I worked out for the first time in 2 years and I feel GREAT (33 lbs. down!)

well done.
I'm 6'3" and working my way towards 210 or so. I've got 15 lbs left to go but have a hard time with it since I won't give up my liquor. The first 30 came off nice and easy, but this last 15 is just a pain.
Another week, another pound. It's progress so I'm happy. If I keep this up I'll be at my goal by the summer time. I'm down to 213lbs. for a total loss of 18lbs. since December 11. Not too shabby.

I might need to ask Wombat how nutrisystem is - I'm thinking of going on that for 5 weeks to see if I can drop the weight a little quicker. I just don't have time to plan out all of my meals and I know I could be eating better even though I haven't had any alcohol, soda or any desserts since I started - I'm pretty disciplined but I need to learn to have smaller helpings of rice with dinner and eat less pasta (I tried cutting it out but it's just so easy to make). I think diet is the main thing holding me back and if nutrisystem can help me drop the last 13lbs. I'm pretty confident I could keep it off with my current routine.
congrats man, keep up the weight loss. I haven't kept up with this thread but I always found that running was a quick way to lose weight. I've never had a weight problem because of my metabolism, but many of my friends have use running as their main means to lose and keep the weight off.
nice job...just started reading this thread and i see we are somewhat similar body types as well.. almost 6'1 and i did weigh max 245...and i am down to 230 but it is only cause i started being a mail Carrier about 3 months ago...alot of walking while carrying a good 20-40 lbs of mail, i didnt change my eating habits (even though for the past 2 weeks i stopped eating red meat)...

what annoys me now though is my left arm shows more muscle tone then my right due to the holding of all the mail, lol...i need to start doing daily pushups again
Keep it up, man. Back in college (about 4 years ago now I guess) my Mom and I did the low-carb (not Atkins craziness, but just mindful of carb consumption) and I lost a lot of weight. In about a year or so probably dropped about 50 pounds between that and working out and felt great. Of course, I quickly discovered that low-carb isn't for maintenance (or probably even all that good for you in the first place), but balanced diet was the best. But, anyway, I went to grad school, had a desk job, and got fat again. Not to where I was before, but fat.

Fast forward to November, after getting married in June and being irritated that while I had a trim, fit, attractive wife, she had a slobby, overweight blob of a husband, I bittorrented a workout video--Billy Blank's Ab Bootcamp. Well, about 3 times of using that I felt fantastic and felt that this was a program I could get behind (since there's no gym nearby for guys [what's with all these girl-only gyms?]) I ordered the set from Amazon ( http://www.amazon.com/Billy-Blanks-Boot-Camp-Bootcamp/dp/B0009RL4DQ/sr=8-2/qid=1171035653/ref=pd_bbs_sr_2/105-8423805-9554015?ie=UTF8&s=sporting-goods ) and started with their program.

I took some time off around the holidays because I got sick about a week and a 1/2 before that, so I took a few steps back, but since the new year I'vee been very faithful to it and this week stepped it up to their toughest workout. I could hardly walk two days ago and actually am right now just cooling down before I hit the shower after doing it.

I try not to obsess over the weight, but I just try to eat better and if I'm feeling better, I know we're doign the right thing. My wife has already noticed a difference, and I know all the little spots to mointor tos ee if we're going in the right direction or not. Thus far, it's going really well. :)

I think if we can help each other in this thread, we'd all be healthier. Our hobby is plauged with guys who are out of shape and big or out of shape and scrawny, either way, good diet and exercise are a must. As Javery said above, it's all in portion control. Want to go to get fast food or something? I don't think that's a problem every now and then. But get the single not the double, tripple, or millionle. Get small fries, or even better, a side salad. Limit yourself to one serving of anything. Here's an odd suggestion too that works--use smaller plates. If you use a smaller plate, your mind will think you're getting a full plate regardless and you'll have eaten a lot less. Just a few thoughts for anyone like me that has trouble with portion control. If possible, have someone else put the food on the plate for you.
[quote name='mykevermin']While I'm unqualified to give you the expert explanation, it basically helps rebuild muscle tissue after you break it down (which is what you do when weightlifting). So, because you break down the tissue, you often get sore after a perticularly strenuous workout (or you aren't doing it right). The proteins provide the proper nutrients to assist in the tissue rebuilding, so it happens faster (and thus with less pain). It also assists in gaining muscle mass (though not as much as stuff like creatine).

Whether protein or creatine, after using it for 3 weeks, don't for 1 week. They can be a great help, but continued use can be very harmful to your body. Feeding yourself too much protein over a very very long period of time can really fuck with your kidneys.[/QUOTE]

Ive never heard that about either creatine or protein. Infact, taking supplements kindof build up on themselves, the more consecutive you are with them, the more effective they become. Anyways, you shouldn't stop taking creatine after 3 weeks. Creatine loading takes 5 days, then you are good for the next 2 months. After two months, you need to reload again, and that is when some athletes likes to take a week break from creatine before they reload.

Another thing, creatine doesn't build any muscle, it loads your muscles up with water so you can have more intense workouts. More intense workouts means more muscles. Indirectly it gives you muscles, it isn't like steroids where the muscles just appear. The hard work still needs to be done.
well I lost 3-4 pounds in two days just between alternating walking and running about a mile. walk some run some walk some run some. I've cut down on not eating at night and the last thing I do before bed is workout. I wanna stay away from fast food. I think that 3-4 pounds is just water weight. I just wanna get down to weight where I can run I'm 5'5 227. I can run at 210 happily without my joints hurting too much.
[quote name='Pharrell1']well I lost 3-4 pounds in two days just between alternating walking and running about a mile. walk some run some walk some run some. I've cut down on not eating at night and the last thing I do before bed is workout. I wanna stay away from fast food. I think that 3-4 pounds is just water weight. I just wanna get down to weight where I can run I'm 5'5 227. I can run at 210 happily without my joints hurting too much.[/quote]Just be careful, whether you're in good shape or not, running is soooo hard on your joints. If possible, you cna get a much better-balanced and lower-impact workout from an eliptical machine at a gym. When I have a place that's not an apartment, we're buying one of those as both I and my wife love them.
ill have to check on my progress today......

i was 213 last thur.. but i went out of town on friday and broke eating habits that whole weekend due to being out of town and superbowl...

i am feeling alot more agile lately though... cant wait to be back around or under 200

with the exception of my trip... i have completely abandoned red meats and soda.

I started slowly in december just watching what i eat but i really started stong in jan.

Im giving myself some must meet goals to reach..

i wanna be under 210 for vday

one of them was that i wouldnt shave till i get to 200 lol....

and obviously i want to be at 200 by my bday next month.

i want to pass by the local gnc but i dont think they even have a scale there
[quote name='daroga']I think if we can help each other in this thread, we'd all be healthier. Our hobby is plauged with guys who are out of shape and big or out of shape and scrawny, either way, good diet and exercise are a must. As Javery said above, it's all in portion control. Want to go to get fast food or something? I don't think that's a problem every now and then. But get the single not the double, tripple, or millionle. Get small fries, or even better, a side salad. Limit yourself to one serving of anything. Here's an odd suggestion too that works--use smaller plates. If you use a smaller plate, your mind will think you're getting a full plate regardless and you'll have eaten a lot less. Just a few thoughts for anyone like me that has trouble with portion control. If possible, have someone else put the food on the plate for you.[/quote]
Well said, daroga.

This thread has made me realize that there are other people out there like me who are health-conscious (without going overboard) and still play games as a hobby. It really all comes down to regular exercise and a healthy diet. For those who are just getting back into the swing of things (or starting for the first time), the weight will come off in due time. Don't expect a crazy ass 20lb. loss in the first month. That's called anorexia.

I was once a 250lb. hoss back in high school/early college, but after changing a few things here and there, making better food choices, walking/taking the stairs, and gradually 'learning' how to jog for an extended period of time (now at about 3mi without a problem), I've slimmed down to a solid 175. By no means am I in perfect shape, but I'm much better off now.

And give up the soda (yes, even diet pop) and switch to water. In a month, you won't miss it. Trust me.

Best of luck to all on being in better shape! Keep the tips/encouragement coming! I'm really digging this.
yea.. it was hard to give up the soda...

the first thing i did was only drink diet coke and water...i was obsessed with diet coke for a while before i dropped soda altogether

i drink a shit load of water daily now...

If i have no other choice then i would still go for a diet coke occasionally.

man i havent eaten a meat burger in a while either...

ive been comtemplating getting rid of rice altogether but thats a hard one... almost all my eating option include rice.. i try not to eat rice every day though.. alternate between rice days and bread days (wheat).

for instance now im getting hungry... aate subways yesterday so ill prob eat some pollo tropical tropichop yellow rice, chicken, and veggies today
I still do the diet pop thing, combined with Milk and a lot of water. What are the bad things connected with pop? I'm guessing the caffinee in normal pops just dries you out and defeats some of the good of your water drinking--what about caffinee-free stuff like 7Up? Is carbonation still a mess for you? Sugared pop is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. I used to (in later grade school / Jr. High) be a Mountain Dew junkie. Eventually my Mom confronted me on it (we both have/had weight problems) and said, "Ok, what meal do you want to drop in exchange for your pop?" At about 150-200 calories a can/bottle, that adds up fast.

I used to hate diet pop a lot. I think straight Diet Coke from the can or bottle is still some of the nastiest substances on earth. But if you really want to cut back on some calories in a hurry, switch to diet pop for the time being. I find the flavored Diet Cokes (Cherry, Vanilla, etc.) as well as Diet Coke from a fountain to be good. Diet Pepsi is pretty good too, and they have a "Jazz" variety that's like vanilla / black cerry that's pretty tasty. If I'm gonna be "bad" for a bit, I'll get a regular Mtn. Dew or Code Red--I won't touch the diet varieties with a 10 foot pole.

I have to put a word of caution in on things like Slim Fast shakes, etc. My mother very literally almost died from them. They messed with her blood sugar and blood pressure something horrible. Once she got off of them, she was good. I'm fairly certain I gained weight when I tried them too. Stay away.

I've heard it said that what you look like is 75% what you eat and 25% what you do. I'm not sure how valid that is, but know that both are important. I've tried it both ways, do one without the other, and it just doesn't work.

For those of you who are just out of shape, examine your eating habits, and even post here. It's semi-annoymous, but even so, don't be embarassed. Are you fat? Don't be ashamed of that--but know that you can feel 1000x better than you do right now, and you don't need to live at a gym to do it. Get yourself a DDR game to get used to getting your heart rate up for 20-30 minutes a day; get a Wii and play Wii Sports vigorously once a day. These aren't be-all, end-all solutions--but they're are good places to start.
i think the whole shakes thins is total crap... fuck that...

I actually like the taste of diet coke/pepsi... ive gotten so used to it.. regular coke tastes nasty now.

anyways i just came from lunch and it feels like i ate a damn mountain..may walk around downtown again in a little while...
I think it's 50/50 for what you eat and what you do. As for the soda thing, I find drinking ONLY water will help shed pounds even if that's all you do. The sugar is really really bad for you (and the fake sugar isn't much better) - it's a tough habit to break. I was going through major withdrawal for about 2 weeks and I started taking caffine pills and now I feel much better (I don't drink coffee). I take one in the morning and one in the afternoon and I go take a huge dump almost immediately after both times. Cleans me out. Actually, before I started eating right and drinking a ton of water I never felt "empty" after a shit and now I do all the time.

Losing weight is not an easy thing to do but I firmly believe anyone who wants to can do it if they develop the right habits.

fuck... sucks to reach that point of minimal loss... and im about to eat dinner so thats pretty much 212..

i think im gonna kick it into high gear this weekend... got a goal to meet

crazy thing is that everytime i weigh myself i drive to a local publix .. they have those big ass scales
[quote name='guyver2077']ahhhhhh..211.5

fuck... sucks to reach that point of minimal loss... and im about to eat dinner so thats pretty much 212..

i think im gonna kick it into high gear this weekend... got a goal to meet

crazy thing is that everytime i weigh myself i drive to a local publix .. they have those big ass scales[/QUOTE]

Haha, I have a scale right here in my room and I never use it. I too always weigh myself at publix. Guyver, rice isn't bad for you, carbs are a must throughout the day. If you are trying to lose weight, limit your carbs to right when you wake up (1 cup of oatmeal should be consumed first thing every morning), before you workout, and after you workout (working out could be replaced with running). Keep the last meals of your day carb free. The meal after your workout is most important (esp if you are using weights) as it is the most important time to spike your insulin levels.

Secondly, eat good carbs. The main ones that come to mind (probably in nutritional order) are 1,2. oatmeal and sweet potatoes (tied) (random rant- sweet potatoes are cheap as hell from the store and pop them in the microwave for 7 or 8 minutes and eat away) 3. brown rice, 4. whole wheat pasta and whole wheat bread. Hope this helps!
I'm a freak of nature I lost 5 pounds in 3 days last night I ate like three slices of pizza two glasses of orange juice (small glasses) before bed after I had ran and walked I thought I would gain some weight or stay the same but I actually lost a pound. I've been eating less and exercising a lot more. I play basketball for an hour and then I walk and run a mile. Isn't it bad to lose weight fast? I'm at 225 I wonder when I'll hit the wall?
Congrats to you guys on your losses...
I've been sick and had company in so I haven't been to the gym in 4 days but I can tell that I'm starting to thin/tone up. Clothes are fitting much looser and getting some definition in the arms/upper body.

I do cardio then lift, but I think I really need to find a good workout routine b/c sometimes I just ADD out in there and find myself doing random workouts.
Awesome guys - keep it up! I'm still going strong although last week was a mess since Monday was a holiday and I worked until 4am on Thursday which meant I couldn't get up on Friday. This morning I spent an extra 20 minutes on cardio and I feel great. My fat guy pants barely stay up without a belt now. Weigh-in is Friday and I'm hoping to clear 211lbs. I was at 213 last time I checked.
Woo hoo!!! More progress!!! I lost 3lbs. since the last time I weighed myself on the scale at the gym. I'm down to 210lbs. for a total loss of 21lbs. since December 11. If I keep this pace up I'll be at my goal (200lbs.) by Memorial Day. Not too shabby.

Last week I couldn't weigh myself because like an idiot I forgot my work clothes at home so I had to cut my workout short and drive home to get ready and drive all the way back. Interestingly enough, the scale at my house read 207lbs. and that made me feel pretty good even though I knew it couldn't be that accurate. I zeroed it and got on and off like 10 times and got a 207 reading every single time though.

Anyway, I'm feeling pretty good right now - I can't believe I've lost over 21lbs. already. When I pick up a 20lb. weight I can't believe I used to walk around with that everywhere. Once I get to 200lbs. I'm not stopping - an ideal weight would probably be around 190lbs. so we'll see what happens...
I'm 5'10", and a little over 160. I actually have a really small build to me. In high school I was only around 150 or so. Since college started (2005), I've put on some weight and I'm kind of chubby in the face. Nothing bad, but I looked better in high school and would like to try and get back to that size...

I noticed I had this crappy elliptical machine; by that I mean, it wasn't very expensive. It's very basic, but it does have this thing that measures how "fast" you are going. I don't know how it translates to actual speed, but I try and keep up a good pace.

One thing I'm wondering: do you think it would be better to go 20 minutes on it every night, or 30 minutes every other night? 20 minutes doesn't sound like a lot, but I do push myself really hard on it. I'm usually drenched in sweat, and I go so I'm borderline "at failure." It sucks while I'm doing it, but it feels really good. I think it's better to do it every day, because I'm more likely to get into a habit and won't quit after a couple weeks (like I do with seemingly every other exercise I routine).

About 6 months ago I gave up pop, which should certainly help; however, the substitute was this Hawaiian punch stuff that was pretty high in sugar. I know drink water, and that Sam's Choice water from Wal-Mart (0 calories, 0 sugars [it's got Nutrasweet or something]); however, I mostly drink plain 'ol water now.

Any idea? I don't even necessarily need to lose weight... just turn some of that fat into muscle so I can get rid of this fat that's evident in my face.
well i weighed myself a few days ago and was at 203...

i would have beenh under 200 by now but this week i havent been strict on my diet (bday week) and a few weks ago i was out of town and wasnt strict either
Well i just started my gym membership this week, as my weight is getting out of control. I weight 275 pounds and 6'2" and hope to get that down to 250 for starters and eventually 200 long term. Luckily i dont look like I weigh 275 pounds, but i figure its not too healthy to way that much. So hopefully i will have some luck and reach my goals :)
Nice work man, keep it up...21 pounds is great.

Unfortunately for me, I havn't gained any weight...but I could be losing fat at the same time, I'm really not sure.
Man, I just got back into the swing of things again for the past 3 weeks. I can't say I've seen much progress, though I am able to lift more than when I started. Congrats on the loss Javeryh! I'm 5'8" and 225 lbs now so if I can drop to less than 200 before my wedding in July, I'll be happy.

I've just been going 3 times a week with 20 minutes on the elliptical then 30 minutes lifting. Should I step up the cardio? What if I went 5 times a week alternating cardio and lifting?
I've been going 5 times a week (M-F). I lift between 6:15 a.m. and 7:20 a.m. and then I ride the elliptical from 7:20 a.m. to 7:55 a.m. and then I sprint on the treadmill from 8:00 to 8:15 a.m. It's a lot and I'm exhausted by Fridays (like right now) but I'm finding it easy to wake up and go and it's actually something I look forward to. I've also completely given up all liquids except water (I drink about a gallon a day) and I don't eat any snacks or desserts other than one Weight Watchers ice cream bar after dinner. I eat fruit for breakfast, carrots for snacks and I eat one portion of whatever I feel like for lunch and dinner (just had a burrito). I'm never hungry anymore (before I got back into working out I was always hungry even though I was always stuffing my face) and I have a ton more energy (I'm less tired during the day and can go on less sleep). I can't say enough how great I feel.
Just stumbled on this thread. Congratulations to everyone putting in the work to lose all this weight!

If anyone has any nutritonal/weightloss/dieting/training questions I'd be happy to answer them.

encendido - Remember that muscle weighs more than fat. It's quite possible that you're muscling up underneath existing fat, that is also being burned. So it's totally possible that your overall body fat is dropping, even if the scale is going up.

If your primary goal is weight loss, I would advise stepping up the cardio to 5 days a week, and switch to light lifting 3 days a week (so you're getting some kind of exercise 7x a week, and doubling once). This will help raise/maintain a higher metabolism, crucial to preparing your body for weight loss. Cardio will burn more calories than simple lifting (and when trying to lose weight, calorie burning is most important). Try waking up, eating a banana + some yogurt + drinking some water and then running in the morning for cardio workouts. Your body will be mainly depleted of glycogen stores overnight, and should burn more fat.

And as a general rule - don't live and die by the scale/be discouraged if you come in higher, look in the mirror. Your weight can fluctuate as much as 5 pounds depending on how much water is in your body, what you ate yesterday, etc. So keep on working and you'll see the changes soon!
[quote name='encendido5']Man, I just got back into the swing of things again for the past 3 weeks. I can't say I've seen much progress, though I am able to lift more than when I started. Congrats on the loss Javeryh! I'm 5'8" and 225 lbs now so if I can drop to less than 200 before my wedding in July, I'll be happy.

I've just been going 3 times a week with 20 minutes on the elliptical then 30 minutes lifting. Should I step up the cardio? What if I went 5 times a week alternating cardio and lifting?[/QUOTE]

Depends on what your goals are. If you are just trying to lose the weight, go do an hour of cardio at 65% of your max heartrate, 5 days a week. I wouldn't really recommend this, as you are going to be 200lbs with no muscle, which I think is stupid. Or, get the 200lb number out of your head, and create a 5 day workout split, concentrating on Lifting and maybe 1 (2 would be best) days of cardio a week. By the time of your wedding, you might not be 200 lbs, but you will look alot better.

To you guys eating fruit for breakfast, See if you can switch it to oatmeal. Some berries are alright to eat, but most fruit has a lot of fructose (duh), which isn't used by the body as energy. 1 cup of oatmeal every morning, on the other hand, is probably the best thing you can eat and will give you an insane burst of energy about 45 to 1 hour later. You might not want to get this hardcore, but I eat the oats raw. Put 1 cup of oats in 1 cup, a protein shake in another, put the oats in your mouth with some protein, chew and swallow. After 3 years of this, I cant really wake up without it.
[quote name='afedock']To you guys eating fruit for breakfast, See if you can switch it to oatmeal. Some berries are alright to eat, but most fruit has a lot of fructose (duh), which isn't used by the body as energy. 1 cup of oatmeal every morning, on the other hand, is probably the best thing you can eat and will give you an insane burst of energy about 45 to 1 hour later. You might not want to get this hardcore, but I eat the oats raw. Put 1 cup of oats in 1 cup, a protein shake in another, put the oats in your mouth with some protein, chew and swallow. After 3 years of this, I cant really wake up without it.[/quote]

Awesome. I'm trying this. Thanks for the tip.
More progress biatches!!! I lost 2 more lbs. since last Friday's weigh-in. I'm down to 208lbs. for a total loss of 23lbs. since December 11. My goal of 200lbs. is in reach!!

I'm really starting to see the results of all of my hard work. My arms, shoulders, back and legs are all pretty ripped up again - I just need to get to work on my mid-section. I haven't done a single sit-up this entire time because when I do stomach exercises while I have extra pounds it just pushes everything out and makes me look fatter. I think I'm at the point where I can start to work in daily ab routines - you can see the top 2 without me flexing or anything but the other ones are still lost under a small layer of fat (the last 8lbs!!). My fat guy pants barely stay up even with a belt and all of my shirts and stuff are big on me - it will be fun to actually buy normal clothes again once I get down to my goal weight.

This week my boss asked me if I was diseased because he noticed I was losing weight - it was the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me.

im losing weight and all and people area really starting to notice..

im having a tough time determining where the weight is dropping from though..

anyways are situps the best for losing stomach? thats like the main think i want to work on..i also heard about doing situps when you have a stomach that it pushes it out? is that correct? sounds ridiculous but w.e

and my main goal so far is to lean out.. i havent done any weight lifting at all...once i get at a comfortable weight under 200.. i really want to work on my arms..i just want to widen them and get them firm.. any suggestions?

i did play bball/cardio last week since i was home all week but im back to work this week so none of that...maybe ill have to make some time on saturdays to go exercise..

lol i was also recently asked if i was sick or something
I have found that my stomach is the absolute last place that the weight comes off of for me - there's really no way to "target" a particular area of your body. If you keep exercising (lots of cardio) and eating right the weight will eventually come off. It's unfortunate that for guys the last place the fat comes off of is the stomach and for girls it's thighs and ass.

If you are going to start lifting weights I would recommend working all of your muscles once a week rather than just your arms. It's better for you and you won't look like Popeye after 6 months. Also, you will burn a TON more fat once you start to lift.

well color me shocked..

weighed myself and i was 206.. i actually gained weight..

fuck! myabe i shouldnt be too suprised ... i was 203 at my bday which was march 6... since then ive eaten out and had other bdays to celebrate so i havent been too strict.. this week alone i even had a few beers and ate out alot... i didnt think i would gain weight because i actually was exercising last week but i was wrong

my plan of attack is actually to probably enjoy this weekend and get ready for intense soldier mode.. i prob have lost as much as i can without exercising..

starting monday im gonna be strict as hell

so are situps bad or not?
Situps are not "bad." No form of exercise is ever "bad." Are situps that effective in terms of weight loss? No, not really.

Javery was correct in that there is no real way to target fat loss to specific regions of the body (the first person who figures out how to do this will be a gazillionaire.) And he was also correct in that many men find abdominal fat is the last to go (this is due to biological advantages presented by storing fat in the trunk area). Most people will start by losing weight in the face, arms, legs, etc. all before the stomach.

Situps alone won't help you burn that many calories, and they don't really develop that much overall abdominal muscle. You're better off incorporating them into an all-around core routine (situps, pushups, v-ups, crunches, bicycles, flutter kicks [on back, kick like you're swimming], will all help you raise your heart rate, burn more calories, and strengthen both the upper/lower abdominals and the obliques. I would also recommend everyone invest in a physio ball http://www.altusathletic.com/product_default3.asp?product_id=97 or get on one at the gym, as they tone your core much more effectively.

gyver, a gain of 3lbs isn't real a gain of anything at all, so don't be too discouraged. The amount of food/water in your system at any given time can account for readings of +/- 5 lbs. The only way to use weight as a valuable unit is to weigh yourself in the morning when you wake up, after you go to the bathroom and before you eat anything (assuming you did not eat RIGHT before you went to sleep).
[quote name='guyver2077']what i need is a cheap scale.. im tired if going to publix every friday to weigh myself on their huge scale[/QUOTE]

Target has a nice 300lb, .2 increment scale for $25.
I ordered those a set of the "Perfect Pushup" the other day. Maybe it was a bad investment ($40), but I just can absolutely not do pushups correctly...

They get here on Wednesday. I'm pretty excited. I want to exercise every day: pushups on day, elliptical machine the next... and then repeat the process.
anyone tried any other supplements that help with weight loss. Or maybe something that blocks fat.. would be useful when i know i will be eating a big meal or something.

I can vouche for hydroxycut.. pretty good stuff .

ive also started taking centrum daily.. gotta have the vitamins

also just a general question..

lets say you want to go for a walk or jog or something..

is it better to do it after or before a big meal?
[quote name='the3rdkey']pics and send your story to quiznos![/QUOTE]

Another Friday, another weigh-in. I made some more progress by losing 1 more lb. since last Friday. I'm down to 207lbs. for a total loss of 24lbs. since December 11.

I kept repeating "205" in my head as I was working out and when I was approaching the scale but I guess 3 lbs. is a little much to ask for in one week. I was actually very pleased with the 1 lb. loss because I didn't work out on Monday or Tuesday because I was sick as hell. I also ate a lot of food because my throat only felt good when I was swallowing something. I didn't go off the reservation or anything but I ate a bunch of pasta and a few Pop Tarts (mmmm....). I probably could have called it 206.5 but I like to round up so the next week there's more of a chance to see additional loss.

Woo hoo!!!

[quote name='Strell']

Getting closer!!
Congrat Jav but remember to not go overboard and starve yourself.

I got a question to all the workout cags.

I just lost a bit of weight myself. I was around 240 around last may but now am floating around 165.
I completely changed the way I ate and walk/jog almost daily.
Now the only thing that bothers me is my gut. I know every guy has a lil stomach on them but I just want to get rid of it.
Stop reducing fat is impossible but what kind of workouts should I do for my tummy?
[quote name='bobo2k4']Congrat Jav but remember to not go overboard and starve yourself.

I got a question to all the workout cags.

I just lost a bit of weight myself. I was around 240 around last may but now am floating around 165.
I completely changed the way I ate and walk/jog almost daily.
Now the only thing that bothers me is my gut. I know every guy has a lil stomach on them but I just want to get rid of it.
Stop reducing fat is impossible but what kind of workouts should I do for my tummy?[/QUOTE]

I enjoy the 8 minute abs workout on a daily basis, sometimes doing it twice a day back a few years ago

Luckily Ive never been fat (except for the first few years of my life), had a good metabolism growing up and was physically active, and our parents didnt always feed us the crap that seems to be the staple of most diets today... today, activity comes in the form of daily jogs and yardwork, once the wife gets out of nursing school we will join a gym again, Id like to bulk up to about 170...

What is sad is when I DONT work out, I lose weight, Id given up on it for a few months after a pinched nerve in my back had me afraid to do anything active. Id gotten down to the mid-low 150's, Im back to about 160 at the moment, my goal is to get the body fat down to the 6-7% I once had it when I was doing 5 and 10k races, and to begin running them again (had knee surgery a while ago and still trying to work out the kinks
bread's done