Supposedly all of the mystery games will unlock today (Friday), so we might see a HH today.Alright, another day, another group of names added to the list. I think maybe we might have a HH this weekend? We'll see.
Well, missed HH this time but will buy in next time. If $2.10 a bundle would be too high for you just post in this thread or PM and I will take you off the list. I have everybody who PMed me so far and the few guys who posted above on my list for the next HH.
Then I'm in anyway.Well, missed HH this time but will buy in next time. If $2.10 a bundle would be too high for you just post in this thread or PM and I will take you off the list. I have everybody who PMed me so far and the few guys who posted above on my list for the next HH.
At that price wouldn't it be better to err on the side of caution and presume they don't want it anymore until they confirm again?
Yep, I'm sending out PMs now asking people to pre-pay if they are still interested.Well, missed HH this time but will buy in next time. If $2.10 a bundle would be too high for you just post in this thread or PM and I will take you off the list. I have everybody who PMed me so far and the few guys who posted above on my list for the next HH.
At that price wouldn't it be better to err on the side of caution and presume they don't want it anymore until they confirm again?
What will be the final price? I'm interested in two copies.I'm up. Got em. Sort out the difference later, but sending out pre-pays now.
^Thanks fox
What bundle had missing keys? I usually don't redeem these right away.
Chill dude... That's actually what I was planning on doing. But I wanted to be sure I had it to offer first.Give the man a break and just give the 40 cents as a tip. He is working his ass off for the forum and you guys are concerned with 40 cents... especially after getting more than a dozen games for the price of a cup of coffee. There is a limit to cheapness imho, especially if dealing with one of our own.
Let's be fair here...A cup of decent (or even subpar) coffee where I live actually cost more than the bundle. (Ridiculous when I think about it).Give the man a break and just give the 40 cents as a tip. He is working his ass off for the forum and you guys are concerned with 40 cents... especially after getting more than a dozen games for the price of a cup of coffee. There is a limit to cheapness imho, especially if dealing with one of our own.
I started to send this as a PM, but figured others might be curious about it too. I've gotten a bit confused about this whole HH this time, with like they seem to have tried to twist you around and make things more complicated for you.
Anyhow, was everyone that paid you $2.10 considered a "pre-pay" and eligible for the 40-cent discount?