Humble Bundle Thread

Comic strip anthologies from a very well-regarded author. This one, I suspect, has a somewhat different customer base than, say, the Transformer bundle that ended today. I suspect that plays some part in the rapid climb of the average.
Indeed. $20 and change for a complete digital library of one of my all-time favorite comic strips--not only is it a no-brainer, it might be the most exciting Humble Bundle in a long time. It's definitely the best Humble Book Bundle we've seen.

The audience, however, is different than those scrapping for dirt-cheap games. Money's been too tight for me to pick up the $280 (retail) hardback editions of these books, but even with digital versions I might pick up the physical copies some day. I'm happy to buy expensive reprints of Pogo or Calvin and Hobbes, but most people probably aren't. Still, I'm sure twenty bucks is pretty appealing for a lot of people who would like to read these, but who wouldn't buy the expensive physical editions.

Comic strip enthusiasts are a pretty niche audience, even for Humble, but that makes me even more excited to see something like this!

Pennied in, as I have no idea about these comics, so I'll read some and then decide if it's worth $20 for the whole sha bang bang.

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Still, I'm sure twenty bucks is pretty appealing for a lot of people who would like to read these, but who wouldn't buy the expensive physical editions.
I was thinking that $20 would be a price point where I would consider picking up the physical books, and I consider myself to be a fan of BC. Not so much the reboots though. Maybe i'll just physical myself over to the library.

something something GOG jpgs. :oldman:

Wtf every time I look in this damned thread it's books or comics or ebooks or audio books or jpegs or model kits or dioramas or whatever the hell.

Maybe Humble needs to be moved to
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I used to love Bloom County back in the day.  Recently went back and read some - some aged better than others.  A lot of the commentary was related to contemporary politics, the context of which is lost 30 years later.  That being said, still a fantastic body of work.

I don't get it.. the comic was garbage when it was in the newspapers... people are paying for it now?  That's like wanting to read Doonsbury.  It wasn't even that good.  Or Cathy.  Ugh!

Mildly related: to those who frequently purchase digital comic books, how do you "read" them? 99% of my reading these days occurs via the kindle app on my phone, and the few comics pdfs I have just feel awkward and cumbersome on that tiny screen. I'm sure it would be better on a tablet, but I use mine so infrequently that it never seems worth purchasing these bundles (or even taking the damn thing out of wherever I have it stored away).
I'm using a relatively-new app on the iPad (mini) called iComics. Reading comics on the Kindle app is okay and it's generally a pretty terrible experience on the Play Books app because it doesn't zoom and pan properly. When I get stuff from Humble or Storybundles, I usually sideload it as .cbz files. It's kind-of a pain with the Apple devices because Apple doesn't like you transferring stuff onto the internal memory without using iTunes, which I flat-out refuse to do. iComics costs $1-2 (I forget), but it's much better than any of the free apps I tried for this purpose and the developer is slowly but actively adding features. He's actually a pretty nice guy from Australia who responds to emails. The main thing it won't do that I'd like is provide an off-device "library" (again, outside of iTunes) like you would have with the Kindle or Google Play apps, but that's a somewhat tricky feature.

Android being what it is, if you have a Nexus or other Android-based tablet there are probably quite a few decent and cheap or free third-party apps for this sort of thing, but I haven't really looked since my old Nexus 7 got a case of the eternal-reboot syndrome.

I don't get it.. the comic was garbage when it was in the newspapers... people are paying for it now? That's like wanting to read Doonsbury. It wasn't even that good. Or Cathy. Ugh!
No, clearly you don't.

I'd love it if Humble made an iOS app, similar to their Android app, that made it easy for us to access our music and comics directly from our library.

It'd be cool to have a checklist or something as well, to say "yes, I've read this one."

Otherwise, I use Comic Zeal, which has been awesome for reading comics with. I just wish it were easier to keep track of my ever-expanding Humble library.

I'd love it if Humble made an iOS app, similar to their Android app, that made it easy for us to access our music and comics directly from our library.

It'd be cool to have a checklist or something as well, to say "yes, I've read this one."

Otherwise, I use Comic Zeal, which has been awesome for reading comics with. I just wish it were easier to keep track of my ever-expanding Humble library.
Humble's Android app is pretty shitty. I have it on my tablet. It runs on startup and usually gives me "failed to initialize" prompts when it does so. All it does is download the files anyway, which you could easily do and then load into your favorite viewing software. I use Moon+ Reader for Android, and it's extremely good. It loads epub, mobi, pdf, az3w, djvu, and compressed image files like cbzs, sorts and stores, and also has free for public domain sites like Project Gutenberg built in.

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Very happy to pick up this bundle, glad I locked in early on. Yes, these were favorites growing up and a lot of it is nostalgia, but having them all in digital form for ~$15 was a pretty good deal for me. I still have quite a few of the original books in storage, but haven't had the chance to go through them in years...

Definitely has a specific target market, but if you're part of it, grab it!

Humble's Android app is pretty shitty. I have it on my tablet. It runs on startup and usually gives me "failed to initialize" prompts when it does so. All it does is download the files anyway, which you could easily do and then load into your favorite viewing software. I use Moon+ Reader for Android, and it's extremely good. It loads epub, mobi, pdf, az3w, djvu, and compressed image files like cbzs, sorts and stores, and also has free for public domain sites like Project Gutenberg built in.
I think I tried Moon+ Reader years ago. My goto Android app for manga is Perfect Viewer (free, handles all the formats). For large indexed PDFs and scanned books, I prefer EBookDroid (free) for non-linear reading.

Humble Bundle has put out one good bundle (Star Wars) since like the start of the new year, while also skipping weeks without making new bundles. They are starting to lose traction in my opinion. Bundle Stars may succeed them. 

Oh no, guess I'll have to wait another week to be disappointed.
Maaaaaan, I wanted to be disappointed now.

Humble Bundle has put out one good bundle (Star Wars) since like the start of the new year, while also skipping weeks without making new bundles. They are starting to lose traction in my opinion. Bundle Stars may succeed them.
Eh... The Squenix bundle wasn't bad if you weren't a PC-thread-CAG and into those sorts of games. The Valentine's weekly was actually pretty decent for VN fans, too—certainly not for the high tier Pigeon fuck er Sim, Winter Wolves trash, or the repeated Go! Go! Nippon, but between the Christine Love games, World End Economica, and to a lesser extent LLtQ, people who like those sorts of games were going to find something they'd probably enjoy. Plus weeaboo cards, you know? Don't get me wrong, we're definitely going through a significant shit period, but it's not really much worse, if at all, than previous shit periods we've been through.
I like the non-game bundles. I get to pay a penny for junk I'll never use. It sure beats paying $1 for Steam games I'll never play.

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Sorry to disappoint. No bundle today.
"Main page" is not "Main bundle". Guess we won't see HIB 14 tommorrow. I can't be more dissappointed with bundles. I'm pleasantly surprised when I see something they offer is worth my $1. It's rare feeling.

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"Main page" is not "Main bundle". Guess we won't see HIB 14 tommorrow. I can't be more dissappointed with bundles. I'm pleasantly surprised when I see something they offer is worth my $1. It's rare feeling.
What? brings up the the main page and their main Humble Bundle. It's both. They WILL have a new bundle live tomorrow. Mark it. Quote it. Put a guaranteed stamp on it.

I'm also willing to go out on a limb and say that it will disappoint... a select few.

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What? brings up the the main page and their main Humble Bundle. It's both. They WILL have a new bundle live tomorrow. Mark it. Quote it. Put a guaranteed stamp on it.

I'm also willing to go out on a limb and say that it will disappoint... a select few.
Yeah, they'll definitely have a new main bundle. Not sure what kind. Only one that would really interest me is a HiB and probably not even that much. The other main bundles have been pretty sucky lately.

What? brings up the the main page and their main Humble Bundle. It's both. They WILL have a new bundle live tomorrow. Mark it. Quote it. Put a guaranteed stamp on it.

I'm also willing to go out on a limb and say that it will disappoint... a select few.
I only consider HIBs as their main bundles. Sure, there was plenty of other bundles on their main page, but nothing outstanding besides the origin one.

I think we'll see something like Jumbo 4 bundle. Mediocre selection of games, but overpriced of course. I'm curious tho, if they will use BTA+$5 shenanigans.

... has anyone seen the current Books bundle? The BTA on that is $17.89; $22.89 if you want to get the bonus books.

Disgusting. :(
It's so high because of the content. It's a small subset of buyers with interest in getting everything Bloom County, but it's a subset that is willing to pay quite a bit and sees prices we consider way too high as a great deal. I wouldn't mind having the whole bundle, but only if the BTA had fallen to the $5.something range first.

I think we're overdue for a main Humble. The last one, 13, was in October / November. It's been almost six months and the main ones tend to happen that often.

I think we're overdue for a main Humble. The last one, 13, was in October / November. It's been almost six months and the main ones tend to happen that often.
There were four main Humble Indie Bundles in 2014. I'll have to do the math, but I think that's slightly more often than one per six months.

2010: 2 (1, 2, May, December)

2011: 2 (3, 4, July, December)

2012: 3 (V, 6, 7, May, September, December)

2013: 3 (8, 9, May, September)

2014: 4 (X, 11, 12, 13, January, February, September, October)

The bundles are usually spaced out six to seven months in between. 2014 had four bundles, two within two months, with both sets about six months apart.

2013 and 14 had some very strong special Humbles though - Origin, 2K and Squeenix.

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I'd like to see some updates to the "Humble Library" section.

Loading 277 orders every time I open the page takes quite a while.. 

bread's done