Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

You can basically friend any of our members, or any moderator, and you will be able to request to join the community under "Communities friends are in" tab, and a mod will approve your request.

You can also leave your PSN ID in the thread, saying you want to join, and we can invite you directly as well.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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Edit: also The Dead Texan- people like you are why I hate fighting Meis =_=
I love playing her. When I get rolling with her it's pretty special. A decent Sombra can end me with a hack, though. You know just how quick you die without your armor lock or Trump ice wall.

Some what I'm assuming are late game thoughts on Last Guardian:

The game gets more ambitious the more areas you clear. The presentation still takes my breath away at key moments. The lack of a UI gives it a true cinematic quality. Which is why I have no idea why the game keeps reminding you how to do basic shit with pop up tutorial messages. I'm 14 hours into the game, I know how to pick up a fucking barrel.

There are a lot of set pieces in the latter half. The frame rate really takes a dip when you combine Trico with lots of environment. I have no idea how they ever thought this would run on a PS3. It can barely run on a PS4.

Hoping to beat it tomorrow to avoid the second Redbox charge.

Accel World VS Sword Art Online: Millennium Twilight launches March 16 in Japan

Accel World vs. Sword Art Online Gets First Gameplay Videos, Over 30 Playable Characters

I'm honestly curious to seeing Silica and Scarlet Rain's interactions with each other in this game just because they share the same seiyuu Rina Hidaka.

Also, speaking of playing Overwatch together BlackRockWaifu and I have been playing Star Wars Battlefront together and have talked about whether other fellow CAGs own the game especially seeing as the Ultimate Edition was on sale during Black Friday for $20 perhaps some took advantage and bought it. The Rogue One: Scarif DLC came out yesterday and it's the best pack out of the 4 in my opinion (I'm not just saying this because Jyn is mai waifu also), so if anyone is interested in joining BlackRockWaifu created a FPS CAG Community on PS4 as well so you can join us and take down the Empire together!


My thoughts below on Final Fantasy XV. It's a bit long. Longer than my past ones anyways, including Tokyo Mirage Session.
Performance / Bugs

The game itself runs very well with very few framerate drops on a normal (launch) PS4. I've only encountered a couple drops in battles and the rare time when Lestellum had a drop to about 20-25 FPS for a short extended period once. The main culprit you'll see will be frame pacing issues that's mostly noticeable while driving if you're able to notice it and ghosting with certain things, such as looking at objects moving by through your car windshield. There are a few other places where I noticed ghosting in the game, but it wasn't particularly prevalent.

Bugs on the other hand aren't as common as I would have thought. My most frustrating bug I encountered was probably when I was in a dungeon called Castlemark at the end and I used the Warp-strike ability towards an enemy and I ended up outside of the dungeon somehow. You'll encounter other minor bugs that don't really have much of an impact on your play, such as when a side character drops in when I fast travel to some places occasionally and then once they appear, they say their business is done and leave. They're mostly harmless and I only encountered a couple through my entire time spent.


Simply put, the story is bad. It's not really that the concept is bad, but the way that they are presenting it to the player. Outside of your party members, barely anybody gets any real screen time to have their characters develop. This leads to a serious lack familiarity with characters which gives any emotional scenes nothing to stand on. On top of that, there is a serious lack of the characters doing any real digging to figure out basic questions of who, what, when, where and why to the things they encounter in their trip and don't have any information on. It's like the first three chapters are fine, but then it gets to a downward stairwell and then someone pushes them down a flight of stairs and it just keeps going down. That's not to say there is zero emotional investment as your party at the end conjure up some emotion, though I had no other investment outside of that.

Square has recently put out somewhat of a roadmap towards trying to fix this. From what I've read of it, I do not believe they will actually fix the story itself as I strongly believe that it needs a full rework to actually be good. It needs to almost double the story length for it to be serviceable, all with strong narrative towards side characters and world lore. What they'll be doing will just put some band-aids on an already badly told story and not really fixing it.

I also want to comment in case anybody calls me out for not mentioning this is no, I have not watched Kingsglaive or Brotherhood, nor do I plan to. You should not be required use other forms of media to understand the main story in something. I'm completely fine with other lore and side stories only being shown in other media, but it's an absolutely terrible idea for the main story to be beholden to that. It's bad design and should never be done. There is no excuse.


This is pretty much the main reason to play this game. From my experience, I see two styles which are Warping and Dodging. I believe they want you do use a combination of the two, but dodging is insanely overpowered. Outside of a few attack types, you can almost hold dodge down the entire game and just parry/counter everything to death. That would make for a boring time, but I had a friend who did that at level 20 for level 50 dungeons. There are times where both are insanely useful and it really depends on the enemy, which you'll figure out through first-hand experience.

The combat itself feels pretty good for the most part, but there are certain things that have some issues. When warp-striking to a moving enemy, sometimes you warp to where it was and don't actually hit the enemy at all despite your weapon visually hitting them. Other times an enemy will stumble in the middle of an attack and then you'll proceed to miss quite a few of your swings. Same when some enemies are in a vulnerable state and you're sitting there whiffing with your weapons even though the enemy in front of you isn't moving an inch.

The main character, Noctus has use of any weapon type in the game which are Swords, Greatswords, Spears, Daggers, Guns, Machinery, Shields and Magic. Technically there are two other types, but they're both very unique and not really worth explaining or spoiling them for you. Of the weapon types, I mainly stuck with the first four I listed. Swords and Daggers for me felt great and Spears were alright. Greatswords however, while good for things like Warping, are not particularly good for swinging beyond an initial upward/downward swing. The reason for this is that the weapon is insanely slow and the vast majority of enemies are not slower than your swing. Despite its limited use though, it's still very strong and great in certain situations. The main reason I enjoy Swords and Daggers are because Swords allow me to Airdance very easily (which is really awesome) and both allow me to attack and dodge quite easily while swinging them around.

The biggest issue of the combat system is probably as you've already guessed. The camera. It will hit objects and cause the camera to close in to your character very easily which makes battling in certain locations with objects a colossal pain. Especially since you can't manually move the camera when you're locked on to an enemy, which is insanely stupid. Besides that, you have issues fighting an enemy that is bigger than you or flies. When fighting those enemies, your camera will move downward to look up at the enemy and this causes you to not be able to see your surroundings anymore. Even with the camera set to 'far', you'll still have these issues unfortunately.

I also have some complaints on the targeting/lock-on system as well. I started with Wait mode on, but the tutorial really turned me off of it and I used Active mode for 99% of the game. Because of this, I'd have to hold down R1 to target an enemy and use R3 to permanently lock-on. However the R3 button is also the map button, which causes me to open up the world map when I'm trying to disengage the lock-on because I want to warp to an environment section to regain my MP/HP or so I can warp-strike back to the enemy for a short damage burst, also potentially breaking an appendage or knocking them over. Then on top of that if anything gets between you and your target, it often disengages your manual targeting or lock-on. This is extremely frustrating when it happens because selecting a certain body part in Active mode is a colossal pain in the ass. It's entirely possible that Wait Mode will fix these issues and I did use it for certain fights (When I was literally balls deep).
Magic I should also touch on briefly. Because of how little you gain when using weapons that drain elements from kills and how infrequently you actively seek out camp spots that have elemental nodes surrounding them, it makes Magic feel very scarce. This in turn causes me to almost never use it because of how annoying it is to actively try and gather it. Combine that with only being able to cast it like once every 30 seconds or so after cooldown, it just feels mostly useless. It should have been easier to obtain magic and probably downed the damage a little bit with some options to auto-craft certain pre-set types of magic to your specification if a Magic Flask was empty.
On top of magic, If you've played the demo then you'll know that Summons are also not particularly fun. It's great when it happens and they're super powerful, but you can only use them at completely random times. This makes them feel very bad and it would have been better if they allows you to cast on a whim with a long'ish set cooldown but made them considerably weaker. Having a choice to cast would also be nice as 98% of all my random summons are all Ramuh.
Despite all of this the bigger fights against extremely large enemies feel very epic and are quite fun. They are the highlight of the combat in the game and it's unfortunate that some are behind some of the higher Hunter class tiers. Any ones that aren't hidden behind higher Hunter class tiers, I definitely recommend seeking out as it's quite exhilarating fighting something that's like 25-50 times your height.

Finally, I do want to say that combat has pretty much no consequence in this game. If you die in normal mode, you can just use a phoenix down on yourself before you hit the game over screen. I didn't learn this until much later on in the game, but it's really the only reason to use phoenix down because your AI allies are dumb as shit and will go down very easily at times. I can't count the amount of times it's just me vs a group of enemies or one large enemy because they'd die off quickly. On top of all that, there are also plenty of actions that have considerable invincibility frames, such as using items to using ally abilities.

Side Content

If they would have done more for these side quests, they could have been really good. Instead we have a good premise on why we need to do things, but no actual narrative during or after each quest. This turns each quest into your typical kill and gather quest that you see in other games without having anything to engage you beyond that. Besides the large amount of quests, you also have 102 hunts that you can acquire depending on your hunter rank. Like quests, it has a basic premise up front, but nothing more than that except for one in particular. Plus hunts are locked behind ranks, so you can't take any one whenever you want which will really drag them out.

Chest gathering that you're used to in other RPGs and past Final Fantasy games is not really present here. Outside of story sections that are one-and-done areas, just about everything (maybe everything?) will respawn given enough time. This means that if you want another copy of a weapon you just found on the world map because a different party member also uses that weapon type, you can do back and get it again later. It really decreases the pressure to explore every nook and cranny that many feel they typically need to do to not miss anything. There is however one item, Oracle Coins, that are used as trade currency later in the game. Most will be found in the story and dungeons though, so it shouldn't be a huge issue.

Music & Sound

There's not a whole lot to say about this as it's fairly good as it's Final Fantasy. The music is quite good, but not all tracks are equal with a few just ending up as background noise you unconsciously stop noticing. The sound of the environment and enemies is really good here too and there are plenty of satisfying sounds in combat. Unfortunately I can't speak on how the English voice overs are as I did not use them, but you can find plenty of videos on YouTube that use the English dub. The Japanese dub sounded fine for the most part, but some of those restaurant owners didn't really match their voice in my opinion. It was more amusing than anything though.

Graphics and Design

The world is pretty great in both graphical fidelity and design. Unfortunately though the areas, while big, don't offer a whole lot of variety in terms of environments. On the other hand I particularly like the dungeon designs. They were all rather good outside of a couple. Why I thought they were good is because they were all very unique in design and accentuated their location very well and on top of that they never really overstayed their welcome. The couple I had issues with would be Castlemark with its stupid cube puzzle at the end and the post-game dungeon stuff which was essentially 8 or so dungeons identical to each other with bland cave-like graphics. Due to this I don't think I'll actually bother to finish them because they are stupidly long and extremely repetitive. Chapter 13 was also terribly designed as well, but it's one of the short term 'fixes' on their Roadmap.

Enemy design is also particularly good. Many of the same enemy types will be re-skins of their earlier versions, but there are quite a few of those that will have some significant visual changes to their actual design by adding new parts. This does help, but doesn't completely alleviate the feeling of fighting the same thing over and over.


The only other thing I really want to touch on is the translation. I have a fair understanding of spoken Japanese and almost exclusively use the original dub when I'm able. However I'm not a big fan of this translation at all. To me it feels like a Treehouse translation where they change the meaning of things for the English side of things because the Japanese isn't stereotypical American. Many things said are fine, but when you hear one thing that makes far more sense in Japanese and then read the English subs and it says something entirely different, you tend to be a bit turned off. If you don't understand what the Japanese voice overs say, then this will likely not be an issue for you like it was for me.

Closing Thoughts

Despite the god awful storytelling and the annoyances I sometimes have with the battle system, I did enjoy the gameplay quite a bit. Though sometimes I'd have to put it down for a little bit before I came back because the annoyances piled up at times for me. Airdancing is also absolutely great when you get to use it and there are some awesome boss battles. My favorite was probably using Airdance on the second to last boss fight despite the stupidly large health pool. Totally worth the 333 AP to obtain it. I do recommend giving the game a try at some point, even if you feel you have to wait to pick it up cheap. Just make sure to go in with relatively low expectations and you shouldn't have much of an issue.
It's also a decently easy platinum. I'm really close to getting it and I never go for platinum trophies and just let them happen if it happens. I may end up actually getting this one.
Also it looks like Amazon sent me a second set of Road Trip DLC. It contains useful stuff up until Chapter 3. Then it's pretty much all useless except for the part that gives you half off on all inn/trailers you rest in. Any regulars can have it, just PM or reply and I'll give it to whoever is first. The codes should work since they're different than what I was originally given anyways.

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My thoughts below on Final Fantasy XV. It's a bit long. Longer than my past ones anyways, including Tokyo Mirage Session.

Performance / Bugs

The game itself runs very well with very few framerate drops on a normal (launch) PS4. I've only encountered a couple drops in battles and the rare time when one of the larger towns had a drop to about 20-25 FPS for a short extended period. The main culprit you'll see will be frame pacing issues that's mostly noticeable while driving if you're able to notice it and ghosting with certain things, such as looking at objects moving by through your car windshield. There are a few other places where I noticed ghosting in the game, but it wasn't particularly prevalent.

Bugs on the other hand aren't as common as I would have thought. My most frustrating bug I encountered was probably when I was in a dungeon called Castlemark at the end and I used the Warp ability towards an enemy and I ended up outside of the dungeon somehow. You'll encounter other minor bugs that don't really have much of an impact on your play, such as when a side character drops in when I fast travel to some places occasionally and then once they appear, they say their business is done and leave. They're mostly harmless and I only encountered a couple through my entire time spent.


Simply put, the story is bad. It's not really that the concept is bad, but the way that they are presenting it to the player. Outside of your party members, barely anybody gets any real screen time to have their characters develop. This leads to a serious lack familiarity with characters which gives any emotional scenes nothing to stand on. On top of that, there is a serious lack of the characters doing any real digging to figure out basic questions of who, what, when, where and why to the things they encounter in their trip and don't have any information on. It's like the first three chapters are fine, but then it gets to a downward stairwell and then someone pushes them down a flight of stairs and it just keeps going down. That's not to say there is zero emotional investment as your party at the end conjure up some emotion, though I had no other investment outside of that.

Square has recently put out somewhat of a roadmap towards trying to fix this. From what I've read of it, I do not believe they will actually fix the story itself as I strongly believe that it needs a full rework to actually be good. It needs to almost double the story length for it to be serviceable, all with strong narrative towards side characters and world lore. What they'll be doing will just put some band-aids on an already badly told story and not really fixing it.

I also want to comment in case anybody calls me out for not mentioning this is no, I have not watched Kingsglaive or Brotherhood, nor do I plan to. You should not be required use other forms of media to understand the main story in something. I'm completely fine with other lore and side stories only being shown in other media, but it's an absolutely terrible idea for the main story to be beholden to that. It's bad design and should never be done. There is no excuse.


This is pretty much the main reason to play this game. From my experience, I see two styles which are Warping and Dodging. I believe they want you do use a combination of the two, but dodging is insanely overpowered. Outside of a few attack types, you can almost hold dodge down the entire game and just parry/counter everything to death. That would make for a boring time, but I had a friend who did that at level 20 for level 50 dungeons. There are times where both are insanely useful and it really depends on the enemy, which you'll figure out through first-hand experience.

The combat itself feels pretty good for the most part, but there are certain things that have some issues. When warping to a moving enemy, sometimes you warp to where it was and don't actually hit the enemy at all despite your weapon visually hitting them. Other times an enemy will stumble in the middle of an attack and then you'll proceed to miss quite a few of your swings. Same when some enemies are in a vulnerable state and you're sitting there whiffing with your weapons even though the enemy in front of you isn't moving an inch.

The main character, Noctus has use of any weapon type in the game which are Swords, Greatswords, Spears, Daggers, Guns, Machinery, Shields and Magic. Technically there are two other types, but they're both very unique and not really worth explaining or spoiling them for you. Of the weapon types, I mainly stuck with the first four I listed. Swords and Daggers for me felt great and Spears were alright. Greatswords however, while good for things like Warping, are not particularly good for swinging beyond an initial upward/downward swing. The reason for this is that the weapon is insanely slow and the vast majority of enemies are not slower than your swing. Despite its limited use though, it's still very strong and great in certain situations. The main reason I enjoy Swords and Daggers are because Swords allow me to Airdance very easily (which is really awesome) and both allow me to attack and dodge quite easily while swinging them around.

The biggest issue of the combat system is probably as you've already guessed. The camera. It will hit objects and cause the camera to close in to your character very easily which makes battling in certain locations with objects a colossal pain. Especially since you can't manually move the camera when you're locked on to an enemy, which is insanely stupid. Besides that, you have issues fighting an enemy that is bigger than you or flies. When fighting those enemies, your camera will move downward to look up at the enemy and this causes you to not be able to see your surroundings anymore. Even with the camera set to 'far', you'll still have these issues unfortunately.

I also have some complaints on the targeting/lock-on system as well. I started with Wait mode on, but the tutorial really turned me off of it and I used Active mode for 99% of the game. Because of this, I'd have to hold down R1 to target an enemy and use R3 to permanently lock-on. However the R3 button is also the map button, which causes me to open up the world map when I'm trying to disengage the lock-on because I want to warp to an environment section to regain my MP/HP or so I can warp back to the enemy for a short damage burst, also potentially breaking an appendage or knocking them over. Then on top of that if anything gets between you and your target, it often disengages your manual targeting or lock-on. This is extremely frustrating when it happens because selecting a certain body part in Active mode is a colossal pain in the ass. It's entirely possible that Wait Mode will fix these issues and I did use it for certain fights (When I was literally balls deep).

Magic I should also touch on briefly. Because of how little you gain when using weapons that drain elements from kills and how infrequently you actively seek out camp spots that have elemental nodes surrounding them, it makes Magic feel very scarce. This in turn causes me to almost never use it because of how annoying it is to actively try and gather it. Combine that with only being able to cast it like once every 30 seconds or so after cooldown, it just feels mostly useless. It should have been easier to obtain magic and probably downed the damage a little bit with some options to auto-craft certain pre-set types of magic to your specification if a Magic Flask was empty.

On top of magic, If you've played the demo then you'll know that Summons are also not particularly fun. It's great when it happens and they're super powerful, but you can only use them at completely random times. This makes them feel very bad and it would have been better if they allows you to cast on a whim with a long'ish set cooldown but made them considerably weaker. Having a choice to cast would also be nice as 98% of all my random summons are all Ramuh.

Despite all of this the bigger fights against extremely large enemies feel very epic and are quite fun. They are the highlight of the combat in the game and it's unfortunate that some are behind some of the higher Hunter class tiers. Any ones that aren't hidden behind higher Hunter class tiers, I definitely recommend seeking out as it's quite exhilarating fighting something that's like 25-50 times your height.

Finally, I do want to say that combat has pretty much no consequence in this game. If you die in normal mode, you can just use a phoenix down on yourself before you hit the game over screen. I didn't learn this until much later on in the game, but it's really the only reason to use phoenix down because your AI allies are dumb as shit and will go down very easily at times. I can't count the amount of times it's just me vs a group of enemies or one large enemy because they'd die off quickly. On top of all that, there are also plenty of actions that have considerable invincibility frames, such as using items to using ally abilities.

Side Content

If they would have done more for these side quests, they could have been really good. Instead we have a good premise on why we need to do things, but no actual narrative during or after each quest. This turns each quest into your typical kill and gather quest that you see in other games without having anything to engage you beyond that. Besides the large amount of quests, you also have 102 hunts that you can acquire depending on your hunter rank. Like quests, it has a basic premise up front, but nothing more than that except for one in particular. Plus hunts are locked behind ranks, so you can't take any one whenever you want which will really drag them out.

Chest gathering that you're used to in other RPGs and past Final Fantasy games is not really present here. Outside of story sections that are one-and-done areas, just about everything (maybe everything?) will respawn given enough time. This means that if you want another copy of a weapon you just found on the world map because a different party member also uses that weapon type, you can do back and get it again later. It really decreases the pressure to explore every nook and cranny that many feel they typically need to do to not miss anything. There is however one item, Oracle Coins, that are used as trade currency later in the game. Most will be found in the story and dungeons though, so it shouldn't be a huge issue.

Music & Sound

There's not a whole lot to say about this as it's fairly good as it's Final Fantasy. The music is quite good, but not all tracks are equal with a few just ending up as background noise you unconsciously stop noticing. The sound of the environment and enemies is really good here too and there are plenty of satisfying sounds in combat. Unfortunately I can't speak on how the English voice overs are as I did not use them, but you can find plenty of videos on YouTube that use the English dub. The Japanese dub sounded fine for the most part, but some of those restaurant owners didn't really match their voice in my opinion. It was more amusing than anything though.

Graphics and Design

The world is pretty great in both graphical fidelity and design. Unfortunately though the areas, while big, don't offer a whole lot of variety in terms of environments. On the other hand I particularly like the dungeon designs. They were all rather good outside of a couple. Why I thought they were good is because they were all very unique in design and accentuated their location very well and on top of that they never really overstayed their welcome. The couple I had issues with would be Castlemark with its stupid cube puzzle at the end and the post-game dungeon stuff which was essentially 8 or so dungeons identical to each other with bland cave-like graphics. Due to this I don't think I'll actually bother to finish them because they are stupidly long and extremely repetitive. Chapter 13 was also terribly designed as well, but it's one of the short term 'fixes' on their Roadmap.

Enemy design is also particularly good. Many of the same enemy types will be re-skins of their earlier versions, but there are quite a few of those that will have some significant visual changes to their actual design by adding new parts. This does help, but doesn't completely alleviate the feeling of fighting the same thing over and over.


The only other thing I really want to touch on is the translation. I have a fair understanding of spoken Japanese and almost exclusively use the original dub when I'm able. However I'm not a big fan of this translation at all. To me it feels like a Treehouse translation where they change the meaning of things for the English side of things because the Japanese isn't stereotypical American. Many things said are fine, but when you hear one thing that makes far more sense in Japanese and then read the English subs and it says something entirely different, you tend to be a bit turned off. If you don't understand what the Japanese voice overs say, then this will likely not be an issue for you like it was for me.

Closing Thoughts

Despite the god awful storytelling and the annoyances I sometimes have with the battle system, I did enjoy the gameplay quite a bit. Though sometimes I'd have to put it down for a little bit before I came back because the annoyances piled up at times for me. Airdancing is also absolutely great when you get to use it and there are some awesome boss battles. My favorite was probably using Airdance on the second to last boss fight despite the stupidly large health pool of the. Totally worth the 333 AP to obtain it. I do recommend giving the game a try at some point, even if you feel you have to wait to pick it up cheap. Just make sure to go in with relatively low expectations and you shouldn't have much of an issue.

It's also a decently easy platinum. I'm really close to getting it and I never go for platinum trophies and just let them happen if it happens. I may end up actually getting this one.

Also it looks like Amazon sent me a second set of Road Trip DLC. It contains useful stuff up until Chapter 3. Then it's pretty much all useless except for the part that gives you half off on all inn/trailers you rest in. Any regulars can have it, just PM or reply and I'll give it to whoever is first. The codes should work since they're different than what I was originally given anyways.
I never ordered through Amazon so sure, I'll take.

Boo I was going to go for that road trip DLC....oh well. I barely finished up the Carbuncle demo yesterday (which didn't run well enough IMHO). I'm hoping when I start FFXV today or tomorrow it will flow a lot better.

Boo I was going to go for that road trip DLC....oh well. I barely finished up the Carbuncle demo yesterday (which didn't run well enough IMHO). I'm hoping when I start FFXV today or tomorrow it will flow a lot better.
The carbuncle demo is garbage. The actual game is much better from a performance and gameplay perspective in my eyes. Also, I believe the carbuncle you get for playing that only works when playing in easy mode if I recall correctly.

Excited for DQ Heroes 2 and highly skeptical about this DS3 news for the Switch. I hope they release official specs in January so we can all get an idea of what it's actually capable of.

Tales of Buy It At $20 is coming out cool. Bought the rest at $20....i'll wait again.
I'm more interested in Berseria than most of the games in the series lately. It sounds like they really fixed a lot of the issues I had problems with from Zestiria based on what I've read. Word going around is that it's on par or at the very least the best one since Vesperia. Definitely need to not let that add any hype to anticipation of playing it or I'll probably be let down in some way. The older cast on average is nice though, but I'm still tired of seeing them always shoehorn in some really young cast member that shouldn't be a party member.

Just sucks that the PC version is coming out two days later than the console version. Oh well.

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More interested in Berseria than I am in FFXV to be honest...
Booting up FFXV feels like a chore... You drive up to a new location just to figure out who's dog you gotta potty train or which way you should pose for Promptos next shot.

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I'll probably pick up Tales of Berseria on steam. They did a good job hyping up the game with the Zesteria anime, and I can't wait to hear FLOW's theme song the first time I boot up the game.

Plus, I've waited months for a good JRPG to show up on PC. BAMCO's ports aren't too bad. If it hits 60 fps, it is good enough for me.

also I did just recently aquire star wars battlefront. it's ok.
Me, you, and EdJericho will be like:


Recently saw this while playing Shinovi Versus and was amazed.

Edit: OMG LOL, I just realized the pair of Death Stars in the back resemble boobs! :rofl:

R.I.P. Call of Duty

2003 - 2016

Press F to Pay Respect.

Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash debut trailer

I don't really like the melee aspects, it just confirms my suspicion of an SK game with everyone having Far-Range playstyles, but...


Edit: LOL, just noticed Bebeby lying next to all the girls when they strike the pose in the trailer.

Wow, I don't know if its just me, but this looks really, really good! The gameplay looks extremely fluid, more so than the Sword Art Online games. Also the best graphics I've seen in Neptunia yet, very good use of the U4 engine, at least the enemies/weapons/settings aren't just copy pasted from previous games. Also love the design of the characters, seem like they will play very differently.

Also, the Desktop wallpaper they had in the beginning of the trailer, that was actually the same wallpaper I used for quite some time...

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To me Let it Die is feeling like a chore. It plays alright and has Suda style, but gets repetitive, feels clunky in all the menus, and the F2P timers and deaths are more not fun than fun. Also some quests seem to bug out....or be vague and not say exactly what is needed to complete them. Also the loading times are horrendous though once you have a level loaded it doesn't need any after that. I am likely going to play FFXV and that VN that Mangagamer is releasing tomorrow. 

More interested in Berseria than I am in FFXV to be honest...luckily I have time to play Final Fantasy before Berseria is out.
It looks like their actually putting a lot of effort in Berseria compared to the last few Tales of games. While Xillia was decent,I couldn't shake how lazy the game was in it's design and constantly recycling of content. It was also extremely rushed story wise those last few hours.

It looks like their actually putting a lot of effort in Berseria compared to the last few Tales of games. While Xillia was decent,I couldn't shake how lazy the game was in it's design and constantly recycling of content. It was also extremely rushed story wise those last few hours.
Xillia had a few issues, but I enjoyed it overall. Xillia 2 less so, I'm still trudging through it. I couldn't get into Zestiria at all, maybe I'll try it again someday.

I agree though, Berseria looks like they really tried with it.

Boo I was going to go for that road trip DLC....oh well. I barely finished up the Carbuncle demo yesterday (which didn't run well enough IMHO). I'm hoping when I start FFXV today or tomorrow it will flow a lot better.
Hey, I have an Extra Road Trip DLC that i actually forgot to give away.

Check your PM's i sent you the code since you were the second to reply to Draekon.

(I havent tried it but it should work, let me know if it does )

Happy holidays and Enjoy the Game. O:)

Also, speaking of playing Overwatch together BlackRockWaifu and I have been playing Star Wars Battlefront together and have talked about whether other fellow CAGs own the game especially seeing as the Ultimate Edition was on sale during Black Friday for $20 perhaps some took advantage and bought it.
I owned Star Wars Battlefront last year, but sold it after a few weeks. I did, however, buy the Ultimate Edition on Black Friday. Due to it finally arriving back in stock, I should be receiving it on Tuesday. I'd definitely be down to join up and play.

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I owned Star Wars Battlefront last year, but sold it after a few weeks. I did, however, buy the Ultimate Edition on Black Friday. Due to it finally arriving back in stock, I should be receiving it on Tuesday. I'd definitely be down to join up and play.
Awesome! I can't believe I don't have you on PSN yet. Maybe next time we play, you can delight me with your new novel ideas!

Hey, I have an Extra Road Trip DLC that i actually forgot to give away.

Check your PM's i sent you the code since you were the second to reply to Draekon.

(I havent tried it but it should work, let me know if it does )

Happy holidays and Enjoy the Game. O:)
I appreciate it. Going to bring back my mood after hearing about some news at work.

bread's done