If you can't slam with the best (aka RPG Thread XVIII), then jam with the rest!

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when i think about it, i hate any other description besides "dota-like"

moba was coined by lol and i dislike riot's cult mentality

arts was used by valve but why not just called it dota

and then outside of lol and dota there aren't really any other good games anyway
I heard sum ppl call those games LOMAs

it stands for Lords Management
my favorite is ASSFAGGOTS

Aeon of Strife Styled Fortress Assault Game Going On Two Sides


Looks like FFXV and KH3 confirmed for PS4?

Curiously, the FF XV logo looks very much like the Versus logo:
Quina is as awesome as FFX. Meaning, yeah, she is amazing. I think I primarily used Zidane, Garnet, Steiner and Vivi (Magic Sword is pretty damn good). I had a soft spot for Freya until I needed Garnet in my party.
FFIX is one of the few games in which I liked pretty much the whole party. I'd say Eiko's my least favorite, but even she wasn't too bad.

Even more fun was when I would gameshark the secondary characters into my party back in the day. Beatrix and Steiner were great, and playing the whole game as Tantalus was hilarious.

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Yeah looks like Versus is FF15. Hopefully they reworked it.

Never liked KH, but I guess a PS4 KH is a pretty huge deal for those fans.

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Now the million-gil question is: how much longer is it going to take for FF Versus XV to come out? :lol:
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I love the first 2 Kingdom Hearts games. Hoping the 2nd remix will have the PSP game so I can play it on my PS3. I also hope KH3 will be the last. Just end it nice and move on, please?

Oh, right. Let Versus be an action RPG still.

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Versus (now 15) was being directed by Nomura, ya? That's a first. Should be another interesting curve ball for the FF franchise in terms of style.

Hope to god those PC rumors were true.

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Oh, right. Let Versus be an action RPG still.
Given that it's a main series FF now, what are the chances of that?


Well, considering that there's two MMOs in the main series... maybe not as slim as one would think...

Versus (now 15) was being directed by Nomura, ya? That's a first. Should be another interesting curve ball for the FF franchise in terms of style.
Nomura as the director of FFXV, huh. I don't know if I can get behind it, but he can't do any worse than Kitase...
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I think you mean Toryiama (director of X and XIII), who I'm obviously a big fan of =]

Kitase has played a large role with the series since VI though. Only game he got full direction over was VIII, which I also liked.

I'm not horribly optimistic about either of them being out before 2015. Hell wasn't FFXIII announced at the PS3 launch and it took how long to come out?

Square is under new direction and being more disciplined with their release schedule was one of their new bullet points. Hopefully we can expect it soon.

someone said that they're excited for kh3 because of disney's bigger portfolio (pixar/marvel, etc.)

that sounds cool in theory

but then i imagine what we'll get is just more organization 13, some weird nobodies and xehanort with an exclamation mark somewhere.

They may have to haggle and pay other companies to use some Marvel/Star Wars characters because Activision may still have rights to many Marvel characters and EA now has the Star Wars license. But honestly, I want it to just be classic Disney characters. Keep the funky organizations out of it and bring back the charisma and enjoyment of the first KH. 

Oh my god if Spider-Man is in Kingdom Hearts I might explode...
If Spiderman is in KH3, I'll pass. Keep it in the Disney classic family.

The only KH game I have played is the GBA game. Got to the final boss but never beat it. I thought it was a very easy game.
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i'm not a stalker

but i find it creepy that i googled the new macpro

and it links me to a wired article to where the second commenter is in fact none other than r. kasahara.

either that or google knows too much about my browser history.

i'm not a stalker

but i find it creepy that i googled the new macpro

and it links me to a wired article to where the second commenter is in fact none other than r. kasahara.

either that or google knows too much about my browser history.
I'm a regular on Wired's gaming blog, but I sometimes venture onto the others :razz: Been waiting for new Mac Pros for aaaaages, so I was compelled to comment with my thoughts on the new one.

Anyway, RPGs: picked up Opoona again and got past that area I'd been stuck on. So, I'm back to the main story; hope that there's no more sharp difficulty spikes from this point on.
Oh my god if Spider-Man is in Kingdom Hearts I might explode...
If Spiderman is in KH3, I'll pass. Keep it in the Disney classic family.

The only KH game I have played is the GBA game. Got to the final boss but never beat it. I thought it was a very easy game.
Agreed. If they dip into Marvel and/or Star Wars, that's too much.
tron and pirates of the caribbean were nice though

So, it's a hack and slash RPG? The storytelling and narrative and character development has to be really good for me to warrant a day one purchase. Then again, it will be another five years before the game is finished. 

They are already talking about doing "multiple direct sequels" for FF XV, and the games not even out yet.

Been stuck on a boss in White Knight Chronicles, so I gonna do some grinding. Stupid party AI......
Is it worth buying? Level 5 has made some my favorite rpgs (Dark Cloud 2, Rogue Galaxy, Ni No Kuni) but I heard White Knight Chronicles is fairly mediocre.

Its ok, but it does orbit close to mediocrity at times. Combat is similar to FF XII, but with a retarded AI, which is my biggest gripe. Story is well done, and characters are interesting and well-voiced for the most part. It can also be a bit tedious and slow at times. If you are interested I would recomend just getting WKC 2, since it has the first game included.
I have WKC2 and played through WK1. I like the story and combat, sometimes the AI can be a bit annoying but as long as you pick the right skills and level them up they can be helpful. You might not be able to get the platinum because the servers were recently closed down.

I couldn't make it through more than a couple hours of White Knight Chronicles. The combat was way too dull. (Got up to the point where you get the White Knight).

I'm actually enjoying Growlanser Generations now. 

I got Etryian Odyssey IV in the mail, but there's too much on my :psp: I want to play first.

Yeah, it's gonna be awhile before we actually see KH3:



kingdom hearts
Toshi Nakamura Today 7:30am  41,371

According to its Director, Kingdom Hearts 3 Was Revealed a Little Early
Kingdom Hearts fans were overjoyed to the teaser announcement of Kingdom Hearts 3 at E3 on Monday. Tired of the wait? Ready to party? Well, don't too hyped up – the wait isn't over just yet.

In an interview with Famitsu.com, director Tetsuya Nomura noted that the announcement for the first official numbered sequel in nearly 8 years since Kingdom Hearts 2 may have been somewhat premature. "There have been a lot of spin-off games since Kingdom Hearts 2 and a lot of fans were probably getting anxious, so we made the announcement together with Final Fantasy XV." Nomura stated, adding, "Considering where we are in development, it may have been a little early."

According to Nomura, the visual direction of the game has been mostly solidified into what we saw in the teaser. Like FFXV, the development team is currently using the Luminous Studio engine to make an over-spec version of the game that can subsequently be ported to the PS4 and Xbox One.

Due to technical difficulties, a realtime rendering of the battle sequence at the end of the teaser could not be shown at E3 and had to be pre-rendered, but Nomura assures that, "When you actually see the game running in realtime, it'll look almost exactly the same."

In regards to the plot, in a separate interview with Dengeki Online, Nomura confirmed that Kingom Hearts 3 would be a continuation of Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance and the final chapter of the Dark Seeker Saga.

Kingdom Hearts 3 is still early in the development stage, so while we probably won't be seeing it out this year, hopefully we won't have that much longer to wait. Nomura also promised to have more detailed information to offer at this year's TGS, so we do have that to look forward to.

Looking forward to it.

To be honest, I hope they add in some Pixar worlds. As long as it's not Cars, I'll be happy. 

I'm about... 20 hours into Persona 2. I'm liking it so far. Way better than P1, at least on the PSP. 

Almost done with ToGF, too. I'm not sure which RPG I'll hit up next. 

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Um, I started playing Game of Thrones.

The combat is like a not great version of Dragon Age, but it's more Xenoblades in that you can and are encouraged to set up certain attacks in a chain so that they do more damage or have better effects i.e. this attack causes bleeding and this attack does 1.2 damage but will do 1.8 damage to a bleeding opponent. You know, stuff like that.

I got to the second chapter where you takeover as the second protagonist.

The count for the phrase "game of thrones" is currently at three in the first chapter alone.

So apparently, in White Knight Chron. 2, you just retread the same locations and dungeons as in the first game? Thats the vibe I'm getting so far...
Thought about Class of Heroes. waiting for it to at least be $10. (Maybe $15)

Finally finished the 17th mission in Growlanser. Took about 6 tries. It basically turns into a race of who can cast spells first. (You also have to weigh the cost of quickly casting low level spells or building up for a giant one hit kill spell)

You definitely need to take out any healers too. You can't fight battles of attrition.

was playing fire emblem... thought the story was okay. kinda par for jrpgs.

there was a fairly significant event happening and i was still just like whatever.

then in the next map this music plays:


omg epic. this music is the best.

Has anyone played a recent rpg, and were very turned off by the music to the point where it almost ruins the game for you? This doesn't happen to me often nowadays, but some older rpg games had some pretty annoying music. I think the most recent rpg I played with poor music was Atelier Rorona.
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