boards. The truly dumbass posts come from the newest console boards. You wouldn't belive the crap I've read on the X-Box board...
I usually hang out on console boards at times, but I like to go to the Movies (theater) and Movies (DVD) boards.
is it too late to change my vote?

The bastards just modded me for mentioning in a message post -- that's all they said I did wrong -- like it was wrong or something!

and what makes it worse, is that some idiot user who doesn't realize how good they have it having sites around like this,actually reported me the over this before the mods even got there-- who the hell is this ridiculously spiteful, just because somebody paid less than they did :whistle2:(
Uh...multiple views from single people.
Fine, I'll vote again.
GameFAQs is all a bunch of fucking retarded ass monkeys.
I love and hate Gamefaqs at the same time. Its awesome to get information and stuff and even better when people aren't idiots, but when people are idiots, I hate it so much. Theres so much banter about the "console wars" that its disgusting.
I like Gamefaqs but HATE the message boards as many ppl have said. Way to many punk kids talkin outta there ass on the console boards way to MANY. Not to mention you get modded for saying just about anything over there. I dont like GTA:VC sorry your "trolling" WTF?! Like some dude said only the pc boards are civilized since theres much more mature users on it. Other then that site A-ok
Gamefaqs is good and bad. It has a lot of good information, and some message boards (usually for the older systems, which I tend to prefer) are actually civil. OTOH, the message boards for the current systems are virtually unusable due to the high proportion of idiots on them. The mods are also totalitarian in nature, deleting messages for lame and frivolous reasons.
Many of the users on GameFAQs are immature brats, and the mods are completely useless, but despite those flaws, I actually do like the site. Besides the FAQs, I really dig that each game has its own individual board (they are usually calmer and feature more mature posts than the general system boards).
Sometimes the mods are asleep at the wheel. They are concerned more about censor bypasses than the trolls IMO. But overall I like it. The are some good boards there.
it's a festering pile of shit and despair. The kids on that board need a good ass kickin' but I'm just one man, I can only crack so many skulls in at a time and they grow in number exponentially.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Sometimes the mods are asleep at the wheel. They are concerned more about censor bypasses than the trolls IMO. But overall I like it. The are some good boards there.[/quote]

Why do you insist on bumping these old threads? That's at least two GameFAQs threads more than 6 months old you've brought back up.
Why do you insist on bumping these old threads? That's at least two GameFAQs threads more than 6 months old you've brought back up.

I just wanted to see what people would say. Things change in 6 months.
well I only got there to get guides and stuff. There are a ton of Fanboy wars all the time. I think Electronica board is the only place I've ever had a decent conversation. The DC board is cool as well, but rarely does anything new pop up.

Hey, I didn't know Minx was mod MonaMinx back at IGN. I remember that name. Small world, it's been such a long time since I used to hang out there.
I really do not know much about the boards over there, and like I said there are only 2 boards I'm registered for, and only one I regularly visit. I do go check out the FAQs at time. I don't think it's bad, I like it, but if it happened to go away it's not like I'd miss it.
I've never gone on the forums, but the rest of the site has helped me through many video games. I guess it's too late to vote, but I would've said I liked it.
I use GameFAQ's for FAQ's and codes, and that's about it. Sometimes I read reviews, and some are written well, but some are written like a bad book report in a freshman high school english class. Steer clear of the forums.
My apologies for rehashing a 5-year-old thread, lol; but wanted to say after finding this, sadly, GameFAQs still hasn't changed... they're still as communistic as ever, if not even more so, continue to harvest and protect their trolls, haters, and immature punks (and oddly most of them are "idol" as far as karma goes, showing GameFAQs has been protecting and babying them for many years now). Just recently on GameFAQs, was having a convo about GTA4 with another user, to have an immature punk troll call us idiots, and then insinuate that I was an enabler of homophobia and stupidity and that the other person was homophobic and stupid, that we were both enablers of immature children, and that our comments were retarded. Myself and the other person weren't going to take the rudeness, and in a civil way pointed out how wrong they were, how they lacked civility and manners, and how making accusations of a person being homophobic in this day and age is just as bad as calling somebody gay or racist without any grounds to do so.

In the end GameFAQs modded most of my messages, and has knocked my karma all the way down to -4, I can't even delete my own messages over there. The punk kid that started the attack only had one message modded (their karma rank was already at "Idol", so may as well be a slap on the wrist), the only message removed was the one calling us idiots... GameFAQs allowed the insinuations of being enablers to homophobia and immature children, etc to stay up (even though I even pointed out to the mods that it says in their TOS that "insinuations" are covered under the trolling clause, to which they continue to ignore it).

Another example, is how back in the day, I put up a joking topic (sort of a Rick Roll'ed) saying, "OMG, anybody else find the hidden dodo plane in GTA4 yet!?", with the first post saying, "hehe, made you look, April Fools :p". GameFAQs chose to mod me for it, delete every post, make my karma mega-negative, and when I attempted to appeal it, they banned me from posting on their site with that account all together.

Of the 5 accounts I hold on GameFAQs, 1 has been completely banned from accessing the message boards, 2 are unable to post on the message boards and just read what's posted, 1 (the one that was first mention with the homophobia insinuations) is borderline being banned from posting and probably will be restricted or banned soon for speaking up for unfairness and crookedness in GameFAQs modding, and the last one I've sort of left in the closet as a last resort.

Sadly though, that's all just in the recent past few years... I originally started going to GameFAQs when it was first brand newly opened, and can honestly say, the FAQs are really decent... but as for the message-boards/forums... in that entire amount of time, the negative definitely outweighs the positive.

Oh, and even better, I saw a topic on the forums just the other day saying, "this game is giving me an erection", and when you click to read it, they say, "and it's not even in any of my holes, what gives", to many comments of an obscene nature being posted under it, to which still sits up on the boards, still unmodded, etc... guess that's okay, but ooooooh, don't ever mention in jest a top-secret hidden dodo plane in GTA4 that doesn't exist... or you'll be cast out like the anti-christ, lol. ;)

Bottom-line = GAMEFAQS SUCKS ARSE AND SMOKES S*** THROUGH A TUBE! \m/, Good riddance to GameFAQs... as the icon on the post points out, hopefully they die off all together. :applause:
I like is as I love being able to look at walk throughs when I get stuck as I don't have much patience with games these days. I don't have all that much time to play and don't want to spend it getting frustrated struggling to figure out how to beat a boss over and over, or wondering around in circles trying to figure out where to go next.

I only look when I'm stuck for a good 20 or 30 minutes as I prefer figuring it out myself, but I like having gamefaqs to fall back on.

Couldn't vote I love the site as the layout sucks and the forum is probably the biggest cesspool of kids and fanboys of any game site on the net.
The faqs are awesome, but the gaming boards for newer games are a complete cesspool. The boards for older games are usually a lot better.

EDIT: WTF this is a 5 year old thread?
[quote name='Dead of Knight']EDIT: WTF this is a 5 year old thread?[/QUOTE]

As I said...
My apologies for rehashing a 5-year-old thread, lol; but wanted to say after finding this...

i use their faqs, but i avoid the rest. the threads ive seen (often linked here for lulz) give me brain cancer.

[quote name='Dead of Knight']

EDIT: WTF this is a 5 year old thread?[/QUOTE]

didnt notice either until you said that
[quote name='bluetoast']I usually hang out on console boards at times, but I like to go to the Movies (theater) and Movies (DVD) boards.[/QUOTE]

because this guy had a link to cag in his signature at gamefaqs was how i found out about cag. a loooong time ago
whats to hate?

people say they complain about the message boards...who the f*** cares about message boards unless you have a question about something...whenever i do, i ask it, it gets answered and thats that.
[quote name='Mr.Smartypants']gayfaqs sucks ass, i hate it[/QUOTE]

oh, i didnt see this argument. nevermind
I use the answers to get through frustrating parts of some games or to find hidden gems.

The boards are completely useless and filled with morons that have nothing better to do than to lurk and hate.
I use it for the PS1 section. Lots of progress is being made by hackers and debuggers in that area, and the boards are pretty great. I wouldn't enter, say, a Fire Emblem or a Call of Duty forum on there and expect intelligence overall.
Apparently is one of my favorite websites.
Like a cellphone that has many features hehehe....
It has one of the worst message boards I've come in contact with in years but I can't ignore its overall usefulness. With that said nuke the damn boards and essentially perfection would insue.
its useful to me but i wish some of the faqs were standardized and more color maps were there. forget about the forums though not a fan of the fanboy shit in there especially back in the nintendo era of the gc.
At least this poll is better than GameFAQs. I actually posted this on GameFAQs as an example of how their polls usually go:

"Do you own a Wii or a 360?"
A. Both
B. Neither
C. I own a Wii and I love it!
D. I own a's an okay system I guess, but the Wii is cooler.

The idiots that make the polls always have these way to specific answers. Where you'd pick that option except for the opinionated bullshit tacked on the end. I don't even bother with their polls anymore. Or there character battles and silly shit like that...GameFAQs are a bunch of sad, sheltered, Nintendo and RPG zealots. Want to win the Character Battle? Pick the queerest character in each bracket, and flip a coin to decide whether Mario or Link will win it all.

It's the best site for FAQs, hands down. But the forums over there are a joke. With all the Hurt & Heal, Corrupt A Wish, etc. that clogs up the forums. I never had many problems with TOS violations there though, Gamespot's comment section is overpoliced 100x worse. You can't say shit in there without getting moderated.
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