If you can't slam with the best (aka RPG Thread XVIII), then jam with the rest!

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Either her paradigms are like dress spheres, or they have a lot of DLC planned:







I'd be cool with dress spheres.

Its been awhile since I played White Knight Chron. 1. I just spent most of the last two hours in the menu screen; skills, eqipment, settings, etc. I forgot how tedious this game can be.
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The dress spheres system was incredibly awesome even if the actual game attached to it was kind of terrible story-wise.

You're supposed to play X-2 for it's awesome soundtrack and battle system and then go back and play FFX for the infinitely superior sphere grid system, characters and soundtrack.

You're supposed to play X-2 for it's awesome soundtrack, dressphere system, minigames, cutscenes, Yuna-with-better-voice-acting, and battle system and then go back and play FFX for the superior soundtrack, fairly interesting sphere grid system, and sexy sexy Auron.
Sorry I thought Gravity Rush was an action RPG since you have to level up the character skills. All well, it's a good game.

Also, man Snow looks like a badass. Amazing how a black suit and longer hair(Yays no beanie) can do for a guy.

Anyone hoping for any specific RPG announcements at this year's E3?

Personally, I wanna know if the Dragon Quest VII 3DS port is coming to here.
I'm hoping to see Dragon Age III aside from the repetitive environments I loved II. Also we might see Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem and the Xenoblade sequel on Nintendo's end along with Mario & Luigi Dream Team which is usually a great series. I would love to finally see something on KH3 but it seems SquareEnix only wants to talk FF this year, they even have a specific presentation just for it.

Japan has an odd sense of street fashion.
Japanese street fashion is so unusual and fascinating, but I also have to wonder how much of it is just typical Nomura.
ehh, i think it's only harajuku that's unusual and fascinating. and maybe shibuya.

everyone else looks pretty damn normal, lol.

since i've been playing valkyria chronicles 3... apparently selvaria and alicia make guest appearances in a game called chaos heroes online... a game that plays like dota/lol. (i really hate the word MOBA.) apparently it's also nicknamed korean dota.

unfortunately the characters are only available on JP servers. oh well. i guess i'll just stick to dota and lol.

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I want more Xenoblade, Witcher, and Persona. I won't say no to more Elder Scrolls.

It's also barely a real SRPG, but I want more damned Pokemon Conquest too.

And Earthbound. Gimme my Earthbound already.

Gradually finishing IX, just got the airship which I think is the usual hint that I'm approaching a final dungeon. I liked Dagger's new haircut so I put her back in my party with Quina and Steiner. Stopped using Vivi because I honestly couldn't tolerate how slow his spells casts are. I feel like this game really isn't much more than a nostalgia grab, and the way this story is heading I don't think it'll change my opinion of that. 

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I want more Xenoblade, Witcher, and Persona. I won't say no to more Elder Scrolls.

It's also barely a real SRPG, but I want more damned Pokemon Conquest too.

And Earthbound. Gimme my Earthbound already.
I really wanted to like Pokemon Conquest but it was SO goddamn slow. If they make a sequel with a much improved turn system and interface I'm there.

Gradually finishing IX, just got the airship which I think is the usual hint that I'm approaching a final dungeon. I liked Dagger's new haircut so I put her back in my party with Quina and Steiner. Stopped using Vivi because I honestly couldn't tolerate how slow his spells casts are. I feel like this game really isn't much more than a nostalgia grab, and the way this story is heading I don't think it'll change my opinion of that.
it's never about whether a character in an RPG is overpowered or what not that determines whether they'll go into your party

it's purely because you like their haircut. lol

it's never about whether a character in an RPG is overpowered or what not that determines whether they'll go into your party

it's purely because you like their haircut. lol
Why not, right? Got to see how that short hair looks in battle.

At any rate, it's nice to know that I'm not the only person who has felt compelled to put certain characters in my active party (in any JRPG) for reasons that have fuck-all to do with pure gameplay. And overpowered characters suck all the fun out of things most times, anyway.
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aw mans... I made it to chapter 12 in Fire Emblem now and I got one of my characters killed...

RIP Longu :cry:

the only reason I brought him was to level him up so I could upgrade him to the next class.

then he got killed after I was able to push him to level 11 lol

Anyone hoping for any specific RPG announcements at this year's E3?

Personally, I wanna know if the Dragon Quest VII 3DS port is coming to here.
I want to see what song Bioware uses for the DA3 trailer. And if CD Projekt is doing anything, I wouldn't mind some details on Cyberpunk.

i really hate the word MOBA.
How do you feel about ARTS?

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it's never about whether a character in an RPG is overpowered or what not that determines whether they'll go into your party

it's purely because you like their haircut. lol
Why not, right? Got to see how that short hair looks in battle.

At any rate, it's nice to know that I'm not the only person who has felt compelled to put certain characters in my active party (in any JRPG) for reasons that have fuck-all to do with pure gameplay. And overpowered characters suck all the fun out of things most times, anyway.
usually i just pick the hot chicks to fill out my party.

"hot" is also relative. if they have a terrible attitude then they don't belong there.

i really hate the word MOBA.
How do you feel about ARTS?
when i think about it, i hate any other description besides "dota-like"

moba was coined by lol and i dislike riot's cult mentality

arts was used by valve but why not just called it dota

and then outside of lol and dota there aren't really any other good games anyway

At any rate, it's nice to know that I'm not the only person who has felt compelled to put certain characters in my active party (in any JRPG) for reasons that have fuck-all to do with pure gameplay. And overpowered characters suck all the fun out of things most times, anyway.

I almost always pick my party based on who looks cool, unless they are really terrible. Which I think is kind of the other end of the spectrum, if a character is totally terrible or just doesn't fit with other characters I like more than I'm not going to use them even if I think they look cool.

I tend to do both.

I usually try to stick to the formula of healer, tank, etc. but I'll pick the characters I like the most for my healer, tank, etc. even if they're not the best in that regard.

I'll swap if I actually like two characters enough that I want to change it up. Tales games are usually like that and it helps that your party makeup in those games doesn't really matter as long as you have a healer.

Otherwise, if I think I'm going to play through it again (Mass Effect, Dragon Age) I'll usually stick with the same people on one run and change it any subsequent playthrough. Especially if there is specific dialogue depending on your party like those games have.

Beat Tales of the Abyss (ps2) which was long as hell, but overall an enjoyable game. Luke was a bit lame with his emo-ness, but it got a bit better towards the middle of the game.

I popped in Super Mario 64 for old times sake. Got about 35 stars then got bored.

I then started .hack//infection. I heard so many good things about this series. I got about 3.5 hours into the game. I think I will be calling it quits. The premis is interesting, but I get the feeling this series is going to be nothing but 4 games of long arduous dugeon crawls. Any input on whether I am incorrect in that regard? Battle system is a bit meh also.

Also, looking to start the shin megami tensei series/franchise. I havent play any of them at all, so not sure where to even begin. Interested in all of the series, persona, digital devil saga, summoner ect. Can anyone point me in a starting direction?

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You hit it right on the head.

I think people lied it at the time because of the way it was MMOish or what have you.

I think I made it a couple hours into the second game before I just couldn't care anymore. They sell for quite a bit, particularly the last one. You should probably do that instead.

Quina is as awesome as FFX. Meaning, yeah, she is amazing. I think I primarily used Zidane, Garnet, Steiner and Vivi (Magic Sword is pretty damn good). I had a soft spot for Freya until I needed Garnet in my party.

Beat Tales of the Abyss (ps2) which was long as hell, but overall an enjoyable game. Luke was a bit lame with his emo-ness, but it got a bit better towards the middle of the game.

I popped in Super Mario 64 for old times sake. Got about 35 stars then got bored.

I then started .hack//infection. I heard so many good things about this series. I got about 3.5 hours into the game. I think I will be calling it quits. The premis is interesting, but I get the feeling this series is going to be nothing but 4 games of long arduous dugeon crawls. Any input on whether I am incorrect in that regard? Battle system is a bit meh also.

Also, looking to start the shin megami tensei series/franchise. I havent play any of them at all, so not sure where to even begin. Interested in all of the series, persona, digital devil saga, summoner ect. Can anyone point me in a starting direction?
I played the hell out of the first .Hack game because I really liked the premise. The second one was the exact same and I was instantly over it. From what I heard it hasn't changed much over the course of the series.

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Beat Tales of the Abyss (ps2) which was long as hell, but overall an enjoyable game. Luke was a bit lame with his emo-ness, but it got a bit better towards the middle of the game.

I popped in Super Mario 64 for old times sake. Got about 35 stars then got bored.

I then started .hack//infection. I heard so many good things about this series. I got about 3.5 hours into the game. I think I will be calling it quits. The premis is interesting, but I get the feeling this series is going to be nothing but 4 games of long arduous dugeon crawls. Any input on whether I am incorrect in that regard? Battle system is a bit meh also.

Also, looking to start the shin megami tensei series/franchise. I havent play any of them at all, so not sure where to even begin. Interested in all of the series, persona, digital devil saga, summoner ect. Can anyone point me in a starting direction?
Digital Devil Saga is a pretty good starting point to get into the series. Persona 3 is also a good starting point,but the story takes a while to get going in that one.

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I still need to play DDS. My first SMT game was Persona 3 FES.

I wish the AI in White Knight Chronicles for teammates was as programmable as Final Fantasy XII. Combat itself is similar, but my team's AI actions are just stupid. It makes battles longer than they should be. They almost never attack with whatever the enemy is weak against, and if they would just do that with some degree of consistincy I would enjoy the game more.
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Going back to the party member discussion temporarily: I try to use everyone and keep them all roughly at the same level, but I'll often swap characters in depending on their current ties to the plot (most recently did this in Abyss when tackling certain bosses/dungeons) or just because I like them. Oh, and gameplay reasons too, sometimes.

Whoever 5 star'd this thread needs to write an explanation why.
Hey, I for one don't mind! :lol:

Digital Devil Saga is a pretty good starting point to get into the series. Persona 3 is also a good starting point,but the story takes a while to get going in that one.
Seconding DDS as a good starting point. That was my own entry into the series, and I've been hooked ever since; my one disappointment was Nocturne, but it's older than DDS, has a grimmer tone, and is not as story-focused.
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I still need to play DDS. My first SMT game was Persona 3 FES.

I wish the AI in White Knight Chronicles for teammates was as programmable as Final Fantasy XII. Combat itself is similar, but my team's AI actions are just stupid. It makes battles longer than they should be. They almost never attack with whatever the enemy is weak against, and if they would just do that with some degree of consistincy I would enjoy the game more.
The AI in that game is ridiculous. They'll never use attacks that take up SP (or whatever it is in that game) either. So they'll stick to the most basic of attacks.

I set them up with combos and used the "Help Out" command which is like L1 and square/circle depending on the ally. That will make them use there strongest attacks which would end up being those combos. You can really metagame this to get the most efficiency out of them, but the game isn't that hard that it's necessary that they're hitting weakpoints and stuff like that.

when i think about it, i hate any other description besides "dota-like"

moba was coined by lol and i dislike riot's cult mentality

arts was used by valve but why not just called it dota

and then outside of lol and dota there aren't really any other good games anyway
I heard sum ppl call those games LOMAs

it stands for Lords Management

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