Humble Bundle Thread

Cook, Serve, Delicious to me is a QTE driven business sim with casual RPG elements.

(AKA, not my thing.)
Or as I like to call it, DDR with food.

I like it but don't think it's a casual game. It can get really hectic.

Dev did work on making some changes and additions to the Steam version.

ETA: This is the only site where you will see people saying 'A game I want for $1? That's so expensive!'

You guys do the site proud.

PS - I got it when it was briefly glitched free on Desura and then Steam keys were later added for Desura owners when it cane out on Steam.
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Or as I like to call it, DDR with food.
I wouldn't really compare it at all with DDR, there's no rhythm to it and it's mostly about memorizing button combinations to quickly fill orders. It's more like hardcore Cake Mania and the waiter minigame from Big Brain Academy, which reminds me there needs to be a Playfirst bundle eventually (or really any sale).

{looks around}

Did someone call for me? ;)

Yes - I do like my games normally to have great plots, stories, writing, dialogue, prose + characters. :D

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Don't like CSD or Tropico being called simulators, Tropico is a strategy game 100% imo, CSD is hard to fit a category, bit more hectic then most casual games but also a bit of sim elements.

Business sim makes it sound like their Steam page, where it sounds you'll control prices, figure out what sells well for the location and clientele and so forth.
I wouldn't really compare it at all with DDR, there's no rhythm to it and it's mostly about memorizing button combinations to quickly fill orders. It's more like hardcore Cake Mania and the waiter minigame from Big Brain Academy, which reminds me there needs to be a Playfirst bundle eventually (or really any sale).
Okay well I'll be Mary Mary to your Quite Contrary and say that it's got the hit this key than that then this then that etc in a specific order that Cake Mania and so forth don't have. To me it reminds me of DDR even if there isn't specific music playing. I don't find those games about rhythm so much as I find them about pressing a set of controls in a specific order in a short time frame.

TL;DR - You're wrong for saying I'm wrong. :p

{looks around}

Did someone call for me? ;)

Yes - I do like my games normally to have great plots, stories, writing, dialogue, prose + characters. :D
Ride to Hell Retribution fits such description. It's about a biker who swears vengeance on a rival gang after the murder of his brother. :D/


I knew there was a reason I wasn't expecting a baseball game from them anymore. Thanks.

The only non-2K/The Show baseball game for me in recent memories is Nicktoons MLB but that was published by 2K Play, and they also didn't wanna do a PC port for whatever reason.

I have no idea why an indie dev hasn't made a baseball game for Steam though, considering the big market opportunity that's here.
not sure I'd like an indie developer doing a baseball game, it would probably look like this and they'd want 15 bucks for it


looking for OOTP 14 if anyone has an extra to give or sell.

or I could give you a gun monkeys key. lmao

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I bought Faerie Solitaire back in 2011 and I'm listed as a VIP when I login to that subsoap site. I've requested a key as is suggested in the FaeVerse Alchemy forum on Steam. I'll post when I get a response.
Alright, well the developer wrote back and gave me a key along with a nice note. So VIP + owning Faerie Solitaire = FaeVerse Alchemy key.

Alright, well the developer wrote back and gave me a key along with a nice note. So VIP + owning Faerie Solitaire = FaeVerse Alchemy key.
Went ahead and emailed Brian, received a Steam key 6 minutes later.

I'm VIP and own Faerie Solitaire also like you Hal.

Cook, Serve, Delicious was a fun game I put many, many hours too. I even got to a 4 star restaurant before stopping. Steam Cards were also selling for 30ish cents at the time (I doubt those prices anymore). I recommend it heartily and it's hard for some but just remember practice, practice, practice.
how is this game different from Restaurant Empire?

how is this game different from Restaurant Empire?
It's not really a simulation of running a restaurant business. It's actually doing tasks in a restaurant (cleaning, cooking, doing competitions). It's all timing based and you try to complete orders for customers/tasks/contests. It's pretty addicting overall though it's more of a restaurant task simulator. As you do better and better you naturally get a higher star restaurant. Everyone should really learn all the keys too...I think it works with a gamepad but you really just got to learn the keys and such to be very quick.

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how is this game different from Restaurant Empire?
Restaurant Empire is a sort of tycoon/mini city building and managing game.

Cook, Serve, Delicious is more of an arcade game focused around preparing food, ala Order Up! and Cooking Mama, with the only management elements being in choosing your menu and upgrading appliances.

The two games are hardly similar at all, with the exception they both involve running your own restaurant.

You can rebind the keys to help with some tasks, I haven't tried for soup or pizza yet (suck at those). Most are tied to the first letter of the item but some items have two or more with an R or another letter so it gets a bit weird and hard to remember. 

Favorite, and obvious probably, trick I learned off the forums is using QWERTY for Lasagna, makes the basic onew really easy (QWER, QWER, QWER, Enter) then just have to remember which letter meat is and which veggie is. 

Easiest items (in terms of remember keys) are burgers, chicken, fish, steak, salad, lobster, and probably a few others I forgot (not including the fried stuff and drinks).

Oh, on the page where you buy new foods there is a try it option for everything (what you own and don't) if you want to practice. 

Alright, well the developer wrote back and gave me a key along with a nice note. So VIP + owning Faerie Solitaire = FaeVerse Alchemy key.
Went ahead and emailed Brian, received a Steam key 6 minutes later.

I'm VIP and own Faerie Solitaire also like you Hal.
You guys got a promise to pay you on Tuesday for a Hamburger today the Infinity Bundle for free because you owned Faerie Solitaire, right?

I tried to find the post where he was complaining about not wanting to give the free IB people keys for Faeverse Alchemy but he deleted it. :roll:

At any rate you did get a key so that's good, even if he really should get off his butt and all them to the subsoap accounts.

You guys got a promise to pay you on Tuesday for a Hamburger today the Infinity Bundle for free because you owned Faerie Solitaire, right?

I tried to find the post where he was complaining about not wanting to give the free IB people keys for Faeverse Alchemy but he deleted it. :roll:

At any rate you did get a key so that's good, even if he really should get off his butt and all them to the subsoap accounts.
I'm pretty sure Hal mentioned he bought FS, which I think is why his account is VIP or whatever.

I know this is CAG, but can you really fault him for not wanting to give keys for people that got the game for free? The bundle was clearly not the best idea, but I don't think not giving keys to people that never paid anything for it is at all dishonest on his part.

And yes, I know you're just going to call me a white knight, but I've no bid in this and am just looking for why people feel justified to get keys for something they didn't pay for.

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I thing I'm better off w/ re-playing GTA: EFLC - The Lost and The Damned content. ;)
I'm not so sure. As buggy a mess as RtH:R is alleged to be, I wonder if it's really as frustrating as Lost and the Damned. I gave up on that one after dying about six times in an early mission that seemed to go on forever: get on your difficult-to-control motorcycle, try not to crash and die on the way to the first place you have to go and shoot a bunch of people, arrive at that place and try not to get killed by the 50 guys shooting at you, get on your difficult-to-control motorcycle and travel to the next place you have to go and shoot a bunch of people, repeat ad nauseum.

I'm pretty sure Hal mentioned he bought FS, which I think is why his account is VIP or whatever.

I know this is CAG, but can you really fault him for not wanting to give keys for people that got the game for free? The bundle was clearly not the best idea, but I don't think not giving keys to people that never paid anything for it is at all dishonest on his part.

And yes, I know you're just going to call me a white knight, but I've no bid in this and am just looking for why people feel justified to get keys for something they didn't pay for.
I don't have a Subsoap account and never bothered with this "bundle" and I've owned FS for quite a while. Unless the guy was seriously just giving away a game for signing up for an account on his website, I don't really see why he would do this either. If FS were really terrible and expensive and didn't do any of the things it was supposed to do, I guess I could see it as a way of saying, "Sorry, but I'll do better next time." However, it was pretty much exactly what it said it was, a fairy-themed solitaire game with a kind of campaign and rudimentary upgrade system. For whatever bundle price I paid for it, I got my money's worth.

I'm pretty sure Hal mentioned he bought FS, which I think is why his account is VIP or whatever.

I know this is CAG, but can you really fault him for not wanting to give keys for people that got the game for free? The bundle was clearly not the best idea, but I don't think not giving keys to people that never paid anything for it is at all dishonest on his part.

And yes, I know you're just going to call me a white knight, but I've no bid in this and am just looking for why people feel justified to get keys for something they didn't pay for.
Two things before I rant and it makes me look bad and you look good which is what you want.

1) I asked Hal. He can answer for himself. Some people did get the Infinity bundle free for owning FS. This was back when you were playing consoles so you weren't around.

2) The offer and the entire point of the Infinity Bundle was that you get all his games for life including Steam keys (yes that was stated) so please don't act like the authority on things you haven't properly researched just because it's me talking and you want to be contrary and get at me. No one is asking for free keys that weren't promised but when they were, yes I expect them to hold to that. No one forced him to make that offer and everyone thought it was crazy at the time but he did.

And with that back to ignore you go. fuck it, I tried and all you've done is find was to passive agressively potato potahto me while doing it in such a way as to save face so you can't so easily be called out on it.

Everyone else I've been able to get along with and let it go after the shit blew over but not you. It's going to be hard avoiding you because you've ingratiated yourself into being the big cheese of the PC threads of this forum but I'm sorry I just can't take the nice but not really nice bullshit anymore. I'm not that fake and I don't really care how this all makes me look to other people right now. I'm sure your image will come out innocent and pure smelling like a rose. Whatever.

I'll take enemies over frenemies. Have a nice life. Actually don't.

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Well thanks for not answering my question. I'm glad we were able to sort this out amicably instead of throwing temper tantrums because someone said something that disagreed with you.

Oh and since we're making a show for the court of public opinion, I will just put this out there.

I genuinely and truly made an effort to get along with Mr. Ninja Squirrel. I liked some of his posts, responded in a friendly manner to others and I purposely avoided disagreeing with him or otherwise making any replies that might have lead to more hard feelings given our past history. Believe me I really had to hold myself back from not replying to the 'I don't understand why people don't want to argue with me' post.

That's called getting along with someone and making an effort. For a period of time while the wounds heal it's best to avoid saying anything that may reopen them.

On the contrary since our reconciliation Mr. Ninja Squirrel has consistently made replies to mine contradicting even the most minor things I have said and intentionally jumping into conversations that weren't addressed to him. All done in a passive aggressively polite way of course.

From my point of view, the effort to get along was all one sided and the 'Why can't we be friends like we used to be' was lip service.

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If you're friends with someone it means you can argue and still remain friends, otherwise you're simply fair weather acquaintances masquerading as anything more. And this is a public forum, so it's to be expected people will respond to conversations they aren't directly involved in. If this bothers you there's an option to PM people for a reason.

I'm not going to censor myself just because someone is still recovering from their self induced flaming. I think most people can see that I'm not the issue here, and once again you're just looking for someone to fight with because you seem unable to exist on a forum without one.

Mr. Ninja Squirrel as I've said I've got you on ignore posts now and I'm not tempted to hit show post so your last reply must be for the audience of public opinion because it's not for me.

I'm not saying this to be a jerk, I'm saying this because I'm tired of what I perceive to be a constant stream of passive aggressive swipes and jabs at me and I'd rather not see those posts and have them start more arguments.

If you are truly interested in discussing this with me and not the general CAG public at large then pm me. I don't have you on ignore PMs.
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RE: Drama. Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaah get a room already you two. I like both of you, stop being dumb. YOU'RE TEAHRIN US APAHT

Re: Faerie whatzits: I think I qualify for a Faeverse Steam key, since I bought the game on sale and actually registered for the infinity bundle thing. I'll go ahead and ask the dev for a key I guess.

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This is fun. For the record you're both stupid, though. Motoki = temperamental woman who decides docile comments are actually attacks on her emotional well-being, and Squirrel = Know it all postasaurus rex who feels the need to jump into every conversation and correct things, regardless if he has any idea what's going on.

I'm a bit sad about the quick ignore. It's so much funner when these things drag out and burn brighter and brighter... 

This is fun. For the record you're both stupid, though. Motoki = temperamental woman who decides docile comments are actually attacks on her emotional well-being, and Squirrel = Know it all postasaurus rex who feels the need to jump into every conversation and correct things, regardless if he has any idea what's going on.

I'm a bit sad about the quick ignore. It's so much funner when these things drag out and burn brighter and brighter...
And the first five letters of your name say a lot about you.
bread's done