If you can't slam with the best (aka RPG Thread XVIII), then jam with the rest!

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What sort of RPG is Nier anyway? I know its action-oriented, but is it like Zelda or Darkstalkers or what?

I am diggin the vibe for the characters in FFXV.

First up, it transpires the main character of Noctis Lucis Caelum, or "Noct" as he's often referred to, suffered a childhood affliction that has left him able to see a heavenly light that enables him to sense others' deaths. Despite being the heir apparent to the throne of Lucis, Noctis rejects royal convention even to the point of being something of a renegade, though his loyalty to those around him is unquestionable.

Next, Gladiolus Amicitia is lord of the noble House Amicitia, which is sworn to protect the crown. Despite this, the bond between "Gladio" and Noctis goes deeper than simply being one of duty, but is instead one of friendship.

Ignis Scientia was raised to offer his unwavering voice of reason in counsel to Noctis. Weaned on shrewd logic and a classical education from youth, he and Noctis share a deep mutual understanding and trust built on years of familiarity.

Prompto Argentum is a mischievous playboy who knows Noctis from school. Being from outside the royal circle has left him with a chip on his shoulder, but he's still eager to help in any way he can.

Finally, Lord Commander Cor Leonis is a living legend, completely devoted to the king. Though he and Noctis' ragtag band of followers rarely see eye to eye, he is honour bound to protect them.
Lord Comander Cor Leonis sounds badass. Sure beats the hell out of names like "Hope" and "Snow".

I did notice almost all the main characters are male, so looks to be a bro-fest.
Nier is pretty damn cool, just give it an hour or so to get going.
I had rented it from Gamefly over a year ago, and liked what I saw. Just had never got around to picking it up. Gamestop had a used copy for $12, and I wante to use up all my credit so I wouldn't have to set foot in gamestop again.

I'll probably delete my old save so I can start fresh. I have way too much of a backlog so i probably won't even get around to playing it until a good six months or so.

Lord Comander Cor Leonis sounds badass. Sure beats the hell out of names like "Hope" and "Snow".

I did notice almost all the main characters are male, so looks to be a bro-fest.
Where's Cid?

There's a female character somewhere in there, although I doubt she's playable.

A couple towns, a big open field, basic mash combos and a combat roll, then you go to various dungeons that do all sorts of crazy things to the gameplay.
Don't forget those magic spells.

That game had magic, right? You can shoot orbs and shit.

Quit making up words, Blue.

I got all the bounty hunts out of the way in WKC 2, and I have done most of the errands sidequests. Also just acquired my avatar's knight, but I still need to run around and get its armor, then I can finally beat this bitch.

My RPG backlog's looking thinner already.
Take a wild guess at who this is PanzerBaby.


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Got a bunch more licenses in Opoona today, and am starting to wonder if I should just go for all of them. Something tells me that a certain one is going to be a real pain-in-the-ass to get, but I'm so close to getting all of them that I should try to, at least.

I've also been trying to find a certain location in one of the domes, and feel like I'm just overlooking it (or maybe I'm in the wrong dome? But I'm not sure about that...).

Meanwhile, I made it to the fourth land in EO4 not long ago. Haven't done much there yet, though.

FFIX is bad but not bad enough to make me judge you as a person for enjoying it. Leda remains cool in my book.

Now if we're talking The Last Story...

I decided to Start Rogue Galaxy. I am about 8 hours into it and just finished chapter 3 (the jungle world). I wanted to like this game but I am increadibly bored with it. I am beginning to think there is no hope for me. I am attempting to go through my backlog and it seems as if i don't like any of the more highly rated games. Yet i am the only person i can find that actually enjoyed Cross Edge. 

Maybe i am just getting too old and losing interest in gaming. I am almost thirty, married, and an attorney, so i don't have the time or patience to try to power through games I am not enjoying.


What was everyone's top 5 RPGs of this generation now that the next generation will be starting in about 5 months?

1. Lost Odyssey

2. Cross Edge (didnt like trinity universe though)

3. Vesperia

4. Graces

5. Record of Agarest Wars (didnt like 2).

I found Nier to be decent. I also found 13 to be decent. Hated 13-2. I probably wont pick up lighting returns. Star Ocean was meh. Got bored of Resonance of Fate.Couldn't get into WKC.Disgaea 3 and 4 were quality. Found the concept of Eternal Sonata to be interesting (as someone who used to play violin in an orchestra) but the game was dull. Didn't dig Blue Dragon. Infinante Undiscovery started out pretty good, then fizzled. Played some others, and they were either mediocre or dull.

I enjoyed 12 so much more than 10. IMO 12 had a great balance between story and side quests in the form of the monster hunts. The gambit system was ok and I liked the politically driven story. I want to actually replay 12, but I sort of want to hold out ot see if they remaster it first.

I decided to Start Rogue Galaxy. I am about 8 hours into it and just finished chapter 3 (the jungle world). I wanted to like this game but I am increadibly bored with it. I am beginning to think there is no hope for me. I am attempting to go through my backlog and it seems as if i don't like any of the more highly rated games. Yet i am the only person i can find that actually enjoyed Cross Edge.
I hated Cross Edge, but Rogue Galaxy is my favorite PS2 rpg. Also in my 30s and married. Maybe just different tastes. I have found there a periods where I take a short gaming break, can be anywhere from a coupe weeks to a few months, and then usually find something that brings me back, which can be either a new or old game.


What was everyone's top 5 RPGs of this generation now that the next generation will be starting in about 5 months?

1. Lost Odyssey

2. Cross Edge (didnt like trinity universe though)

3. Vesperia

4. Graces

5. Record of Agarest Wars (didnt like 2).
Are we strictly talking Jrpgs? Then it's:

5. Valkyria Chronicles

4. Tales of Vesperia

3. The Last Story

2. Disgaea 4

1. Xenoblade Chronicles

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I hated Cross Edge, but Rogue Galaxy is my favorite PS2 rpg. Also in my 30s and married. Maybe just different tastes. I have found there a periods where I take a short gaming break, can be anywhere from a coupe weeks to a few months, and then usually find something that brings me back, which can be either a new or old game.

Are we strictly talking Jrpgs? Then it's:

5. Valkyria Chronicles

4. Tales of Vesperia

3. The Last Story

2. Disgaea 4

1. Xenoblade Chronicles
No, the list doesnt have to be limited to JRPGs. They just happen to be the type i enjoy the most. I don't like my games to be super linear. I also don't like my games to be so wide open that there seems to be a lack of direction. I find most WRPGs to be that open ended WTF do i do type of game.

I did like Dragon Age: Origins quite a bit. I also played a lot of D3 (obviously not a WRPG) when it came out. I was a bit dissappointed in it overall though. I have the Mass Effect ps3 collection and am working through 1 right now. I do miss the Baulder's Gate era Bioware :( I never did play Skyrm. I played oblivion on my PC years ago and found it to be too open ended. I keep looking for a copy of Kingdom of Alamur on the cheap, but with the studio going out of business, it is my understanding no one can authorize a price drop in the game.

I don't have a PS3 (currently) and haven't yet played any truly outstanding Wii or 360 RPGs, sooo...

1) The World Ends with You
2) Rune Factory 3: A Fantasy Harvest Moon

3) Etrian Odyssey

4) Pokemon Black/White

5) Dragon Quest IX

If I was including remakes, Dragon Quest V would be fighting with TWEWY for the top spot. Honorable mentions: Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime, Etrian Odyssey III, both DS Mario & Luigi games

PC RPGs (within the past eight years):

1) Barkley, Shut Up & Jam: Gaiden

2) 10000000 (does this count?)

3) FTL: Faster Than Light (see above)

4) Torchlight II

5) Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone

Honorable mentions: Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale, Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3, Cthulhu Saves the World

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I'm just gonna stick to RPGs that were on consoles to not open a can of worms:

Lost Odyssey

Demon's Souls

Costume Quest

Ni No Kuni

Dragon Age Origins

Valkyria Chronicles

That's six, oh well. Still got some stuff in the backlog like Nier (which I've started twice and loved, but never finished) and Dark Souls.

Finished my Genji set in FFXII last night. That was a pretty fun fight. Trying to get into some more sidequests before I head to the endgame. Seriously glad I gave this game another shot.

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Dragon Age is the last :ps3: I can remember enjoying. Many more I didn't care for.

There's been alot of great :ds: ones.  (Your Devil Survivors, Etrian Odysseys, TWEWY). I didnt care for the last Dragon Quest that much, even though i put plenty of time into it.

I guess I'm the only :psp: player here. I think there's been some great titles there that have gotten ignored.

I'd probably say...


DQ 9

Valkyria Chronicle series

Final Fantasy Dimensions

and that's it.

I should probably get around to playing Ni no Kuni. Maybe when it comes on sale for really cheap.

5. Fallout: New Vegas

4. Skyrim

3. Lost Odyssey

2. Mass Effect 2

1. Final Fantasy X HD

Honorable mention to Barkley's Shut and Jam Gaiden, Pokemon Black/White 2, and Torchlight 2. I guess Project X-Zone if we're getting funky with SRPGs. 

Only listing games I've actually finished.

1. Dragon Age Origins (PC/PS3)

2. Fire Emblem Awakening (3DS)

3. Monster Hunter Tri (Wii)

4. Mass Effect 2 (PC)

5. Valkyria Chronicles (PS3)

There is a decent probability that SMT IV and Tales of Xillia might take some spots though.

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In no real order: New Vegas, Nier, Valkyria, DAO, and... shit, NWN2 was last gen, right? fuck. Alpha Protocol or Xenoblade Chronicles, I guess.

I notice alot of love for Valkyria Chronicles. I would buy whatever console day 1 that offered a console sequel to Valkyria Chronicles, or even an upscaling port of the PSP sequels. We never got VC3 here, did we?

Sega has published some pretty great RPGs this gen. I just wish they'd give us Phantasy Star V and Skies of Arcadia 2.
I notice alot of love for Valkyria Chronicles. I would buy whatever console day 1 that offered a console sequel to Valkyria Chronicles, or even an upscaling port of the PSP sequels. We never got VC3 here, did we?
VC3 wasn't released here. I've been playing it off and on recently, and there's definitely a lot of fanservice. Not so much gigantic jiggling boobs (though it has that) but that so far the first 8-9 chapters have been mostly references to the earlier games.

As much as I like the PSP sequels, they're very clearly made for PSP with small maps and the map switching, and I don't think that would translate well to a home console. Heck, VC3 has mostly re-used maps from VC2.

VC3 wasn't released here. I've been playing it off and on recently, and there's definitely a lot of fanservice. Not so much gigantic jiggling boobs (though it has that) but that so far the first 8-9 chapters have been mostly references to the earlier games.

As much as I like the PSP sequels, they're very clearly made for PSP with small maps and the map switching, and I don't think that would translate well to a home console. Heck, VC3 has mostly re-used maps from VC2.
I have heard mixed opinions about the sequels, but I havn't played them. I liked just about every aspect of VC, which is rare for me cause there is usually some aspect about a game I dislike. From the artwork to gameplay, story, characters, music, even the difficulty; it was all there. Not a perfect game, but close. Certainly one of my top favorite games ever.
I loved Valkyria Chronicles as much as the next person.

But I think XCOM is a better game.

So your list are all wrong.
I agree, but for some reason because Valkyria Chronicles is Japanese, we're allowed to call it an SRPG, whereas we're only allowed to call XCOM a strategy game.

I couldn't stand VC's characters and cutscenes, but it's a fun tactics game and the art style was really appealing to me. Shame they didn't take it in a more mature direction with the sequels. The writing stayed just as bad, the maps got smaller, and the skirts got shorter. Honestly I think they know their audience well, so good on them, I guess.

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Loved VC, especially Marina. I too wish they had taken it too a more mature direction, VC2 was a let down for me.

Fire Emblem on Hard and Classic has been pretty brutal at times, but its fun as hell. Fred is just a beast but I've been trying to keep my characters evely leveled so I don't use him much.
The final boss in WKC 2 will have to wait untill I replace my PS3's laser, so I am stuck with downloaded games, which isn't too bad cause I do have a bit of a backlog there.

So last night I started the PS1 classic Persona 2 Eternal Punishment. Like many RPGs of that era, it has a clunky menu interface, but otherwise isn't too bad. I had no idea about the story when I started and was a bit lost at first, but then I recalled that old school rpgs like this put story intro stuff in the manual, and sure enough, there it was.

So, EP comes after Innocent Sin? From what I infer from the manual's story intro, one of the characters from that game changes history or something and creates sort of an alternate reality that is Eternal Punishment's world?

I really still have no idea....
I agree, but for some reason because Valkyria Chronicles is Japanese, we're allowed to call it an SRPG, whereas we're only allowed to call XCOM a strategy game.
Probably has something to do with the linear story and story structure of VC.

Also XCOM is only good if you're talking about XCOM UFO Defense. The new one is snowbally and gets kinda boring later.

VC3 resembles VC1 more. It's a lot darker than VC2, but it still has those silly anime moments.

I just recently finished Innocent Sin.Great game even though it's aged quite a bit.The story and characters were just really good even though the story got pretty scatterbrained later on,and the ending was just excellent.

Also started playing Dark Cloud 2 which so far is better than the first in every way possible.

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I couldn't stand VC's characters and cutscenes, but it's a fun tactics game and the art style was really appealing to me. Shame they didn't take it in a more mature direction with the sequels. The writing stayed just as bad, the maps got smaller, and the skirts got shorter. Honestly I think they know their audience well, so good on them, I guess.
Yeah. The characters are goofy dialogue turned me off the first VC pretty quickly. I've got the second one to play on the :psp: I'll see if I'll be more leniant with that.

The final boss in WKC 2 will have to wait untill I replace my PS3's laser, so I am stuck with downloaded games, which isn't too bad cause I do have a bit of a backlog there.

So last night I started the PS1 classic Persona 2 Eternal Punishment. Like many RPGs of that era, it has a clunky menu interface, but otherwise isn't too bad. I had no idea about the story when I started and was a bit lost at first, but then I recalled that old school rpgs like this put story intro stuff in the manual, and sure enough, there it was.

So, EP comes after Innocent Sin? From what I infer from the manual's story intro, one of the characters from that game changes history or something and creates sort of an alternate reality that is Eternal Punishment's world?

I really still have no idea....
I just finished the enhanced version of Eternal Punishment on the :psp: . It was really good (if not great).

It didnt seem -as- dated.

Anyway The ending of Eternal Punishment causes the reality of Innocent Sin

Maya dies at the end. The four friends agree to have their fates changed, never meeting and forming the masked circle.

The ending of the game shows everyone going their separate ways with Maya still remembering the events.
I played Eternal Punishment when it first came out. Still one of my favorite games.

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