It was bound to happen: GameStop not able to fill all PS3 pre-orders

I called the mgr back today, and he said that I should be cool, and that this GS is indeed going by the order in which the pre-order was placed. I'm #4, so I should be cool. I was trying to pick up another, but everyone is unsure of their numbers around here.

There's a Wal-mart in the middle of frickin nowhere though, that has a line. The busy wal-marts here have no line, but that one does.
For those of you who have not received a call, you're supposed to get one whether or not you're getting a system.

They have two scripts, one for people who get a PS3, and one for people who won't (which pushes that 19.99 game thing).

If you don't get a call form your local store, then the manager is douching with you.
I just called.. they said they were getting EIGHT 60gb ps3's.

I'm number 9 in line..

So I'm guaranteed one next month for sure. Unless Sony or stop fuck up bad enough that I don't get one.
[quote name='guinaevere']Thank you for some sanity.

EBGS did pre-orders according to the numbers Sony told them the would have. The pre-orders that everyone was whining about taking so long to happen finally happened when EBGS was assured the numbers they had been given were accurate, and they would not be setting themselves up and wind up disappointing their customer base.

Guess who cut their numbers because they realized they didn't have enough? hint: It's a four-letter japanese name.[/QUOTE]

The lesson EB / GS should learn is that they just shouldn't do pre-orders for big systems. Whether it's Sony's fault of EB / GS's fault or whoever this is the second time now this has come back to bite them in the ass.

People will line up at the store on launch day whether you have pre-orders or not, so I don't see WHY they feel they need to hype up a PS3 pre-order when it only makes them look stupid when they can't deliver.

You think they would have learned after the Xbox 360 scenario and just done first come first served on launch day, but apparently not.

It seems that within the last year Gamestop / EB is getting a really shitty reputation for preordering... they screwed up the Xbox 360 preorder, they got Gears of War in late (the big 360 title of the year) and now the PS3 problems.

I wonder how many casual people who don't really go to EB but have for these big three events just won't shop there anymore since they will perceive it as stupid to preorder since EB / GS don't get in the items anyways.

All of these "mistakes", whether it's EB / GS's fault or not, is why I don't preorder at the store... I don't want my money tied up in a product that I'll get later than everyone else.
Looks like I won't be getting one on Friday, since I'm #11 or 12. Still haven't gotten a call, but no big deal. Wasn't planning on selling it anyway.
[quote name='mykevermin']Looks like I won't be getting one on Friday, since I'm #11 or 12. Still haven't gotten a call, but no big deal. Wasn't planning on selling it anyway.[/quote]

I decided to call and they said they are only getting 6...and im 8th. This was a 16 preorders store too :cry:
[quote name='guinaevere']The original numbers were 400k worldwide, 100k for Japan, 300K for US and prolly Canada and one other country. Japans allotment went down to 80k, and speaking with a Sony rep last week, the US numbers were cut to 250K, with two other country launches being canceled (wish I could remember the two other countries).[/QUOTE]
So you're saying all the reports from 2 months ago about 400,000 are wrong? I'd be inclined to believe every news outlet in the world over your convo with a Sony rep, no offense. Japan sold over 88,000 by the way, so it was more than the 80k you said, but possibly less than 100,000.

[quote name='Curly21029']Oh, and there have been reports of swapping the PS3 hard drive....although I'm unsure of how easily this is done. In any case it HAS been accomplished. (and if a 267MB gamesave for Tony Hawk's Project 8 is any indication we'll all be upgrading our 60GB hard drives soon enough)[/QUOTE]
You heard this where? The 360 version of Project 8 requires 2 meg. So you're saying the PS3 version's save file -- which I hear will not have online multiplayer (according to the latest EGM) -- will take up 100x more space? Does that even remotely make sense to you?
[quote name='ViolentLee']So you're saying all the reports from 2 months ago about 400,000 are wrong? I'd be inclined to believe every news outlet in the world over your convo with a Sony rep, no offense. Japan sold over 88,000 by the way, so it was more than the 80k you said, but possibly less than 100,000.

You heard this where? The 360 version of Project 8 requires 2 meg. So you're saying the PS3 version's save file -- which I hear will not have online multiplayer (according to the latest EGM) -- will take up 100x more space? Does that even remotely make sense to you?[/quote]Well, Sony did officially cut the allotment to Japan to 80k, so they managed to get a few more out there than they expected.

Perhaps the Project 8 "save file" is actually more like the 500MB Genji cache dump?
[quote name='Michaellvortega']If you aren't getting one they WONT call you but if you are then they call to make a appointment to pick it up. That's what my gamestop told me :roll: Bitches[/quote]

That makes no sense, they should call the people not getting one so they don't go to the store on the 17th and find out they aren't getting a system. Talk about a bad situation to put yourself in.
Well I called to see if I was getting mine, I just told him I was the guy who ordered the 20GB and he said I was definetly getting mine even though I was the last person to get a preorder. Good thing I went for the 20 :).

not bad for only having to wait 2-3 hours in line.
I think instead of employees being forced to give up their systems gamestop should stop selling the stupid fucking bundles and give those units to consumers.

Seriously though, if I worked at a gamestop and they told me I had to give up my PS3 preorder id quite. The fucking job only pays minumn wage in most places anyways and only gives them like 20 hours a week. Most of them probally only make around $500 a month working can freaking sell the system for like $2k on ebay right now...thats 4 months pay.
[quote name='lordxixor101']Well, your right partially. If you are an excellent customer, you aren't just losing your PS3, they are losing a customer (taking your business elsewhere usually means your not coming back period, not just for the PS3). So, yeah, they will sell their PS3 no problem, but what happens to the thousands of dollars over your life you spend there that Gamestop no longer has. If they do that enough times, it will hurt them.[/QUOTE]

Trust me, your average EB/GS manager isn't that concerned with return business. Their standards have slipped more and more over the years. (the game has become more about low salaries and less about quality performance)

As far as selling a PS3 there's no problem, that's true. However, the company is all about attach rates because those are the products that you actually make money on. (games, accessories, warranties, etc.) If you're someone with a bunch of stuff ordered IN ADDITION TO the system, they won't want to let the sale go. The goal (for the 360 launch anyway) was to average 4.0 products to each console. When you have, say, double that number pre-ordered (8 products) they will most certainly want to make the sale. Chances are they won't find someone else willing to buy all that stuff so easily. The loophole is that you can always cancel a pre-order. So, if you just want the system, pre-order a bunch of stuff with it and just cancel all the extra items while your picking up the system. There's not a damn thing they can do at that point. They can't refuse the sale because you're entitled to it. They might be pissed, but you won't have to worry about another console launch for another five years or so and I can almost guarantee you that the entire staff will be turned over by then anyway.

All I want to do is make sure that those who deserve it get what's theirs and give any advantage that I can.
[quote name='Kaijufan']Where did you hear that? I find it a little hard to believe that a Tony Hawk game would need a save file that big.[/QUOTE]

I didn't hear it, I read it right off of the actual case. Almost all of the games are already in stock, they just aren't being sold yet.
[quote name='MSI Magus']I think instead of employees being forced to give up their systems gamestop should stop selling the stupid fucking bundles and give those units to consumers.

Seriously though, if I worked at a gamestop and they told me I had to give up my PS3 preorder id quite. The fucking job only pays minumn wage in most places anyways and only gives them like 20 hours a week. Most of them probally only make around $500 a month working can freaking sell the system for like $2k on ebay right now...thats 4 months pay.[/QUOTE]

1) GS hasn't sold ANY PS3 bundles.

2) Only employed persons should be allowed to criticize low wages; the willfully unemployed should keep their yaps out of it.
[quote name='ViolentLee']So you're saying all the reports from 2 months ago about 400,000 are wrong? I'd be inclined to believe every news outlet in the world over your convo with a Sony rep, no offense. Japan sold over 88,000 by the way, so it was more than the 80k you said, but possibly less than 100,000.

You heard this where? The 360 version of Project 8 requires 2 meg. So you're saying the PS3 version's save file -- which I hear will not have online multiplayer (according to the latest EGM) -- will take up 100x more space? Does that even remotely make sense to you?[/QUOTE]

Again, I didn't HEAR it. Read the box, kiddies. And it's a "requirement," not a maximum.
[quote name='mmercer13']My GS is getting 4 60GB and 2 20 GB, so I'm definitely getting my 20GB on Friday.[/QUOTE]

welcome to the "happy I preorded a 20gb" club.
[quote name='Curly21029']Again, I didn't HEAR it. Read the box, kiddies. And it's a "requirement," not a maximum.[/QUOTE]
I'm not near a retail store and won't make the trip just to check this out. Also couldn't find it online. I guess I'll just have to take your word for it unless proven otherwise. Maybe it's referring to RAM or something instead -- like a PC game box -- rather than the save file?
[quote name='Curly21029']Again, I didn't HEAR it. Read the box, kiddies. And it's a "requirement," not a maximum.[/quote]
Lets just wait for confirmation from Larry and Moe first guys
I dont feel sorry for anyone dumb enough to fall for it..people on this board always come with a 'we should be lucky' additude as there defense for why they preorder systems when we all know here your trapping your money or credit while everyone else is getting theres the hard and realistic way.
'or amazon'
I was 8th in line at my local GameStop and just called and confirmed that I'd be getting a system this Friday. The guy also said that Sony really cut their allotment (they were supposed to get 16) but didn't give specifics. They told me that they are opening an hour early (at 9AM) to allow those lucky few to pick them up. I'm definitely going to get there right at 9AM to avoid any potential "mistakes" which cause my PS3 to disappear prior to my arrival.

I was thinking about keeping it, but with auctions regularly going for $1,800+, I think I'm going to have a hard time not selling it on e-bay. I'll buy another one when the prices get down to the $400 level and they build up a decent game library.
I just called my GameStop, the manager said he didn't know how many they were getting and would be making some calls later and will call everyone in the next day or two... Things don't look good for me though, being number 16/16.
[quote name='l2thez']I just called my GameStop, the manager said he didn't know how many they were getting and would be making some calls later and will call everyone in the next day or two... Things don't look good for me though, being number 16/16.[/QUOTE]

yeah, but at least you'll get one before christmas.
[quote name='Zoglog']welcome to the "happy I preorded a 20gb" club.[/QUOTE]

Thank you. I just figured all of this shit would happen (the shortage and all) and that it might be better to order a 20GB when no one else was, plus I can live without the extras. I bought it for the games not all that other shit.
[quote name='mick16']
with auctions regularly going for $1,800+, I think I'm going to have a hard time not selling it on e-bay. I'll buy another one when the prices get down to the $400 level and they build up a decent game library.[/QUOTE]

my sentiments exactly. I dont see how anyone getting a system can realistically keep it to play when it means they are turning down $1000 from reselling it.
Went to my gamestop and they said that not only was I getting my 60gb, that they ditched the whole "Free-for-all" bullshit system they set up in favor for the order that they were taken (which I'm glad, since my gamestop seems to rarely follow other GS practices - for example, I got absolutely no call about the ps3, and no calls about my reserved games). So hurray, no need to camp out my GS like I had planned!
I just don't trust Ebay to sell mine. Personally, I haven't had any problems on there. I sold 3 360s on there last year, but you just never know when someone will try to be a huge pain in the ass and rip you off. Plus, why does everything these days have to be about making money??
LMAO, my EB has all Wii orders filled, but only 6 60GB & 1 20GB PS3s

Incidently, I was told by my manager that the whole "employies to wait till second shipment" statement was media corporate BS. "Encourage" is more or less translated to "ask you once non-chanlantly". Lucky for the people at out store, no employie preordered it at all.
[quote name='dracula']my sentiments exactly. I dont see how anyone getting a system can realistically keep it to play when it means they are turning down $1000 from reselling it.[/QUOTE]
About a month ago I would have agreed with you, but after the whole Gamestop doesn't have enough to cover pre-orders thing (and then getting a call from them yesterday saying my PS3 will be ready for pickup on Friday) I'm just grateful I'm getting one at all sometime this year which is why I'll be keeping mine.
[quote name='mmercer13']I just don't trust Ebay to sell mine. Personally, I haven't had any problems on there. I sold 3 360s on there last year, but you just never know when someone will try to be a huge pain in the ass and rip you off. Plus, why does everything these days have to be about making money??[/QUOTE]

Yep... lately as we're getting close to the holiday's I've noticed there are more and more problem buyers, so that was a big factor in leading me to not bother with grabbing one to sell.

Plus I can't camp because if I miss any more class I'm getting kicked out with an F, and my education is more important than some quick cash.
I havent gotten a call yet but i called my eb and the guy said theyre gonna do a first come first serve on friday. Hopefully they chnage that cause i would hate to camp out the store. I was 5th in line but i think 3 employees preordered so either wau it isnt looking good for me. :(
[quote name='Ricochet']Went to my gamestop and they said that not only was I getting my 60gb, that they ditched the whole "Free-for-all" bullshit system they set up in favor for the order that they were taken (which I'm glad, since my gamestop seems to rarely follow other GS practices - for example, I got absolutely no call about the ps3, and no calls about my reserved games). So hurray, no need to camp out my GS like I had planned![/QUOTE]

I still get the calls about reserved games but everything else, no.

I am extremely relieved that I will be getting one and no one in this area outside of walmart is receiving the system on launch day. they told me to come in at 8 am and i am so glad i wont have to camp out.
[quote name='dracula']my sentiments exactly. I dont see how anyone getting a system can realistically keep it to play when it means they are turning down $1000 from reselling it.[/QUOTE]
I plan to get one and keep it. It'll be 85% for review work, but I'm sure not selling it.

I'm sure this has been talked to death, but thinking about it, $600 isn't totally crazy. The Wi-Fi adaptor (included on 60GB PS3s) for 360 cost $100 alone, and the bigger hard drive and Blu Ray are worth the extra $100 at least. Plus online's free -- though I'm not convinced how good it'll be. I'll say what I said at E3 regarding PS3: I'm impressed by everything but the games.
I'm in for a 60GB, but my cousin's pre-order got cancelled by the district manager because we have the same last name. Even though we have different home addresses, phone numbers, credit cards, and bought ours each at different stores (EBgames and GameStop across the street from each other). At least he didn't have to wait in line, as he walked in and pre-ordered on the spot (3rd in line, too boot).
Still no call from GameStop for me. I called them and the lady said that since I was #3 in line I am fine (they are getting 6) but she wouldn't "confirm" it for me without the district manager. I shouldn't have to wonder whether I'm getting a system I already paid $300 for a month ago when I was #3 in line but here I am...
[quote name='javeryh']Still no call from GameStop for me. I called them and the lady said that since I was #3 in line I am fine (they are getting 6) but she wouldn't "confirm" it for me without the district manager. I shouldn't have to wonder whether I'm getting a system I already paid $300 for a month ago when I was #3 in line but here I am...[/QUOTE]

$300 shouldn't matter (if they do things by "the book"). Spot in line should.
I haven't heard from my Ebgames yet. My brother called and the manager said he got word that his store will be getting only enough to fill in the preorders. I'm still won't believe it until it's in my hands. Also, I too think that Ebaying it might be a huge hassle. I might decide to sell it on craigslist for a few hundred less than I would get on Ebay.
I got the call a couple days ago saying that I will get mine on Friday (6th in line), but one of my friends that preordered at the same store (15th in line) was called and they said he was pushed to the next shipment. Eb actually called me again yesterday to reconfirm that I was getting my system (wanted to tell me in person since they left a message the first time)
[quote name='bmarquardt']$300 shouldn't matter (if they do things by "the book"). Spot in line should.[/quote]

I'm fine with that - I put 1/2 down to take the sting out of it on Friday. The thing that worries me is that the phone was ringing the whole time I preordered and the lady was reserving systems for employees or friends or someone over the phone. They were getting 12 systems but only had 10 spots but by the time I left they said they only had 8 spots because of "other employees that the manager said I should hold systems for" and two people had to leave very pissed off. Now they are only getting 6 systems so if 4 still go to employees or whoever I won't get one because I was third in line. What a total mess.

In hind sight I guess I should have just given them the minimum.
Brother just talk to EBgames, they are now only getting 8 60GB and 2 20GB. I'm #8 but my brother was #9. Since my brother was the one the informed me of the preorder and told me the exact shop to go to, I can't bring myself to getting a PS3 60 GB and him not get one. So maybe I'll just settle for the 20GB and let him have the 60GB since all I want to do is sell it. I think it's the right thing to do.
After not hearing from my EB, I bit the bullet and called them this afternoon (Weds). They said I'm good to go and I should show up at 10am Friday to pick mine up. Sweet! They said they really didn't get cut back much at all (or maybe even not at all - it wasn't clear, I think the guy was being evasive because other customers were probably listening). They only had 8 to begin with anyway, so there was less to cut.

Also, the Wii launch is a midnight one - they are opening at 11 for people to pay off their systems, then they hand them out by number at midight. Cool... Mine is already all paid off (along with accessories and games) so I'll just show up around 11:45 or so. That's pretty cool because I can go home and get it set up and all ready for the kids in the AM - kind of like an early Christmas Day :D. However, my enthusiasm is dampened somewhat by the fact that I won't have component cables then - and the crappy composite ones probably won't even be long enough to reach my TV (I have a switcher for the component so that would have been easy).
Wow.. gamestop just called me and said I could pick up my preorder friday morning.

I called yesterday and they said I wouldn't be getting one.

I was number nine in line and they said yesterday and today that they have 8, I wonder why I'm one of the top 8 all of a sudden..?
[quote name='chaarlieee']Wow.. gamestop just called me and said I could pick up my preorder friday morning.

I called yesterday and they said I wouldn't be getting one.

I was number nine in line and they said yesterday and today that they have 8, I wonder why I'm one of the top 8 all of a sudden..?[/quote]Employee decided to avoid the risk of being fired and gave his up?
[quote name='botticus']Employee decided to avoid the risk of being fired and gave his up?[/QUOTE]

But the two gamestop employees that were in line with us, they came after me. I was 9, the two of them were somewhere from 11-14, and there were 15 total.

Maybe somebody ahead of me ordered a 20gig version or just backed out of the preorder? Either way, I'm not COMPLETELY convinced I'm getting one until I actually have it in my hands Friday morning. We'll see what happens.
bread's done