How do you know if a girl likes you?

[quote name='FoxyGamerLady']That's pretty biased you know[/quote]
Oh please, if women were more direct that they were into a guy we wouldn't be having this conversation. It's the thrill of the chase that excites women. Men who are not desired by women tend to be continually not be desired by women. The reverse is true as well. It's really feast or famine if you will. If a women sees a man they have passing interest in, suddendly start having a lot more women falling over him, they want a piece of the action.

I used to be the quiet and shy type (still am on some occasions) but I come to terms with myself and quite frankly, I don't have time for the bull crap so I move on to the next. As a man, I make no apologies for what I am after. I make it clear that were are dating but NOT a couple. A lot of women tend to think that once you date them a couple of times all other women are hands off. But at the same time they have no problem teasing another guy with thier 'charms' given the interest and the chance.:roll:
This is how:

- (7:28:22 PM): i used to have the biggest cruxh on you in school
Brak (7:28:47 PM): Really?
- (7:29:07 PM): yeah
- (7:29:26 PM): if i would have known you w ere a gemini back then
- (7:29:32 PM): lol
Brak (7:29:25 PM): I don't think I remember you from high school.
- (7:29:49 PM): it was a crsh from a distance
Its a well know fact that the hotter your user name tries to make you seem, the uglier you are. However, in the case that you are actually attractive, you're a conceited cunt.

So... you're either a fatty or a bitch. Maybe a fat bitch. Problem solved.

[quote name='FoxyGamerLady']TheManaKnight, I kinda know how you feel. I'm a female and I've been single all my life. I just don't know how to approach guys I guess! I accepted that my nerdiness is probably going to keep guys from ever liking me more than a friend, but I'm always hoping I'll meet someone great someday. I'm sure you'll find someone special because it doesn't seem like you're a nerd or anything like that. Lafayette is a great place to be for single guys and gals -- I should know, I live there too! ;)

Anyway, I suppose I'll get back to Ratchet and Clank. I know I'm a dork, but I love my games![/quote]
[quote name='FoxyGamerLady']TheManaKnight, I kinda know how you feel. I'm a female and I've been single all my life. I just don't know how to approach guys I guess! I accepted that my nerdiness is probably going to keep guys from ever liking me more than a friend, but I'm always hoping I'll meet someone great someday. I'm sure you'll find someone special because it doesn't seem like you're a nerd or anything like that. Lafayette is a great place to be for single guys and gals -- I should know, I live there too! ;)[/quote]Oh and TMK, just in case you thought FoxyGamerLady is into you because of that wink and her kind words that I bolded, she probably isn't.

How to know if a girl does not like you:

1) Tact: Girls are usually quite tactful in turning someone down. Therefore, the kind words she had for you.

I even attempted to see if she wouldn't mind getting you socially acquainted and this was her reply:
[quote name='FoxyGamerLady']I don't even know what he looks like.[/quote] Which brings us to...

2) Excuses: If you don't get it at first that a girl's not into you, she'll give you an excuse. It's even possible this reply ties into rule 1 as she's most likely seen you in the other thread and didn't want to let you down hard by saying she doesn't find you the least bit attractive.

3) False hope: Note the bolded words in her initial quote. She's just crushed your hopes that she hasn't the least bit of interest in you, but doesn't want to deflate you to the point that you feel hopeless. Therefore, she tries to build you up by saying that there's a girl out there who will like you for who you are.

That is not to be taken that you may be able to sway her mind. It simply means, in the simplest terms, "There's no way in hell I would ever be with you." You feel better in thinking there really is someone for you while she can wipe her brow and move away (also note how she chose not to reply to the thread after I had said you looked like Denzel).

She knows the truth. She followed all 3 rules and has no other way to get away from the thought of you and has decided to leave the thread. Lucky her.
Has no one suggested that someone with a join date of October 2007, who has posted exclusively in this thread, calls themselves not only foxy and a lady, but also a gamer, and then makes pointed declarations that they enjoy Sony games, is not in fact a bullshit account, most likely started by a CAG regular, for the sole purpose of looking cheeky and "witty" 'round here?

This assumption comes even without the fact that the user title shows as banned. I'm willing to bet some mod caught on really quickly, and I missed the ensuing discussion on the matter (most likely in the OTT, I'd wager), but had since dispatched whoever was having some fun.

Cuz honestly, some of us weren't born yesterday, and rode buses longer than 2 meters to school back in the day.
[quote name='Strell']Has no one suggested that someone with a join date of October 2007, who has posted exclusively in this thread, calls themselves not only foxy and a lady, but also a gamer, and then makes pointed declarations that they enjoy Sony games, is not in fact a bullshit account, most likely started by a CAG regular, for the sole purpose of looking cheeky and "witty" 'round here?

This assumption comes even without the fact that the user title shows as banned. I'm willing to bet some mod caught on really quickly, and I missed the ensuing discussion on the matter (most likely in the OTT, I'd wager), but had since dispatched whoever was having some fun.

Cuz honestly, some of us weren't born yesterday, and rode buses longer than 2 meters to school back in the day.[/QUOTE]


Sorry, Strell.

The mods stopped my funning quick.
[quote name='Strell']Ahhh.

More proof Chacrana is just a bitch.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='Strell']Has no one suggested that someone with a join date of October 2007, who has posted exclusively in this thread, calls themselves not only foxy and a lady, but also a gamer, and then makes pointed declarations that they enjoy Sony games, is not in fact a bullshit account, most likely started by a CAG regular, for the sole purpose of looking cheeky and "witty" 'round here?

This assumption comes even without the fact that the user title shows as banned. I'm willing to bet some mod caught on really quickly, and I missed the ensuing discussion on the matter (most likely in the OTT, I'd wager), but had since dispatched whoever was having some fun.

Cuz honestly, some of us weren't born yesterday, and rode buses longer than 2 meters to school back in the day.[/quote]Immediately delete this. You've just broken TMK's heart. He had his sights set on his next girl.
[quote name='CappyCobra']OP, you had a chance but that boat has long sailed. If you still have any mild interest in her still (i wouldn't) , just ignore her. Women HATE to be ignored. And date other women on campus. She gets wind of you dating other women & showing them a good time, she just may show some interest in you. Women want what they can't have.

When she asks about the girl you're currently dating then slyly asks if you want to go out with her sometime, kindly tell her you would have had it not been for the women you're currently dating.

Women hate playas but love being played. It's sucks but its the truth.[/QUOTE]That kind of seems like the case. Friends of mine seemed to mention doing the same themselves.

[quote name='the ender']Ok, I'm actually not going to ridicule you on this thread, and give you an honest answer. It'll be hard, but I'll manage.

Brother, the girl definitely does not like you now, and I doubt she ever did. NO offense to the women on this board, but girls are, for the most part, fickle and deceptive creatures. (For the most part, mind you.) Her flirting with you in the past meant nothing, and if it did mean something, you did nothing, so it matters not.

She might have gone for you if you had made a serious attempt to get her from her old bf, but then you'd find yourself in the same boat as him. If a girl will leave another man for you, she'll leave you for another man as well. Don't trick yourself into thinking that you are the one amazing man with enough staying power to keep her stuck on you forever.

As for how to know if a woman likes you, I suggest asking her out, not asking her if she likes you. That sort of upfront bluntness is a complete turn-off to women, and it will get you nowhere, unless you are so awesome that she is going to dig you no matter what. Part of the greatness about falling in love is the mystery of it, so don't ruin it by "Do you like me?". I mean, c'mon, that sounds so needy.

Bottom line: Man up a bit. You seem to be decent-looking and intelligent, with something to offer. If I had to peg your one downfall in regards to the opposite sex, I'd say it's a lack of confidence and self-assuredness. A woman likes to know that she is actually getting something desirable and valuable when she dates a guy, and if you act like you are just stumbling your way through life and the relationship, you'll find yourself spending more time here on CAG and less time in some chick's panties.

Good luck!

(Oh, one more thing. Please, do not judge all women by the standards of the girls on this message board. They are fundamentally different from 99% of girls you'll encounter in the real world, and their advice is going to be skewed masculine. No offense, ladies. It's just true: Ya'll aren't typical chicks.)[/QUOTE]
I HATE beating a dead horse again, but that is 100% my problem. I have zero confidence in myself and really can't figure out why. I've called myself just about every bad thing before and one reason I rarely get a girl is because I think to myself "I'm too ugly for this girl", "I'm too messed up for this girl", "I don't know if I can handle a relationship", "she'll hate for (insert reason)", and many other things doubting myself, I end up running away. I don't know if I lack confidence because of stress, not eating right, or something.

[quote name='getmyrunon']
TMK - you have hit social rock bottom. Might I recommend VH1s "The Pickup Artist" (Available online streaming from VH1s website). Even though I think it's complete and total bullshit, I've seen it work to raise some people's self confidence.[/QUOTE]I've never seen it before. Thanks, I'll look into it. :)

I wonder if that person who played that mean trick on me (making that one account) was the same person impersonating certain CAG members here, making comments in my blog saying bad things to me (all the IPs matched). I can tell someone is out to get me. :whistle2:(
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I can tell someone is out to get me. :whistle2:([/quote]Please don't tell me we're adding paranoia to your personal problems.
Okay, I just found out something really weird. For a few days, I saw she was removed from my friends list. However, I just checked my friends list today, and it said I had one more friend. I checked my list, and she was back on it. Okay, I guess I take back what I said a little, but most of the previous stories I told you were true.

Now I gotta make a decision, but I'm going to make it myself and not share it.
This thread is easily one of the most hilarious to come along in quite sometime. Kudos to Mana Knight if this was all staged for LAWLZ.

[quote name='Brak']To answer the topic title:

If she lets you come inside her.[/QUOTE]

Not true. Hence why I have a bastard son, yet no GF :cry:
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Okay, I just found out something really weird. For a few days, I saw she was removed from my friends list. However, I just checked my friends list today, and it said I had one more friend. I checked my list, and she was back on it. Okay, I guess I take back what I said a little, but most of the previous stories I told you were true.

Now I gotta make a decision, but I'm going to make it myself and not share it.[/QUOTE]

TMK - is she in a sorority? A lot of girls have to disable their facebook profiles for a while during rush weeks. Could have been that.
[quote name='Punk_Raven']Hahahahaha in yo face- NIGGAH~~~~~![/QUOTE]

:lol: I know I'm supposed to take offense to that, but I couldn't help but LOL.

I'm actually not all that bent up about it.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']
I wonder if that person who played that mean trick on me (making that one account) was the same person impersonating certain CAG members here, making comments in my blog saying bad things to me (all the IPs matched). I can tell someone is out to get me. :whistle2:([/QUOTE]

That's a good idea -- fucking up your blog, but while I played that "mean trick" on you, the blog nonsense wasn't me. Which means you have a secret admirer!

A joyous day it is!
[quote name='The Mana Knight']long fcuking essay[/quote]

Didn't read the thread; hell, I just barely skimmed the OP. She's got a bf. Move on already. Pussy is easy cum, easy go. And easy to find for that matter. You're young still and while monogamy is a nice ideal, it's really better for you to date as many girls as you can. To use a traditional RPG analogy, you don't learn new skills/spells until you've accumulated a certain amount of experience (XP) points and leveled up. As a college student, you've got the most opportunity to meet and hook up w/ a lot of girls. This is the time in which you develop and hone your skills at both socialization and seduction (2 skills you've already admitted inexperience with on this site). And if you don't think either of them are applicable outside of sex, then you've still got a lot more to learn.
jaykrue gives good advice.

Chacrana is awesome.

Is this the girl you were bragging about having "hugged several times" in the Gaming OTT? lol lol

Truth is there's little you can do to make a girl like you. There's lots you can do to make them not like you, but their interest is pretty much up to them, so no point worrying.
None of what anyone is telling you will make any sense to you, because you are a lost, confused little kid with no direction or focus, so I give you, Pete's speech to Kermit from Muppets Take Manhattan:

[quote name='hootie']One acronym:



I have seen pictures of this sort of thing from various unnamed sites.

It was certainly a case of "something doesn't belong in this picture."

That something leading to massive disappointment.

And flaccidity.
[quote name='jer7583']jaykrue gives good advice.

Chacrana is awesome.

Is this the girl you were bragging about having "hugged several times" in the Gaming OTT? lol lol

Truth is there's little you can do to make a girl like you. There's lots you can do to make them not like you, but their interest is pretty much up to them, so no point worrying.[/QUOTE]Yes, she was that girl.

[quote name='getmyrunon']TMK - is she in a sorority? A lot of girls have to disable their facebook profiles for a while during rush weeks. Could have been that.[/QUOTE]Yeah, she is. I completely forgot about it. Well, I know others who disabled their profiles for a limited time, but they wouldn't come up in search engines and didn't show up in profiles of other friends in common. She still showed up though everywhere, but my list, so I was confused.

[quote name='jaykrue']Didn't read the thread; hell, I just barely skimmed the OP. She's got a bf. Move on already. Pussy is easy cum, easy go. And easy to find for that matter. You're young still and while monogamy is a nice ideal, it's really better for you to date as many girls as you can. To use a traditional RPG analogy, you don't learn new skills/spells until you've accumulated a certain amount of experience (XP) points and leveled up. As a college student, you've got the most opportunity to meet and hook up w/ a lot of girls. This is the time in which you develop and hone your skills at both socialization and seduction (2 skills you've already admitted inexperience with on this site). And if you don't think either of them are applicable outside of sex, then you've still got a lot more to learn.[/QUOTE]All right, I'll tell everyone the story.

According to what I see now, although I haven't asked her directly, she's single. I'm just trying to make a decision as to whether I should continue going for her (maybe take her out to a movie or something. Maybe go out to dinner, but I'd prefer to not do that atm due to not having all that much $$$), or I should try to gain experience points by going out with several different girls instead, and eventually find the right now. I want to stick with that girl because I already know her better than most and it might be easier getting her to do something with me. At the same time, I'm not really sure a relationship would work out (we are very different after all, She isn't some gaming, anime, etc. person. More so into TV programs, getting involved, socializing, music, etc.). I tend to want to work hard everyday and constantly overachieve, while she wants me to relax at times and don't try to push myself hard (she said that directly to me). So I dunno, I'll make a decision about going with the same girl, or finding different ones soon.

Excellent advice though. :)
Honestly speaking, it's best to just assume that EVERY girl likes you.

You could be the biggest dork in the world, but if you have confidence you can easily meet/date lots of girls.

Well it works for me anyways. :lol:
yeah.. there really is no secret other than.. "hey i like you do you want to go out". but you had your chance in like that "first year".. when you were "getting to know her" you should have asked her out within like 3 days.. even if she said no originally she would have at least known.. all she thought was "hey this guy is a nice guy, i could be friends with that isn't after me for my piece of ass " and thus she then teased you and walked all over you.. don't be a doormat just go up to the girl and be like "hey you want to go out".. and if she says no say "fine, i didn't need you anyways". i know it sounds rude, but thats how you got to be when it comes to finding a girlfriend..thats how those "completely opposite of you" guys got chicks.. because they assert themselves.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Jesus Christ, it's obvious she doesn't like you. Move on already before you're considered a dallow.[/quote]She came back onto his friends' list on an online socializing site! It's a sign! Everyone knows that.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']or I should try to gain experience points by going out with several different girls instead[/quote]

Lifes not an RPG, guy.
You need to just go for it and ask somebody out. I figured she was in the past but based on your last post just ask this girl out already. It sounds like you are saving yourself for her because you've decided she's the one for you yet you haven't even dated her. This is the sort of thing that leads to stalker behavior (and not ha-ha stuff like dallow, I'm talking the girl ends up getting an unlisted number and asks the police for advice variety.)

Also don't become friends with a girl you want to date. That often doesn't work out the way you'd want. Could be this original girl had you pegged that way and didn't think anything of the things you mentioned in the OP since you were 'just friends.' Or it could be she was messing with you. Or it could be she really did want to date you. Hard to really say. My money is on her being geniunely surprised that you like her has more than a friend.
[quote name='TFN']Lifes not an RPG, guy.[/quote]

lol I was thinking the same thing. However you might need to buff your personality attribute though. lol I am j/k.
What do you have to lose TMK? Ask her out. It's alot better then sitting in a room and playing video games isn't it? If she rejects you never look at her again and move on.
Tell her this-

You and I in a little toy shop
Buy a bag of balloons with the money we've got
Set them free at the break of dawn
'Til one by one they were gone
Back at base, bugs in the software
Flash the message, something's out there
Floating in the summer sky
Ninety-nine red balloons go by

Ninety-nine red balloons
Floating in the summer sky
Panic bells, it's red alert
There's something here from somewhere else
The war machine springs to life
Opens up one eager eye
Focusing it on the sky
As ninety-nine red balloons go by

Ninety-nine decisions treat
Ninety-nine ministers meet
To worry, worry, super scurry
Call out the troops now in a hurry
This is what we've waited for
This is it, boys, this is war
The President is on the line
As ninety-nine red balloons go by

Neunundneunzig Kriegsminister
Streichholz und Benzinkanister
Hielten sich für schlaue Leute
Witterten schon fette Beute
Riefen: Krieg und wollten Macht
Mann, wer hätte das gedacht?
Daß es einmal so weit kommt
Wegen neunundneunzig Luftballons
Neunundneunzig Luftballons

Ninety-nine dreams I have had
And every one a red balloon
It's all over, and I'm standing pretty
In the dust that was a city
I could find a souvenir
Just to prove the world was here
Here it is, a red balloon
I think of you and let it go:booty:
this is very amusing to me.

OP seriosuly you need to go be a real human.

that said. i was once told you find love by loving someone faults.
compatibility doesnt mean youre the same type of person.
i like drinking, usually a lot, my wifes had maybe 3 drinks in 3 years.
im loud, often vulgar, my wife is quiet and proper.
im horrible with money, my wife should be an accountant.
were very different, but were perfect for eachother.

dont get hung up on a girl liking the same things you do.
make sure she likes that you like something as much as you do.

good luck, youre gonna need it.
[quote name='Gameboy415']Honestly speaking, it's best to just assume that EVERY girl likes you.

You could be the biggest dork in the world, but if you have confidence you can easily meet/date lots of girls.

Well it works for me anyways. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Phbhbhbtt. Such limitations!

You're restricting yourself by gender!

AND species!

Come on, now. That's no fun!
Look Dude...Just take her to Arby' some Barry White music....pick-up some black love inscent from your local party liquor will be in dem guts like a Seattle fisherman.
[quote name='goukill1120']Ask her if she stopped masturbating. If she says yes that means she loves you.[/quote]

LOL, that thread was hilarious and this one is turning into a good one too! :lol:
I was gonna write something serious, but I think you've already figured this out yourself.

So the real way to tell if a girl likes you is to get her alone and pull it out. If she likes you it'll be ok, if she doesn't you might get arrested. That's the risk you have to take, it's what every man does.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I brought that up because jaykrue said it.[/quote]

And I brought that up because I figured it'd be something you could relate to hence referring to it as an 'analogy'. But seriously, move on. If you haven't already made your move at this point, find a new toy to play with. Girls can size up a guy in an instant. She'll know within the first 30 seconds whether or not she's gonna hook up w/ you. It's that whole first impression thing which is why you've got to learn to acclimate yourself to social situations and learn to read non-verbal cues. If you actually want to get into a relationship w/ a girl, even a serious one, this is a highly important skill to master. Without it, you'll remain clueless and (figuratively) impotent for the rest of your life.

The reason why I say to date a lot of girls at once, especially for you, is that you need to catch up to the rest of your male peers. I don't mean tallying how many girls you've scored; I mean knowing how to interact/deal w/ persons of the opposite gender. By dating a few girls at once, you effectively multiply the experience you learn and you catch up quick. You learn what kind of girls you like, what kind of flaws you're willing to put up with (and trust me you will find flaws), better seduction methods, and yeah, if you reach that point, better, more fun ways to have sex. If you decide to date one by one (the traditional way), it'll take forever to learn what you like and tolerate in the person you'll eventually decide to be with till you die. And the skills you learn from many girls will eventually benefit that special someone. Once you've learned how to be an effective lover and partner in a relationship, it becomes more enriched and gets better as time goes on.
[quote name='jaykrue']And I brought that up because I figured it'd be something you could relate to hence referring to it as an 'analogy'. But seriously, move on. If you haven't already made your move at this point, find a new toy to play with. Girls can size up a guy in an instant. She'll know within the first 30 seconds whether or not she's gonna hook up w/ you. It's that whole first impression thing which is why you've got to learn to acclimate yourself to social situations and learn to read non-verbal cues. If you actually want to get into a relationship w/ a girl, even a serious one, this is a highly important skill to master. Without it, you'll remain clueless and (figuratively) impotent for the rest of your life.

The reason why I say to date a lot of girls at once, especially for you, is that you need to catch up to the rest of your male peers. I don't mean tallying how many girls you've scored; I mean knowing how to interact/deal w/ persons of the opposite gender. By dating a few girls at once, you effectively multiply the experience you learn and you catch up quick. You learn what kind of girls you like, what kind of flaws you're willing to put up with (and trust me you will find flaws), better seduction methods, and yeah, if you reach that point, better, more fun ways to have sex. If you decide to date one by one (the traditional way), it'll take forever to learn what you like and tolerate in the person you'll eventually decide to be with till you die. And the skills you learn from many girls will eventually benefit that special someone. Once you've learned how to be an effective lover and partner in a relationship, it becomes more enriched and gets better as time goes on.[/quote]Very good advice, but this is TMK. We've already seen he realizes what's wrong, but isn't willing to make changes 'cause he's still stuck on this girl. So my advice is this TMK:

Wait for the DS3 to come out and put in a heavy rumble game and tape down the X button. Position it carefully and pull up your favorite picture of Aeris (or whichever character gets you going) and have at it. That way you won't have to worry about the social interaction shit aside from left clicking and pressing the X button.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Maybe go out to dinner, but I'd prefer to not do that atm due to not having all that much $$$), or I should try to gain experience points by going out with several different girls instead, and eventually find the right now. [/quote]
You should break into her house and smash her vases. Girls keep money hidden in pots. Rupees fly out when you break them.

...Oh, wait. You're supposed to be the resident Sony fanboy, right?

So, um...throw your monkey wrench at the streetlight by her house. Money will pop out and fly into your wallet.

[quote name='strayfoxx']Obligatory hit her weak spot for massive damage comment...that is if it hasnt been done already...[/quote]
:hot: It's super effective!!!
bread's done