iPhone and iPod Touch Games on Sale

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21 (100%)
Apple iPhone & iPod Touch games in the App store are constantly going on sale. While I originally posted games and prices in this post, it's become almost impossible to keep up with it all. Feel free to post in this topic on good deals and games you enjoy. Developers are also encouraged to join in, especially if they are running promos or sales.

If you want to check out a particular game, try the following review sites, or ask in here so fellow CAG's can assist you.

App Review & Price Drop Sites

Important Notes:

  1. Make sure to check for periodic updates either in iTunes or on your iPod\iPhone. For each release of new firmware, theres is usually a bunch of games updated right afterward.
  2. Some applications also go on sale by their authors when they reach 1 million download and similar milestones.
  3. Apps often have specials the day before, during, and after holidays, regardless if said game/app is related to the holiday.
  4. Newly released apps will often have a % or dollar amount off for a limited period of time to gain a large following quicker. While browsing the app store you can go to a particular type or genre and order according to release date. This can make finding new app discounts faster.
  5. Make sure to backup your purchases in iTunes to CD/DVD for safe keeping. You can do this by clicking File-->Library-->Backup to Disc. Then choose all purchases, applications only, and full or incremental backup. How often is up to you, but I do this monthly, or more often if I buy alot of apps.
  6. Apps can be redownloaded without incurring an extra charge if you previously purchased it. This is good if you have a crash and forget to backup your purchases. I don't know if this is a pernament feature so backing up regularly is still important.
  7. I strongly advise not to buy iTunes Gift Cards by 3rd parties unless you know they can be trusted. Retail stores, receiving cards as gifts, etc are the best ways. There are many credit card scams, stolen cards, hacked cards going around, especially on Ebay.
  8. If you are the victim of a iTunes Card scam or get your account locked due to one not all hope is lost. Apple has been fairly lenient on these issues. Call Apple directly at 1-800-MY-APPLE, or check the iTunes Store support site at http://www.apple.com/support/itunes/store. Also going to your local Apple Store to discuss it can help. The account locking is an automated process and can be reversed. This can take time so be cautious if you use gift cards from 3rd party sources.
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[quote name='bordjon']well damn now I wanna try out word ace - I've been too busy with tower defense games to bother with anything else - but with all this huffing and puffing going on I'm gonna try it out tomorrow if I get a chance.[/QUOTE]

Well, Word Ace is completely free, so I hope there's nothing standing in the way of you checking it out. The $0 version is the *entire* game. If you get the $1 "Pro" version, all it gives you is:

* A shiny gold icon
* 12K extra chips
* The ability to buy stuff via in-App purchase (currently just chip packs, but more stuff is on its way in an update, including "donation" purchases, which don't get you extra chips, but just give you a 30-day icon by your name indicating you're supporting the game).

The idea was pretty simple - we tried a lot of pricing schemes with Taxiball, our previous game, and it was really, really difficult, and often very stressful. So you can have ALL of Word Ace for free. WAP exists because Apple mandates that it has to (In-App purchase apps *cannot* be free), but otherwise, its' simple - if you like the game, buy it. If you don't like the game, don't - but you can have the whole thing, forever, for free.

So, yeah - if you get a chance, give it a shot!
Not to go against the grain, but I really wasn't too into Word Ace. It's got far too much poker and not enough Scrabble for my taste. Definitely a neat concept and worth the free download, but it's not the universal must-have that a reader to this thread might think it is.
There is no such thing as a "universal must-have". There is, perhaps, a "universal must-try", though, and given that many like it and it's free, WA may be one.
I'm not sure if it's been posted but MagicFighter is free right now and it's a pretty entertaining game at least for a little bit.
[quote name='crunchewy']There is no such thing as a "universal must-have". There is, perhaps, a "universal must-try", though, and given that many like it and it's free, WA may be one.[/QUOTE]

That's all we can ask, and all we can hope for. :) Individual tastes will vary, and it's completely understandable that not everyone will like it - we just hope you'll give it a shot. (and if you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to let us know - but rather than clutter this thread, feel free to drop us a line on http://www.selfawaregames.com/blog).

Ok - sorry for cluttering up the thread. Will shut up re: Word Ace, now. :)
Word Ace was WAY too slow for me. You could play a good game of Boggle, boot up the anagram program, and make a sandwich in the time it takes to just run one hand of Word Ace.
Not a game, and it's not even on sale but I have to mention Print n Share. I downloaded it yesterday and love it. It allows you to print emails, pics, web pages, documents, etc. and does many other things. Of course you have to have a printer on your network but those that do will probably love this app. The only downside is price, $7. This is an app/feature that should be built into the iPhone, IMO.

Also while browsing for print apps I stumbled onto GoPostal. It's a free app that allows you to send postcards of any photo in your library for $1.29(which includes postage). Cheaper than buying a postcard and the $.4x stamp, plus it's personalized. I haven't tried it yet but reviews are very favorable.
AC-130 Spectre: iSniper from above! is .99 right now. I haven't played it, but I've heard good things about it. I've read that it is like the AC-130 level from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. It looks pretty good. I'm debating about picking it up, but I've got a bunch of games I've D.L.ed lately that I haven't played much yet.


If you are into music creation apps, 3 of the Zooz series apps are currently free. There isn't much to them and I really didn't care for them, but someone may like them. Basically you pick a background beat and while the beat if going, you then pick an instument. You then either shake the phone/touch or tap the line to add a sound from the instrument. The third option is to turn the phone/touch sideways and tap that way. The benefit to turning sideways is that you can control the note played from the instrument. Just shaking or tapping seems to create a random sound. At least, it did for me. Once you create a song, you can upload it to a site and share with others. All in all, it's fairly basic and for someone that is actually creative and patient, they may make a decent time waster.

http://appshopper.com/music/zoozbeat-rock (this is actually the lite version to: http://appshopper.com/music/zoozbeat which is currently .99)
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Just an FYI, feel free to post great non-gaming apps that are on sale guys! There's been many high quality apps posted here like 8Bitone and Photogene that I would have missed had they not been posted here. I use both of those way more than any gaming app too.
[quote name='Jswanko']Heads up: Dexter is $3.99. Page says "limited time"[/QUOTE]

Thanks! I've been waiting for a drop.

Not a sale (it's only .99 anyway), but Cartoon Wars is a lot of fun. I tried the demo and quickly purchased it afterwards.
[quote name='roland13x']Hey guys, sorta off-topic here, but I need to make the decision on which iPhone social network to integrate in our new game...if you have a second, could you check out the poll I posted? As always, I look to the CAG community for feedback. Many thanks!


I'm opposed to Plus+ just because it's an annoying name. "Plus Plus"? I don't know why, but that just bugs me. :) Having said that, it actually looks a bit slicker then Open Feint, though Open Feint is fine. I wish Apple would make an official one, or buy one of these and make it the official one. Having multiple such networks is a nuisance. Oh, also, whichever one adds friend online-status/what-game-they're-playing notification first wins.
How is Dexter & Haunted Rollercoaster 3D?

I' ve never seen the show Dexter, but the game looks like great fun, and I played a demo to a 3D rollercoaster game and it was pretty fun..just wondering if the full game delivers
Star Walk is on sale for $2.99. It's a sargazing app that sports an AR function if you have a 3GS.

Also, Pipe Mania is $1.99 right now.
Haunted Roller coaster rush is good. If you have played the others and enjoyed them you should like this one as well. It's a bit more challenging than the other two which I like. So I recommend it.

Haven't played Dexter. Sorry.
[quote name='Hostile']Is there any state that doesn't get charged tax when you buy apps?[/QUOTE]

Probably Oregon. It's been a few years since I lived there but they didn't have sales tax then.
[quote name='Hostile']Is there any state that doesn't get charged tax when you buy apps?[/QUOTE]

You get charged tax for buying apps? I haven't noticed in Little Rhody.
I Dig It is still $1. It is a clone of Motherload, the flash game. You dig in a side-scrolling dig-dug style plane down and collect minerals and treasures. Bring them back and sell for upgrades letting you dig deeper. Campaign mode, several minigame modes, freeplay mode. For a dollar, there's a lot of gameplay here. A spectacular deal.

Problems with the game? It can get a bit repetitive if you don't get thrilled by the exploration and collection. If you get lax at all, a 2 hour on and off campaign run over the course of a week can come to a crashing end if you run out of gas before you make it back to the surface or you fly up too fast and hit the ceilings enough to wreck your craft. You often see treasure above you that you'll have to go back up to a higher plane and sink another shaft to get, and you can even dig yourself out of ever being able to get some treasure, but most of it is filler junk anyway.

Still, I love it.
With the new update Alive 4-Ever is even more badass than before. If you don't already have it, you need to pick it up. It is like minigore and idracula but brings missions/upgrades/etc to the table as well. Love it.
[quote name='tenchim86']You get charged tax for buying apps? I haven't noticed in Little Rhody.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I do. I can't find a way to change my personal address to avoid tax so I assume they get my address from my billing information. I'll try to switch it to Paypal...
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']Dr. Awesome is now free. the OG version is not, but the one with the plus symbol is.[/QUOTE]

HNNNNNNRRRRRGH. I paid for that.

Aw well, I'm out ONE DOLLAR. Good game though.
Tap Tap 3 is pretty darn good if I must say so. About time they got some Fall Out Boy in these games; and the customizable avatar system is a nice little bonus
A non-gaming emergency app, Rescue Me (no relation), is now free.

If you're ever in a tight spot or emergency just press "Rescue Me!" and this application will send your location to your Twitter followers, and Facebook friends, and any email accounts you set. It will come in the form of longitude and latitude coordinates, a Google Maps link, and a help message (which you can set) to ensure you can be found. The online society and your friends can take care of you. RescueMe can be a lifesaving tool. If you have an iPhone with OS 3.0+, or iPhone 3GS, RescueMe utilizes the GPS chip to give fantastic accuracy. If you have an iPhone with no GPS capabilities, our app uses cell tower ID information to provide you with your approximate location, helping you determine where you are, what's around you, and how to get there to help you.
Kids can send help messages to mom, aging parents can alarm their children, and lost moms can send their positions and RescueMe messages to their husbands whenever they are lost. No more "I do not know exactly where I am now" answer. At the same time the Internet community can take care of you in emergency.
i have an iphone 3g. which camera app is the best? anyone tried pro camera, snapture and best camera? i'm using photogene and colorsplash but i want something that will make my camera take better shots even with shaky hands.
Just adopt the lomo attitude and allow yourself to take shots that just capture the moment however it turns out.

Personally, I use photogene on damn near every picture I take. After that, I use mill colour for color adjustment, coolfx for grain and diffusion, and focallab for focal effects an resizing (focallab's resizing options are as superior as its focal abilities).

I did pick up camerabag because of all the good things I've heard and honestly, I prefer running my pics through the apps I've listed.

If you just want to take pics and apply some cool effects and you aren't too Photoshop savvy, camerabag, photofx and mill colour are you best bets.

Also, CameraBag happens to be on sale for $.99 right now, and mill colour is free.
PM me if you have more Qs or want to see my posterous.
[quote name='Illini Jeeper']I have a feeling that will be abused like hell by drunk people.[/QUOTE]
Some one should make an "I'm to drunk to drive but need more booze" emergency app. I'd buy that for a dollar.
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