Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

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You can also leave your PSN ID in the thread, saying you want to join, and we can invite you directly as well.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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Lol, am I the only one who didn't pick up Monster Hunter?!
Nah, I didn't pick it up either. It's not really my kind of game I think.

Yeah lack of a transmog system is by and far my biggest knock against the game, huge oversight considering mixed sets are always going to be the best stat-wise. My current longsword set is just soooo bad, like pretty close to naked save a giant belt. My insect glaive set though actually looks pretty nice since I am wearing boots/chest/gloves from the final boss which covers the majority of your body. Combine that with the dragonking eye patch and Nerg belt and it actually looks nice.
I was curious about that if they had a fashion armor option to change the look of your gear. Too bad.

i go for looks over functionality.
If i dodge everything it doesn't matter what my armour stats are :D
Well the problem is you're typically putting together armor sets for maximum damage, not defensive capabilities. My nearly naked ugly longsword set is the way it is because it gives me max points in attack boost and weakness exploit. Weakness exploit is too dang good! +50% crit chance as long as you are hitting weak points (which is pretty much always) and it's only on a handful of pieces. I assume decorations exist for it but I have not gotten one yet.

Couldn't find the backloggers anon thread, but FYI I just claimed my 5 and 6 mil commemoration gift from login bonus page/function. I remember people were asking about it.
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Couldn't find the backloggers anon thread, but FYI I just claimed my 5 and 6 mil commemoration gift from login bonus page/function. I remember people were asking about it.
There was a bug preventing a lot of people from getting it that was fixed in yesterday's update. If anyone hasn't gotten it yet, try again now, you just need to claim your login bonus for it to pop.

Buy the Powercharm/Armorcharm from the vendor if you have enough to spend.

If you are further in the game and able to kill Bazelgeuse, the talons are what you want.

Powercharm + Bazelgeuse Talons = Powertalon

Armorcharm + Bazelgeuse Talons = Armortalon

You can stack both charms and talons to increase your Attack and Defense.

No Charms/Talons

213 ATK

329 DEF


221 ATK

341 Def


234 ATK

359 DEF

Failed two quests in a row with random players this morning after only failing one in the first 60+ hours. First quest was my first time fighting Bazelgeuse and then the second was a Pink Rathian. The PR was especially frustrating since we had it limping and I shock trapped it but somebody using a greatsword knocked me away from its head before I could tranq it. Of course somebody then used our last cart before we could kill it. I did cart once in each quest but man was that failed capture frustrating.

Saw NISA's email and the first thing I thought was, about time.
On the other hand, I read PC and think maybe I'll see it in 2019 if I'm lucky. That or it will run like shit because it's a dungeon crawler and they'll not put the proper effort into it even though it is their game. Although, the game was added to SteamDB a year ago and maybe they've learned their lesson after their incredibly awful handling of Ys VIII on PC. I'd rather not get my hopes up though.

Also looks like they put up the Limited Editions on their NISA Store. PS4 Version & Switch Version.

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On the other hand, I read PC and think maybe I'll see it in 2019 if I'm lucky. That or it will run like shit because it's a dungeon crawler and they'll not put the proper effort into it even though it is their game. Although, the game was added to SteamDB a year ago and maybe they've learned their lesson after their incredibly awful handling of Ys VIII on PC. I'd rather not get my hopes up though.

Also looks like they put up the Limited Editions on their NISA Store. PS4 Version & Switch Version.
Aren't Operation Abyss/Babel supposed to be decent ports? They're dungeon crawlers, I haven't heard anything bad about them

Kingdom Hearts III Monsters Inc. D23 Japan Expo Trailer

A) Woo KH3 actually *is* a game! (I refused to give it any due til I saw significant gameplay).

B) 'Japanese Woody' tickled me more than it should have.


Aren't Operation Abyss/Babel supposed to be decent ports? They're dungeon crawlers, I haven't heard anything bad about them
I'd say about half of their stuff is at least decent while the other half of their stuff is not particularly good port wise. Ys VIII of course is just on a whole other level and it hasn't even released. I don't think I've seen a PC port be so incredibly mismanaged prior to its release that wasn't kickstarter related.

It's more that Ys VIII just left an incredibly bad taste that will make me wince at any NISA ports to come for a while. Though the actual quality will depend on who is actually being contracted to port NISA games.

So is NISA officially done with Vita now? I don't see anymore pre-orders on their site, and it seems that most games are PS4/NS combo offerings. It's not a bad thing, as most figured the NS was going to be getting most future handheld titles as the Vita is fazed out. 

Is there anymore announced titles that just haven't gone up for pre-order yet, or is the Vita pretty much done at NISA?

So is NISA officially done with Vita now? I don't see anymore pre-orders on their site, and it seems that most games are PS4/NS combo offerings. It's not a bad thing, as most figured the NS was going to be getting most future handheld titles as the Vita is fazed out.

Is there anymore announced titles that just haven't gone up for pre-order yet, or is the Vita pretty much done at NISA?
They said "Digital on Vita" a lot during it.

They said "Digital on Vita" a lot during it.
Honestly, it's a blessing at this point for NISA to stop Vita physical offerings. Like I've said before, the Vita may be dead, but my wallet says otherwise. A forced retirement isn't always bad, as it will help me long term, as it takes the choices out of my hands. Which is good, as I often can't control myself. LOL

Since so many games are already coming physically for the NS, I'll for sure just be buying the must play titles I want(especially since LRG will be having offerings). I'll stick to only grabbing the "maybe" titles, if and when I see runs may be low. That way I'll avoid missing certain titles that may go up crazy in price.

A) Woo KH3 actually *is* a game! (I refused to give it any due til I saw significant gameplay).
Did you miss the last couple of trailers? I was actually disappointed by this trailer compared to the last 2 cause it shows less gameplay.

Going into nitpicky/nerd mode but the last 2 trailers did a great job at showing weapon transformations and then showing what a normal combo looks like with them (plus showing off some of the magic because like drive forms in KH2 those change based on your transformation.) In this trailer every time Sora transforms they just skip to one of the flashy finishing attacks. Legit drove me up a wall even though I realize why they do it (cause summoning a tower out of the ground and having it explode looks cooler than seeing whatever a normal attack string with Sora looks like.) But I feel like I didn't actually learn much from this trailer really.

Failed two quests in a row with random players this morning after only failing one in the first 60+ hours. First quest was my first time fighting Bazelgeuse and then the second was a Pink Rathian. The PR was especially frustrating since we had it limping and I shock trapped it but somebody using a greatsword knocked me away from its head before I could tranq it. Of course somebody then used our last cart before we could kill it. I did cart once in each quest but man was that failed capture frustrating.
friend me Smokiebear and msg me what you need help with.

Failed two quests in a row with random players this morning after only failing one in the first 60+ hours. First quest was my first time fighting Bazelgeuse and then the second was a Pink Rathian. The PR was especially frustrating since we had it limping and I shock trapped it but somebody using a greatsword knocked me away from its head before I could tranq it. Of course somebody then used our last cart before we could kill it. I did cart once in each quest but man was that failed capture frustrating.

OUtside of my first attempt at Anjanah, my only quest fails have been due to shitty joins wasting our shared lives.

Had a better time of diablos by myself than with a 3 man squad + 1 boob :p
Everyone talking about randoms ruining their runs on MH.

Yea....Wait till you guys reach High Rank Kirin (Elder Dragons) or Diablos (Black).

As soon as it gets down to 1 Life i just quit. Unless its life line is flashing or its limping already.

If you quit straight to HQ youll regain all the items you used.

Nothing is worse than Wasting Hunting points on a meal & my crafted items to see randoms running in like theyre fighting a Great Jargas on end game hunts.

I actually use the crafting system in the game to avoid those unexpected/cheap deaths.

Attack Drink + Armor Drink (+ Mega Nutrients, depending on which meal i ate for the boost). + Flashpods + Mega Large Barrels on Elder Dragons, Diablos & Bazelguise Hunts.

Everything else doesnt really need it with my armor + weapon setup. Besides Flashpods, everyone should be using those for every hunt. Just Harvest flashbugs at the tree in HQ. 

Also, if you feel like people will die in your lobby eat a meal with the perk "Feline Moxie", itll give your team an extra life. 

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Everyone talking about randoms ruining their runs on MH.

Yea....Wait till you guys reach High Rank Kirin (Elder Dragons) or Diablos (Black).

As soon as it gets down to 1 Life i just quit. Unless its life line is flashing or its limping already.

If you quit straight to HQ youll regain all the items you used.

Nothing is worse than Wasting Hunting points on a meal & my crafted items to see randoms running in like theyre fighting a Great Jargas on end game hunts.

I actually use the crafting system in the game to avoid those unexpected/cheap deaths.

Attack Drink + Armor Drink (+ Mega Nutrients, depending on which meal i ate for the boost). + Flashpods + Mega Large Barrels on Elder Dragons, Diablos & Bazelguise Hunts.

Everything else doesnt really need it with my armor + weapon setup. Besides Flashpods, everyone should be using those for every hunt. Just Harvest flashbugs at the tree in HQ.

Also, if you feel like people will die in your lobby eat a meal with the perk "Feline Moxie", itll give your team an extra life.
That feel when the same person carts 2X to the exact same Elder Dragon move. I rage internally. Like half the time the dumbass was running around with like 60-70% health too

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Just got my first Elder kill of the game (though it was only a Kirin) at HR9. Honestly wasn't expecting to start running into optional quests for elders at this rank, though they have that event quest for HR8 and above, too. Wasn't too bad, and it probably would have been even easier if I wasn't stubbornly sticking to the plunderblade palico item for extra drops.
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Just got my first Elder kill of the game (though it was only a Kirin) at HR9. Honestly wasn't expecting to start running into optional quests for elders at this rank, though they have that event quest for HR8 and above, too. Wasn't too bad, and it probably would have been even easier if I wasn't stubbornly sticking to the plunderblade palico item for extra drops.
Who cares about winning when you can get EXTRA LOOOOOOOOOT

Who cares about winning when you can get EXTRA LOOOOOOOOOT
I got enough phat Kirin lewt to let me craft the entire armor set (minus the helmet) PLUS the blight recovery charm that requires Kirin mats after just one failed attempt and one successful attempt. Aside from when I want to capture monsters (I'll use flashfly cage for that), I'm gonna have a hard time tearing myself away from the plunderblade now.
Well, Valentines is this week. You've got quite a few ports and remakes. Hoping The Longest Five Minutes turns out decent as I enjoyed Half Minute Hero and its sequel quite a bit. Outside of that, I feel like I should mention the puzzle game "Delete" which released on the PC three weeks ago. If you're into puzzles and don't have an aversion to PC games, check it out.

Other stuff that released without warning last week (Assume PC unless otherwise noted):
- Break Arts II (Battle Racing / Mechs)

Weekly Releases (February 11th - February 17th)

Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology
- Platform(s): 3DS
- Genre: RPG
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Remake of the original Radiant Historia from the DS.

Fire Emblem Warriors: Shadow Dragon Pack (DLC)
- Platform(s): 3DS, Switch
- Genre: Musou

- Platform(s): Switch, PS4, XB1
- Genre: Metroidvania
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Previously released on the PC.

The Longest Five Minutes
- Platform(s): Switch, Vita, PC
- Genre: RPG / Timed
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A

Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap
- Platform(s): Switch
- Genre: Platformer
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Previously released on PS4, XB1 & PC.

- Platform(s): Switch
- Genre: Metroidvania
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Previously released on 3DS, Wii U, PS3, PS4, Vita & PC.

Bayonetta 2 (Includes Bayonetta)
- Platform(s): Switch
- Genre: Action / Hack'n'Slash
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Physical editions will only include the original Bayonetta as a digital download code.

Crossing Souls
- Platform(s): PS4, PC
- Genre: Action-Adventure
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A

Dynasty Warriors 9
- Platform(s): PS4, XB1, PC
- Genre: Musou / Hack'n'Slash
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A

Kingdom Come: Deliverance
- Platform(s): PS4, XB1, PC
- Genre: Action RPG
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A

South Park: The Stick of Truth
- Platform(s): PS4, XB1
- Genre: RPG
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Previously released on PS3, XB1 & PC.

Secret of Mana
- Platform(s): PS4, Vita, PC
- Genre: Action RPG
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A

- Comments: Remake of Secret of Mana for the SNES.

Sakura Cupid
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Visual Novel
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A

Desperate game
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Visual Novel / Survival
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Chinese dev.

Behind The Truth
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Visual Novel / Adventure / Puzzle
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Chinese dev.

Red Embrace
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Visual Novel / Yaoi
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A

miraclr - Divine Dating Sim
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Visual Novel / Dating Sim
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A

Border of her Heart
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Visual Novel
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: RPG
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Previously released on PS3 & Vita. Port contains a number of QoL improvements.

The Void Rains Upon Her Heart
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: SHMUP / Bullet Hell
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Early access.

Rest in Jelly
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Precision Platformer
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A

- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Visual Novel
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Russian dev.

- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Action / Brawler
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Japanese indie game.

Past Releases
February 4th - February 10th
January 28th - February 3rd
January 21st - January 27th
January 14th - January 20th
January 7th - January 13th

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These Pearl and Marina amiibos will make a fine addition to my collection.


Also, in case anyone didn't know about the Pearl and Marina live concert the other day here's a full video for it.


and yeah screw randoms.


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Everyone talking about randoms ruining their runs on MH.

Yea....Wait till you guys reach High Rank Kirin (Elder Dragons) or Diablos (Black).
As soon as it gets down to 1 Life i just quit. Unless its life line is flashing or its limping already.
If you quit straight to HQ youll regain all the items you used.

Nothing is worse than Wasting Hunting points on a meal & my crafted items to see randoms running in like theyre fighting a Great Jargas on end game hunts.

I actually use the crafting system in the game to avoid those unexpected/cheap deaths.
Attack Drink + Armor Drink (+ Mega Nutrients, depending on which meal i ate for the boost). + Flashpods + Mega Large Barrels on Elder Dragons, Diablos & Bazelguise Hunts.

Everything else doesnt really need it with my armor + weapon setup. Besides Flashpods, everyone should be using those for every hunt. Just Harvest flashbugs at the tree in HQ.

Also, if you feel like people will die in your lobby eat a meal with the perk "Feline Moxie", itll give your team an extra life.
I felt like that random yesterday. Because I caused the last faint on a Ratholos. Man, I felt awful. I know it’s easy to rage if people don’t know the fight but even if you do mistakes happen. I hope I’m not on someone’s blacklist now.
I don't even care so much about failing quests. If i see its the same person dieing all 3 times than ya I'll not join their hunt again but everyone screws up here n there it's whatever. I'm having too much fun to care about imaginary cash or point loss. I've done the game 98% of the time with randoms, I'm on 60+ hrs.

i didn't know about the Felix Moxie perk, thanks good info.
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I had a diablos hunt yesterday that I joined at 2 minute. Allowed 3 carts. It failed before I reached the monster, under 5 minutes.

Another one, Kirin near death. Some guy rushes in and immediately dies and caused the fail.

I am that rando!

All these stories of fails is funny as hell. Yea, it sucks when other people cause the fail, but I feel it's all part of learning the game.

I've experienced it from sides, and personally, I choose to go rand on another's quest so I can have an easier time learning the monster and being able to have a breather once in a while. It helps to see what others are doing and first hand experience is better. Maybe that's just me
Apparently, if all else you said is true.
Orchestra trailer and the D23 2017 trailer (otherwise known as the Toy Story trailer) they're still pretty tightly edited but the Orchestra trailer in particular showed us some great long shots of normal Sora gameplay, Kingdom Key transformation gameplay (basically turns you into KH2 Sora), and the Olympus keyblade transformation (which has a comical counter attack.) The D23 trailer has less variety but it does briefly show during the annoying opening with text flying across the screen what Double Arrowgun gameplay actually looks like (the transformation they've been showing us since they started making trailers) and then in the video proper they spend a lot of time showing us the hammer transformation and the drill transformation.

Anyway point being is I feel like I learned a lot of what normal gameplay is going to look like in the previous trailers than this one. I don't think the new trailer was bad or anything, but yeah nitpicks and all that.

And I haven't really played Monster Hunter since last Sunday more or less. Granted I haven't played much of anything since last Sunday. Tried playing some Zwei on PC, but I forgot that my Xbox 360 Wired controller has started finally breaking mechanically due to natural use. So I need to find a new official one or get used to my Steam controller unless it has the same issues I always seem to run into with an Xbox One controller on my PC. I wish they still made some god damned wired controllers though because shitty micro/mini USB are not replacements for a solid wire that's firmly implanted into the controller.

Jumped on a few times to add a couple people to the MH:W squad over the week. Although I think there are two, besides Wheeler's son, who I haven't added when I checked yesterday. I looked at their PSN tags and they're both "Last seen online 1 month ago on the Vita". So, yeah, it's hard to add people who are permanently in invisible on the PS4.

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Being a solo player I'm way behind the curve than everyone else it seems.  Still beat my first Diablos(capture) & Rathalos(kill) late Friday night.  Spent most of yesterday night farming both for parts and finally succeeded a Rathalos capture on my final run.  Have enough parts now for full armor sets on both & a Girros Blade II my ocd will let me advance and I'm going to hopefully finish the rotten vale tonight.

If your going for full armor sets it's kind of pointless to do for low ranks.
I was initially doing the same but once you reach high rank the armors will repeat and have added buffs to them.

So I say just get the armor set that best compliments your character till you reach high rank hunts.

And didn't mean to came off as totally crapping on randoms, it's just those 2 hunts in particaular (Kirin and diablos) you really need to stay on guard because one move would instant kill most people. (High elemntal damage / High regular damage).

Also the two food perks are Feline Moxie and Feline insurance. (Moxie negates the penalty of dying and insurance gives an extra life).
bread's done