If you can't slam with the best (aka RPG Thread XVIII), then jam with the rest!

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I couldn't stand VC's characters and cutscenes, but it's a fun tactics game and the art style was really appealing to me. Shame they didn't take it in a more mature direction with the sequels. The writing stayed just as bad, the maps got smaller, and the skirts got shorter. Honestly I think they know their audience well, so good on them, I guess.
the whole game was based on anime archetypes,so the corny dialogue and all wasn't surprising
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I'm playing DQ9 right now and I'm really enjoying it. Idk why it didn't hook me like this at release.
I'd enjoyed DQ9 during it's release. I think I got it around $15 at the time. I put in about 100 hours into that game and still didn't finish it.

I'm near the end of 6 myself, though I've gotten sidetracked with several other games so who knows when I will get around to finishing it.

Threw some more time into Persona 2 EP this weekend. About 10-hrs in and I have been waiting for a good dungeon to grind in (I've felt terribly underleveled for most of the game so far) but haven't found one yet.

Also, I put a couple hours into Ghost Recon Shadow Wars, and have found it to be a pretty good strategy/tactics game.
I'd enjoyed DQ9 during it's release. I think I got it around $15 at the time. I put in about 100 hours into that game and still didn't finish it.
I'm at about 20 hours in just focusing on the story and doing whatever side quests I bump into. Great game to play on my 3DS while I sit out in the woods on a god forsaken "Camping trip".

Also started playing Dark Cloud 2 which so far is better than the first in every way possible.
I've been praying for an HD remake of Dark Cloud 2 since HD remakes became a thing. You throw that game on my Vita and I'll never look up to make eye contact during a conversation again.

Man, The Witcher 2 is hard. Fun game to play but I get my ass kicked, I'm not even through Chapter 1 yet!
I know what you mean. Game takes some getting used to. If it makes you feel any better, a lot of people tend to agree that the prologue can actually be one of the hardest parts of the game. They kinda just thrust you into shit with no real combat primers.

I think learning dodge distance and speed is paramount. It's not like a lot of games where you get invincibility frames; they have to be pretty deliberate. By the end of the game, I felt like a bad ass just based on working with my environment. Using choke points, traps, bombs, knives, all of that factors in to a strong combat showing. Like I said, it takes some doing, but it'll feel good once you get it down.

The outfit looks good on her, and the inclusion of Cloud's victory pose is cute/silly, but otherwise I don't have any strong opinions one way or the other *shrug*
I'd rather have a Yuna costume. Or a Rikku costume.
Yuna costume is already in the game.


About 3-4 hours into Hexyz Force.

The game has certinally 'borrowed' several features. There's an item fusion system, and weapon leveling up system. All it needs now is a monster capture system, and maybe a cooking minigame for good measure.

Since this Lightning Returns game is a single player third person action game, I'm almost tempted to play it. 

I guess I'd have to go back and play FF 13 and FF13-2 first.

Speaking of FFX, I got a new display case recently and have begun setting it up, starting with what's probably the tallest figure I own, 1/6 scale Kimahri:


I also have Auron from that same line, but don't think I'll be able to set him up holding his sword (Kimahri's already a tight fit thanks to his spear). If only he held it like Cloud Strife :razz:

Both of them had previously been in storage for about seven years because I lacked the space to display them during that time. They had lived on my old computer desk before.
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That's awesome, man. Only FFX representation I have on my toy shelf is Yojimbo from that creature master series.

I did just find out about (and pick up) these guys though.


Those FFT Tactics figures look ridiculous! :drool: I wish they'd bring tactics to android, thats one thing I miss about iOS! That one game lol

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fucking a, just opened my FFX-2 Bahamut (the big ArtFX action figure), which had allegedly been MIB when I bought it years and years ago, only to find that one of his tail segments is completely missing. I'd spent quite a bit of time hunting down that figure in the first place :bomb: :bomb: :bomb:

Lesson learned: if I'm ever going to display something in the future, check on its condition right away.

That's awesome, man. Only FFX representation I have on my toy shelf is Yojimbo from that creature master series.
Thanks (and I have that Yojimbo too!). Maybe I'll post some more pics later; going to be bringing a lot more FF figures (plus some others) out of storage today.

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fucking a, just opened my FFX-2 Bahamut (the big ArtFX action figure), which had allegedly been MIB when I bought it years and years ago, only to find that one of his tail segments is completely missing. I'd spent quite a bit of time hunting down that figure in the first place :bomb: :bomb: :bomb:

Lesson learned: if I'm ever going to display something in the future, check on its condition right away.

Thanks (and I have that Yojimbo too!). Maybe I'll post some more pics later; going to be bringing a lot more FF figures (plus some others) out of storage today.
I'm a toy freak. I'd love to see 'em and bullshit about collections :)

Buddy of mine at work has that Bahamut. Even with some of the other crazy figures I have, it's still a powerful point of envy. He's so damned cool. Sorry to hear about the missing segment though.

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Speaking of FFX, I got a new display case recently and have begun setting it up, starting with what's probably the tallest figure I own, 1/6 scale Kimahri:

I have that same Kimahri along with just about every FFX and FFX-2 figure (most still packaged).

I'm a toy freak. I'd love to see 'em and bullshit about collections :)
Cool :) Here's my figure collection in its (near) entirety. I also have a game soundtrack collection that's catalogued elsewhere.

Buddy of mine at work has that Bahamut. Even with some of the other crazy figures I have, it's still a powerful point of envy. He's so damned cool. Sorry to hear about the missing segment though.
Yeah, it sucks >_< I originally wanted the FFX Bahamut, but by the time I started hunting him, he was impossible to get. Settled for that Heretic Bahamut, but even going this route was bad luck in the end, it seems. Maybe I'm just not meant to have this Bahamut in any form :cold:
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I wonder what barbara the service droid maid is doing today. We'll never know chuplayer will never continue her story

Not one capcom character? What kinda figurine collection is this?
All my Capcom merch tends to take the form of soundtracks or artbooks (currently pending in: Devil May Cry 3/1/4/2 Graphic Arts). I also have a full set of Ace Attorney D4 rubber straps :D

ETA: Forgot that I do have Street Fighter and Monster Hunter Pinky:st figures-- do those count? :razz:
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I've been praying for an HD remake of Dark Cloud 2 since HD remakes became a thing. You throw that game on my Vita and I'll never look up to make eye contact during a conversation again.

I know what you mean. Game takes some getting used to. If it makes you feel any better, a lot of people tend to agree that the prologue can actually be one of the hardest parts of the game. They kinda just thrust you into shit with no real combat primers.

I think learning dodge distance and speed is paramount. It's not like a lot of games where you get invincibility frames; they have to be pretty deliberate. By the end of the game, I felt like a bad ass just based on working with my environment. Using choke points, traps, bombs, knives, all of that factors in to a strong combat showing. Like I said, it takes some doing, but it'll feel good once you get it down.
For a game that's over a decade old,it still looks pretty good.A HD remake would do wonders for the graphics. Surprised they never got around to making a third game.

Also started VC2 which is pretty fun so far.Other than small maps and stupid characters,its solid gameplay wise which was what the series was all about.

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Finally beat this Tyrantula boss in DQ9 and had to walk out of the dungeon after beating it. I stop on my way to fight a metal slime cluster for that big xp boost, beat that shit and the game freezes. fuck. Now I have to fight this damn spider again. 

fuck. I was on my way to beating him and shit froze again! Idk what is wrong with this cart. I got it new from BB during one of their sales a while ago. I've never had this game freeze before today!

The original SNES version of FFVI is tough! Had a pretty nasty scare with a monster-in-a-box on the phantom train. Loving it.

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Cool :) Here's my figure collection in its (near) entirety. I also have a game soundtrack collection that's catalogued elsewhere.

Yeah, it sucks >_< I originally wanted the FFX Bahamut, but by the time I started hunting him, he was impossible to get. Settled for that Heretic Bahamut, but even going this route was bad luck in the end, it seems. Maybe I'm just not meant to have this Bahamut in any form :cold:
Fantastic collection! I've got nothing on that, but here's my MFC page. I was pretty bummed when I found out they won't let you account for American made figures/statues. I've got a ton of BioShock stuff and various statues that have to hide behind the curtain :(.


In RPG news, I finally beat FFXII. Very glad I gave it another shot, as I'm always open to another dose of Ivalice. Cleared out most of the marks I had available to me, but I plan on going back to do more. Everyone was 68 by the time I actually took to Bahamut; I think I overleveled a wee bit.

Now I just have to find some damned art for the game. It sounds like every instance of an artbook for it was shoddy in one way or another. I'm hoping it's another case of Zone of the Enders 2 where the holy grail does actually exist, it's just hard as shit to find.

Anyone know if Revenant Wings is actually worth checking out? I know it's nowhere near the same, but if it's fun and the story's there, I'd give it a look.

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Now I just have to find some damned art for the game. It sounds like every instance of an artbook for it was shoddy in one way or another. I'm hoping it's another case of Zone of the Enders 2 where the holy grail does actually exist, it's just hard as shit to find.

Anyone know if Revenant Wings is actually worth checking out? I know it's nowhere near the same, but if it's fun and the story's there, I'd give it a look.
I don't know of a full-fledged artbook for FF12 but the box set version of the strategy guide (with the six variant covers) has an art section that's pretty decent.

I didn't enjoy Revenant Wings when I tried it, despite FF12 being one of my favorite games ever. The whole RTS thing just didn't work for me.

I could never get into Revanant Wings.

I have no doubt that FF X/X-2 HD will sell well, so a FF XII HD upscale is practically a given at this point. What would you expect from it? International version? Would it be alone? I doubt they would port Revanant Wings or any of the other Ivalice games.
I'm reaaaally hoping that any remastering of XII includes the International Zodiac Job getup. If it does happen, I'd expect it to follow X/X-2's trend of bringing over the international extras; I just really really really hope it actually happens. FFXII is the kind of game I would totally devour all over again on my Vita. X and X-2 as well.

Played the game on my HDTV with component cables and was actually pretty impressed with how well it held up. I was totally expecting headache city coming back to it, but a lot of scenes in that game are still super beautiful. That fucking art team can get it done. I wanted to cite specific examples, but I still can't find the new damned spoiler function, haha.

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Yesterday's progress. I really should remove one of the Sephiroths on the second shelf; having two of them there is just silly:

Fantastic collection! I've got nothing on that, but here's my MFC page. I was pretty bummed when I found out they won't let you account for American made figures/statues. I've got a ton of BioShock stuff and various statues that have to hide behind the curtain :(.

Just sent you an FR there :) As for Western made/sourced figures, there was an experiment to create a "Western" version of MFC, but in the end, there wasn't much interest and the project was canned. There's a fair number people on the board who have such figures in their own collections (including at least a couple of staffers), so you aren't alone, at least.

Now I just have to find some damned art for the game. It sounds like every instance of an artbook for it was shoddy in one way or another. I'm hoping it's another case of Zone of the Enders 2 where the holy grail does actually exist, it's just hard as shit to find.
The only thing I can think of that might be good is the Final Fantasy 25th Memorial Ultimania Vol. 3. I have Vol. 2 (7-9) and it's practically all artwork, though the section for 8 is slimmer than I'd hoped it would be. Vol. 3 covers five games, though...

There's also the regular Ultimania guides, but those tend to be more like game guides with some art sprinkled in.
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I'm reaaaally hoping that any remastering of XII includes the International Zodiac Job getup. If it does happen, I'd expect it to follow X/X-2's trend of bringing over the international extras; I just really really really hope it actually happens. FFXII is the kind of game I would totally devour all over again on my Vita. X and X-2 as well.

Played the game on my HDTV with component cables and was actually pretty impressed with how well it held up. I was totally expecting headache city coming back to it, but a lot of scenes in that game are still super beautiful. That fucking art team can get it done. I wanted to cite specific examples, but I still can't find the new damned spoiler function, haha.
Totally. It's a gorgeous game, it's going to look great upscaled. I'm looking forward to playing it with the Zodiac Job System setup since I'm sure they'll include this in the inevitable HD remaster.

I LOVED XII, and while I played all the way through Revenant Wings, it's not that great. Playable, but kinda boring actually. And really the plot does little and focuses way to much on Vaan. It was a decent time waster while taking the train to school but nothing I'd really recommend.

Anyone know if Revenant Wings is actually worth checking out? I know it's nowhere near the same, but if it's fun and the story's there, I'd give it a look.
arrrrrgh mother frikken Breath Of Fire maaaan I'm 10 hours into this game now and STILL have no idea how to play it!!

I had to fight a real tough boss, so I did the dragon transformation, only to break my D% guage, which gave me a game over and said I could restart my last save,

which I did, except now all my items and levels and money are gone -_-

I lost 1.5 hrs of game progress, and my D% guage reverted back to what it was when I made the save (75%), which means if I continue to play I'm jus gonna die again at the same spot and be boned...

does the game really want me to restart it all over? just so I can get my D% back to zero and put in yet another 10 hours just to get to the same spot?

honestly... wtf this game?!?!?! I really wanted to enjoy it but I really dont kno how to...

does the game really want me to restart it all over?
Yeah, that's how it's designed. When you start over, your numerical ranking (forgot what they call it in-game) improves, and from what I understand, new story stuff happens and the game becomes easier. It's sort of roguelike-like (or mystery dungeon-like, if you prefer) in that respect.

I managed to beat the game without restarting once, but it was insanely tough and frustrating, so I do not recommend that anyone else take that approach unless you're genuinely after the challenge.

Also, the dragon transformation should be used very, very sparingly.
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Is it just me or does it seem like transforming into a dragon in the BoF series should only be used sparingly, which I wish was not the case. BoF4 had some cool transformations, but I never really needed to use them.

So anyone play Theatrhythm? I know its not an rpg, but I'm definitely investing in some FF7 and 8 music soon. Sooo good. Also, SMT IV coming soon
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maaan u kno what else needs to be done very very sparingly?

playing BOF.

and by sparingly I mean never... seriously I'm done.

I'm too old for this mang... >_<

I got my 10 hours of fun, now I'll jus watch the ending on youtube

Is it just me or does it seem like transforming into a dragon in the BoF series should only be used sparingly, which I wish was not the case. BoF4 had some cool transformations, but I never really needed to use them.
So anyone play Theatrhythm? I know its not an rpg, but I'm definitely investing in some FF7 and 8 music soon. Sooo good. Also, SMT IV coming soon
BoF3 was like that too. I still don't get the love for that game either,everything about was just so average and boring along with having a lot little annoying things that were just their to piss you off. The highlight of the game for me was fighting Ultraman's horse.


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