Is it just me or Infamous repetitive and overrated?


22 (100%)
Side missions are nearly all the same, just a different coating of paint "different scenario..." etc.

Worst mission repeat has to be by far the eliminating surveillance cameras.

Collecting the dead drops are really not fun, they provide nearly the same exact story each time.

Nearly the first half of the game is plagued with the same repeating enemies, over and over.

So much screen tearing when there are many enemies.
Graphics are jaggy as hell. Looks decent at times, but its surely no technical marvel.

Every mission even main missions have you killing the enemy over and over again...rinse and repeat.

Only one bossfight during my playtime, and that was that creepy woman. Even that wasn't that great...

So many problems with this game...why do so many people praise it to high hell? I am severely dissapointed.
I am going to probably get a lot of hate but , YES it is very overated and repetitive.
By no means is it a bad game, it just can get a little repetitive :D
I enjoyed it quite a bit. It is one of the best exclusive PS3 games I've played.
I personally enjoyed every second of it and wouldn't change anything about it. Too bad you aren't enjoying it, as there is so much about the game that was done right. Just the freedom alone and the feeling that you are actually a super-hero of sorts made it worth playing non-stop for me.
I, for one, enjoyed Prototype a lot more than Infamous (although I had a blast with both of them, and will certainly be picking up the sequels ASAP).
[quote name='iKilledChewbacca']I am going to probably get a lot of hate but , YES it is very overated and repetitive.
By no means is it a bad game, it just can get a little repetitive :D[/QUOTE]

Nope, I'm with you. inFAMOUS can be a very fun game (great powers and ways to use them) but it does get boring. I'm not too interested in inFAMOUS 2 at the moment.
[quote name='Goemar']All open-world games are like this really.[/QUOTE]

That's what I was thinking. I still haven't played Infamous yet, but just thinking about all the open-world games Ive played, and they all seemed somewhat repetitive at times.
I agree it was beyond repetitive and boring after a while. Initially it had me hooked and was amazing to me... and then I redid everything on mission 2...
It's the only game I've ever cared enough to get a Platinum trophy for, so suffice to say I rather enjoyed it. It's more fun if you play it on Hard, since enemies can actually kill you and it requires a little more thoughtfulness in your attacks.
[quote name='wuLFe']I, for one, enjoyed Prototype a lot more than Infamous (although I had a blast with both of them, and will certainly be picking up the sequels ASAP).[/QUOTE]
Amen! I loved Prototype so much more. Although Imfamous was much more structured. I actually just finished playing Infamous recently. Great story and an even better ending.(Never saw that one coming) But Imfamous was a game that I could not continue to play continuously to see what happens next. Now Prototype on the other hand, I started playing 2 am and unwillingly turned the game off at 7 am. It was just that much more fun and that good!
Halo 1-3 and gears of war 1-2 are fucking repetitive, boring and uninteresting, but still folks love em.
I loved this game. I actually played through it twice and I very rarely do that with any game. As far as it vs Prototype goes, I personally thought it was way better than Prototype for a few reasons (story, half-assed last boss, etc).
I agree. Infamous, while fun at first, became VERY repetitive and the story was quite boring. I finished the first act and part of the second and traded it. *Yawn*
I loved this game, the combat was great and although some of the missions were repetitive, I still had a blast playing it. So I would say it's just you.
This game was never overrated .. and if it is.. whose overrating it?! I was able to finish the game and I never got bored with it. I also liked the story too; the story kept me playing. But what really kept me playing the game is the combat... I really really enjoyed the combat. The only thing about the game I didn't like is that I felt like it should be easier to find that last shard... I got one left and I can't fuckin find it!
I'm with ya. As a whole, it's a fun game but the missions do repeat and get tedious by the end of the 2nd island. What kept me going as far as I did was the art direction and pacing of your characters evolution; which, imo, helped counteract the monotony in the sense of 'yeah, I'm following the same instructions, but I can do it a little different this time around'. Give me a 6 hour game that's a blast to play and replay over a 12 hour game that rehashes missions any day of the week.

And good point.. the shards.. there's so many to collect, there should have been a way to check them off in game or otherwise. (See Burnout Paradise's map uploading feature... God I love that game.. top 5 of all time based on how they supported after the sale)
Such is the downfall of open world games

I loved Infamous right up to the end, but I really had to force myself to get through the last few hours of Prototype. Though, that's probably because I had already played Prototype back when it starred The Hulk :roll:
its a good game your first play through but when you go in for the second ( either good or bad) and then try and collect/ accomplish things the game drags like a mofo. some of the stunts were damn near impossible to pull off and even with the radar finding shards was a chore.
I played Infamous and got to the first boss and never looked back. It was not fun at all for me, which sucks becasue it looked so promising! But on the other hand Prototype was one amazing game.
[quote name='emokid9963']I played Infamous and got to the first boss and never looked back. It was not fun at all for me, which sucks becasue it looked so promising! But on the other hand Prototype was one amazing game.[/QUOTE]

See, I thought Infamous became a better game after the first major boss. I felt it really started to open up and get more creative. Is it repetitive? Sort of, but hardly in a deal breaking kind of way. What really kills most open-world games to me is getting around, and that was the same for Infamous. Really, until late in the game, getting around takes so much time it's annoying in such a big city. I wish more games would look to fixing this.
EVERY OPEN WORLD GAME GETS REPETITIVE! RED DEAD/GTA anything. name me one that doesn't and let you do new things everytime. Yea so you can kill random civilians in thousands of ways but once you get over that then what?
I enjoyed the combat quite a bit, but I can see where you're coming from. I pretty much avoided doing side missions altogether due to repetitiveness and just powered through the main story.
Game is repetitive hell. And the main character has the personality of a blank piece of paper. Played 'til about 30%, and traded it while it still had some value around the trading board.
I agree with you.

[quote name='gomikeoh']Side missions are nearly all the same, just a different coating of paint "different scenario..." etc.

Worst mission repeat has to be by far the eliminating surveillance cameras.

Collecting the dead drops are really not fun, they provide nearly the same exact story each time.

Nearly the first half of the game is plagued with the same repeating enemies, over and over.

So much screen tearing when there are many enemies.
Graphics are jaggy as hell. Looks decent at times, but its surely no technical marvel.

Every mission even main missions have you killing the enemy over and over again...rinse and repeat.

Only one bossfight during my playtime, and that was that creepy woman. Even that wasn't that great...

So many problems with this game...why do so many people praise it to high hell? I am severely dissapointed.[/QUOTE]
I thought infamous was pretty boring as well and have no desire to play the second one. The only thing I thought was "remotely" interesting is that you could have a good or evil character. What made it stupid was one little choice pushed to a complete end of the spectrum instead of a slow progression to evil/good.

So yea, they fukked that up to
I think the whole repetitiveness of open world games comes down to how long those games usually are. Infamous is definitely not as repetitive as GTA4, and the story doesn't COMPLETELY fall on its' face. Both of these games have a similar length story wise (20-30 hours), so they have a hard time keeping your attention.
Why am I one of the few people that think this game is hard, since you lose life by using your powers...and then have to recharge...
[quote name='KingBroly']I think the whole repetitiveness of open world games comes down to how long those games usually are. Infamous is definitely not as repetitive as GTA4, and the story doesn't COMPLETELY fall on its' face. Both of these games have a similar length story wise (20-30 hours), so they have a hard time keeping your attention.[/QUOTE]

gta4 wasnt so much repetitive as it was boring as shit.
I played the demo and thought the game sucked. The moves your guy has were pretty limited, the enemies sucked, and i got bored after 5 minutes. However i put about 500 hours into gta 4 and it was not boring as shit when i proceed to light tire on dead online opponents faces. I played the game online so much my ps3 broke in less than a year and a half. Infamous was boring after 5 minutes and it doesn't even have online play.
I havent played RDR but I did like it more than any open world game since GTA: Vice City. Perhaps you platinuming it had something to do with your finding it repetitive?

I have found that persuing platinums can sometimes kill what would have been a decent game, this being particularly true for open world games. If you don't platinum InFamous, you can ignore most of the dead drops, a large portion of the blast shards, you only need one playthrough, you dont have to complete all the side missions and can avoid the particularly annoying ones you mentioned. Red Faction is another game that comes to mind where going for platinum will ruin the experience.

I wouldn't call the game perfect, and given its limited accolades I wouldnt call it over-rated, but I do think it was one of the better games of last year.
[quote name='B-EZMX3200']EVERY OPEN WORLD GAME GETS REPETITIVE! RED DEAD/GTA anything. name me one that doesn't and let you do new things everytime. Yea so you can kill random civilians in thousands of ways but once you get over that then what?[/QUOTE]

I agree with this sentiment. I've played GTA4, Godfather II, The Saboteur, Assassin's Creed, and RDR and all of these games have the same issue as inFamous: after a while, they started to get repetitive. Sure there is a variety of how you go about your mission but ultimately, it's the same basic premise.

But I enjoyed all of these games (some more than others). I really liked inFamous though... it started out really slow but some of the later powers were fun as hell (sniping and especially gliding).
I played this almost immediately after Prototype, so I got bored of inFamous pretty quickly. I think I got to the third area and stopped. It did get pretty repetitive. I think Saints Row 2 was the only open world game I played all the way through, just cause it was whacky.
It's just you. inFAMOUS is one of the best PS3 exclusives and has a fantastic story that everyone should experience to the end. Srsly the story is mind blowing.
[quote name='wuLFe']I, for one, enjoyed Prototype a lot more than Infamous (although I had a blast with both of them, and will certainly be picking up the sequels ASAP).[/QUOTE]

I had both and I played through Prototype while I couldn't even be bothered to play past the first 3-4 missions in inFamous. Thankfully for me I got it for like $20-ish when it was still $30-35 used everywhere else(Thank you GoHastings 30% off sale).

[quote name='KrebStar']Such is the downfall of open world games

I loved Infamous right up to the end, but I really had to force myself to get through the last few hours of Prototype. Though, that's probably because I had already played Prototype back when it starred The Hulk :roll:[/QUOTE]
:lol::lol: I'm glad I wasn't the only one who got the feeling that the developer simply took Hulk: Ultimate Destruction and reskinned it for Prototype. But both games were more fun than the much more structured inFamous was.
Sandbox games are always, and will always be, repetitive. Red Faction, Prototype, inFamous, Grand Theft # and Red Dead are all repetitive in nature.

Complaining about their repetitiveness is like buying an MMORPG and complaining about it being a time-sink.
it's very glitchy. and I hate how he switches hands during combat. bad idea to have view and switch hands on the same button. I also don't get some of the things that happen during the game. I played it first as good then I accidentally grabbed the raysphere instead of destroying it and it turned him evil instantly so I finished the game as evil. then I played it again as evil and at that moment I destroyed the raysphere and he stayed evil instead of turning good.
[quote name='buffdrew84']i played the first 2 hrs and traded it for mgs4, havent had buyers remorse since. infamous = over rated[/QUOTE]

While comparing two exclusives, you are comparing two entirely different things. I enjoyed both, however one was a movie with some action sequences (game play) and the other was non-stop blowing up things. It depends on your mindset.

Actually, I thought MGS4 was given far too much praise as a "game". While I agree MGS4 was very good, I felt like I spent far more time watching movies than playing the game.

The side missions in Infamous did get repetitive, but you did not need to do them to finish the game.
I liked it, not my favorite openworld game though. I haven't played much of Prototype, but I find it more fun to just fuck around in because of your powers. Infamous there really isn't much to do, especially when enemies become extinct. Riding on the wires is fun but they're not that close. The thruster power sucks.
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