I just found out my GF of 4 years is cheating on me

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I'm now sitting at a bar typing this on my cellphone/pda. I'm such afucking dork....

I even live with this chick....geez

what would you do from here?

------------Updated at 12:30am from here on-------------------

I've told this story a million times so far to all of my buddies, so I'll just preface it.

1. She goes and sees a friend of hers in South Carolina, she's depressed about losing her identity.
2. She comes back a different person.
3. She finds out that I went to a personals site. (I take full responsibility with this, but hear me out.... I've been trying to find a girl for my shut in friend, and in the meantime, I've become a bit addicted to browsing them. Nothing major, and I dont send winks or anything stupid... but I've been addicted to reading them for years now. I just think its really interesting... dont ask me why. I'm just wierd)
4. She finds out 3 days after she gets back from S. Caro... on Wed last week. She thinks I'm cheating on her.
5. She never tells me and invites some new coworker that she talks about a lot, to a coworker get together on Thursday. Catch is, no other coworkers will be there.
6. Thursday he goes, and brings friends. He doesnt do anything, and he has no idea that shes with someone.
7. Saturday, I realize somethings up... and confront her... she finally tells me about the personals... and I tell her the truth, I'm not cheating on her. But I realize I should of thought first. (She went through my history to find this though, which pisses me off)
8. Sunday, Easter... I go to Church with her and her family thinking this is over with. She doesnt agree that its ok, and I realize I've been an ass about it. I tell her I'm sorry and I'll never do it again.
9. Monday is normal, as well as Tuesday.
10. Wednesday she invites "Josh", new guy.. for drinks. (I find out later that he kisses her at her car and they make out for approx 10mins. Comes home at 3:30 in the morning.
11. Thursday, I go out with friends, and decide if she can stay out with her friends till 3am, I can too. (I still dont know about Josh)
12. Friday morning: She never comes home.
13. I still dont know about Josh and assume she was just with friends. She tells me she was too drunk to come home. I'm understanding about that, just majorly pissed she never called me.
14. Friday she goes out again, this time at midnight I get in my car and go looking for her. Find her downtown in a bar, not with Josh.
15. I ask her whats going on, and whatever she needs to tell me, she needs to tell me NOW. I assume shes just still pissed about the personals the whole time, I never even guess that shes cheating on me. I thought her friends and her were trying to teach me a lesson about not taking her for granted.
16. I find out shes interested in Josh for the first time from her lips.
17. I sleep on it, its not like she cheated on me, and she says multiple times that she never did ANYTHING with him.
18. I get up today- Sat. Still feeling sick about the whole thing, I swear shes lying. I go through her email. And I find this

>>Um...ok...hmmm... What to say....It is 2:00 a.m. and I am just
getting in...hung out with Josh for QUITE a while! He is defintely
interested! Don't know what to do exactly...

19. I'm beside myself, I print it out and confront her. Asking her, "If you never hung out with him? What does that mean?" - Thinking they just talked after work... but wondering about more.
20. She tells me she went out with him, the one time. With his friends. It was the coworker get together. I find out later, no other coworkers were there.
21. The I get that sick feeling again, swear shes not telling me everything. She swears thats all it is. I break up with her over this.
22. She comes in my office later asking me "Are you sure you want to do this?" So I ask her more questions.
23. I find out she invited him for personal drinks,... I say she cheated on me... she say's depends on how you look at it. I ask her if he kissed her for the 10th time. She says no.
24. But I know that he did. I leave, come back 20 mins later and confront her some more. She admits to it. That he kissed her. Then, I sit for 5 mins, soaking it all in, and ask her... how many times?
25. 10 mins worth.
26. I leave, and type whats above at 10. After grilling her for 5 hours over this, after she lied and lied and lied over and over again.
27. Now the person I thought I was gonna marry, is now a stranger. And I'm not mad, Im still in shock. Just relieved.
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are you absolutely 100% positively sure? don't do anything until then.

if you are, bring home 10 high priced prostitutes, a kiddie pool, 10 gallons of chocolate sauce and use your imagination...ask if she wants to join.
Well that sucks, you're sure she is?

If she doesn't know that you know then you have to secretly concoct some extravagant plan to get back at her. Something involving her favorite possession, dog shit, and possibly a midget. You fill in the details.
id make sure that this is 100% accurate. Also I know some people who are comfortable if this was a one time thing. This shits a ton more serious since u live together. Are both names on the lease? Any other jointly owned property?
[quote name='Brak']Dump her. Period.[/QUOTE]


Been there. Trust me, best option is this. Don't look back.

You won't regret it in the long run.
This has happened to me, in a less straight-forward fashion... regardless, and to my point, the worst thing I did was look back too long. Look forward, and walk away.
i'd play it cool for now. Next chance you get to fuck her from behind, get her in the ass without notification. If you don't think that will be revenge enough, then do her best friend or sister if she has one.

option c is just get drunk and continue to post on an internet forum while at a bar.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Ass to mouth with her mom.[/QUOTE]

That made me roar.
wait till she falls asleep and tatoo "whore" on her forehead. (or use a sharpie marker.)

if she's not on the pill and you use condoms for sex, put some noxema on the condom next time you fuck her. her hole will feel like it's on fire for a week.
If she's cheating on you with a woman...well now, that has some possibilities.

Seriously, all kidding aside, you first find out if its true. If it is, dump her and move on. She's cheating on you now and you are just living together. Its not going to get better if you get married and have kids.

Cut your losses and get out.

[quote name='LaraCroftsLeftBoob']wait till she falls asleep and tatoo "whore" on her forehead. (or use a sharpie marker.)

if she's not on the pill and you use condoms for sex, put some noxema on the condom next time you fuck her. her hole will feel like it's on fire for a week.[/QUOTE]

:rofl: Jesus that was funny.

On topic, first be ABSOLUTELY sure this is true. If it is, dump the ho and never look back. If you let her slide, she will abuse your kindness and things will get worse.
A. Donkey Punch her.

B. "Poke her in the eye."

C. When she recovers, yell "Glitter, Bitch!", hit her with a handful, and throw her ass out.

The End. :applause::lol:
[quote name='Strell']Thirded.

Been there. Trust me, best option is this. Don't look back.

You won't regret it in the long run.[/quote]


Don't waste your time. There is no better option.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Ass to mouth with her mom.[/QUOTE]

on video

Seriously Mook, there is no other option than to just be done with her.
[quote name='marten']A. Donkey Punch her.

B. "Poke her in the eye."

C. When she recovers, yell "Glitter, Bitch!", hit her with a handful, and throw her ass out.

The End. :applause::lol:[/QUOTE]

Oh yeah, I totally second the glitter. That shit is impossible to get off.
A glitter Christmas tree fell on me, when I worked at Kmart. That shit didn't come off for, like, three or four days. It was in my eyes and eyelashes, too. A fucking nightmare.
[quote name='jeffreyjrose']Fourthed.

Don't waste your time. There is no better option.[/quote]


If you know without a doubt that cheating is going on then you shouldn't have anything else to do with her. If someone cheats on you then you pretty much have an idea what they think of you. It's not an accident like dropping a sandwich on the floor.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']It's not an accident like dropping a sandwich on the floor.[/QUOTE]

Yes, but girls will spin it that way. Easily one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen in humanity.

Either that or they will justify it.

I heard both. Never wanted to spill blood more than at that time.
[quote name='Strell']Yes, but girls will spin it that way. Easily one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen in humanity.

Either that or they will justify it.

I heard both. Never wanted to spill blood more than at that time.[/QUOTE]

This man speaks wisdom.
[quote name='Strell']Yes, but girls will spin it that way. Easily one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen in humanity.

Either that or they will justify it.

I heard both. Never wanted to spill blood more than at that time.[/quote]

Yep. If a guy tried that he would be Bobbittized on the spot.
If I was in this situation I would:
Step 1) Make sure she was cheating
Step 3) GET PROOF. Photographic proof or a signed affidavit of the person who saw her cheating.
Step 4) If you are now sure she is cheating, STFU about it. You need to start planning.
Step 5a) If the place is not yours, invest in renting some storage space. Change your address to a P.O box at the post office (Women are heartless bitches who will 'send you' your mail just before your bill is due and fuck up your credit) Move the little things that you can without being noticed. For the big shit, (read: TVs, furniture) take the day off with some freinds and move the rest of your stuff out while she is at work. Crash with a friend. Avoid crashing with the folks, they'll just rub your failed relationship in your face.
Step 5b)If the place is yours. Change the locks. Leave a note telling her you'll send that skanks shit in the mail.
Step 5c) You both own/lease the place. GET A LAWYER
[quote name='Strell']Yes, but girls will spin it that way. Easily one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen in humanity.

Either that or they will justify it.

I heard both. Never wanted to spill blood more than at that time.[/quote]

"I didn't mean it. It will never happen again" - best line ever.
[quote name='javeryh']"I didn't mean it. It will never happen again" - best line ever.[/quote]

The only time I'll believe that line is if someone is burnin' my grits.
Change the locks, call up a few friends, move everything of hers out into the front yard/street, and hope you live in a neighborhood where 90% of it will be gone in an hour.

Here's a beer (or twenty-eight) on us. :beer:
Yeah that really sucks man, but it's better that it happened now than after getting married.

What exactly was this "losing her identity" shit? Decide she needed to fuck more guys or something?
1) When in a relationship or just sharing a computer with someone else, always erase your history.

2) You did the right thing.

3) Next girlfriend, tell her about personal ads stuff so there is no confusion and more than likely she will want to help that shut in friend too. unless he's an ugly asshole.
[quote name='SpazX']What exactly was this "losing her identity" shit? Decide she needed to fuck more guys or something?[/quote]

Who the hell knows - she's a girl and therefore fucking crazy.
You obviously didn't do your job but making her firmly belive, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that if she were to ever cheat on you, YOU'D FU(KIN KILL HER.

Now, keep this in mind when you start shopping for a new girlfriend next month.
Go to her family and say from ur heart what u just said here 'i wanted to marry your daughter but i found out that she over reacted about me 'looking at stuff online' because she was running around making out with guys and doing who knows what else .
Maybe she should join you guys in church a little more often?

Then pack all her belongings and set them outside ur front door make sure to pack them crappy throw her shit in boxes.

Make her face you and let her know that a real woman doesnt go to bars picking up guys tell her shes a child a whore and she needs to grow up and u never wanna see her again.

Basicly from me being married and hearing all these storys you have to be cold about it all dont listen to bullshit it will just waste ur time you will feel best if your calculated about it all.
Do not make an ass out of urself by ever kissing a female who steped out on u like that.
If u marry her she will cheat sexualy some day probly when u guys have kids dont destroy ur life.
Drop her, and nothing wrong with searching the personals site. I think we all do it sometimes. Hell when I was 15 or so all of my friends would call the local personals free hotline. We would mess with people on their.
Kick her ass to the curb. That snooping around shit pisses me the fuck off. My wife use to do it early on in our marriage due to pornography, but overtime it has gone away. Obviously Mooky your girl has been thinking about this for awhile to act on it so quickly. If you have an open relationship and can talk about anything she would have understood even though it might have seemed bad. A strong relationship requires trust, but after you explained she decided to play the field anyways. It is inexcusable to say the least. She might not have slept with the ahole, but her intentions can lead down that dark alley.
You need to sit her trflin ass down and ask her to her face if she loves you. If she hesitates, stand up and walk away. You don't need doubt in a relationship

This is a general question for all you female CAG's, and I'm not saying you all do this. Why do women snoop around and then over react when they find something minor like a porn site or in Mooky's case, a personals site? I understand the anger/frustration of your significant other not informing you, but it must be more than that from the reactions I've experienced and have heard about. My wife knows I surf porn and she also is the first to point at some hot chick. Women are the most beautiful creation on Gods green earth, but I love my wife and nothing besides her cheating and death would make me leave her.

My wife has access to my entire life, from my email passwords to the sites I go to. She did not ask for my password I gave it to her because I have nothing to hide. She will get jealous ever so often when a female classmate emails me because of a group project. Other than that their are no regulations on me and there shouldn't be for anyone in a serious relationship, within certain limits.

Long term/Serious relationships require trust. You f'ed up by not informing your girl ahead of time, but you fully explained it. Her response is to make up some story about a coworker party so she can go on a date with another man. I've heard of fighting fire with fire, but she fought with a blow torch.:hot:

Sorry to hear about this Mooky. Hopefully your girl sees the error of her ways and you can work things out. If not, there are other fish in the sea, no pun intended.:p Good luck.

Slip a roofie in her drink, tape her eyes open and fuck the shit outta her on camera. Backwards, upside-down, standing, kneeling, with a toy, with a friend, in the ass, and down her throat. Finish it off with a huge, steamy crap on her chest. Threaten to put the tape on the internet and send it to everyone she knows unless she stays with you forever.

If the cops come, ditch the evidence, rinse and repeat.

Jokes aside, that sucks. I'm sorry.
[quote name='jeffreyjrose']Fourthed.

Don't waste your time. There is no better option.[/quote]


Something extremely similiar happened to me about 4 years ago with my then fiance. I had to find out about everything while I was digging through the trash to find a phone bill I had accidentally thrown away when I happened upon a stack of emails she had printed out from her work. The emails were for setting up meetings and crap between the two of them.

When I confronted her, I didn't show her the evidence, but I gave her a chance to tell me the truth. She lied to me and said the same thing your girl said, that they had only kissed and nothing was going on. I asked her several times and gave her plenty of opportunity to tell me the truth, but she continued to lie to me.

Next day, while she was at work, I packed up her shit and piled it up in the garage.

And she was also the type of girl who was always snooping thru my stuff, going over all my emails and crap. She knew my passwords and everything because I freely gave them to her because I had nothing to hide. When she moved into my house, she went thru everything I owned, and when I would even open anything of hers, she would raise all kinda hell about me snooping on her.

If she's pissed off at you for going thru personal ads, she's only using that as an excuse for what she has done. Something to shoot back at in your argument. If she doesn't trust you, and you don't trust her, there lies the main problem, whether you're cheating on each other or not.

Bottom line, if there is no trust in your relationship, then you will always be doubtful. If you are always doubtful, then you cannot be happy. If you cannot be happy, then why bother with her?
[quote name='Greetard']Blackmail.

Slip a roofie in her drink, tape her eyes open and fuck the shit outta her on camera. Backwards, upside-down, standing, kneeling, with a toy, with a friend, in the ass, and down her throat. Finish it off with a huge, steamy crap on her chest. Threaten to put the tape on the internet and send it to everyone she knows unless she stays with you forever.

If the cops come, ditch the evidence, rinse and repeat.

Jokes aside, that sucks. I'm sorry.[/QUOTE]

I thought my response was bad:rofl:
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